116 research outputs found

    Caracterización Geo-estructural de la zona Punta Brito y sus alrededores-Tola, Rivas a escala 1:20,000.

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    La región del Pacífico de Nicaragua ha sido formada por potentes depósitos marinos profundos, lo que se conoce como cuenca Sandino, la cual cubre el área de la plataforma del Pacífico y se extiende costa adentro hasta la Depresión Nicaragüense, donde se localiza el arco volcánico activo; estos depósitos han sido estudiados regionalmente por Hodgson & Darce, (2000). El relleno sedimentario de esta espesa secuencia es de más de 10 kilómetros de sedimentos progradantes,que van desde depósitos pelágicos y turbidíticos, depositados durante el Cretácico Superior-Paleógeno (Miembro Sapoa, Formación Rivas y Brito) y sedimentos someros depositados durante el Terciario – Neógeno (Formación Masachapa, El Fraile y el Salto). Estas investigaciones fueron realizadas regionalmente abarcando el área del Pacífico de Nicaragua.La geología identificada en Punta de Brito, es fundamentalmente referida a la sucesión de sedimentos volcanoclasticos y carbonatos detríticos, la cual está compuesta por areniscas silíceas, calcáreas y conglomerados que están en contacto con un depósito muy rico en carbonato de calcio y caliza de precipitación orgánica Darce M (1992), en la parte superficial del área de estudio se encuentran los depósitos aluviales de edad Cuaternaria. Estructuralmente, el área presenta fallas de tipo normal con diferentes esfuerzos tectónicos que afectaron el área de estudio con dirección preferencial NE-SW,posiblemente por acción de estos esfuerzos den continuidad a los materiales aluvionales con presencia de fracturas paralelas frecuentemente basculadas hacia el mismo sentido y desplazamientos que oscilan entre 5–8 cm,. La geomorfología definida en el área de estudio es fundamentalmente controlada por procesos endógenos y exógenos. El área ha sido dividida en tres unidades geomorfológicas:Unidad Escarpe de Cordilleras Montañosas, Unidad de Cavernas y Unidad de Planicie Aluvial

    Relationship supply chain management and information technology and communication in production processes to improve competitiveness of manufacturing SMEs in Aguascalientes

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    This research examines the relationship and importance of competitiveness in manufacturing SMEs regarding Supply Chain Management and the use of Information Technology and Communication in Production Processes. We analyze the influence managers of manufacturing SMEs for communication. We find information technologies significantly improve communication and information flow between suppliers, actors and integrated supply customers. The supply of resources improve the efficiency of the production processes. Results were obtained from employers through a personalized survey conducted between March and April 2012. The objective is to determine how manufacturing SMEs in Aguascalientes, improve their competitiveness by having a close link between production processes, Supply Chain Management and appropriate use of Information Technology and Communication. We examine a sample of 120 companies which have from 11 to 250 employees each.En el presente trabajo de investigación, se analiza la relación e importancia que tiene la competitividad en la Pyme manufacturera respecto a la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro y el uso de las Tecnologías de la información y comunicación en los Procesos Productivos, con la finalidad de incidir en los gerentes de la Pyme manufacturera para que la comunicación a través del aprovechamiento de las tecnologías de la información mejoren significativamente la comunicación y flujo de información entre los proveedores, actores que se integran al suministro y los clientes para que el suministro de los recursos mejoren la eficacia de los procesos productivos. En este sentido, a través del tratamiento estadístico de ecuaciones estructurales utilizando el software EQS versión 6.1, se obtuvieron resultados facilitados por los empresarios a través de una encuesta personalizada en un periodo entre marzo y abril del 2012 que determinan que la Pyme manufacturera en Aguascalientes, mejora su Competitividad al tener una estrecha relación entre los procesos productivos, la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro y uso adecuado de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación. Para esta investigación se ha utilizando una muestra de 120 empresas las cuales contienen de 11 a 250 trabajadores

    Production of recombinant proteins in E. coli by the heat inducible expression system based on the phage lambda pL and/or pR promoters

