198 research outputs found


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    The present research aims at the identification of the degree of consideration and development of the CSR by the tourist sector and the linked administrations. The fact-finding methodology is based on the analysis of data originating from different sources with a qualitative focus, identifying and gathering the necessary information for the revision of literature, the existing tourism policies and the CSR at an international, European and Spanish level, as well as on the generic and specific available instruments of the hotel sector that organizations and companies have for the introduction and development of CSR

    Analyzing Willingness to Pay More to Stay in a Sustainable Hotel

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    The aim of this study is to investigate differences in willingness to pay more for sustainable hotels, analyzing whether consumers’ searches for information about sustainability, the importance they assign to sustainability certifications, their previous experiences and sociodemographic variables, are all features that influence consumer intentions. We thus contribute to the literature on the importance of consumers’ concerns and awareness and how they influence consumer intentions regarding sustainability in the hotel sector. Our results, based on a sample of consumers of various nationalities, show that all the variables analyzed can explain the differences between consumers that are willing to pay more for sustainable hotels and those that are not, except those variables capturing sociodemographic characteristics. These results could help hotel managers to establish strategies to retain more responsible consumers and increase awareness of sustainability, and should prompt them to improve their sustainability practices

    La responsabilidad social corporativa en turismo. Estado de la cuestión

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    From the review and synthesis of the literature, this study provides an approach to the synergies between the development of CSR in tourism and the creation of value in tourism activities. From the identification of the dimensions of CSR and stakeholders involved in tourism, research shows how CSR contributes to the creation of sustainable tourism products and creating value for tourists. The study concludes with the definition of tourism business models that incorporate the development of CSR as a strategy for competitiveness and sustainability.A partir de la revisión y síntesis de la literatura existente, el presente trabajo realiza una aproximación al estado de la cuestión en las sinergias existentes entre el desarrollo de la RSE en turismo y la generación de valor en las actividades turísticas. A partir de la identificación de las dimensiones de la RSE y de los grupos de interés participantes en turismo, se muestra como la RSE contribuye a la creación de productos turísticos sostenibles y a la generación de valor para los turistas. El estudio concluye con la definición de modelos de negocios turísticos que incorporan el desarrollo de la RSE como estrategia de competitividad y sostenibilidad

    La creación de la empresa Eco Reverse Vending basada en el análisis estadístico de la gestión de residuos y reciclaje

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    ‘Eco Reverse Vending’ es una empresa que se propone fomentar el reciclaje a través de máquinas reverse vending. Estas máquinas permiten a los usuarios depositar sus residuos a cambio de un beneficio. El proyecto se basa en un análisis estadístico de los datos de los municipios de la provincia de Córdoba. El estudio ha demostrado que la tasa de reciclaje en la provincia es baja, y que el uso de máquinas reverse vending podría ayudar a aumentarla. El plan de empresa de ‘Eco Reverse Vendin’g incluye la instalación de máquinas en diferentes puntos de la provincia, así como la promoción de la empresa entre los ciudadanos. El proyecto ‘Eco Reverse Vending’ es innovador y beneficioso para la sociedad, las empresas y el medio ambiente. Tiene un gran potencial para su implementación y expansión en el mercado actual

    Creación de ocasiones de gol en fútbol de élite. Diferencias tácticas entre Real Madrid CF y FC Barcelona

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    The aim of this study was to compare the playing tactics used to create scoring opportunities between Real Madrid C.F. (RMCF) and F.C. Barcelona (FCB). All team possessions which achieved scoring opportunity (n=945) during 64 matches (32 per team) corresponding to the 2011-2012 Spanish BBVA League were analyzed through systematical observation. Possessions were grouped according to the start-up type of possession into «recoveries» (n=526), «restarts» (n=199), and «set-plays» (n=175). Multidimensional data from nine categorical variables related to playing tactics were analyzed using chi-square analysis. In recoveries, RMCF registered higher initial penetration (p<0.01), higher percentage of counterattacks (p<0.01), fewer passes (p<0.01), higher percentage of penetrative passes (p<0.001) and greater number of scoring opportunities outside the score pentagon (p<0.01) than FCB. In restarts, the single difference was that RMCF registered greater number of scoring opportunities outside the score pentagon than FCB (p<0.001). The main differences between RMCF and FCB occurred in the transition between defense to attack, where RMCF was more penetrative immediately gaining the ball, progressed faster and used more frequently the counterattack. In contrast, FCB finished nearer the goal than RMCF.El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los indicadores tácticos utilizados en la creación de ocasiones de gol entre Real Madrid C.F. (RMCF) y F.C. Barcelona (FCB). Todas las posesiones finalizadas en ocasión de gol (n=945) durante 64 partidos (32 por equipo) de la Liga BBVA 2011-2012 fueron analizadas a través de observación sistemática. Las posesiones fueron agrupadas según el tipo de inicio en «recuperaciones» (n=526), «reanudaciones» (n=199), y «acciones a balón parado» (n=175). 9 dimensiones relacionadas con indicadores tácticos fueron analizadas utilizando análisis chicuadrado. En recuperaciones, RMCF registró más penetración inicial (p<0.01), mayor porcentaje de contraataques (p<0.01), menor número de pases (p<0.01), más pases penetrativos (p<0.001), y mayor número de ocasiones de gol fuera del pentágono de finalización (p<0.01) que el FCB. En reanudaciones, la única diferencia fue el mayor número de ocasiones de gol fuera del pentágono de finalización del RMCF con respecto al FCB (p<0.001). Las mayores diferencias entre RMCF y FCB tuvieron lugar en la transición entre el momento defensivo y el ofensivo, donde el RMCF fue más penetrativo inmediatamente después de recuperar el balón, progresando más rápido y usando con mayor frecuencia el contraataque. En cambio, el FCB finalizó sus ocasiones de gol más cerca de la portería rival que el RMCF

