1,030 research outputs found

    Components of the nursing role as perceived by first-year nursing students

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    Background: Identifying and acquiring the nursing role is key to the development of nurses’ professional identity. Understanding nursing students’ perceptions in this regard will enable nursing educators to choose teaching strategies that lead to positive development of their students’ professional identity. Objectives: To describe how nursing students perceive the different components of the nursing role at the beginning of the nursing degree. Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study. Participants/settings: 106 first-year nursing students at the University of Huelva, Spain. Methods: Data on social and academic variables and variables relating to the instrumental and expressive roles were collected via an adapted, pilot-tested questionnaire assessed by experts. Results: For participants, caregiving is the core of the nursing role in the clinical setting, including both technical execution and patient care aspects. They highlighted the disease prevention, health promotion, restoration, and education profiles of nurses rather than their teaching, professional, and technical profiles. They were acquainted with the concept of postgraduate professional development, but were unaware of the academic pathways leading to it. They considered nurses to be decision-makers, who are nevertheless subordinate to doctors. Conclusions: Students did not consider nursing to be an autonomous profession, although they highlighted its decision-making capacity. They placed greater emphasis on the traditional profile of primary care nurses than on their technical profile, and were able to identify the members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBU

    Programa de salud. Terapia asistida con animales en niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista en edad escolar

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    Introducción El Trastorno del Espectro Autista es un trastorno crónico de origen neurológico que afecta a la comunicación, interacción social y a la flexibilidad de comportamientos y pensamientos, y cuya prevalencia es creciente en los últimos años. Debido a que el TEA es una disfunción que comienza en los primeros años de vida, es de gran importancia su intervención temprana. Las Terapias Asistidas con Animales buscan crear alternativas y complementar a los diferentes tratamientos que no han demostrado ser concluyentes, convirtiéndose en un gran avance a la hora de ayudar en el desarrollo de los niños con TEA. Objetivo Diseñar un programa de salud dirigido a niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista en edad escolar utilizando la Terapia Asistida con Animales. Metodología Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica mediante unas palabras clave en diferentes bases de datos, páginas web oficiales, además de en diferentes revistas con aval científico. Por otra parte, se ha elaborado un programa de salud formado por cuatro sesiones que se llevarían a cabo en el mes de mayo. Conclusiones Las Terapias Asistidas con Animales producen numerosos beneficios en niños con TEA tanto a nivel psicológico como físico, ayudándoles en su desarrollo y proporcionándoles una mejor calidad de vida. <br /

    Effect of the test media and toxicity of LAS on the growth of Isochrysis galbana.

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    In this paper, the toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) was evaluated in the marine microalga Isochrysis galbana using data of growth inhibition toxicity tests at 96-h exposure time. Toxicity was examined in standard conditions and by means of the modification of two variables of the test media: (1) the dilution water and (2) the content of nutrients in the test medium. For this purpose, a total of 10 toxicity test were designed: five dilution waters, four natural marine waters and one synthetic seawater; each in two different nutritive conditions, saturated nutrient concentration (SC) by the addition of modified f/2 nutritive medium, and natural nutrient concentration (NC), i.e., without the addition of f/2. At threshold toxicity levels, the dilution waters used in the test and the nutrient concentrations did not affect the toxicity of LAS. At IC50 concentrations, the toxicity of LAS is influenced by both variables: under SC conditions, the toxic effect of LAS diminishes, obtaining in all the tests IC50 > 10 mg/L LAS. Under NC conditions, IC50 concentrations ranging between 3.15 and 9.26 mg/L LAS have been obtained