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    The temperature inducible expression system, based on the pL and/or pR phage lambda promoters regulated by the thermolabile cI857 repressor has been widely use to produce recombinant proteins in prokariotic cells. In this expression system, induction of heterologous protein is achieved by increasing the culture temperature, generally above 37°C. Concomitant to the overexpression of heterologous protein, the increase in temperature also causes a variety of complex stress responses. Many studies have reported the use of such temperature inducible expression system, however only few discuss the simultaneous stress effects caused by recombinant protein production and the up-shift in temperature. Understanding the integral effect of such responses should be useful to develop improved strategies for high yield protein production and recovery. Here, we describe the current status of the heat inducible expression system based on the pL and/or pR λ phage promoters, focusing on recent developments on expression vehicles, the stress responses at the molecular and physiological level that occur after heat induction, and bioprocessing factors that affect protein overexpression, including culture operation variables and induction strategies

    Introduction of the Problem-based learning methodology in the teaching of Legal Veterinary

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    [ES] El aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) es una estrategia de enseñanza centrada en el alumno, que adquirirá conceptos complejos llevando a la práctica conocimientos previos sobre una disciplina concreta. En el campo de la Veterinaria Legal, el peritaje forense forma parte central de los conocimientos que el alumno debe adquirir. Desde el curso 2010/2011, los alumnos de Veterinaria de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, realizan un peritaje forense mediante ABP. Los alumnos, divididos en grupos de 6-8 individuos, trabajan un problema desde dos puntos de vista diferentes: el del demandado y el del demandante. Durante el proceso, los alumnos son tutorizados y las dos posturas se enfrentan en el aula para defender su postura, donde el profesor ejerce de juez, y el resto de compañeros de jurado. La actividad es valorada con 1-3 puntos. Durante 5 cursos, un total de 275 alumnos han realizado la actividad, con el 50,91% de los alumnos obteniendo la máxima calificación.  Los  alumno[EN] Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational  strategy  centered  on  the student, who will acquire complex concepts being implemented prior knowledge about a particular discipline. In the field of  Legal  Veterinary,  forensic  expertise is a central part of the knowledge that students must acquire. Since 2010/2011, veterinary students from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, complete a  forensic  expertise  through  PBL.  The students, separated in two groups of 6-8 subjects, work on a problem from two different points of view: defendant and claimant. During the process, students are tutored and the two positions facing in the classroom to defend their point. At that time, the teacher acts as judge, and the rest of students act as jury. the activity is assessed with 1-3 points. For 5 courses, a total of 275 students have completed the activity, with 50.91% of students obtaining the  highest  qualification.  Students  are satisfied with the activity. We therefore conclude Henríquez Hernández, LA.; Pérez Luzardo, O.; Domínguez Boada, L.; Almeida González, M.; Zumbado Peña, M. (2015). Aplicación de la metodología de aprendizaje basado en problemas a la docencia de Veterinaria Legal. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 13(3):171-188. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2015.5456OJS171188133Albanese, M.A., Mitchell, S. (1993). Problem-based learning: A Review of literature on its outcomes and implementations issues. Academic Medicine, 68, 52-81. https://doi.org/10.1097/00001888-199301000-00012Aspy, D.N., Aspy, C.B., Quimby, P.M. (1993). What Doctors Can Teach Teachers about Problem-Based Learning. Educational Leadership, 50, 22-24.Barrows, H.S. (1971). Simulated Patients (programmed patients). The development and use of a new technique in medical education. C.C. Thomas: Springfield, USA.Barrows, H.S. (1986). A taxonomy of problem-based learning methods. Medical Education, 20, 481-486. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2923.1986.tb01386.xBarrows, H.S. (1993). An overview of the uses of standardized patients for teaching and evaluating clinical skills. Academic Medicine, 68, 399-405. https://doi.org/10.1097/00001888-199306000-00002Barrows, H.S., Tamblyn, R. (1980). Problem-Based Learning: An Approach to Medical Education. Springer Series on Medical Education Vol 1, Springer Publishing Company: New York.Biggs, J.B. (2005). Calidad del aprendizaje universitario. Narcea: Madrid.Blumberg, P., Michael, J.A. (1992). Development of self-directed learning behaviors in a partially teacher-directed problem-based learning curriculum. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 4, 3-8. https://doi.org/10.1080/10401339209539526Bridges, E.M., Hallinger, P. (1991). Problem-Based Learning in Medical and Managerial Education. Paper presented for the Cognition and School Leadership Conference of the National Center for Educational Leadership and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Nashville, USA.Dochy, F., Segers, M., Van den Bossche, P., Gijbels, D. (2003). Effects of Problem-Based Learning: A Meta-Analysis. Learning and Instruction, 13, 533-568. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0959-4752(02)00025-7Farnsworth, C.C. (1994). Using Computer Simulations in Problem-Based Learning. En M. Orey (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth ADCIS Conference. Nashville, USA: Omni Press.Gallagher, S.A., Stepien, W.J., Rosenthal, H. (1992). The Effects of Problem-Based Learning on Problem Solving. Gifted Child Quarterly, 36, 195-200. https://doi.org/10.1177/001698629203600405Lane, E.A. (2008). Problem-Based Learning in Veterinary Education. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education,35, 631-636. https://doi.org/10.3138/jvme.35.4.631Mennin, S.P., Friedman, M., Skipper, B., Kalishman, S., Snyder, J. (1993). Performances on the NBME I, II, and III by Medical Students in the Problem-Based Learning and Conventional Tracks at the University of New Mexico'. Academic Medicine, 68, 616-624. https://doi.org/10.1097/00001888-199308000-00012Morales, P., Landa, V. (2004). Aprendizaje basado en problemas, Theoria, 13, 145-157.Norman, G.R., Schmidt, H.G. (1992). The Psychological Basis of Problem-Based Learning: A Review of the Evidence. Academic Medicine, 67, 557-565. https://doi.org/10.1097/00001888-199209000-00002Pincus, K.V. (1995). Introductory Accounting: Changing the First Course. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 61, 88-98. https://doi.org/10.1002/tl.37219956112Vernon, D.T., Blake, R.L. (1993). Does Problem-Based Learning Work?: A Meta-Analysis of Evaluative Research. Academic Medicine, 68, 550-563. https://doi.org/10.1097/00001888-199307000-0001

