16 research outputs found

    Estudio: Perspectiva vital de la persona sin hogar.

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    “Perspectiva vital de las personas sin hogar” es el título del trabajo de investigación presentado a continuación. Habla sobre el colectivo de personas sin hogar y sobre la percepción que estas personas tienen de la vida. Tiene como objetivo principal conocer las estrategias de afrontamiento vitales que emplean las personas sin hogar día a día. Se partió con la idea de conocer la realidad de este colectivo, de conocer sus fortalezas y motivaciones. Finalmente, por medio de una misma entrevista a 11 personas, se estudiaron sus emociones, motivaciones, expectativas y la realidad que ellos viven en diferentes zonas de la isla de La Palma y Tenerife. Se ha llevado a cabo en los municipios de Santa Cruz de La Palma, Los Llanos de Aridane y San Cristóbal de La Laguna. Se realizaron 5 entrevistas en el municipio de Santa Cruz de La Palma, 5 entrevistas en el municipio de Los Llanos de Aridane y 1 entrevista en el municipio de San Cristóbal de La Laguna. Entre los resultados principales, destaca la soledad que llegan a sentir estas personas, lo que les motiva para seguir adelante y el pensamiento positivo con el que cuentan aun pasando por situaciones de extrema delicadeza, ya que el 90% de los entrevistados desean que su vida mejore y que suceda por sus propios méritos. Por otro lado, el 90% de las personas entrevistadas niegan sentirse rechazadas por la población. En torno al 93% de las personas a las que se les realizó la entrevista, observan positivamente su futuro en cuanto a salud, vivienda, y medios con los que mantenerse a ellos mismos. Aunque, por el contrario, observaron negativamente su futuro en cuanto a tener pareja y trabajo. Los ciudadanos debemos colaborar para que estas personas no se encuentren excluidas ni menospreciadas.“Vital perspective of the homeless” is the title of the investigation project presented below. It speaks about the homeless collective and their perception about life. It has as a main objective learning about the confronting strategies these people employ on their day to day basis. We started by learning the reality of this collective, their strengths, and motivations. Finally, through an interview, we studied the emotions, motivations, expectations and realities of 11 selected individuals, those living in different zones between La Palma and Tenerife, specifically, in the municipalities of Santa Cruz de La Palma, Los Llanos de Aridane y San Cristóbal de La Laguna. 5 interviews were done in Santa Cruz de La Palma, 5 in Los Llanos de Aridane and 1 in the municipy of San Cristóbal de La Laguna. Among main results, it was highlited the loneliness experienced by these people, what motivates them to keep forward and the positive thought to which they hold on to during situations of extreme delicacy, given that 90% of the interviewed wished for their lives to get better under their own merits. On the other hand, 90% of those interviewed denied feeling rejected by the main population. About 93% of those interviews observed positively their future in terms of health, livelihood, and acquiring the mediums to which they maintain themselves. Though, on the contrary, they were negative on their hopes for romantic relationships and employment. We, citizens, must collaborate to avoid these people being excluded and underappreciated

    Funcionalización de exosomas de leche de cabra para la vectorización específica y el diagnóstico de procesos tumorales

