156 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la distribución de temperaturas en un perfil somero de suelo loéssico

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    En este trabajo se determina la distribución de temperaturas en profundidad somera en los suelos limosos del centro de Argentina a lo largo de ciertos períodos del año (invierno y verano), en las profundidades que se construyen habitualmente las cimentaciones superficiales (plateas y zapatas) de viviendas y donde se instalan sistemas geotérmicos de aire o agua de tipo horizontales. Se obtienen valores útiles para evaluar la potencial aplicación y eficiencia de sistemas someros para el aprovechamiento geotérmico de baja entalpía en viviendas en el centro de Argentina. El estudio del perfil de temperatura y humedad del subsuelo permite diseñar y modelar sistemas capaces de aprovechar la energía calorífica y disminuir el impacto ambiental producido por fuentes convencionales.In this work, it is obtained the distribution of temperatures in shallow depths in the silty soils of the central part of Argentina during certain periods of the year (winter and summer), in the depths where the superficial foundations (plates and footings) of houses are usually built and where horizontal geothermal systems are installed. Useful values are obtained to evaluate the potential application and efficiency of shallow systems for low-enthalpy geothermal use in houses in central Argentina. The study of the temperature and moisture profile of the subsoil allows the design and modeling of systems capable of taking advantage of heat energy and reducing the environmental impact produced by conventional sources.Fil: Carro Pérez, Magalí Evelín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Pleitavino, Micaela Natalí. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Mansilla, María Belén. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Toledo, Rocio B.. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Aratano Jalín, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Bruni, Rodrigo Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentin

    Relación entre maltrato infantil y experiencias disociativas psicomorfas en mujeres con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria.

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    Introducción: La exposición temprana a experiencias traumáticas, tienen un profundo efecto negativo en la vida de las personas. Estudios sobre el tema, han sugerido que la disociación juega un papel mediador importante entre la presencia de trauma infantil y un posterior desarrollo de un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) y que posiblemente, no tenerlo en cuenta a la hora de intervenir, puede interferir en que el tratamiento se desarrolle con éxito. Objetivo: Explorar la relación entre trauma infantil y síntomas disociativos psicomorfos en personas con TCA y la relación entre subtipo de TCA y tipo de maltrato. Material y Método: Se reclutaron a 16 mujeres con edad media de 31,06 años (DT= 10,75 ) de varios hospitales y centros de la Comunidad de Madrid con diagnóstico de TCA según criterios DSM- 5. Se administraron los cuestionarios DES II para explorar sintomatología disociativa y CTQ- SF para evaluar el maltrato sufrido en la infancia. Los datos se analizaron con el programa SPSS para Windows en su versión 24,0. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las pacientes que habían sufrido abuso físico y/o negligencia emocional en la infancia mostraban más sintomatología disociativa que en los casos en los que la experiencia traumática fue abuso emocional, sexual o negligencia física. En cuanto a los subtipos de TCA, parece que no hay relación en nuestra muestra entre el subtipo de TCA y los tipos de trauma infantil. Tampoco se encontró una relación significativa entre los subtipos de TCA y sintomatología disociativa pero estos datos pueden deberse al tamaño de la muestra. Conclusión: Las experiencias traumáticas en la infancia y los síntomas disociativos psicomorfos, parecen ser aspectos relevantes en el desarrollo de un TCA por lo que tener en cuenta éstos aspectos para el tratamiento puede hacer que este sea más exitoso.2018-201

    Role of the IL33 and IL1RL1 pathway in the pathogenesis of Immunoglobulin A vasculitis