    Role of Exocrine and Endocrine Insufficiency in the Management of Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis

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    Background: Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency results from the destruction of the pancreatic parenchyma and is diagnosed by using direct or indirect tests, both of which have shortcomings. Chronic pancreatitis is the most frequent cause of this pathology in adults. Methods: Patients meeting radiological or histological diagnostic criteria of chronic pancreatitis are enrolled and the stool elastase test is conducted, considering fecal elastase levels >200 µg/g to represent normal pancreatic function, and levels <200 µg/g to indicate the presence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Additionally, we determine the body mass index of the patients and study their nutritional status and main biochemical and hematological variables, including their glucose and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. Results: Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is detected in 60% of the patients. Among these, 83.3% are severe cases, and 72% of the latter also are diagnosed with endocrine pancreatic insufficiency (diabetes mellitus). During the nutritional status study, HbA1c levels are significantly higher, and magnesium and prealbumin levels are significantly lower in patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency than in those without this disease. Conclusions: Exocrine and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency are highly prevalent among patients with chronic pancreatitis and an early diagnosis of these diseases is vital to improve the clinical management of these patients and reduce their risk of mortality.Junta de Andalucia PC-0549-2017 PC-0498-201

    Leukemia multiclass assessment and classification from Microarray and RNA-seq technologies integration at gene expression level

