3,897 research outputs found

    Enfermedades tiroideas en équidos

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    La glándula tiroides juega un papel fundamental en muchas funciones del organismo, como por ejemplo en el crecimiento, en la maduración tisular y en el metabolismo. La función primaria de la glándula tiroides es la síntesis y liberación de triyodotironina (T3) y tiroxina (T4), las cuales están influenciadas por el efecto de la hormona estimulante de la glándula tiroides (TSH) y la hormona liberadora de tirotropina (TRH). A pesar de que las patologías de la glándula tiroides son poco frecuentes en caballos, entre los trastornos de la glándula tiroides que se pueden encontrar están el hipotiroidismo (más común en neonatos), el síndrome del enfermo eutiroideo, el hipertiroidismo y las neoplasias, siendo estas últimas la alteración más frecuente, sobre todo los tumores benignos tipo adenoma. El pronóstico de todas estas patologías no es grave y raramente conllevan la muerte del animal. No obstante, el diagnostico asertivo de estas afecciones requiere pruebas específicas tales como la determinación de las concentraciones séricas de hormonas tiroideas junto con la realización de pruebas funcionales o dinámicas, ya que si sólo se lleva a cabo una medición puntual de hormonas tiroideas se puede incurrir en falsos diagnósticos. Igualmente, en algunos casos es de ayuda la realización de una ecografía y/o biopsia de la glándula.Thyroid glands are essential for several organic functions such as growth, neural tissue maturation and metabolism. Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are the main hormones produced by thyroid glands, under regulation via feed-back from the pituitary gland (Thyroid stimulating hormone –TSH-) and hypothalamus (Thyrotropin-releasing hormone –TRH-). In horses, thyroid gland pathology is a rare, non-fatal finding with a good prognosis. Hypothyroidism (commonly in foals), euthyroid sick syndrome, hyperthyroidism and thyroid neoplasia can be found in equine patients with certain frequency. The most common thyroid pathology is neoplasia, being usually a benign adenoma. Diagnosis can be changeling in these pathologies and requires specific serum hormone determinations together with dynamic tests, since a punctual thyroid hormone measurement can provoke wrong conclusions and lead to misdiagnosis

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    El proyecto, en el que se trabaja desde hace cinco años y ha contado con un presupuesto de 4.050 euros, tiene como reto desarrollar entre el alumnado de Veterinaria las habilidades y destrezas que van a necesitar cuando concluyan su formación académica y comiencen a ejercer su profesión. Por ello, la iniciativa incluye tres actividades: simulación de casos prácticos; desarrollo de un tutor virtual 3D para el aprendizaje de inglés; y la gestión de recursos y la adquisición de nuevas competencias en Veterinaria mediante la resolución de problemas basados en la evidencia

    Training-induced criticality in martensites

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    We propose an explanation for the self-organization towards criticality observed in martensites during the cyclic process known as `training'. The scale-free behavior originates from the interplay between the reversible phase transformation and the concurrent activity of lattice defects. The basis of the model is a continuous dynamical system on a rugged energy landscape, which in the quasi-static limit reduces to a sandpile automaton. We reproduce all the principal observations in thermally driven martensites, including power-law statistics, hysteresis shakedown, asymmetric signal shapes, and correlated disorder.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Performance evaluation and limitations of a vision system on a reconfigurable/programmable chip

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    This paper presents a survey of the characteristics of a vision system implemented in a reconfigurable/programmable chip (FPGA). System limitations and performance have been evaluated in order to derive specifications and constraints for further vision system synthesis. The system hereby reported has a conventional architecture. It consists in a central microprocessor (CPU) and the necessary peripheral elements for data acquisition, data storage and communications. It has been designed to stand alone, but a link to the programming and debugging tools running in a digital host (PC) is provided. In order to alleviate the computational load of the central microprocessor, we have designed a visual co-processor in charge of the low-level image processing tasks. It operates autonomously, commanded by the CPU, as another system peripheral. The complete system, without the sensor, has been implemented in a single reconfigurable chip as a SOPC. The incorporation of a dedicated visual co-processor, with specific circuitry for low-level image processing acceleration, enhances the system throughput outperforming conventional processing schemes. However, time-multiplexing of the dedicated hardware remains a limiting factor for the achievable peak computing power. We have quantified this effect and sketched possible solutions, like replication of the specific image processing hardware. © J.UCS.This work has been partially funded by project FIT-330100-2005-162 of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. The work of F. J. Sánchez-Fernández is supported by a grant of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.Peer Reviewe

    A Role for DPPX Modulating External TEA Sensitivity of Kv4 Channels

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    Shal-type (Kv4) channels are expressed in a large variety of tissues, where they contribute to transient voltage-dependent K+ currents. Kv4 are the molecular correlate of the A-type current of neurons (ISA), the fast component of ITO current in the heart, and also of the oxygen-sensitive K+ current (KO2) in rabbit carotid body (CB) chemoreceptor cells. The enormous degree of variability in the physiological properties of Kv4-mediated currents can be attributable to the complexity of their regulation together with the large number of ancillary subunits and scaffolding proteins that associate with Kv4 proteins to modify their trafficking and their kinetic properties. Among those, KChIPs and DPPX proteins have been demonstrated to be integral components of ISA and ITO currents, as their coexpression with Kv4 subunits recapitulates the kinetics of native currents. Here, we explore the presence and functional contribution of DPPX to KO2 currents in rabbit CB chemoreceptor cells by using DPPX functional knockdown with siRNA. Additionally, we investigate if the presence of DPPX endows Kv4 channels with new pharmacological properties, as we have observed anomalous tetraethylammonium (TEA) sensitivity in the native KO2 currents. DPPX association with Kv4 channels induced an increased TEA sensitivity both in heterologous expression systems and in CB chemoreceptor cells. Moreover, TEA application to Kv4-DPPX heteromultimers leads to marked kinetic effects that could be explained by an augmented closed-state inactivation. Our data suggest that DPPX proteins are integral components of KO2 currents, and that their association with Kv4 subunits modulate the pharmacological profile of the heteromultimers

