48 research outputs found

    Effects of storm “Gloria” on the degree of conservation on the endemic plant of Serra d’Irta (el Baix Maestrat) Limonium perplexum

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    L’ensopeguera de Peníscola (Limonium perplexum Sáez & Rosselló) és una planta endèmica exclusiva de la serra d’Irta, catalogada En Perill d’Extinció en el Catàleg Valencià d’Espècies de Flora Amenaçades, amb només una població que ocupa menys de 40 m2 . Un segon grup de plantes de possible origen natural es va trobar en 2015. Per tal de salvar-la del risc d’extinció, des de 2005 s’han realitzat 12 translocacions de conservació (1 sembra i 11 plantacions, 9 de les quals tenien en 2019 almenys 4 anys d’edat), cosa que va incrementar notablement el seu nombre d’exemplars. L’any 2019, els censos van sumar 1.644 exemplars. Però, el temporal Glòria, registrat entre el 19 i 23 de gener de 2020, va afectar greument el seu hàbitat, ja que va eliminar els bancs de sorra que permeten la germinació de la majoria de noves plantes. El nombre d’exemplars registrat en 2020 ha disminuït en un 90,25% en les poblacions generades a partir de plantacions, i en un 75,80% en les d’origen natural. En 7 dels 10 llocs amb plantacions o sembres suficientment consolidades, el nombre de plantes censades en 2020 fou de només 0 a 5 exemplars, i és prou improbable la seua pervivència. Els efectes del temporal Glòria poden obligar a replantejar l’estratègia de conservació de l’espècie.The sea lavender of Peníscola (Limonium perplexum Sáez & Rosselló) is an exclusive, endemic plant of the Serra de Irta (province of Castelló, Spain), listed as Endangered of Extinction in the Valencian Catalogue of Endangered Plant Species and which only has one population occupying less than 40 m2 . A second population of possible natural origin was found in 2015. In order to save this species from the risk of extinction, 12 conservation translocations have been carried out since 2005 (1 sowing and 11 plantations, 9 of which were at least 4 years old in 2019), that significantly increased the number of individuals. In 2019, the censuses counted 1644 individuals. However, storm Gloria, which took place between 19 and 23 January 2020, severely affected its habitat, removing the sandbanks that allow the germination of most of the new individuals. The number of specimens registered in 2020 has decreased by 90.45% in the populations generated from plantations, and by 75.80% in those of natural origin. In 7 of the 10 places with sufficiently consolidated plantations or sowings, the number of plants registered in 2020 was only 0 to 5 specimens, making their survival quite unlikely. The effects of storm Gloria may force a rethink the conservation strategy for the species

    Contributions to the understanding of the orchid flora of Castelló province

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    Es dóna notícia de la troballa d’algunes localitats noves d’orquídies amb valor corològic per a la flora de la Comunitat Valenciana (Espanya), concretades a la província de Castelló, destacant el segon registre provincial d’Anacamptis papilionacea subsp. grandiflora i una nova quadrícula UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) de 10x10 km per a Goodyera repens.Data about new localities of orchids with chorological value for Valencian flora focusing on Castelló province (Spain) are reported, highlighting a second record for Anacamptis papilionacea subsp. grandiflora and a new 10x10 km UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) square for Goodyera repen

    Evolución de las poblaciones y aspectos de conservación del endemismo valenciano en peligro de extinción Limonium perplexum

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    Limonium perplexum Sáez & Rosselló (Plumbaginaceae) es un endemismo exclusivo de la Comunidad Valenciana (Sáez & Rosselló, 1999), únicamente presente en los acantilados de la Sierra de Irta (Peñíscola, Castellón) (Gómez-Serrano et al., 2005), donde se localiza la única población nativa conocida hasta la fecha, dentro de la microrreserva de flora denominada "Torre de la Badum"

    The recent neophyte Opuntia aurantiaca Lindl.: distribution and potential invasion in Spain

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    Trabajo presentado en el XVI Optima Meeting (Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area), celebrado en Atenas (Grecia), del 2 al 5 de octubre de 2019The Cactaceae, and especially its most emblematic genus, Opuntia, have become one of the groups of plants with greater invasion potential in Spain. In fact, this area is considered one of the three global hotspots of invasion of cacti, together with South Africa and Australia. In our country, one of the most recently detected species is Opuntia aurantiaca Lindl, a small cactus with an enormous capacity of dispersion by means of cladodes and (sterile) fruits, which are easily detached and adhere to animals, clothes, and footwear. Probably native to the Southern Cone (Argentina and Uruguay), it behaves as a very aggressive invader in Australia and South Africa. In Europe, it only occurs on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula (Catalonia and Valencian Community). In this study, the geographic range of the species is updated at the peninsular level. Firstly detected at the beginning of the last decade in Navajas (Castellón), it has been subsequently observed in other places of the province of Castellón, but also in Valencia, Tarragona and Barcelona. With all occurrence data, its potential distribution is estimated using the algorithm of maximum entropy implemented in the program MaxEnt. Distribution models are built for the current climatic conditions as well as for different scenarios of global warming. Due to its possible invasive nature, it is necessary to eradicate the existing populations at this initial stage. Legislation should consider the prohibition of trade and transport of this plant to avoid new introductions

    Conservació de l’endemisme vegetal de la serra d’Irta (Castelló) Limonium irtaense