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    Cytokines signalling pathway genes are crucial factors of the genetic network underlying the pathogenesis of Immunoglobulin-A vasculitis (IgAV), an inflammatory vascular condition. An influence of the interleukin (IL)33- IL1 receptor like (IL1RL)1 signalling pathway on the increased risk of several immune-mediated diseases has been described. Accordingly, we assessed whether the IL33-IL1RL1 pathway represents a novel genetic risk factor for IgAV. Three tag polymorphisms within IL33 (rs3939286, rs7025417 and rs7044343) and three within IL1RL1 (rs2310173, rs13015714 and rs2058660), that also were previously associated with several inflammatory diseases, were genotyped in 380 Caucasian IgAV patients and 845 matched healthy controls. No genotypes or alleles differences were observed between IgAV patients and controls when IL33 and IL1RL1 variants were analysed independently. Likewise, no statistically significant differences were found in IL33 or IL1RL1 genotype and allele frequencies when IgAV patients were stratified according to the age at disease onset or to the presence/absence of gastrointestinal (GI) or renal manifestations. Similar results were disclosed when IL33 and IL1RL1 haplotypes were compared between IgAV patients and controls and between IgAV patients stratified according to the clinical characteristics mentioned above. Our results suggest that the IL33-IL1RL1 signalling pathway does not contribute to the genetic network underlying IgAV.Acknowledgements: We are indebted to the patients and healthy controls for their essential collaboration to this study. We also thank the National DNA Bank Repository (Salamanca) for supplying part of the control samples. This study was supported by European Union FEDER funds and `Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias´ (Grant PI18/00042) from ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (ISCIII, Health Ministry, Spain). DP-P is a recipient of a Río Hortega programme fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF, `Investing in your future´) (Grant Number CM20/00006). SR-M is supported by funds of the RETICS Program (RD16/0012/0009) (ISCIII, cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)). VP-C is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from IDIVAL (PREVAL 18/01). BA-M is a recipient of a `López Albo´ Post-Residency Programme funded by Servicio Cántabro de Salud. LL-G is supported by funds from IDIVAL (INNVAL20/06). OG is staff personnel of Xunta de Galicia (Servizo Galego de Saude (SERGAS)) through a research-staff stabilization contract (ISCIII/SERGAS) and his work is funded by ISCIII and the European Union FEDER fund (Grant Numbers RD16/0012/0014 (RIER) and PI17/00409). He is beneficiary of project funds from the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Union in the framework of MSCA-RISE Action of the H2020 Programme, project 734899—Olive-Net. RL-M is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by ESF (`Investing in your future´) (Grant Number CP16/00033)

    Oral fosfomycin for the treatment of lower urinary tract infections among kidney transplant recipients—Results of a Spanish multicenter cohort

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    Preliminary results of this study were presented at the 29th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from 13 to 16 April, 2019 (oral communication O‐0699).Oral fosfomycin may constitute an alternative for the treatment of lower urinary tract infections (UTIs) in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs), particularly in view of recent safety concerns with fluroquinolones. Specific data on the efficacy and safety of fosfomycin in KTR are scarce. We performed a retrospective study in 14 Spanish hospitals including KTRs treated with oral fosfomycin (calcium and trometamol salts) for posttransplant cystitis between January 2005 and December 2017. A total of 133 KTRs developed 143 episodes of cystitis. Most episodes (131 [91.6%]) were produced by gram‐negative bacilli (GNB), and 78 (54.5%) were categorized as multidrug resistant (including extended‐spectrum β‐lactamase‐producing Enterobacteriaceae [14%] or carbapenem‐resistant GNB [3.5%]). A median daily dose of 1.5 g of fosfomycin (interquartile range [IQR]: 1.5‐2) was administered for a median of 7 days (IQR: 3‐10). Clinical cure (remission of UTI‐attributable symptoms at the end of therapy) was achieved in 83.9% (120/143) episodes. Among those episodes with follow‐up urine culture, microbiological cure at month 1 was achieved in 70.2% (59/84) episodes. Percutaneous nephrostomy was associated with a lower probability of clinical cure (adjusted odds ratio: 10.50; 95% confidence interval: 0.98‐112.29; P = 0.052). In conclusion, fosfomycin is an effective orally available alternative for treating cystitis among KTRs.This study was supported by Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013‐2016 and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD16/0016)—cofinanced by the European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe”; the Group for Study of Infection in Transplantation and the Immunocompromised Host (GESITRA‐IC) of the Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC); and the Spanish Network for Research in Renal Diseases (REDInREN RD16/0009). MFR holds a research contract “Miguel Servet” (CP 18/00073) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Walking family: Programme of parental skills during foster care and reunification. Summary of main findings of the Project I+D EDU2014-52921-C2. [Infographics]

