2,032 research outputs found

    Weblog Applications in the University for Knowledge Management and Networking

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    Las TIC se nos presentan como un desafío pero al mismo tiempo son una oportunidad para interactuar con inteligencia, apropiarse de su complejidad e innovar consecuentemente transformando de manera significativa nuestra sociedad. Quizás por este motivo resulte imprescindible su conocimiento, utilidad y uso. El presente trabajo analiza las opiniones que en torno a los edublogs de alumnos/as de la Universidad de Granada y Jaén surgen en el marco de la asignatura NTAE y BPE para conocer posibilidades y utilidad de este recurso en red. El instrumento para la recogida de información ha sido el cuestionario con estructura mixta.ICTs are presented as a challenge but at the same time as an opportunity to interact intelligently, managing their complexity and innovation significantly and consistently and transforming our society.Perhaps for this reason it is essential to know, value and use ICTs. This paper discusses the views on the edublogs of students at the University of Granada and Jaén which arise under the subject NTAEs and BPE in order to find the possibilities of this network resource. The instrument for data collection is the questionnaire JIAS which generate a meaningful data interpretation

    La función tutorial del maestro en el desarrollo de competencias sociales del alumnado de infantil: El fomento de la autoestima y la ruptura de estereotipos de género desde el espacio de la tutoría.

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    Mediante el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, se pretende dar a conocer la importancia que tiene la tutoría como un espacio educativo imprescindible en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, en el que se puede trabajar cualquier aspecto relevante que influya en la adquisición de las competencias básicas del alumnado en los diferentes contextos en los que se va a desarrollar. Partiendo de esto y tras la observación de dos aulas de infantil, pertenecientes al centro educativo CEIP Las Mercedes, se trabajará a través del espacio de la tutoría dos temáticas que influyen en el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales del niño y de la niña. Por un lado el fomento de la autoestima de los niños y niñas; y por otro lado, la ruptura de los estereotipos de género. Elaboraremos un proyecto profesionalizante, en el que se realizará una intervención para mejorar la baja autoestima en el alumnado de tres años, y la actitud de los niños y niñas de cuatro años debido a los estereotipos de género que presentan desde estas edades. Para ello se propondrán distintas actividades tanto para el alumnado como para la familia que se implementarán desde el espacio de la tutoría, una de las áreas de trabajo del maestro o maestra de Educación Infantil.Through this End of Degree Project, it is intended to publicize the importance of tutoring as an essential educational space in the teaching-learning process, in which any relevant aspect that influences the acquisition of competences can be worked on basic skills of the students in the different contexts in which it will be developed. 1 Based on this and after observing two children's classrooms, belonging to the CEIP Las Mercedes educational center, two topics that influence the development of social skills of boys and girls will be worked through the tutoring space. On the one hand the promotion of the self-esteem of the boys and girls; and on the other hand, the breakdown of gender stereotypes. We will develop a professionalizing project, in which an intervention will be carried out to improve low self-esteem in three-year-old students, and the attitude of four-year-old boys and girls due to the gender stereotypes they present from these ages. For this, different activities will be proposed for both the students and the family that will be implemented from the tutoring space, one of the work areas of the Preschool Education teacher

    Actividades para el aprendizaje significativo de Química en el bachillerato tecnológico de México

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    Education demands continuous improvement to prepare man for building up their own learning in a significant way. The Mexican school is in a crisis concerning this aspect. As a way to determine the use of strategies for significant learning in Chemistry and the perceptions of students and teachers from the Center of Industrial Technological High School and of Services 16, about them, a field investigation was developed by means of classes observations, surveys to 28 teachers and 200 students, which allowed to identify the methodological didactic insufficient preparation of the teachers to plan strategies of significant learning. It was declared as problem of the investigation: how to contribute to significant learning in Chemistry? In this regard, three types of activities were designed to be used as a guide for significant learning in Chemistry based on projects, problem-solving and in discovery learning.La Educación necesita un perfeccionamiento continuo, preparar al hombre para que construya su propio aprendizaje, logrando que el aprendizaje sea significativo. La escuela mexicana atraviesa por una crisis en ese sentido. Para conocer si se emplean estrategias de aprendizaje significativo en Química y las percepciones sobre ello de estudiantes y maestros del Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios 16, se desarrolló una investigación de campo, realizando observaciones a clases y planes de clases, encuestas a 28 maestros y encuestas a 200 estudiantes, lo cual permitió identificar la insuficiente preparación didáctico metodológica de los maestros para planear las estrategias de aprendizaje significativo. Se declaró como problema de la investigación cómo contribuir al aprendizaje significativo de Química. En este sentido, se diseñaron tres tipos de actividades que les sirvieran de guía para el aprendizaje significativo de la Química basadas en proyectos, en problemas y aprendizaje por descubrimiento

