159 research outputs found
Urbanismo y vida cotidina en la Roma antigua
Roma siempre ha sido y será la ciudad eterna que a todos nos maravilla cuando la
visitamos. El propósito de este trabajo es de servir como una guía histórica, arqueológica y
artística para descubrir de primera mano los monumentos, edificios y vestigios arqueológicos más importantes de la antigua Roma. A través de este sintetizado trabajo, se pretende mostrar al lector, cuáles fueron los orígenes de estas estructuras, que funciones tuvieron y como evolucionaron a lo largo del tiempo. Observaremos el papel que desempeñaba la arquitectura en el poder, al ser utilizado por los emperadores como un vehículo de propaganda y control de masas. En primer lugar, para posicionarnos, analizaremos detalladamente la ubicación geográfica de la ciudad y sus orígenes mitológicos. En segundo lugar, analizaremos de forma especialmente detallada el Foro y los principales edificios dedicados al ocio y espectáculo. Finalmente, examinaremos uno de los aspectos más desconocidos de la Roma antigua: la Roma urbana.Departamento de Historia Antigua y MedievalGrado en Histori
Theoretical approach for the determination of the oden curves
A mathematical equation is presented for the Oden Curve which is employed to determine the grain size distribution of fine-grained suspended sediments. This equation has proved to give a satisfactory fit for more than 115 sample data collected from Bahia Blanca Estuary and offshore Monte Hermoso Beach. It has been possible to find parameters which represent intrinsic characteristics of the suspended sediment.Una expresión matemática es presentada para la Curva de Oden, la cual es empleada para determinar la granulometría de los sedimentos finos en suspensión. Esta ecuación ha ajustado satisfactoriamente más de 115 muestras extraídas en el Estuario de Bahía Blanca y la zona de externa de la playa de Monte Hermoso. Fueron encontrados parámetros que representan características intrísecas del sedimento en suspensión.Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta
Interactive data visualization of chatter conditions in a cold rolling mill
[EN] Rolling of flat steel products is an industrial process in the field of metalworking where two or more pairs of rolls reduce the thickness of a steel strip to produce a uniform thickness material. Despite it has been studied for many years, there are still unpredictable problems that can affect the final quality of the product. One of them is the so-called chatter, that is a powerful self-excited vibration that appears suddenly and limits the productivity of the process. In this paper, a visual analytics approach is considered for exploratory analysis in order to discover and understand the factors and conditions under which chatter appears. An interactive web-based interface is presented here which allows the user to explore a map of dynamical conditions and visualize relevant details of each chatter onset. A validation case is performed using real data where normal/fault conditions have been identified automatically. By means of interactive exploration, the tool allows to refine an automatic chatter detection method. Moreover, it is shown to reveal correlations between variables, providing in some expected cases data-based confirmation, but also revealing less obvious relationships. Finally, it provides context, allowing to carry out comparative analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, for different subsets of coils (e.g. different years) as well as for different working conditions.SIThe authors would like to thank financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MINECO), FEDER funds from the EU under grant DPI2015-69891-C2-1/2-R and from the Principado de Asturias government through the predoctoral grant Severo Ochoa
Interactive visualization for NILM in large buildings using non-negative matrix factorization
Artículo publicado en abierto mediante APC Elsevier Open AccessNon-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) techniques have recently attracted much interest, since they allow to obtain latent patterns from power demand data in buildings, revealing useful information to the expert user. Unsupervised methods are specially attractive, since they do not require labeled datasets. Particularly, non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) methods decompose a single power demand measurement over a certain time period into a set of components or “parts” that are sparse, non-negative and sum up the original measured quantity. Such components reveal hidden temporal patterns which may be difficult to interpret in complex systems such as large buildings. We suggest to integrate the knowledge of the user into the analysis in order to recognize the real events inside the electric network behind the learnt patterns. In this paper, we integrate the available domain knowledge of the user by means of a visual analytics web application in which an expert user can interact in a fluid way with the NMF outcome through visual approaches such as barcharts, heatmaps or calendars. Our approach is tested with real electric power demand data from a hospital complex, showing how the interpretation of the decomposition is improved by means of interactive data cube visualizations, in which the user can insightfully relate the NMF components to characteristic demand patterns of the hospital such as those derived from human activity, as well as to inefficient behaviors of the largest systems in the hospita
Interactive data visualization of chatter conditions in a cold rolling mill