    Study on the essential amino acid’s supplements with absorption patterns in the improvement of the performance for sportspeople: GFS AMINO

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    Sports-people’s performance at their sport can vary due to the development of their athletic activity when competing. In addition to this, the scientific community have recently increased their interest for the study of essential amino acid’s supplements (EA). The purpose of the present study is to examine the effect of the ingestion of an amino acid’s supplement with absorption patterns and its relationship with the performance of 32 sportsmen in a maximum stress test of their VO2max. For this study we used a double-blind design. Thirty-two experienced sportsmen, (aged 34 ± 6.5 and; height 178.5 ± 4.5 cm; weight 72.6 ± 8.6 kg), were evaluated during their performance. All of them followed an ingestion protocol of an amino acid supplement with absorption patterns (16.6gr) of GFS AMINOS dissolved in 140ml of water, 20 minutes before starting the test and a later execution consisting in an increasing-stress test, until they stopped voluntarily. At the end of the test we carried out a measuring of their Body Mass Index (BMI), a blood-lactate, a lower body strength test and a cognitive test. The results of this study showed significant differences (P < 0.05) in the performance over time and duration in the stress test, together with a lower loss of cognitive attention and a decreasing of the fat percentage. In sum, this essential amino acid supplement with absorption patterns GFS AMINOS can improve sports-people’s performance and accelerate the use of body fat

    Notational Comparison Analysis of Outdoor Badminton Men’s Single and Double Matches

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the results of the analysis of single and double outdoor badminton men’s matches and to determine the relationship between technical and tactical aspects in a study organized by the BWF (Badminton Word Federation), on a sand surface. Twenty men’s singles matches were recorded using video cameras and analysed with a Dartfish video analysis software package. Along with this, percentages of use of technical elements were analysed by comparing the different modalities. For the single format Lob, Clear, Drop, Smash, Drive were used, different from the double format that used Lob, Clear, Drop, Smash, Drive. The study confirmed the applicability of computerized notation analysis to determine the characteristics of Outdoor Badminton on sand

    Evaluation of LIRIC Algorithm Performance Using Independent Sun-Sky Photometer Data at Two Altitude Levels

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    The authors thank the FEDER program for the instrumentation used in this work and the University of Granada for supporting this study through the Excellence Units Program “Plan Propio. Programa23 Convocatoria 2017”. CIMEL Calibration was performed at the AERONET-EUROPE calibration center, supported by ACTRIS. We also express our gratitude to the developers of the LIRIC algorithm and software. The authors thank Sierra Nevada National Park for support in the maintenance of the Sun-sky photometer station at Cerro Poyos. Maria J. Granados-Muñoz is funded by a Maria Sklodowska-Curie IF under grant agreement no. 796539. Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda and Antonio Valenzuela received funding from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Cofund 2016 EU project Athenea3i under grant agreement no. 754446. Jose Antonio Benavent-Oltra is funded by the University of Granada through “Plan Propio. Programa 7, Convocatoria 2019”. This work was also supported by the Ambizione program of the Swiss National Science Foundation (project no. PZ00P2 168114).This work evaluates the Lidar-Radiometer Inversion Code (LIRIC) using sun-sky photometers located at different altitudes in the same atmospheric column. Measurements were acquired during an intensive observational period in summer 2012 at Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network (ACTRIS)/Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Granada (GRA; 37.16◦N, 3.61◦W, 680 m above sea level (a.s.l.)) and Cerro Poyos (CP; 37.11◦N, 3.49◦W, 1820 m a.s.l.) sites. Both stations operated AERONET sun-photometry, with an additional lidar system operating at Granada station. The extended database of simultaneous lidar and sun-photometry measurements from this study allowed the statistical analysis of vertically resolved microphysical properties retrieved with LIRIC, with 70% of the analyzed cases corresponding to mineral dust. Consequently, volume concentration values were 46 µm3 /cm3 on average, with a value of ~30 µm3 /cm3 corresponding to the coarse spheroid mode and concentrations below 10 µm3 /cm3 for the fine and coarse spherical modes. According to the microphysical properties’ profiles, aerosol particles reached altitudes up to 6000 m a.s.l., as observed in previous studies over the same region. Results obtained from comparing the LIRIC retrievals from GRA and from CP revealed good agreement between both stations with differences within the expected uncertainties associated with LIRIC (15%). However, larger discrepancies were found for 10% of the cases, mostly due to the incomplete overlap of the lidar signal and/or to the influence of different aerosol layers advected from the local origin located between both stations, which is particularly important in cases of low aerosol loads. Nevertheless, the results presented here demonstrate the robustness and self-consistency of LIRIC and consequently its applicability to large databases such as those derived from ACTRIS-European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) observations.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through projects CGL2016-81092-R, and CGL2017-83538-C3-1-R; the Excellence network CGL2017-90884-REDT; by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through ACTRIS project (grant agreement n. 654169)