    Sistema de acciones para preparar profesores en estrategias de aprendizaje significativo de Química del bachillerato tecnológico/System of actions to prepare teachers in strategies of significant learning of Chemistry from the technological bachelorship

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    Education in Mexico needs continuous improvement of the teaching learning process; therefore, it is necessary to promote the preparation of teachers. An applied field investigation was developed based on a diagnosis which included Chemistry lessons observations and interviews to 200 students and 28 teachers from the Technological Bachelorship. Also, the acquired knowledge was used to build up the practical contribution. The insufficient methodological and didactic preparation of teachers to develop strategies of significant learning was evidenced, then it was stated as problem: How to contribute to the significant learning of Chemistry in the students? A system of methodological actions was designed and its components, structures, functions, hierarchy and links were determined to favor the training of teachers in the use of didactic strategies that could contribute to the significant learning of the students in Chemistry. The specialists corroborated the methodological and scientific relevance of the designed system.La Educación en México necesita perfeccionamiento continuo del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje, para lo cual es necesario promover la preparación de los docentes. Se desarrolló una investigación de campo aplicada que se apoyó en un diagnóstico contentivo de observaciones a clases de Química, y encuestas a 200 estudiantes y 28 profesores del Bachillerato Tecnológico, y se utilizaron los conocimientos adquiridos para construir el aporte práctico. Se evidenció la insuficiente preparación didáctico-metodológica de los maestros para planear y desarrollar estrategias de aprendizaje significativo, declarándose como problema ¿Cómo contribuir al aprendizaje significativo de Química en los estudiantes? Se diseñó un sistema de acciones metodológicas del que se concibieron sus componentes, estructura, funciones, jerarquía y eslabones, para favorecer la capacitación de los docentes en el uso de estrategias didácticas que contribuyeran al aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes en Química. Los especialistas corroboraron la pertinencia científico-metodológica del sistema diseñado

    Enhanced average for event-related potential analysis using dynamic time warping

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) provides a way to understand, and evaluate neurotransmission. In this context, time-locked EEG activity or event-related potentials (ERPs) are often used to capture neural activity related to specific mental processes. Normally, they are considered on the basis of averages across a number of trials. However, there exist notable variability in latency jitter, jitter, and amplitude, across trials, and, also, across users; this causes the average ERP waveform to blur, and, furthermore, diminish the amplitude of underlying waves. For these reasons, a strategy is proposed for obtaining ERP waveforms based on dynamic time warping (DTW) to adapt, and adjust individual trials to the averaged ERP, previously calculated, to build an enhanced average by making use of these warped signals. At the sight of the experiments carried out on the behaviour of the proposed scheme using publicly available datasets, this strategy reduces the attenuation in amplitude of ERP components thanks to the reduction of the influence of variability of latency and jitter, and, thus, improves the averaged ERP waveforms.This publication is part of project PID2021-123207NB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER, UE. This work was partially funded by Junta de Andalucía, Proyectos de I+D+i, in the framework of Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (PAIDI 2020), under Project No. PY20_00237. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. This work was done at Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech

    Influence of information concerning a computerized anesthesia system on dental anxiety : a randomized controlled clinical trial

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    A single-blinded randomized controlled trial among patients requiring an upper third molar extraction was performed to evaluate the anxiety degree after receiving information or not about the functioning of The Wand system. Secondarily, perceived pain and the need of re-anesthesia were assessed. Patients were randomly assigned to the experimental group (detailed explanation about The Wand) or control group (no specific information). Local anesthesia with The Wand consisted in a supraperiosteal infiltrative technique injection 1.6 mL at the buccal and 0.2 mL at the palatal side. Distinct questionnaires for assessing dental anxiety and 100-mm visual analog scales to assess pain were delivered. Demographic data, radiological parameters, operative time and type of intervention were also registered. A descriptive bivariate analysis by non-parametric tests to detect differences in anxiety, pain and re-anesthesia was performed by SPSS 22.0 (SPPS Inc. Chicago, USA). A total of 85 patients were assessed for eligibility but 17 participants were lost due to the cancellation of the visit for the surgical intervention. Finally, sixty-eight patients were included (34 participants in each group), 47 women (69.1%) and 21 men (30.9%), with an average age of 28.8 (± 9.3) years. Patients that received a detailed explanation of The Wand did not have a significant reduction of the anxiety degree and perceived pain during the anesthetic act compared to patients that received no information. The need of re-anesthesia was not related to the anxiety level but was significantly related to increasing operative time