Artículo publicado en abierto mediante APC Elsevier Open AccessRolling of flat steel products is an industrial process in the field of metalworking where two or more pairs of rolls reduce the thickness of a steel strip to produce a uniform thickness material. Despite it has been studied for many years, there are still unpredictable problems that can affect the final quality of the product. One of them is the so-called chatter, that is a powerful self-excited vibration that appears suddenly and limits the productivity of the process. In this paper, a visual analytics approach is considered for exploratory analysis in order to discover and understand the factors and conditions under which chatter appears. An interactive web-based interface is presented here which allows the user to explore a map of dynamical conditions and visualize relevant details of each chatter onset. A validation case is performed using real data where normal/fault conditions have been identified automatically. By means of interactive exploration, the tool allows to refine an automatic chatter detection method. Moreover, it is shown to reveal correlations between variables, providing in some expected cases data-based confirmation, but also revealing less obvious relationships. Finally, it provides context, allowing to carry out comparative analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, for different subsets of coils (e.g. different years) as well as for different working condition
Interactive visualization for NILM in large buildings using non-negative matrix factorization
[EN] Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) techniques have recently attracted much interest, since they allow to obtain latent patterns from power demand data in buildings, revealing useful information to the expert user. Unsupervised methods are specially attractive, since they do not require labeled datasets. Particularly, non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) methods decompose a single power demand measurement over a certain time period into a set of components or “parts” that are sparse, non-negative and sum up the original measured quantity. Such components reveal hidden temporal patterns which may be difficult to interpret in complex systems such as large buildings. We suggest to integrate the knowledge of the user into the analysis in order to recognize the real events inside the electric network behind the learnt patterns. In this paper, we integrate the available domain knowledge of the user by means of a visual analytics web application in which an expert user can interact in a fluid way with the NMF outcome through visual approaches such as barcharts, heatmaps or calendars. Our approach is tested with real electric power demand data from a hospital complex, showing how the interpretation of the decomposition is improved by means of interactive data cube visualizations, in which the user can insightfully relate the NMF components to characteristic demand patterns of the hospital such as those derived from human activity, as well as to inefficient behaviors of the largest systems in the hospital.SIMinisterio de Economía y fondos europeos FEDE
Fully-Convolutional Denoising Auto-Encoders for NILM in Large Non-Residential Buildings
[EN] Great concern regarding energy efficiency has led the research community to develop approaches which enhance the energy awareness by means of insightful representations. An example of intuitive energy representation is the parts-based representation provided by Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
(NILM) techniques which decompose non-measured individual loads from a single total measurement of the installation, resulting in more detailed information about how the energy is spent along the electrical system. Although there are previous works that have achieved important results on NILM, the majority of
the NILM systems were only validated in residential buildings, leaving a niche for the study of energy disaggregation in non-residential buildings, which present a specific behavior. In this paper, we suggest a novel fully-convolutional denoising auto-encoder architecture (FCN-dAE) as a convenient NILM system for large non-residential buildings, and it is compared, in terms of particular aspects of large buildings, to previous denoising auto-encoder approaches (dAE) using real electrical consumption from a hospital facility. Furthermore, by means of three use cases, we show that our approach provides extra helpful funcionalities for energy management tasks in large buildings, such as meter replacement, gap filling or novelty detection.SIThis work was supported by the Principado de Asturias Government through the Predoctoral Grant “Severo Ochoa.” Paper no. TSG-00737-202
Análisis de un sistema de Contabilidad de Costos y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de los negocios artesanales de la parroquia La Victoria, cantón Pujilí, provincia de Cotopaxi durante el período 2019 -2021
This research was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the impact on the profitability of artisan businesses that the application of a cost accounting computer system has. It was applied in the La Victoria parish, Pujilí canton, Cotopaxi province, Ecuador, during the last two years. The methodology was of a quantitative, bibliographical, documentary and experimental type approach since it involved the creation of accounting software for this sector with the respective tests of success - error until obtaining a zero beta version that was applied to the members of the Interprofessional Association of Artisans and Operators "La Victoria Artisan Union". The initial limitation of this research was the lack of an assessment of working time in the different tile production processes, which was solved by apportioning the total working time for each worker. The main finding was that the application of the accounting and financial management system had a direct relationship with the profitability of the businesses that differed from the perception that the artisans had