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    L’ensopeguera d’Irta (Limonium irtaense Ferrer et al.), és un endemisme vegetal exclusiu de la serra d’Irta (el Baix Maestrat, NE de Castelló, Espanya), descobert per a la ciència al 2011 i descrit al 2015. En aquell moment es van comptabilitzar només 19 exemplars, que fan tota la població mundial de l’ensopeguera. Atesa la minsa població i molt escassa distribució espacial de la planta, és de notable interès analitzar l’evolució de les seues poblacions. També és important conèixer l’efecte del temporal Glòria (gener 2020), donat el fort risc d’extinció d’aquesta espècie. Entre 2013 i 2020 s’han censat entre un mínim de 10 exemplars (en 2020) i un màxim de 21 (en 2016). La Glòria ha afectat greument el nombre total de peus, reduint una de les dues poblacions a només 1 exemplar. Per tal de reduir el risc d’extinció, des de 2012 s’han plantat 279 exemplars en 3 àrees pròximes, i s’han constatat els primers reclutaments de nous exemplars. L’avaluació d’aquest treball confirma la classificació de l’espècie a la categoria CR (Críticament amenaçada) de la classificació de la UICN (Unió Internacional per a la Conservació de la Natura), i reforça la necessitat de mantenir la propagació ex situ i les translocacions de conservació.Irta’s sea lavender (Limonium irtaense Ferrer et al.) is an endemic plant species exclusive to Serra d’Irta (el Baix Maestrat, NE Castelló, Spain). It was first discovered in 2011 and subsequently described in 2015. At that time, only 19 specimens were counted, making up the entire world population of this sea lavender. Given the small population and very little spatial distribution of this plant, it is of great interest to analyze the evolution of its populations. It is also important to know the effect of the storm Gloria (January 2020), given the high risk of extinction of this species. Between 2013 and 2020, a minimum of 10 exemplars (in 2020) and a maximum of 21 (in 2016) were counted. Gloria has severely affected the total number of specimens, reducing one of the two populations to just 1 specimen. In order to reduce the risk of extinction, since 2012, 279 specimens have been planted in 3 nearby areas, and the first recruitments of new specimens have been already recorded. The evaluation of this work confirms the classification of the species in the CR (Critically Endangered) category of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) classification, and reinforces the need to maintain ex situ propagation. and conservation translocations tasks

    Cognitive neurorehabilitation based on interactive video technology

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    Cognitive impairment is the main cause of disability in developed societies. New interactive technologies help therapists in neurorehabilitation in order to increase patients’ autonomy and quality of life. This work proposes Interactive Video (IV) as a technology to develop cognitive rehabilitation tasks based on Activities of Daily Living (ADL). ADL cognitive task has been developed and integrated with eye-tracking technology for task interaction and patients’ performance monitoring

    The recent neophyte Opuntia aurantiaca (Cactaceae): distribution and potential invasion in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The Cactaceae, and especially its most emblematic genus, Opuntia, is one of the groups of plants with greater invasion potential in the Iberian Peninsula. One of the most recently detected species is Opuntia aurantiaca, a small cactus with an enormous capacity of dispersion. Probably native to Argentina and Uruguay, it behaves as a very aggressive invader in Australia and South Africa. In Europe, it only occurs on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula (Catalonia and Valencian Community). In this study, the geographic range of the species is accurately delineated at the peninsular level. Detected firstly at the beginning of the last decade in Navajas (Castelló Province), it has been subsequently observed in other places of Castelló, but also in Valencia, Tarragona and Barcelona, and since 2017 in Girona. With all gathered occurrence data, the potential distribution of O. aurantiaca is estimated (for the current climatic conditions as well as for different scenarios of global warming). Despite the fact that the species seems to be spreading, maps of potential distribution do not forecast large expansions to other areas of the Iberian Peninsula, both for the present and for the year 2070.This work received financial support from the “Proyecto Intramural Especial, PIE” (grant no. 201630I024) from the CSIC (Spain) and from the “Ajuts a Grups de Recerca Consolidats” (grants nos. 2014-SGR514-GREB and 2017-SGR1116) from the Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain).Abstract Introduction Materials & methods The study species Search for occurrences Ecological niche modelling Results and Discussion Current distribution range of Opuntia aurantiaca in the Iberian Peninsula Present and future potential distribution of Opuntia aurantiaca Acknowledgement

    Monitoring visual attention on a neurorehabilitation environment based on interactive video

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    The use of new technologies in neurorehabilitation has led to higher intensity rehabilitation processes, extending therapies in an economically sustainable way. Interactive Video (IV) technology allows therapists to work with virtual environments that reproduce real situations. In this way, patients deal with Activities of the Daily Living (ADL) immersed within enhanced environments [1]. These rehabilitation exercises, which focus in re-learning lost functions, will try to modulate the neural plasticity processes [2]. This research presents a system where a neurorehabilitation IV-based environment has been integrated with an eye-tracker device in order to monitor and to interact using visual attention. While patients are interacting with the neurorehabilitation environment, their visual behavior is closely related with their cognitive state, which in turn mirrors the brain damage condition suffered by them [3] [4]. Patients’ gaze data can provide knowledge on their attention focus and their cognitive state, as well as on the validity of the rehabilitation tasks proposed [5]