2,574 research outputs found

    Analysis of Sociodemographic and Psychological Variables Involved in Sleep Quality in Nurses

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    Background: Sleep quality is related to health and quality of life and can lead to the development of related disorders. This study analyzed the sociodemographic and psychological factors related to sleep quality in nurses. Methods: The sample comprised 1094 nurses who were assessed according to the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Questionnaire, the Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire, the Brief Emotional Intelligence Inventory, and the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-R18. Results: The results confirm the impacts of diet, motivation for physical exercise, emotional intelligence, and overall self-esteem on sleep quality in nurses. Conclusions: Sleep quality in healthcare professionals is vitally important for performance at work; therefore, appropriate strategies should be applied to improve it

    Effect of environmental variables on financial performance: the case of electrical industry

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    Nowadays, companies at the electrical industry have to meet numerous environmental requirements which involve a large increment in their costs. However, it is considered that these investments made by organizations may affect positively to their reputation and therefore to their profits. So the aim of this paper is to analyze the influence that some Environmental variables related to the emission and resource reductions have on the Financial Performance of the electrical firms through a data panel methodology. The sample was composed by 72 electrical companies over the world, during the period 2008-2010

    Homicide Profiles Based on Crime Scene and Victim Characteristics

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    One of the current trends in homicide research includes developing works based on scientific study and empirical evidence, which offer conclusions that can be used in an operational manner during police investigations. The objective of this study was to identify homicide characteristics from behaviors carried out on the crime scene and victim characteristics associated with those of the perpetrators of these crimes in Spain. The sample consisted of 448 homicide cases from the database of the Homicide Revision Project led by the Office of Coordination and Studies of the Secretary of State and Security. After creating six classification tree models, it was found that the modus operandi of the aggressor and the victim characteristics may permit hypothesizing about the demographic characteristics of the perpetrator (gender, age, and country of origin), his/her criminal record, and the type of relationship with the victim. Furthermore, the importance of the study of victimology during a criminal investigation is highlighted, as it may indirectly offer information about the potential perpetrator. The findings of this study suggest that criminal profiling contributes notably to the decision-making process to establish more rigorous suspect prioritization, improve the management of human resources and materials, and increase the efficiency of criminal investigations

    Los nuevos territorios de la gráfica: imagen, proceso y distribución

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    Graphic art is in a process of symbiosis with the dominant visual culture in which image technology, decentralization of the matrix and the adaptation of the exhibition format merge with other artistic activities. The analysis of the communities formed around this practice set a puzzle, seemingly well fitted, which is divided between formalism and conceptualism, between the idea and the process. Biennials and triennials, at the forefront of speech, constantly question any concept that were able to settle solidly: because of the decline of the traditional process discourse deepens nourished by invective of social, environmental and territorial contradictions becoming a reflection of contemporary society. Understand the current graph passes through an exercise of openness and a process of adaptation to technical and iconographic change in sectors concerned. Understand graphic art today means an exercise of openness and a process of adaptation to technical and iconographic change in all statements. Now printmaking is a territory where the artistic globalization lets people cross all its borders fluently.La gráfica se encuentra en un proceso de simbiosis con la cultura visual en el que la tecnología de la imagen, la descentralización de la matriz y la adaptación del formato expositivo se funden con el resto de las actividades artísticas. El análisis de las comunidades formadas alrededor de esta práctica configura un puzzle, aparentemente bien encajado, que se divide entre el formalismo y el conceptualismo y entre la idea y el proceso. Las bienales y trienales, a la vanguardia del discurso, cuestionan cualquier concepto que se haya podido asentar con solidez: ante la decadencia del proceso artesanal el mensaje se profundiza nutriéndose de la invectiva provocada por las contradicciones sociales, territoriales y medioambientales para convertirse en un reflejo de la sociedad contemporánea. Comprender la gráfica actual pasa por un ejercicio de aperturismo y un proceso de adaptación al cambio técnico e iconográfico de los sectores implicados. El grabado es ahora un territorio en el que la integración de todas las artes permite cruzar sus fronteras con fluidez

    Personality, motivation and achievement in bilingual schools.