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    De los diferentes tipos de vesículas extracelulares (EVs por sus siglas en inglés) que se proponen para sustituir a los liposomas como nanoplataformas diagnósticas del cáncer destacan las sEVs enriquecidas en exosomas. Estas vesículas, cruciales en el desarrollo del cáncer, presentan características fisicoquímicas ideales tales como su tamaño < 200 nm que facilita su acumulación pasiva en los tumores y su bicapa lipídica enriquecida en proteínas específicas de la célula originaria, que permiten incorporar en su superficie diferentes biomoléculas, proteínas o anticuerpos con alta especificidad por procesos tumorales para aumentar su vectorización (*)1 y acumulación tumoral. Los exosomas se han encontrado en todos los fluidos biológicos, incluida la leche de origen animal que se ha venido explotando como fuente escalable, comercial y segura. Además, se ha demostrado que estas sEVs debido a que presentan propiedades inmunomoduladoras y antiinflamatorias están implicadas en procesos tumorales. En esta tesis se proponen diferentes estrategias de modificación superficial de sEVs de leche de cabra para sintetizar nuevas nanosondas de imagen. Por un lado, se quiere determinar la capacidad natural que tienen estas vesículas para acumularse en el tumor desarrollando una sonda multimodal (radiactiva y fluorescente) y su capacidad de vectorización específica, desarrollando una sonda biofuncionalizada con ácido fólico. Los resultados de esta tesis evidencian las ventajas del uso de sEVs naturales biofuncionalizadas en la detección tumoral, debido a que se acumulan con mayor especificidad en el tumor y en menor medida en órganos secundarios como el hígado y el bazo. Esto puede plantear el uso de estas vesículas como nanoplataformas de teragnóstico con el fin de minimizar uno de los graves problemas de la terapia actual: el efecto tóxico de los fármacos antitumorales en órganos secundarios.Esta tesis se ha desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos de investigación: • Nombre del proyecto: S2022/BMD-7403, “Red Madrileña de Nanomedicina en Imagen Molecular (RENIM-CM)”. IP: Manuel Desco Menéndez. Comunidad de Madrid. • Nombre del proyecto: PT20/00044, “Modelos animales e imagen biomédica”. IP: Manuel Desco Menéndez. ISCIII, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. • Nombre del proyecto: Y2018/NMT-4949, “Nuevas aplicaciones de la nanotecnología en la enfermedad hepática crónica (NanoLiver-CM)”. IP: Manuel Desco Menéndez. Comunidad de Madrid. 2018 – 2022. • Nombre del proyecto: S2017/BMD-3867, “Red Madrileña de Nanomedicina en Imagen Molecular (RENIM-CM)”. IP: Manuel Desco Menéndez. Comunidad de Madrid. 2018 – 2022.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Biomédica por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Héctor Peinado Selgas.- Secretario: Jorge Ripoll Lorenzo.- Vocal: Marta Cortes Cantel

    Cross Alkyl-Aryl Versus Homo Aryl-Aryl Coupling in Pdcatalyzed Coupling of Alkyl-Gold(I) and Aryl-X (X = Halide)

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    Producción CientíficaExperiments on palladium catalyzed cross-coupling of [AuMe(PPh3)] with aryl iodides show that Ar–Ar homocoupling products are the main product or an abundant byproduct of the reaction. The percentage of cross-coupling product is higher for aryls with larger p Hammet parameter. The scrambling of organic groups via bimetallic intermediates explains the formation of these products. This scrambling can be observed and the activation energies partially quantified in some cases using as aryl C6Cl2F3, which is relatively reluctant to coupling.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (CTQ2011–25137)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA256U13

    Estudio empírico del informe de auditoría en el sector turístico de las Islas Canarias y las Islas Baleares

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    The objective of the work is the study of the type of opinion issued in the audit report, in the tourism sector of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands. The choice of these regions is motivated by the importance of tourism in their economy and by their insularity, which makes their comparison interesting. From a sample of companies, in the 2011-2016 period, they are classified according to the type of opinion and the relationship between it and certain variables is analyzed. The variables are the company size, the type and change of auditor and the economic-financial situation of the company. In addition, the similarities and differences between the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands are studied. The results obtained show the relationship between the type of opinion and most of the variables analyzed, coinciding with the conclusions of other empirical studies. Similarities are found in both regions.El objetivo del trabajo es el estudio del tipo de opinión emitido en el informe de auditoría, en el sector turístico de Canarias y Baleares. La elección de estas regiones está motivada por la importancia del turismo en la economía de las mismas y por su condición de insularidad, que hace interesante su comparación. A partir de una muestra de empresas, en el periodo 2011-2016, se clasifican las mismas atendiendo al tipo de opinión y se analiza la relación existente entre éstas y determinadas variables. Las variables son el tamaño empresarial, el tipo y cambio de auditor y la situación económico-financiera de la empresa. Además, se estudian las similitudes y diferencias entre Canarias y Baleares. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la relación entre el tipo de opinión y la mayoría de las variables analizadas, coincidiendo con las conclusiones de otros trabajos empíricos. Se encuentran similitudes en ambas regiones. Palabras clave: opinión del informe de auditoría, sector turístico, información económicofinanciera

    Dual-labeled nanoparticles based on small extracellular vesicles for tumor detection.