    On the relation between algebraic and configuration space calculations of molecular vibrations

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    The relation between algebraic and traditional calculations of molecular vibrations is investigated. An explicit connection between interactions in configuration space and the corresponding algebraic interactions is established.European Community IN105194Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (DGCYT) PB92-066

    Detritic deposits of periglacial origin under coluvial organic soil on a slope in Serra da Loba. (Galicia. Spain): characterization and genesis

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    [Resumen] En ciertas posiciones de las partes media e inferior de la ladera aparece bajo el suelo orgánico un material detrítico muy fragmentado y ordenado en lechos estratificados. Se estudian dos perfiles con estas características, se canografía su extensión en la ladera, y se interpreta su génesis. Estos derrubios tienen poca fracci6n fina entre ellos, son bastante frescos, yaparecen ordenados según la pendiente y dispuestos en lechos en los que se alternan fragmentos de pequeño tamaño con otros más gruesos con más escaso contenido en fracción fina. Los estudios morfológicos y granulométricos revelan claras discontinuidades en los perfiles, así como una baja clasificaci6n de este material detrítico. La composición mineralógica es menos reveladora por su escasa evolución, prácticamente la heredada del material de partida, con predominio de minerales poco alterables. Se hace una correspondencia estratigráfica de episodios de deposici6n en ambos perfiles y se interpreta el origen de este material detrítico como ligado al accionamiento periglaciar. La localizaci6n en la ladera de estos depósitos y su potencia están relacionados con el menor espesor de las líneas de piedras, indicativas de procesos de erosión posterior. Sin embargo estos depósitos están ausentes en las partes más bajas de la ladera que, en cambio, muestran ser las más propicias a la deposición, ya que presentan un mayor engrosamiento de los horizontes orgánicos de acumulaci6n y en ellas no aparecen indicios erosivos. Esta ausencia se interpreta por ser también estas zonas, bajas y abrigadas, las que podrían ser más favorables a una mayor cobertura vegetal en las condiciones periglaciares, que impediría la deposición de los derrubios.[Abstract] Stratified beds of highly fragmented detritic material under organic soil occur on medium and low parts ofthe slope. Two profiles with these features are studied, their extent on the slope is mapped and their genesis interpreted. Debris are quite fresh, with little fine fraction between them; they are arranged according to the slope and consist of alternating beds of little size fragments and others coarser and poor in fine fraction. Morphological and granulometric studies reveal clear discontinuities in the profiles and a poor soning of the detritic Ínaterials. Mineralogical composition is less meaningful because of its little evolution, almost inherited from parent material, with a predominance of hardly weatherable minerals. A stratigraphic correspondence is established of deposition episodes between both profiles, and the origin of the detritic material is related to periglacial dynamics. The position of these deposits on the slope and their thickness are inversely related to the thickness of stonelines which are indicative of subsequent erosive processes. Detritic deposits are absent in the lowest part of the slope, which on the other hand appear to be the most favourable to deposition as showed by the greatest thickness of organic horizons of accumulation, and the no occurrence of erosive signs. This absence is' interpreted as being caused by the presence of a more extensive vegetal cover, under periglacial conditions, in the lowest and more protected slope, so preventing debris deposition

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Applied to Higher Education. A Project Based Learning Proposal Integrated with the SDGs in Bachelor Degrees at the Campus Alcoy (UPV)

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    [EN] The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by Union Nations were defined in Rio+20 Conference. These SDGs are 17, and they define 169 different goals that countries have to reach in 2030. The awareness and implication of people about the importance of the SDGs enable the fulfilment of these goals in a satisfactory way and therefore, the university community must take part of these objectives and integrate the SDGs within their curricula in the different bachelor and master degrees. In light of this, students must also integrate the specific competences, outcomes competences and SDGs in their learning process. To reach this integration, it is necessary that lecturers develop active methodologies in which students work competences and SDGs jointly. This article shows a proposal that is being developed in the Campus of Alcoy at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) to define a Project Based Learning (PBL) model integrating the SDGs. The proposal shows how PBL can support students and lecturers to promote the teaching of key competences for sustainability that are relevant for the SDGs. The article discusses the concept of PBL and SDGs; accounts for the general students¿ capabilities, highlights the integration of SDGs in the PBL methodology into Bachelor and Master Degrees curricula at the Campus Alcoy (UPV). Moreover, it shows an alignment analysis performed between the SDGs and a PBL model in a case study.This article has been supported by the Vice-rectorate for Digital Resources and Documentation (Vicerrectorado de Recursos Digitales y Documentación) and Vice-Rectorate for Studies, Quality and Accreditation (Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación) under the Call for Learning + Teaching (Convocatoria Aprendizaje + Docencia (A+D 2019)) and Project Code: 1678-A. The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Institute of Educational Sciences (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación) of Universitat Politècnica de València, the Evaluation and Monitoring Commission for Educational Innovation and Improvement Projects (Comisión de Evaluación y Seguimiento de Proyectos de Innovación y Mejora Educativa (CESPIME) and Escuela Politécnica Superior de AlcoyPérez-Sánchez, M.; Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM.; Mula, J.; Sanchis, R. (2020). The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Applied to Higher Education. A Project Based Learning Proposal Integrated with the SDGs in Bachelor Degrees at the Campus Alcoy (UPV). EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet). 3997-4005. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2020.1078S3997400