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    Podeu consultar la versió castellana, francesa i portuguesa al recurs relacionat.Walking Family is a support programme for specific parenting skills in foster care and reunification. Its main aim is to promote the acceptance and involvement of the welfare measure and to foster and strengthen reunification. One of the most relevant aspects of the programme is its group methodology, as it can be used to convey effective coping strategies for everyday problems. Walking Family is characterised by three cornerstones of innovation: positive parenting and child welfare, child participation and family resilience. The programme is developed over 5 modules, each containing 3 sessions. Each session offers activities to do with the children, with the parents and with the family as a unit

    Determinación de procesos de fractura sobre huesos frescos: un sistema de análisis de los ángulos de los planos de fracturación como discriminador de agentes bióticos

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    The breakage planes of bones have diversely been used to classify breakage patterns. However, no diagnosis seems to be currently valid to differentiate between humans and carnivores as the main breaking agents. This work presents the results of experimentation focused on the analysis of the angles of each plane between the cortical and medullary surfaces resulting from breakage. It is shown that this approach can be fairly resolutive since both types of agents break bones through different physical processes (percussion and pression) which produce different angles in each fracture episode, as a result of the use of dynamic and static loading processes.Los paños de fractura de los huesos siempre se han prestado a diversos análisis de clasificación, pero con menor éxito se ha podido averiguar el (los) agente(s) responsable( s) de su ruptura. De los diversos atributos utilizados, uno de ellos (los ángulos de los planos de fractura) se ha sometido a exhaustivo análisis, con los resultados que se ofrecen en el presente trabajo. Se concluye que dichos ángulos, en su consideración global en una muestra pueden ser resolutivos ya que los diversos agentes bióticos que rompen huesos (humanos y carnívoros) lo hacen por procesos físicos distintos (percusión y presión) que provocan diagnosis diferenciadas en el modo en que los huesos aparecen fracturados

    El reto de la inclusión de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en la formación inicial de profesores de secundaria: creación del MOOC curso cero sobre educación y ODS, inclusión en asignaturas y en trabajos fin de máster

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    Memoria ID-041. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2021-2022

    Role of MUC1 rs4072037 polymorphism and serum KL-6 levels in patients with antisynthetase syndrome

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    Mucin 1/Krebs von den Lungen-6 (KL-6) is proposed as a serum biomarker of several interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), including connective tissue disorders associated with ILD. However, it has not been studied in a large cohort of Caucasian antisynthetase syndrome (ASSD) patients. Consequently, we assessed the role of MUC1 rs4072037 and serum KL-6 levels as a potential biomarker of ASSD susceptibility and for the differential diagnosis between patients with ILD associated with ASSD (ASSD-ILD +) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). 168 ASSD patients (149 ASSD-ILD +), 174 IPF patients and 523 healthy controls were genotyped for MUC1 rs4072037 T > C. Serum KL-6 levels were determined in a subgroup of individuals. A significant increase of MUC1 rs4072037 CC genotype and C allele frequencies was observed in ASSD patients compared to healthy controls. Likewise, MUC1 rs4072037 TC and CC genotypes and C allele frequencies were significantly different between ASSD-ILD+ and IPF patients. Additionally, serum KL-6 levels were significantly higher in ASSD patients compared to healthy controls. Nevertheless, no differences in serum KL-6 levels were found between ASSD-ILD+ and IPF patients. Our results suggest that the presence of MUC1 rs4072037 C allele increases the risk of ASSD and it could be a useful genetic biomarker for the differential diagnosis between ASSD-ILD+ and IPF patients