    Fatores de estresse percebidos entre carreiras de enfermagem recém entradas

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    Objective: To determine the prevalent stress factors among new students to the Faculties of Nursing at the Faculties of Nursing at the Universities of Cadiz, Cordoba, Huelva and Seville, and the influence of socio-demographic, academic, socio-economic, orientation and health factors. Design: A descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study. Methodology: 617 first year nursing students were surveyed (with a 95.66 % response rate) by means of two questionnaires, one for socio-demographics and health, the other for the stress perceived by new students. A descriptive analysis of the stress factors was then carried out for the frequency, mean and standard deviation. The relation between factors was examined through differential analysis by means of the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests. Results: The situations of greatest anxiety among new undergraduates are “taking examinations” and “the amount of work I have to do”. Consequently, the most stressful factor is “academic stress” whilst the least stressful is “feelings of loneliness”. The students who feel most stress across various factors can be identified as: over 25, women, studying outside their home province, and living in rented accommodation during the academic year. Conclusions: Starting a degree in nursing is a stressful time, and students can find their health, quality of life and academic performance negatively affected. The main determinants of stress among new undergraduates are the joint demands of examinations and workload. It would undoubtedly be enlightening to examine this issue further in order to find the possible causes of the problem and to develop strategies that can help in its prevention and so improve the students’ experience of university.Objetivo: Conocer los factores de estrés más prevalentes en el alumnado novel de las Facultades de Enfermería de las Universidades de Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva y Sevilla, así como su relación con sus características sociodemográficas, académicas, socioeconómicas, de orientación y de salud. Diseño: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal. Metodología: Se encuestó a un total de 617 estudiantes (tasa de respuesta del 95,66 %) del primer curso del grado en Enfermería. Los participantes completaron dos cuestionarios: uno sociodemográfico y de salud; y un  cuestionario de estrés percibido por alumnos noveles. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los factores de estrés con frecuencia, media y desviación típica. Las relaciones se examinaron con análisis diferencial a través de estudios no paramétricos U Mann-Whitney y Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: Las situaciones que más estrés causan a los nuevos universitarios son: “hacer frente a los exámenes” y “la cantidad de trabajo que tengo que afrontar”. En consecuencia, el factor más estresante es el “estrés académico” y el menos estresante el “sentimiento de soledad”. Los estudiantes que perciben mayor estrés en varios factores son: mayores de 25 años, mujeres, el alumnado que procede de otras provincias y los que viven de alquiler durante el curso académico. Conclusiones: La entrada a la universidad produce factores de estrés en el alumnado de enfermería, que pueden afectar a su salud, su calidad de vida y su rendimiento académico. Hacer frentes a los exámenes y la alta carga académica son las principales determinantes de estrés. Sin embargo, sería conveniente indagar más en esta línea con el fin de conocer las posibles causas de este problema y poder desarrollar estrategias de prevención que mejoren la calidad de vida de estos estudiantes.Objetivo: Conhecer os fatores de estresse mais prevalentes em novos alunos das Faculdades de Enfermagem das Universidades de Cádis, Córdoba, Huelva e Sevilha, bem como sua relação com suas características sociodemográficas, acadêmicas, socioeconômicas, de orientação, educacionais e saúde. Delineamento: Estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal. Metodologia: Foram pesquisados ​​617 alunos (taxa de resposta de 95,66 %) do primeiro ano do curso de Enfermagem. Os participantes responderam a dois questionários: sociodemográfico e de saúde; e questionário de estresse percebido por alunos iniciantes. Foi realizada análise descritiva dos fatores de estresse com frequência, média e desvio padrão. Os relacionamentos foram examinados com análise diferencial por meio de estudos não paramétricos de U Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: As situações que mais estressam os novos estudantes universitários são “fazer exames” e “a quantidade de trabalho que tenho que enfrentar”. Conseqüentemente, o fator mais estressante é o “estresse acadêmico” e o menos estressante são os “sentimentos de solidão”. Os alunos que percebem o maior estresse em vários fatores são: maiores de 25 anos, mulheres, alunos que vêm de outras províncias e aqueles que vivem de aluguel durante o ano letivo. Conclusões: O ingresso na universidade produz fatores estressantes nos estudantes de enfermagem, que podem afetar sua saúde, sua qualidade de vida e seu desempenho acadêmico. A realização de exames e a alta carga acadêmica são apontados como os principais determinantes do estresse. No entanto, seria conveniente aprofundar as investigações nesse sentido para conhecer as possíveis causas desse problema e poder desenvolver estratégias de prevenção que melhorem a qualidade de vida desses alunos

    Poda tardía en Bobal y Tempranillo para retrasar el ciclo fenológico: respuesta agronómica y enológica

