1,102 research outputs found

    Tax Reforms in an Endogenous Growth Model with Pollution

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    This paper discusses the effects of a green tax reform in an AK growth model without abatement activities and with a negative environmental externality in utility function. There is also a non-optimal level of public spending. The results depend on the financing source of public spending. When there is not public debt, a revenue-neutral green tax reform has not any effect on pollution, growth and welfare. On the contrary, when short-run deficits are financed by debt issuing, a variety of green tax reforms increase welfare. Nevertheless, in this framework, non-green tax reforms are also welfare improving.Environmental externalities, Economic growth, Pollution taxes, Laffer Curve.

    Environmental fiscal policies might be ineffective to control pollution

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    In a one sector growth model with pollution in the utility function, the competitive equilibrium can be indeterminate for plausible values of the intertemporal substitution elasticity of consumption and under constant returns to scale. The tax rate on pollution does not enter the condition characterizing indeterminacy. This means that the government is not able to control emissions in the economy by using environmental policies. Non-separability between private consumption and pollution in the utility function is crucial for this result.Indeterminacy, Environmental taxes, Pollution

    Double Dividend in an Endogenous Growth Model with Pollution and Abatement

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    This paper discusses wether by implementing an environmental tax reform, a government may achieve a double dividend. We consider the simplest endogenous growth model (AK model) and include a negative environmental externality in the utility function. Pollution flow can be reduced by means of private abatenment activities. There is a predetermined non-optimal level of public spending financed by environmental taxes and pre-existing taxes on income and consumption. The major contribution of the paper is to show that, under this simple framework, a double dividend may arise if tax reform consists of substituing environmental tax for income tax, in such a way that the government budget constraint holds in a present value sense.Environmental tax reform, Double dividend, Abatement activities.

    Evaluación de la predisposición genética a padecer degeneración macular asociada a la edad

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    La Degeneración Macular Asociada a la Edad (DMAE) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa progresiva que afecta principalmente a la mácula. La DMAE está relacionada con diferentes factores de riesgo como la edad, exposición a mecanismos oxidativos (luz u oxígeno), condicionantes genéticos o variaciones en la densidad del pigmento macular. Actualmente no existe tratamiento eficaz para esta enfermedad, sin embargo, en el caso de la DMAE húmeda que cursa con NVC y formación angiomatosa retiniana (RAP), se emplean medicamentos Anti-VEGF (Avastin, Lucentis, Eylea).Grado en Óptica y Optometrí

    Archivología, Bibliografía, Bibliotecología y Ciencia de la Información: representación terminológica en la producción profesional cubana 1905-2008

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    Presentation of a study linking the theoretical problems of the disciplines involved in the system of informative knowledge that found in the literature, —professional production—, in Cuba context, based on the analysis of categories of terms identifying information disciplines. It is based on a qualitative, historical and documentary research, and quantitative research from a temporary exhibition of Cuban professional production of Informative Literature 1905 to 2008, the results in both sections corroborate the status of Cuba informative phenomenon


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    La Declaración Mundial sobre La educación Superior establece que se debe reforzar sus funciones de servicio a la sociedad, (…) principalmente mediante un planteamiento interdisciplinario y transdisciplinario (…). Por su parte, la Declaración Internacional de los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (Art. 24) declara: “Los Estados Partes reconocen el derecho de las personas con discapacidad a la educación. (…) asegurarán un sistema de educación inclusivo a todos los niveles así como la enseñanza a lo largo de la vida…” En esa línea, la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) ha diseñado una estrategia educativa a través de carreras de grado, espacios de conocimiento y extensión, con el fin de responder a las necesidades de la población con discapacidad. Fue creada en 1989 por Ley Nº 23.749 del Congreso de la Nación Argentina y normalizada en 1992. En 1999 la UNQ inauguró su primera aula virtual, originando la incursión de la universidad pública en Internet. A través del Programa Universidad Virtual Quilmes, se constituyó en pionera en materia de educación no presencial en Latinoamérica, promoviendo la inclusión de aquellos alumnos con dificultades para trasladarse, de manera regular, a una universidad. En virtud de lo anterior, ha creado espacios donde se reflexiona, debate y producen nuevos conocimientos. Existen carreras de grado, tales como la Licenciatura en Terapia Ocupacional y la Licenciatura en Educación; áreas estipuladas para la investigación como el Observatorio de la Discapacidad (pionero en las universidades de la Argentina) y el Observatorio de la Educación Superior; y Proyectos de Extensión que priorizan los derechos de las personas con discapacidad. El trabajo que aquí se presenta desarrollará algunos aspectos clave desarrollados en distintos ámbitos de la universidad, analizando estrategias institucionales a la luz de las Políticas de Inclusión Educativa promovidas en la Argentina

