80 research outputs found

    Characterizing of steel used in the construction of civil works in Almería

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    Se realizaron varios ensayos sobre las barras de acero utilizadas en la construcción de obra civil en Almería, durante el período comprendido entre 18/1/2000 y 7/05/2001, con el fin de caracterizar, mecánicamente, los diferentes tipos de aceros (soldables: B400S, B500S y soldable dúctil: B400SD) y, de esta fonua, determinar si existe alguna razón técnica para un incremento del consumo del acero soldable dúctil. Para ello, se ensayaron a tracción todas las muestras que llegaron al laboratorio, siguiendo las normas UNE 7474-1: 1992 y UNE 7474-2:1992. Los resultados indican que el acero B400SD cumple, sólo, en un 86 % los límites especificados en la norma UNE 36065:1999 -EX, frente al 95 y 94 % de los aceros B400S y B500S. Además, el acero soldable dúctil muestra unos valores medios inferiores al B400S. Este hecho discrepa de lo que se podría esperar según la norma que lo regulaVarious tests have be en conducted on the steel bars used in the construction of civil works in Almería (Spain) during the period 18 ]anuary 2000-7 May 2001, with the aim of mechanically characterizing the different types of steel (weldable: B400S, B500S and ductile weldable: B400SD) to determine whether there is a technical reason for the increase in the use of ductile weldable steel. For this, we have used a hydraulic machine to break by traction all the test samples that arrived to the laboratory, following the specifications of the UNE 7474-1:1992 and the UNE 7474-2:1992. The results indicate that only in 86 % of the cases does the steel B400SD satisfy the limits specified by the UNE 36065:1999-EX, as opposed to 95 and 94 % of the B400S and B500S steels. In addition, the ductile weldable steel registered mean values lower than those of B400S. This finding disagrees with expectations set by the specifications

    Respuesta agronómica de diferentes cultivares tintos de vid en zona templada

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    Se presenta la respuesta varietal de 6 cultivares tintos de vid, con riego deficitario controlado, en zona cálida: Barbera, Graciano, Mencía, Pinot noir, Petit verdot y Tempranillo. Teniendo en cuenta que en zona cálida hay que escoger cultivares de ciclo largo, recolección tardía, capaces de madurar manteniendo alta la acidez real y total, se concluye que los más idóneos para su cultivo en zona cálida son Barbera, por su alta acidez y Petit verdot y Graciano por su larga maduración y acidez equilibrada. Tempranillo, si bien en este trabajo presenta una respuesta adecuada, para equivalente maduración sacarimétrica a las anteriores posee menor acidez e IPT. Mencía madura mejor en situaciones frescas que en zona cálid

    Psychometric properties of a revised Spanish 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale adaptation in multiple sclerosis patients

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    There have been a small number of investigations of alexithymia in multiple sclerosis (MS) using the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). However, the TAS-20 factor structure has not yet been evaluated in a MS patient sample, and earlier Spanish translations of this instrument require some improvement. We aimed to evaluate the factorial validity and reliability of an improved Spanish translation of the TAS-20 (the TAS-20-S). The TAS-20-S was completed by 221 MS patients. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to compare the fit of six different factor models. Internal consistency and retest reliability coefficients were also computed. The correlated three-factor model and the higher-order factor model made up of Difficulty Identifying Feelings, Difficulty Describing Feelings, and Externally Oriented Thinking achieved the best fit. Alpha coefficients ranged between .87 and .67; mean inter-item correlations ranged between .48 and .20; and retest correlations after 6 months ranged between .61 and .52. A high degree of alexithymia was present in 18.1% of the sample. Reliability and the traditional three-factor structure were demonstrated for the TAS-20-S, which can now be recommended for assessing an aspect of emotional processing in MS patients.En la esclerosis múltiple (EM) son escasas las investigaciones centradas en evaluar la alexitimia con la Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto (TAS-20). A pesar de ello, no se ha evaluado aún su estructura factorial en dicha población y, además, las anteriores traducciones al español necesitan modificaciones. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron evaluar la validez factorial y la fiabilidad de una traducción mejorada en español de la TAS-20 (la TAS-20-S), la cual fue administrada en una muestra de 221 pacientes con EM. Se realizaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios para comparar el ajuste de seis modelos factoriales. También se calcularon coeficientes de consistencia interna y de fiabilidad test-retest. Los modelos trifactorial correlacionado y el de orden superior conformados por Dificultad en Identificar Sentimientos, Dificultad en Describir Sentimientos y Pensamiento Externamente Orientado lograron el mejor ajuste. Los coeficientes alfa oscilaron entre 0,87 y 0,67; las correlaciones medias inter-ítem entre 0,48 y 0,20; y las correlaciones test-retest tras 6 meses oscilaron entre 0,61 y 0,52. El 18,10% de la muestra presentó niveles elevados de alexitimia. La TAS-20-S presentó una adecuada fiabilidad así como la tradicional estructura trifactorial, por lo que su uso es ahora recomendable para evaluar un aspecto del procesamiento emocional en EM.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España Programa FPU (Formación del Profesorado Universitario