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    El calentamiento global provoca que en las regiones mediterráneas las dinámicas de la maduración de las uvas sean muy rápidas, y lleguen éstas a la madurez sensiblemente desequlibradas: esto, en variedades tintas, reduce notablemente la calidad de los vinos. Buscando mitigar ese desequilibrio, se estudian aquí los efectos sobre la fenología del cultivo del retraso de la poda invernal hasta el momento en que las yemas de los brotes apicales tienen las hojas extendidas. El estudio se llevó a cabo en Requena (Valencia), en el año 2015, en dos parcelas colindantes cultivadas con las variedades Tempranillo y Bobal, manejadas con riego deficitario (84 mm año-1). La poda tardía afectó al desarrollo fenológico de ambas variedades retrasando hasta 15 días la fecha de brotación, reduciendo de paso el riesgo de heladas primaverales. Este retraso inicial se fue atenuando a medida que avanzaba el ciclo, especialmente en Tempranillo, que se vendimió con 6 días de diferencia, y menos en Bobal, con vendimias distanciadas aún 12 días. Las producciones se vieron afectadas por la poda tardía, reduciéndose en ambas variedades, aunque sólo en Tempranillo de forma significativa. El efecto de fuerte disminución del peso unitario de la baya, que no se cumplió en Bobal, parece estar detrás de ese comportamiento. En esta última variedad, la reducción del rendimiento con la poda tardía derivó de la baja entidad de los racimos, con un peso significativamente menor a pesar de ser más numerosos. La variabilidad espacial de la parcela pudo contribuir a que se produjese esta situación. La poda tardía provocó diferencias en la composición de la baya de ambas variedades, incrementando la acidez titulable a igualdad de contenido en sólidos solubles totales. Sin embargo, ni el pH, ni la composición antociánica de los mostos se vieron claramente afectados. Además, en los vinos elaborados, las diferencias en los parámetros fenólicos de los recién fermentados se fueron enjugando durante la vinificación de manera que, al final, aquellas desaparecieron. Según estos primeros resultados, la poda tardía puede resultar una técnica prometedora para retrasar el ciclo fenológico en climas semiáridos, retrasando la fecha de vendimia y pudiendo mejorar la composición fenólica en los vinos

    Advanced Self-Healing Asphalt Composites in the Pavement Performance Field: Mechanisms at the Nano Level and New Repairing Methodologies

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    In an effort to give a global view of this field of research, in this mini-review we highlight the most recent publications and patents focusing on modified asphalt pavements that contain certain reinforcing nanoparticles which impart desirable thermal, electrical and mechanical properties. In response to the increasing cost of asphalt binder and road maintenance, there is a need to look for alternative technologies and new asphalt composites, able to self-repair, for preserving and renewing the existing pavements. First, we will focus on the self-healing property of asphalt, the evidences that support that healing takes place immediately after the contact between the faces of a crack, and how the amount of healing can be measured in both the laboratory and the field. Next we review the hypothetical mechanisms of healing to understand the material behaviour and establish models to quantify the damage-healing process. Thereafter, we outline different technologies, nanotechnologies and methodologies used for self-healing paying particular attention to embedded micro-capsules, new nano-materials like carbon nanotubes and nano-fibres, ionomers, and microwave and induction heating processes.Authors wish to thank Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for grants IPT-2011-1359-420000 and MAT2010-17091

    Impregnation processes of insulation rigid components of cellulose in synthetic ester and mineral oil

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    Although oil-immersed power transformers generally use mineral oil as insulation and cooling fluid, this liquid does not meet the new technical requirements of dielectric fluids such as high biodegradability, non-toxicity and high safety. For these reasons, natural and synthetic esters as alternative to mineral oil have increased their utilization in some transformers installations. Despite the fact that there are several works that have demonstrated the suitability of these insulation fluids from the point of view of their stability, dielectric and thermal properties, there are very few works focused on the study of the effects of these liquids on impregnation process. The aim of this work is provide information about the behavior of different rigid insulation materials, not studied until now, during the impregnation process in a synthetic ester compared with a mineral oil.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823969-BIOTRAF

    Early Events in Retinal Degeneration Caused by Rhodopsin Mutation or Pigment Epithelium Malfunction: Differences and Similarities