    Documents of the Marquis of Valdeflores journey over Spain (Real Academia de la Historia, MS. 917018)

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    En 1752, el Marqués de Valdeflores inició un viaje por la geografía española, comisionado por la Real Academia de la Historia, para formar una historia de España. Durante dos años recorrió Extremadura y parte de Andalucía, acompañado de un dibujante, realizando una completa descripción de inscripciones y monumentos antiguos. El volumen I de las “Memorias” de su viaje se conserva en el legajo 9/7018 de la biblioteca de la Academia, ordenadas para una futura publicación, que nunca llegó a producirse.In 1752, the marquess of Valdeflores began a journey over Spain, commissioned by the Real Academia de la Historia to write a National History. For two years he went over Extremadura and part of Andalucía with a draughtsman, carrying out a complete description of ancient inscriptions and monuments. The 1st volume of this journey’s “Memorias” is preserved in the bundle 9/7018 of the Academia’s library, arranged for a future publication, never carried out

    Identification of asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity in the presence of outliers

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    The identification of asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity is often based on samplecross-correlations between past and squared observations. In this paper we analyse theeffects of outliers on these cross-correlations and, consequently, on the identification ofasymmetric volatilities. We show that, as expected, one isolated big outlier biases thesample cross-correlations towards zero and hence could hide true leverage effect.Unlike, the presence of two or more big consecutive outliers could lead to detectingspurious asymmetries or asymmetries of the wrong sign. We also address the problemof robust estimation of the cross-correlations by extending some popular robustestimators of pairwise correlations and autocorrelations. Their finite sample resistanceagainst outliers is compared through Monte Carlo experiments. Situations with isolatedand patchy outliers of different sizes are examined. It is shown that a modified Ramsayweightedestimator of the cross-correlations outperforms other estimators in identifyingasymmetric conditionally heteroscedastic models. Finally, the results are illustrated withan empirical applicatio

    The diffusion of energy technologies. Evidence from renewable, fossil, and nuclear energy patents

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    Technology innovation is widely recognised as a critical means in tackling climate change and fulfilling energy policy objectives. The objective of this paper is twofold: first, to provide a descriptive analysis of innovation in energy technology across countries and sectors and over time; and second, to explore the determining factors of patented knowledge diffusion of energy technologies by distinguishing between renewables and other energy patents, i.e., fossil and nuclear patents) thorough a regression analysis. The data employed in this paper consists of an original database on renewables and other energy patents applied by firms in the period 1990–2015 and contained in PATSTAT. By drawing on patent citations as an indicator of knowledge diffusion and focusing on characteristics extracted from patent documents, a set of econometric models is estimated. Our results show that those patents containing more citations to previous scientific literature and patents attain greater diffusion. Joint patents with other firms or universities exert a negligible effect on technology regarding renewables. Coownership with universities has a negative effect on the diffusion of other types of energy technology. Several policy implications can be determined from our results: for example, the justification for policies oriented towards enhancing the incorporation of scientific knowledge and co-inventorship in energy innovation