    Effectiveness of Fingolimod versus Natalizumab as Second-Line Therapy for Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in Spain: Second-Line GATE Study

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    Background: There is a lack of head-to-head studies comparing the efficacy of fingolimod (FIN) and natalizumab (NTZ) as second-line therapy for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Methods: Multicenter, observational study, in which, information of 388 patients randomly selected and treated with FIN or NTZ in routine clinical practice was retrospectively collected with the main objective of comparing the annualized relapse rate (ARR) over the first year, after FIN or NTZ treatment initiation. Results: Mean ARR during the first year of treatment was 0.28 in FIN group and 0.12 in NTZ group (p = 0.0064); nevertheless, the difference between groups lost statistical significance when the propensity score analysis was performed. Time to disability -progression was similar in both treatment groups (12.3 +/- 6.7 months in FIN, and 12.8 +/- 0.1 months in NTZ; p = 0.4654). Treatment persistence after the first year of treatment was higher in patients treated with FIN (95%) than in those treated with NTZ (84%; p = 0.0014). Conclusions: After 12 months of treatment, both FIN and NTZ reduced the ARR, but ARR percent reduction was significantly higher with NTZ. Treatment persistence was higher in patients receiving FIN

    Dynamic soluble changes in sVEGFR1, HGF, and VEGF promote chemotherapy and bevacizumab resistance: A prospective translational study in the BECOX (GEMCAD 09-01) trial

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    Despite initial responsiveness, acquired resistance to both bevacizumab and chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer is universal. We have recently published that in vitro, chronically oxaliplatin resistance upregulates soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1, downregulates vascular endothelial growth factor, and also promotes c-MET, b-ca catenin/transcription factor 4, and AKT activation. We tested whether variation in three serum biomarkers such as the natural c-MET ligand (hepatocyte growth factor), soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1, and vascular endothelial growth factor-A was associated with efficacy in metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated in the prospective BECOX study. Serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor-A165, soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1, and hepatocyte growth factor were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method basally and every 3 cycles (at the time of computed tomography evaluation) in a preplanned translational study in the first-line BECOX trial in metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated with CAPOX plus bevacizumab. Response was evaluated by routine contrast-enhanced computed tomography by RECIST 1.1 by investigator assessment and by three blinded independent radiologists. Ratios between soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1/vascular endothelial growth factor-A and hepatocyte growth factor/vascular endothelial growth factor-A were established and variations through time were related to RECIST 1.1 by investigator assessment and independent radiologist. The BECOX trial included 68 patients, and 27 patients were analyzed in the translational trial. A total of 80 RECIST 1.1 evaluations were done by investigator assessment and 56 by independent radiologist. We found that a 3.22-fold increase in soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1/vascular endothelial growth factor-A by investigator assessment and a 3.06-fold increase in soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1/vascular endothelial growth factor-A by independent radiologist from previous determination were associated with responses compared with 1.38-fold increase by investigator assessment and 1.59 by independent radiologist in non-responders (p= 0.0009 and p = 0.03, respectively). Responders had a 3.36-fold increase in hepatocyte growth factor/vascular endothelial growth factor-A from previous determination by investigator assessment and 3.66-fold increase in hepatocyte growth factor/vascular endothelial growth factor-A by independent radiologist compared with 1.43-fold increase by investigator assessment and 1.53 by independent radiologist for non-responders (p = 0.002 and 0.003, respectively). In conclusion, a decrease in vascular endothelial growth factor-A and an increase in soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 during chemotherapy and bevacizumab exposure can contribute to both chemotherapy (due to c- MET/b-catenin activation) and bevacizumab (due to low vascular endothelial growth factor requirements) resistance. Because hepatocyte growth factor levels decrease also during acquired resistance, alternative strategies to hepatocyte growth factor–ligand inhibition should be investigatedThis work was supported by “beca SEOM a Jóvenes Investigadores 2009” and by the Emili Letang fellowship to Estela Pineda

    Bevacizumab dose adjustment to improve clinical outcomes of glioblastoma.