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    In more recent years, a significant increase in the number of available biological experiments has taken place due to the widespread use of massive sequencing data. Furthermore, the continuous developments in the machine learning and in the high performance computing areas, are allowing a faster and more efficient analysis and processing of this type of data. However, biological information about a certain disease is normally widespread due to the use of different sequencing technologies and different manufacturers, in different experiments along the years around the world. Thus, nowadays it is of paramount importance to attain a correct integration of biologically-related data in order to achieve genuine benefits from them. For this purpose, this work presents an integration of multiple Microarray and RNA-seq platforms, which has led to the design of a multiclass study by collecting samples from the main four types of leukemia, quantified at gene expression. Subsequently, in order to find a set of differentially expressed genes with the highest discernment capability among different types of leukemia, an innovative parameter referred to as coverage is presented here. This parameter allows assessing the number of different pathologies that a certain gen is able to discern. It has been evaluated together with other widely known parameters under assessment of an ANOVA statistical test which corroborated its filtering power when the identified genes are subjected to a machine learning process at multiclass level. The optimal tuning of gene extraction evaluated parameters by means of this statistical test led to the selection of 42 highly relevant expressed genes. By the use of minimum- Redundancy Maximum-Relevance (mRMR) feature selection algorithm, these genes were reordered and assessed under the operation of four different classification techniques. Outstanding results were achieved by taking exclusively the first ten genes of the ranking into consideration. Finally, specific literature was consulted on this last subset of genes, revealing the occurrence of practically all of them with biological processes related to leukemia. At sight of these results, this study underlines the relevance of considering a new parameter which facilitates the identification of highly valid expressed genes for simultaneously discerning multiple types of leukemia.This work was supported by Project TIN2015-71873-R (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness -MINECO- and the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF) and Junta de Andalucı´a (P12–TIC–2082)

    Critical review of analytical methods for the determination of flame retardants in human matrices

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    Human biomonitoring is a powerful approach in assessing exposure to environmental pollutants. Flame retardants (FRs) are of particular concern due to their wide distribution in the environment and adverse health effects. This article reviews studies published in 2009-2020 on the chemical analysis of FRs in a variety of human samples and discusses the characteristics of the analytical methods applied to different FR biomarkers of exposure, including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), novel halogenated flame retardants (NHFRs), bromophenols, incl. tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), and organophosphorous flame retardants (PFRs). Among the extraction techniques, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid phase extraction (SPE) were used most frequently due to the good efficiencies in the isolation of the majority of the FR biomarkers, but with challenges for highly lipophilic FRs. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is mainly applied in the instrumental analysis of PBDEs and most NHFRs, with recent inclusions of GC-MS/MS and high resolution MS techniques. Liquid chromatography-MS/MS is mainly applied to HBCD, bromophenols, incl. TBBPA, and PFRs (including metabolites), however, GC-based analysis following derivatization has also been used for phenolic compounds and PFR metabolites. Developments are noticed towards more universal analytical methods, which enable widening method scopes in the human biomonitoring of FRs. Challenges exist with regard to sensitivity required for the low concentrations of FRs in the general population and limited sample material for some human matrices. A strong focus on quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) measures is required in the analysis of FR biomarkers in human samples, related to their variety of physical-chemical properties, low levels in most human samples and the risk of contamination.This study was part of the HBM4EU project receiving funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 733032. The authors acknowledge Berith E. Knudsen for her help with the literature search.S

    Environmental impact assessment of chicken meat production via an integrated methodology based on LCA, simulation and genetic algorithms

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    This study performed a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impact of chicken meat production from a Mexican case study, with a “cradle-to-slaughterhouse gate” approach. To overcome the LCA's limitations and provide a more holistic picture of the system, simulation and artificial intelligence techniques were integrated. First, raw material/energy requirements were obtained from the case study and simulated using Process simulation (PS) and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to estimate the emissions and quantify their uncertainty. Then, IMPACT 2002 + was used to calculate the overall impact using Ecoinvent and LCA Food databases. The results highlight that chicken farms are the main factors responsible for the environmental impacts assessed, where feed production (use of chemicals and energy requirements) and on-farm emissions (organic waste decomposition) are the main contributors. Concerning the slaughterhouse, the energy production (electricity and steam) and the cooling-related activities present a significant impact. Afterwards, three impact allocation procedures (mass method, neural networks, and stepwise regression) were tested, showing similar results. Finally, a multiobjective optimization model based on a Genetic Algorithm was applied looking to minimize the environmental impacts and maximize the economic benefits. The selected alternative achieved a reduction of 15.14% per functional unit at the environmental indicators. The results encourage the use of support techniques for LCA to perform a reliable assessment and an environmental/economic optimization of the system