about their income levels versus the real costs, in many cases it was found that some costs were not recognized in the production process. The application of accounting software allowed each artisan to calculate the real unit cost of their tile production and at the same time obtain the necessary information that could support access to bank financial leverage.Esta investigación se realizó con el propósito de analizar la incidencia en la rentabilidad de los negocios artesanales que tiene la aplicación de un sistema informático de contabilidad de costos. Se la aplicó en la parroquia La Victoria, cantón Pujilí, provincia de Cotopaxi, Ecuador, durante los dos últimos años. La metodología fue de enfoque cuantitativo, bibliográfica, documental y de tipo experimental ya que implicó la creación del software contable para este sector con las pruebas respectivas de acierto - error hasta obtener una versión beta cero que se aplicó a los afiliados a la Asociación Interprofesional de Artesanos y Operarios “Unión Artesanal La Victoria”. La limitante inicial de esta investigación fue la carencia de una valoración del tiempo de trabajo en los diferentes procesos de producción de la teja que fue solventada mediante el prorrateo del tiempo total de trabajo para cada obrero. El principal hallazgo fue que la aplicación del sistema de gestión contable y financiera tuvo una relación directa con la rentabilidad de los negocios que difirió de la percepción que tenían los artesanos acerca de sus niveles de ingresos versus los costos reales, en muchos casos se encontró que algunos costos no estaban reconocidos en el proceso de producción. La aplicación del software contable permitió que cada artesano pueda calcular el costo unitario real de su producción de teja y a la vez obtener la información necesaria que podría respaldar el acceso al apalancamiento financiero bancario.Esta investigación se realizó con el propósito de analizar la incidencia en la rentabilidad de los negocios artesanales que tiene la aplicación de un sistema informático de contabilidad de costos. Se la aplicó en la parroquia La Victoria, cantón Pujilí, provincia de Cotopaxi, Ecuador, durante los dos últimos años. La metodología fue de enfoque cuantitativo, bibliográfica, documental y de tipo experimental ya que implicó la creación del software contable para este sector con las pruebas respectivas de acierto - error hasta obtener una versión beta cero que se aplicó a los afiliados a la Asociación Interprofesional de Artesanos y Operarios “Unión Artesanal La Victoria”. La limitante inicial de esta investigación fue la carencia de una valoración del tiempo de trabajo en los diferentes procesos de producción de la teja que fue solventada mediante el prorrateo del tiempo total de trabajo para cada obrero. El principal hallazgo fue que la aplicación del sistema de gestión contable y financiera tuvo una relación directa con la rentabilidad de los negocios que difirió de la percepción que tenían los artesanos acerca de sus niveles de ingresos versus los costos reales, en muchos casos se encontró que algunos costos no estaban reconocidos en el proceso de producción. La aplicación del software contable permitió que cada artesano pueda calcular el costo unitario real de su producción de teja y a la vez obtener la información necesaria que podría respaldar el acceso al apalancamiento financiero bancario
Theoretical approach for the determination of the oden curves
A mathematical equation is presented for the Oden Curve which is employed to determine the grain size distribution of fine-grained suspended sediments. This equation has proved to give a satisfactory fit for more than 115 sample data collected from Bahia Blanca Estuary and offshore Monte Hermoso Beach. It has been possible to find parameters which represent intrinsic characteristics of the suspended sediment.Una expresión matemática es presentada para la Curva de Oden, la cual es empleada para determinar la granulometría de los sedimentos finos en suspensión. Esta ecuación ha ajustado satisfactoriamente más de 115 muestras extraídas en el Estuario de Bahía Blanca y la zona de externa de la playa de Monte Hermoso. Fueron encontrados parámetros que representan características intrísecas del sedimento en suspensión.Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta
Bancada para análisis inteligente de datos en monitorización de salud estructural
[ES] Todas las estructuras están sometidas a diversos factores que afectan a su funcionamiento óptimo, incluso pueden provocar fallos en las mismas. La monitorización de la salud estructural consta de métodos que estudian el estado de una estructura, de manera que se identifique o localice un posible defecto mediante técnicas de análisis de vibraciones. Para explorar este campo de estudio es preciso tener una fuente de datos procedentes de un sistema real. Para ello, se propone diseñar un banco de ensayos en un laboratorio, el cual permita flexibilidad en su configuración, repetibilidad en los ensayos y fácil acceso a los datos medidos. En este trabajo se presenta el diseño de un sistema de banco de ensayos para la monitorización de salud estructural, formado por: una estructura metálica sencilla, un sistema de excitación de la estructura y herramientas de adquisición de las señales de vibración. Por último, se presenta un primer trabajo de análisis modal de las vibraciones basado en un análisis de componentes principales (principal component analysis, PCA).Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad y por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) "Una manera de hacer Europa", bajo el proyecto de referencia DPI2015-69891-C2-2-R y por el Gobierno del Principado de Asturias a través del programa "Severo Ochoa" de ayudas predoctorales para la investigació
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