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    Background Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the most aggressive and vascularized brain tumors in adults, with a median survival of 20.9 months. In newly diagnosed and recurrent GBM, bevacizumab demonstrated an increase in progression-free survival, but not in overall survival. Methods We conducted an in silico analysis of VEGF expression, in a cohort of 1082 glioma patients. Then, to determine whether appropriate bevacizumab dose adjustment could increase the anti-angiogenic response, we used in vitro and in vivo GBM models. Additionally, we analyzed VEGFA expression in tissue, serum, and plasma in a cohort of GBM patients before and during bevacizumab treatment. Results We identified that 20% of primary GBM did not express VEGFA suggesting that these patients would probably not respond to bevacizumab therapy as we proved in vitro and in vivo. We found that a specific dose of bevacizumab calculated based on VEGFA expression levels increases the response to treatment in cell culture and serum samples from mice bearing GBM tumors. Additionally, in a cohort of GBM patients, we observed a correlation of VEGFA levels in serum, but not in plasma, with bevacizumab treatment performance. Conclusions Our data suggest that bevacizumab dose adjustment could improve clinical outcomes in Glioblastoma treatment.post-print1360 K

    EMCCD calibration for astronomical imaging: Wide FastCam at the Telescopio Carlos Sánchez

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    The evident benefits of Electron Multiplying CCDs (EMCCDs) -speed, high sensitivity, low noise and their capability of detecting single photon events whilst maintaining high quantum efficiency- are bringing these kinds of detectors to many state-of-the-art astronomical instruments (Velasco et al. 2016; Oscoz et al. 2008). The EMCCDs are the perfect answer to the need for great sensitivity levels as they are not limited by the readout noise of the output amplifier, while conventional CCDs are, even when operated at high readout frame rates. Here we present a quantitative on-sky method to calibrate EMCCD detectors dedicated to astronomical imaging, developed during the commissioning process (Velasco et al. 2016) and first observations (Ricci et al. 2016, in prep.) with Wide FastCam (Marga et al. 2014) at Telescopio Carlos Sánchez (TCS) in the Observatorio del Teide

    Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility in tourism: Development and validation of an efficient measurement scale in the hospitality industry.

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    ABSTRAC: This article aims at developing an efficient measurement scale for corporate social responsibility in the tourism industry, given the contextual character that is recognized in the practice of this construct. Indicators were generated on the basis of a literature review and qualitative research. To assess the reliability and validity, first- and second-order confirmatory factor analysis were carried out. Results show a multidimensional structure of this construct—including economic, social, and environmental issues. This study contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of social responsibility through its practical application regarding concepts of sustainable development which have mainly been theoretical

    Long-term adherence to IFN beta-1a treatment when using rebismart1device in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

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    The effectiveness of disease-modifying drugs in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is associated with adherence. RebiSmart® electronic device provides useful information about adherence to the treatment with subcutaneous (sc) interferon (IFN) ß-1a (Rebif®). The aim of the study was to determine long-term adherence to this treatment in patients with relapsing- remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). This retrospective multicentre observational study analysed 258 patients with RRMS who were receiving sc IFN ß-1a (Rebif®) treatment by using RebiSmart® until replacement (36 months maximum lifetime) or treatment discontinuation. Adherence was calculated with data (injection dosage, time, and date) automatically recorded by RebiSmart®. Patients in the study had a mean age of 41 years with a female proportion of 68%. Mean EDSS score at start of treatment was 1.8 (95% CI, 1.6-1.9). Overall adherence was 92.6%(95% CI, 90.6-94.5%). A total of 30.2% of patients achieved an adherence rate of 100%, 80.6% at least 90%, and only 13.2% of patients showed a suboptimal adherence (<80%). A total of 59.9% of subjects were relapse-free after treatment initiation. Among 106 subjects (41.1%) who experienced, on average, 1.4 relapses, the majority were mild (40.6%) or moderate (47.2%). Having experienced relapses from the beginning of the treatment was the only variable significantly related to achieving an adherence of at least 80% (OR = 3.06, 1.28-7.31). Results of this study indicate that sc IFN ß-1a administration facilitated by RebiSmart® could lead to high rates of adherence to a prescribed dose regimen over 36 months