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    To study the course of photoreceptor cell death and macro and microglial reactivity in two rat models of retinal degeneration with different etiologies. Retinas from P23H-1 (rhodopsin mutation) and Royal College of Surgeon (RCS, pigment epithelium malfunction) rats and age-matched control animals (Sprague-Dawley and Pievald Viro Glaxo, respectively) were cross-sectioned at different postnatal ages (from P10 to P60) and rhodopsin, L/M- and S-opsin, ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba1), glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) proteins were immunodetected. Photoreceptor nuclei rows and microglial cells in the different retinal layers were quantified. Photoreceptor degeneration starts earlier and progresses quicker in P23H-1 than in RCS rats. In both models, microglial cell activation occurs simultaneously with the initiation of photoreceptor death while GFAP over-expression starts later. As degeneration progresses, the numbers of microglial cells increase in the retina, but decreasing in the inner retina and increasing in the outer retina, more markedly in RCS rats. Interestingly, and in contrast with healthy animals, microglial cells reach the outer nuclei and outer segment layers. The higher number of microglial cells in dystrophic retinas cannot be fully accounted by intraretinal migration and PCNA immunodetection revealed microglial proliferation in both models but more importantly in RCS rats. The etiology of retinal degeneration determines the initiation and pattern of photoreceptor cell death and simultaneously there is microglial activation and migration, while the macroglial response is delayed. The actions of microglial cells in the degeneration cannot be explained only in the basis of photoreceptor death because they participate more actively in the RCS model. Thus, the retinal degeneration caused by pigment epithelium malfunction is more inflammatory and would probably respond better to interventions by inhibiting microglial cells.Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología Región de Murcia (19881/GERM/15) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional “Una Manera de Hacer Europa” ISCIII-FEDER PI16/00380, PI16/00031, RD16/0008/0026, RD16/0008/0016, SAF2015-67643

    Percepções dos alunos de Enfermagem sobre flipped classroom e avaliação contínua na sala de aula de Gestão de Enfermagem

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    Introduction: Although the training of nurses in administration and leadership has an important repercussion on the present and the future of the profession, teaching methods are still traditional in many cases. Flipped classroom is a widely used method in nursing education but studies about its application to Nursing Administration and Management are limited. Method: Qualitative study by means of anonymous survey (dichotomous and open questions). Results: 92 % of students were shown to be satisfied with the teaching methodology and 92.9 % with the assessment. Only 31.5 % had used it previously but 83 % would like to use it in more subjects. The students showed that the methodology used had improved their opinion about the content and had increased their perception its usefulness. Conclusion: The participating students have been shown to be satisfied with flipped method and continuous assessment. These teaching strategies can help motivate nursing students towards the subject of Nursing Administration and Management, which can encourage them to pursue postgraduate training and professional practice in this area.Introducción: Si bien la formación de enfermeros en Administración y Gestión tiene una importante repercusión en el presente y el futuro de la profesión, los métodos de enseñanza siguen siendo tradicionales en muchos casos. El aula invertida es un método ampliamente utilizado en la educación de enfermería, pero los estudios sobre su aplicación a la administración y gestión de enfermería son limitados. Método: Estudio cualitativo mediante cuestionario anónimo (preguntas dicotómicas y abiertas). Resultados: El 92 % de los estudiantes se mostró satisfecho con la metodología de enseñanza y el 92,9 % con la evaluación. Solo el 31,5 % lo había usado anteriormente, pero al 83 % le gustaría usarlo en más sujetos. Los estudiantes demostraron que la metodología utilizada había mejorado su opinión sobre el contenido y había aumentado su percepción útil del mismo. Conclusión: Los estudiantes participantes han demostrado estar satisfechos con el método de aula invertida. Estas estrategias de enseñanza pueden ayudar a motivar a los estudiantes de enfermería hacia la asignatura de Administración y Gestión de los Servicios de Enfermería, lo que puede animarlos a realizar una formación de posgrado y una práctica profesional en esta área.Introdução: Embora a educação de Enfermagem em Administração e Gestão tenha um grande impacto no presente e futuro da profissão, os métodos de ensino continuam a ser tradicionais em muitos casos. A sala de aula invertida é um método amplamente utilizado na educação em Enfermagem, mas os estudos sobre a sua aplicação à Administração e Gestão de Enfermagem são limitados. Método: Estudo qualitativo utilizando um questionário anônimo (perguntas dicotômicas e abertas). Resultados: 92% dos estudantes ficaram satisfeitos com a metodologia de ensino e 92,9% com a avaliação. Apenas 31,5% já o tinha utilizado antes, mas 83% gostariam de  utilizá-lo em mais assuntos. Os estudantes mostraram que a metodologia utilizada havia melhorado a sua opinião sobre o conteúdo e aumentado a sua percepção útil do conteúdo. Conclusão: Os estudantes participantes mostraram-se satisfeitos com o método invertido e com a avaliação contínua. Estas estratégias de ensino podem ajudar a motivar os estudantes de Enfermagem para a disciplina de Administração e Gestão de Enfermagem, o que pode encorajá-los a empreender uma educação de pós-graduação e prática profissional nesta área