    Avances en Informática y Automática. Octavo Workshop

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    [ES]El Máster Oficial en Sistemas Inteligentes de la Universidad de Salamanca tiene como principal objetivo promover la iniciación de los estudiantes en el ámbito de la investigación. El congreso organizado por el Departamento de Informática y Automática que se celebra dentro del Máster en Sistemas Inteligentes de la Universidad de Salamanca proporciona la oportunidad ideal para que sus estudiantes presenten los principales resultados de sus Trabajos de Fin de Máster y obtengan una realimentación del interés de los mismos. La octava edición del workshop “Avances en Informática y Automática”, correspondiente al curso 2013 - 2014, ha sido un encuentro interdisciplinar donde se han presentado trabajos pertenecientes a un amplio abanico de líneas de investigación, desde los sistemas multiagente, la visualización de la información o la minería de datos hasta la lógica, el reconocimiento de patrones o las redes neuronales. Todos los trabajos han sido supervisados por investigadores de reconocido prestigio pertenecientes a la Universidad de Salamanca, proporcionando el marco idóneo para sentar las bases de una futura tesis doctoral. Entre los principales objetivos del congreso se encuentran: ofrecer a los estudiantes un marco donde exponer sus primeros trabajos de investigación. Proporcionar a los participantes un foro donde discutir ideas y encontrar nuevas sugerencias de compañeros, investigadores y otros asistentes a la reunión. Permitir a cada estudiante una realimentación de los participantes sobre su trabajo y una orientación sobre las futuras direcciones de investigación. Contribuir al desarrollo del espíritu de colaboración en la investigación

    Efficacy and Safety of Oral Fosfomycin for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Kidney Transplant Recipients: Results from a Spanish Multicenter Cohort

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    Current guidelines recommend against systematic screening for or treating asymptomatic bacteriuria (AB) among kidney transplant (KT) recipients, although the evidence regarding episodes occurring early after transplantation or in the presence of anatomical abnormalities is inconclusive. Oral fosfomycin may constitute a good option for the treatment of posttransplant AB, particularly due to the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) uropathogens. Available clinical evidence supporting its use in this specific setting, however, remains scarce. We performed a retrospective study in 14 Spanish institutions from January 2005 to December 2017. Overall, 137 episodes of AB diagnosed in 133 KT recipients treated with oral fosfomycin (calcium and trometamol salts) with a test-of-cure urine culture within the first 30 days were included. Median time from transplantation to diagnosis was 3.1 months (interquartile range [IQR], 1.1 to 10.5). Most episodes (96.4% [132/137]) were caused by Gram-negative bacteria (GNB), and 56.9% (78/137) were categorized as MDR (extended‐spectrum β‐lactamase‐producing Enterobacterales [20.4%] and carbapenem‐resistant GNB [2.9%]). Rate of microbiological failure at month 1 was 40.1% (95% confidence interval [CI], 31.9% to 48.9%) for the whole cohort and 42.3% (95% CI, 31.2% to 54.0%) for episodes due to MDR pathogens. Previous urinary tract infection (odds ratio [OR], 2.42; 95% CI, 1.11 to 5.29; P value = 0.027) and use of fosfomycin as salvage therapy (OR, 8.31; 95% CI, 1.67 to 41.35; P value = 0.010) were predictors of microbiological failure. No severe treatment-related adverse events were detected. Oral fosfomycin appears to be a suitable and safe alternative for the treatment (if indicated) of AB after KT, including those episodes due to MDR uropathogens.This study was supported by Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013‐2016 and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD16/0016), and Spanish Network for Research in Renal Diseases (REDInREN RD16/0009) and cofinanced by the European Development Regional Fund entitled A way to achieve Europe. M.F.-R. holds a research contract (Miguel Servet, CP18/00073), from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, ISCIII.Peer reviewe