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    This is a descriptive research study about the sixth-grade primary school students‟ motivational factors in the English classroom. This topic is of great interest, because the students‟ motivation and personality factors can strongly influence their academic results. Due to the importance of today‟s languages, especially English, and the development of bilingual programmes in Spain it is necessary to know the students‟ motivational state and their capabilities in English. Results will be obtained by giving a questionnaire related to this topic to the students of a primary school in Granada. After consulting all the sources of information which are necessary to describe the framework of these concepts and the results obtained, some relevant conclusions will be drawn based on the research objectives and questions posed. In addition, some pedagogical implications and further investigations about the topic will be included. The project will have an appendix and bibliographical references.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Primari

    Conceptual design of alternative energy systems from biomass

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    El sector energético se está dirigiendo hacia un nuevo paradigma, favoreciendo la aparición de procesos de conversión más eficientes, el uso de las fuentes de energía renovables y la micro-generación. La bioenergía es una solución prometedora para la futura combinación de energías. Los conceptos de ingeniería deben de integrarse junto con los aspectos económicos, ambientales y sociales en el desarrollo de proyectos. Los sistemas de energía centralizados y distribuidos necesitan enfoques a medida para explotar las características de cada posible sistema. Esta tesis investiga el potencial del sector bioenergético, mediante el estudio de la gasificación de biomasa a través de técnicas avanzadas de modelización de procesos y de la incorporación de la gestión de la cadena de suministro, en el marco del diseño conceptual para la toma de decisiones. Los sistemas estudiados son: (i) gasificación integrada con ciclo combinado y con métodos de captura y almacenamiento de CO2 (IGCC-CCS, 285 MWe) para los sistemas de energía centralizados, y (ii) un gasificador de biomasa combinada con un motor de gas (BG-GE, 14 kWe) para los sistemas de energía distribuidos. La superestructura concebida puede ser utilizada en el diseño preliminar de alternativas para los diferentes procesos considerados, para adaptar los ya existentes y para adquirir conocimiento sobre las condiciones de operación de plantas de gasificación. El problema de optimización multi-objetivo considerado evalúa el equilibrio entre los criterios técnico-económicos y ambientales de 25 escenarios, con mezclas de diferentes materias primas y cambios topológicos: mezclas de carbón, coque y biomasa y la generación de electricidad a partir de gas de síntesis, la generación de electricidad a partir de H2 y la producción de H2 puro, considerando o no el uso del gas de purga del PSA en el ciclo combinado. El análisis de Pareto revela que como mejores escenarios el que utiliza coque de petróleo como materia prima para producir H2, con reciclo del gas de purga del PSA y el que utiliza biomasa residual sin reaprovechamiento del gas de purga del PSA. La implementación de la tecnología CCS conlleva una penalización en la eficiencia de un 8,7% en términos de potencia neta, si el H2 se utiliza en el ciclo combinado. La gestión de cadenas de suministro de sistemas centralizados, señalan que España tiene potencial de biomasa residual, invirtiendo en nuevas centrales IGCC-CCS, o para producir electricidad mediante co-combustión en las centrales térmicas de carbón ya existentes. Para el primer caso, el valor actual neto óptimo es 230 millones de € para un periodo considerado de 25 años. Para el segundo caso, se ha calculado que las políticas de subvención en este tipo de proyectos deben de tener en cuenta la sostenibilidad económica, cubriendo en un rango de 5,84% a 20,25% el aumento de los precios de la electricidad. El caso de estudio propuesto y optimizado como ejemplo de un sistema distribuido tiene en cuenta una comunidad de Ghana en el marco de la electrificación rural, a abastecer con peladuras de yuca y mediante sistemas BG-GE. Los resultados revelan una red inviable. De las cadenas de suministro resultantes como óptimas, se puede deducir que cierto nivel de centralización es necesario para que las propuestas sean sostenibles en el tiempo. El sector de la bioenergía cumple ofrece ventajas en términos de impacto ambiental y social. Su implementación es posible con el apoyo de las tecnologías actuales de conversión de energía. Los principales retos están en la mejora de los procesos de pretratamiento de la biomasa y en su almacenamiento. La conversión de la biomasa, junto con los métodos de captura y almacenamiento de CO2, necesitan de incentivos políticos para poder penetrar definitivamente en el mercado, como sería el caso de cualquier otra tecnología alternativa de conversión de energíaThe energy sector faces a new energy paradigm, with more efficient conversion processes, renewable sources and micro-generation. Bioenergy is a promising solution. Engineering aspects must be integrated with economic, environmental and social aspects in bioenergy projects. Biomass properties enhancement is crucial. It concerns energy and matter densifications, for stabilisation and easier transport. Tailor-made approaches are needed to account for the characteristics of each potential system, being it centralised or distributed. This thesis has assessed the bioenergy potential using advanced modelling techniques, enlarged with supply chain management strategies, in the framework of conceptual design for decision-making. The studied energy systems are (i) an integrated gasification combined cycle power plant combined with carbon capture and storage (IGCC-CCS, 285 MWe) for centralised energy systems, and (ii) a biomass gasifier with a gas engine (BG-GE, 14 kWe) for distributed energy systems. Process system modelling and optimisation approaches are integrated with supply chain management to analyse co-gasification and co-production of electricity and hydrogen alternatives in IGCC-CCS, and co-combustion of biomass and coal in pulverised coal power plants in the light of economic and environmental considerations. Process modelling is integrated with supply chain management optimisation for rural electrification by BG-GE systems, considering economic, environmental and social issues. The superstructure can be used for the design of process alternatives, retrofit of existing ones and to gain knowledge on operation of IGCC-CCS. The multi-objective optimisation problem evaluates the trade-off between techno-economic and environmental criteria of 25 scenarios. Considerations comprise different coal, petcoke and biomass combinations and electricity generation from syngas, electricity generation from H2 and purified H2 production without and with PSA purge gas use in the combined cycle. The Pareto frontier analyses reveals that the scenario with petcoke as feedstock for H2 production with PSA flue gas profit is the best in terms of techno-economic optimisation. The scenario with residual biomass without PSA flue gas profit is the best in terms of environmental optimisation. CCS technology implementation leads to an efficiency penalty of 8.7% in net power terms if H2 is used in the IGCC. To maintain the same power level than that obtained with the combustion of syngas, the feedstock should be increased by 21% on a mass basis. Supply chain studies highlight, for Spain, a huge biomass waste potential for electricity and H2 production by investing on new IGCC-CCS power plants, or adaptation of existing plants. For the first case, the optimal NPV is around 230M€ for a period of 25 years. The sensitivity of the optimal solutions to changes in prices is demonstrated. For the second case, policy subsidies or alternatively price increases range from 5.84% to 20.25%. The investment is within 549M€ and 1640M€. A supply chain in a specific community from Ghana is proposed for rural electrification using cassava peels. Optimisations considers 9 communities and an overall electricity demand of 118 MWh/yr. The results reveal an unviable network. From the resulting networks, distributed approaches need a certain level of centralisation to be feasible on time. Bioenergy offers decisive advantages in terms of environmental and social impacts. Its deployment is straightforward to support with current energy conversion technologies. Challenges concern the biomass pre-treatment and storage. Despite all the striking advantages, political incentives are needed for definitive market entry, as would be the case for any energy conversion alternative.Postprint (published version