    Perceived control over menopausal hot flushes in mid-aged women

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    Background. Hot flushes (HFs) and night sweats are frequent complaints among both peri- and postmenopausal women. Perceived control of this complaint may vary from one population to another. Objective. To assess perceived control over menopausal HFs and determinant factors among mid-aged Ecuadorian women. Methods. In this cross-sectional study healthy women aged 40–59 years, seeking healthcare centres of eight main cities of Ecuador with more than 100,000 inhabitants, were assessed with the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and those presenting HFs were requested to fill out the Perceived Control Index (PCI) and a questionnaire containing socio-demographic data (female and partner). Results. A total of 1154 women participated in this study of which 56% presented HFs (n ¼ 646). According to the MRS, 29.1% and 9.1% of these HFs were graded as severe and very severe, respectively. Mean age of women presenting HFs was 49.5 + 5.2 years, with 51.9% having 12 years or less of education, 61.5% being postmenopausal and 47.2% living in high altitude. At the moment of the survey 13.9% were on hormone therapy, 12.8% on phytoestrogens and 7.1% on psychotropic drugs. There was a significant decreasing trend for PCI scores (total and difficulty in control items) from one menopausal stage to the next, with no differences observed for time since menopause onset. Despite this, logistic regression analysis determined that HF severity, as determined with the MRS, was the only single predictive factor related to lower HF perceived control (total PCI score 538) (OR: 1.83 CI 95% [1.15–2.90], p 5 0.01). Conclusion. As determined with the PCI, HF severity was related to a lower perceived control among mid-aged women.0000-0002-2545-4733Cuenc

    Impactos de la actividad volcánica en época prehispánica: Estudios edáficos en los sitios arqueológicos de Cerro del Teúl y El Pitayo, Tres Mezquites en el occidente de México

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    Volcanic activity in ancient Mesoamerica was decisive for many populations since it influenced daily life and the way of understanding the world. Eruptive events can provoke the total or partial abandonment of the sites, changes in the social organization, and, inclusively, changes in the pedogenesis with alteration of the natural resources. The impact of volcanic activity can be detected easily. However, it can also be “hidden” among the soil and archaeological materials; consequently, its identification and analysis are essential to understanding archaeological stratigraphy. To document the above, this work presents the results obtained at two sites in western Mexico: Cerro del Teúl in Zacatecas (ca. 100-1531 d.C.) and El Pitayo in Michoacán (200- 600 d.C.). In the case of Cerro de Teúl, the construction fills were analyzed in two stratigraphic profiles: the Patio Hundido (PH21) and the Main Plaza (P2M80). In El Pitayo, construction fills and soil horizons were analyzed in two profiles located in a trench with an E-W orientation (East Trench and South Trench). The main objective was to identify the impact of volcanic activity on the archaeological stratigraphy and the transformations of volcanic materials as a consequence of natural and anthropogenic processes, using colorimetric, granulometric, and micromorphological analyses. In addition, the chemical composition (by X-ray fluorescence) and the petrography of the volcanic ash found in the sites were determined and compared with that from surrounding volcanoes. According to the results, the ash observed in Cerro Teúl originated from the Jala eruption of the Ceboruco volcano, dated 990-1020 AD. This eruption did not produce the site abandonment, as the site was rapidly re-occupied, and the ash was left between the construction fills. In the case of El Pitayo, according to archaeological evidence (the ages of the abandoned artifacts and the absence of volcanic glass on the lower floors of the construction), it is probable that the landslide was emitted during the first half of the 6th century and the site contin- ued developing after the event. The geochemical and mineralogical composition of the volcanic materials found in the excavations has an intermediate-acid affinity, which contrasts with the monogenetic volcanism in the area; however, as the material is reworked, it is probable that the original mineralogical composition has been modified by transport and erosional processes, or diluted by the mixture with more acid sources, as evidenced by the domain of volcanic glass with heterogeneous textures and morphologies. Until now, there is a possible source of emission of the volcanic material associated with that found in the “black earth” at the site of El Pitayo, which is the El infiernillo volcanic event, located south of Michoacán and which has a date of 1500- 1370 BC (Mahgoub et al., 2017). However, the “black earth” that covered the site is after this dating, so chronologically it would not correspond to an eruption that occurred during the occupation of the site, but it allows us to associate it as a product of a landslide from Cerro El Arco, since that the geochemical characterization of the volcanic glass shows a very close affinity to this El Infiernillo event