    Cecum Volvulus. Presentation of a Case and Literature Review

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    Volvulus is the abnormal torsion or rotation of a portion of the intestine on its mesentery, which causes occlusion of the lumen, obstruction, and vascular compromise. Cecum volvulus is a rare clinical condition and represents only between 2 and 3 % of cases of intestinal occlusion in adults. We present the case of a 56-year-old female patient with a history of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and chronic constipation, who attended the surgery ward at the Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima University General Hospital in Cienfuegos because several days ago she had had intermittent abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness when eating and without expulsion of feces, on occasions she had had nausea and scarce vomiting with other food. The physical examination revealed abdominal asymmetry at the expense of the right hemiabdomen, which was painful, distended, and tympanic. The simple abdominal X-ray reported an image reminiscent of cecum volvulus. A right hemicolectomy was performed with an end-to-end ileotransversostomy in two suture planes. At present, the patient has been operated for 6 months with a favorable evolution. The diagnosis of this entity is made during laparotomy in a large number of cases, as a result of its multiple forms of presentation, which can range from acute abdominal pain to septic shock. The case is presented due to the infrequent nature of this entity

    Characterization of the distribution of water vapour for DInSAR studies on the volcanic island of Tenerife, Canary Islands

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    Measurements of ground displacement have been carried out on the entire active volcanic island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, by means of classical and advanced DInSAR techniques. The main limiting factor on the accuracy of DInSAR measurements is the distribution of the water vapour in the lower troposphere. Hence, it is yet necessary to perform a detailed spatial and temporal characterization of water vapour to understand, and to be able to carry out a direct computation of, the effect of the tropospheric delay on DInSAR results. In this sense, satellite and balloon data have been analysed to infer the variability in the distribution of water vapour and hence, the robustness of DInSAR results on the island of Tenerife.Peer reviewe

    Predicting the Effectiveness of Rapid Tests Performed to Patients with COVID-19 through Linear Regression and Random Forest

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    En el transcurso del tiempo el mundo ha necesitado del conocimiento y la perseverancia de los seres humanos para poder solucionar cualquier problemática que se le presente. Como, por ejemplo, ¿en qué proporción está el aumento de infectados por COVID-19 en todo el planeta? Con la ayuda de enfoques no clínicos y tecnologías modernas como la minería de datos, inteligencia aumentada y técnicas de inteligencia artificial, se ha logrado agilizar la enorme carga de trabajo en los sistemas de salud y al mismo tiempo brindar los mejores medios posibles para el diagnóstico y pronóstico de pacientes con covid-19 de manera efectiva. En este estudio, se implementó un modelo matemático para la predicción de la efectividad de las pruebas rápidas a las que se someten las personas posiblemente infectadas y definir cuál es el comportamiento epidemiológico causado por SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19). Para determinar el tipo de modelo a utilizar se aplicaron dos algoritmos, el de Regresión Lineal y el de Bosque Aleatorio o Random Forest, a un conjunto de datos utilizando el lenguaje de programación Python. Posteriormente se realizarán las pruebas necesarias para verificar la efectividad de cada una de ellos. Una vez definido el modelo y después de haber realizado el debido entrenamiento de este, se realizará la predicción de un número mínimo y máximo de las pruebas rápidas utilizadas en los pacientes que se encuentran infectados con COVID-19, identificando cuál de las pruebas rápidas es la más utilizada y cuál es la más efectiva. The rapid spread of SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) has caused a collapse of health systems worldwide, so a strategy to control the spread is the timely detection of the virus through rapid tests, which allows acting and thus giving a timely treatment that reduces its spread. With the help of artificial intelligence techniques, within the subfield of machine learning or machine learning, there have been significant advances that allow speeding up the analysis of large volumes of data. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of rapid tests in detecting covid-19, using machine learning, applying a methodology that involves the creation of linear regression and Random Forest models with the Python programming language. In the methodology used, the models were created, which were then defined and trained, and after performing the tests and predictions, the validation metrics determined the precision and effectiveness of these models. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the random forest model is good since it provided a precision of 61%, but with the linear regression model, it was determined that it has a precision level of approximately 90%, so finally, with these results, health professionals will be able to make reliable predictions regarding the effectiveness of rapid tests as a mechanism that will help to quickly detect the presence of the virus and thus reduce the spread of the virus

    Experimental Techniques to Measure Hypnotic Levels During Surgery

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    [Abstract] The administration of anesthetics during a surgical procedure has been done historically in a manual way with the anesthesiologist deciding what amounts and at what rates to use. Over the last few decades there has been a rapid increase in the automation of many medical areas including anesthesiology, with that increased level of automation have also appeared new ways to measure the level of sedation in patients. Historically, one of the most frequently index used has been the BIS, which has proven rather reliable as an indicator. More recently, another index called PSI has attracted interest of practitioners. In this article a comparison of these two indexes was performed. Data recording BIS and PSI values from surgical operations for several patients were collected and analyzed. The results seem to indicate that it is to be expected that in 95% of the cases the correlation between the BIS and PSI index will be at least 0.6866.This work has been supported by the grant DPI2010-18278 of the Spanish Governmenthttps://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.978849749808