    Deformable brain atlas validation of the location of subthalamic nucleus using T1-weighted MR images of patients operated on for Parkinson's

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    [EN] Parkinson¿s disease is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system. One of the most effective treatments is deep brain stimulation. This technique requires the localization of an objective structure: the subthalamic nucleus. Unfortunately this structure is difficult to locate. In this work the creation of a deformable brain atlas that enables the identification of the subthalamic nucleus in T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in an automatic, precise and fast way is presented. The system has been validated using data from 10 patients (20 nucleus) operated on for Parkinson¿s. Our system offers better results using a Wendland function with an error of 1.8853 ± 0.9959 mm.Ortega Pérez, M.; Juan Lizandra, MC.; Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Gil Gómez, JA.; Monserrat Aranda, C. (2008). Deformable brain atlas validation of the location of subthalamic nucleus using T1-weighted MR images of patients operated on for Parkinson's. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 32(5):367-378. doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2008.02.003S36737832

    Nutritional evaluation of adolescent students from Extremadura based on anthropometric measurements

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    Antecedentes y objetivos: Una correcta alimentación es uno de los pilares para un adecuado desarrollo corporal y un estado nutricional óptimo. Los métodos antropométricos son los más utilizados para el análisis de la composición corporal y constituyen una parte fundamental en la valoración del estado nutricional de individuos y poblaciones. Este estudio tiene como objetivo valorar el estado nutricional de adolescentes extremeños, determinar las variaciones en la composición corporal de acuerdo a los percentiles obtenidos, y proponer esos valores como referencia del estado nutricional de la población adolescente en Extremadura. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico en la Comunidad Extremeña, incluyendo un total de 816 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, de ambos sexos y de todas las edades que comprende la adolescencia. Los centros educativos seleccionados pertenecían a poblaciones de diferentes tamaños (de menos de 5.000 a más de 60.000 habitantes). A partir de las medidas tomadas, se determinaron distintos índices antropométricos y se hallaron los percentiles 3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95 y 97 del peso, la talla y la complexión. Resultados y conclusiones: Se encontraron diferencias significativas en varios parámetros en función del sexo. Los chicos presentaban una mayor altura, peso y área muscular del brazo; por el contrario, el pliegue tricipital y el área grasa del brazo fue mayor en las chicas. Al comparar con estudios nacionales, la altura media de nuestra población era inferior en unos 3 cm en ambos sexos. El peso fue similar, pero presentaban una mayor proporción de grasa en el brazo. Las chicas extremeñas parecen tener un crecimiento más rápido, alcanzando la altura definitiva a una edad más temprana que la media nacional; sin embargo, la talla final es menor a la media. Los chicos presentaban un crecimiento más continuado en todas las edades, con medias en altura similares a las nacionales.Introduction and objectives: Nutrition is one of the pillars for proper body development and optimal nutritional status. Anthropometric methods are most commonly used for body composition analysis and are an essential part in the assessment of the nutritional status of individuals and population groups. This study aims to assess the nutritional status of adolescents from Extremadura (Spain); to determine variations in body composition according to the percentiles obtained; and to propose these values as a reference to the nutritional status of the adolescent population in Extremadura. Material and methods: A cross sectional study in the community of Extremadura was performed, including a total of 816 students of Secondary School Education of both sexes; and of all ages in the adolescence stage. The selected secondary schools belonged to populations of different sizes (less than 5,000 to more than 60,000 inhabitants). From the measurements taken, different anthropometric indices were determined and the percentiles 3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95 and 97 for weight, height and complexion were found. Results and conclusions: There were significant gender differences for height, weight, triceps skinfold, arm muscle area and arm fat area. Boys showed greater figures for height, weight and arm muscle area; however, the triceps skinfold and arm fat area was higher in girls. When compared to other national studies, the average height of our population was lower by about 3 cm in both sexes; the average weight was similar, but our adolescents had a higher proportion of fat in the arm. Extremadura girls seem to have a faster growth, reaching final height at an earlier age than the national average, although this height is below average. The boys had a continuous growth in all ages, maintaining national averagespeerReviewe