    El cuento de hadas feminista y las hablas manipuladas del mito: de la literatura a las artes visuales

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    Este artículo analiza la manera en que la literatura y el arte feministas desarticulan el habla escrita y visual embellecida, artificial y manipulada del cuento de hadas mítico. Tras estudiar la formación del canon de cuentos más conocidos en relación con su proceso de mitificación (ejemplificado principalmente mediante la transformación en mito del personaje de la princesa), en las siguientes secciones indagaré en las formas que adopta la desmitificación del lenguaje y las estructuras que sirven de soporte a la transmisión del cuento y su ideología. Me centraré para ello en la obra de las escritoras Anne Sexton y Angela Carter y de las artistas Paula Rego y Dina Goldstein.AbstractThis article analyzes the way in which feminist literature and art dismantle the embellished, artificial and manipulated shape of the fairy tale as myth in both its written and visual forms. First, I will explore the formation of the fairy-tale canon in relation to the process of mythification, which I will illustrate through reference to the transformation of the figure of the princess into a myth. The following sections investigate the diverse ways in which the speech and structures that serve to the transmission of the mythic fairy tale and its ideology are demythologized in the work of Anne Sexton, Angela Carter, and the artists Paula Rego and Dina Goldstein

    Sustainable construction of public space

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    The impact of EMI on student English writing proficiency in a Spanish undergraduate engineering context

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    This study analyzes the influence of English medium instruction (EMI) on student English writing development in a Spanish undergraduate context, a language skill that remains underexplored in EMI research at tertiary level. Through a longitudinal pre- and post-test method, it explores the writing progress of EMI engineering students as compared to the achievement of a group of English as a foreign language (EFL) learners, according to different quantitative and qualitative writing measures. Results show a positive impact of EMI on student writing development at the levels of lexical accuracy and vocabulary. However, other writing areas, such as syntax, grammar, organization, or fluency, appeared unaffected. These findings challenge, to some extent, the widespread assumption that EMI contributes to improving student English language proficiency. This study suggests that sole exposure to the language in EMI contexts does not suffice to improve students’ English writing abilities beyond the area of vocabulary. Therefore, it argues for the inclusion of language skill support within EMI programs to provide students with opportunities to achieve a comprehensive development of their English language and writing competence
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