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    Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are emerging natural nanoplatforms in cancer diagnosis and therapy, through the incorporation of signal components or drugs in their structure. However, for their translation into the clinical field, there is still a lack of tools that enable a deeper understanding of their in vivo pharmacokinetics or their interactions with the cells of the tumor microenvironment. In this study, we have designed a dual-sEV probe based on radioactive and fluorescent labeling of goat milk sEVs. The imaging nanoprobe was tested in vitro and in vivo in a model of glioblastoma. In vitro assessment of the uptake of the dual probe in different cell populations (RAW 264.7, U87, and HeLa) by optical and nuclear techniques (gamma counter, confocal imaging, and flow cytometry) revealed the highest uptake in inflammatory cells (RAW 264.7), followed by glioblastoma U87 cells. In vivo evaluation of the pharmacokinetic properties of nanoparticles confirmed a blood circulation time of ~ 8 h and primarily hepatobiliary elimination. The diagnostic capability of the dual nanoprobe was confirmed in vivo in a glioblastoma xenograft model, which showed intense in vivo uptake of the SEV-based probe in tumor tissue. Histological assessment by confocal imaging enabled quantification of tumor populations and confirmed uptake in tumor cells and tumor-associated macrophages, followed by cancer-associated fibroblasts and endothelial cells. We have developed a chemical approach for dual radioactive and fluorescent labeling of sEVs. This methodology enables in vivo and in vitro study of these vesicles after exogenous administration. The dual nanoprobe would be a promising technology for cancer diagnosis and a powerful tool for studying the biological behavior of these nanosystems for use in drug delivery.This study was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, project “PI20/01632” and “PT20/00044”, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), “A way of making Europe”, by Comunidad de Madrid, project “Y2018/NMT-4949 (NanoLiver-CM)” and “S2017/ BMD-3867 (RENIM-CM)”, co-funded by the European Structural and Invest‑ ment Fund, and by Agencia Estatal de Investigación “PID2019‐110369RB‐I00/ AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033” grant. This work was also sup‑ ported by “Diagnosis and treatment follow‐up of severe Staphylococcal infec‑ tions with anti‐Staphylococcal antibodies and immune‐PET ‐ Grant Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científca 2018 and Ramon Areces Grant “Imagen molecular de la infección por Clostridiodes difcile”. Grant EQC2019006674-P funded by MCIN/AEI /https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. A. Santos-Coquillat is grateful for fnancial support from Consejería de Educación e Investigación Comunidad de Madrid, co-fnanced by European Social Fund (ESF) grant PEJD-2018-POST/BMD-9592 and the Sara Borrell Fellowship from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Insti‑ tuto de Salud Carlos III grant CD19/00136. M.I. González is funded by Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón, Intramural Programme for the Promotion of R&D&I 2021, Sub-programme "Predoctoral training contract".S

    Modelos de gestión del talento humano, psicología del trabajo y sus relaciones con las personas en las organizaciones

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    El actual trabajo de carácter documental tiene tema principal gestión del talento humano, y como subtema modelos de gestión del talento humano, psicología del trabajo y sus relaciones con las personas en las organizaciones Tiene como objetivo general desarrollar los principales aspectos sobre los modelos de gestión del talento humano, psicología del trabajo y sus relaciones con las personas en las organizaciones a través diferentes tradiciones históricas para una buena gestión de los recursos humanos. Este informe se sustenta en cuatro capítulos que a continuación se presentan, en el capítulo uno: organización y gestión del talento humano, en el capítulo dos: cambio de paradigmas en las organizaciones en la gestión humana en las organizaciones, capitulo tres: Modelos de gestión de talento humano y capítulo cuatro: Psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones. La metodología que se empleo fue mediante la recopilación de información documentada de libros digitales, páginas web, empleando uso de la rúbrica de evaluación del departamento y cumplimiento de la estructura de seminario de graduación según normativa de la UNAN Managu

    Clinical management of COPD in a real-world setting. A Big Data analysis

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    9 p.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of diagnosis and treatment of COPD using Big Data methodology on the Savana Manager 2.1 clinical platform. Materials and methods: A total of 59,369 patients with a diagnosis of COPD were included from a population of 1,219,749 adults over 40 years of age. Results: In total, 78% were men. Spirometry data were available for only 26,453 (43.5%) subjects. Disease severity was classified in 18,172 patients: 4396 mild, 7100 moderate, and 6676 severe, although only 27%, 34%, and 28%, respectively, presented obstructive spirometry. The clinical management of COPD is mainly the responsibility of the primary care and pulmonology departments, while internal medicine and, to a lesser extent, geriatrics also participate. Drug treatment was based on bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). A marked decline in the use of long-acting beta-2 agonists (LABA) in monotherapy and a slight reduction in ICS/LABA combinations, associated with a long-acting anticholinergic (LAMA) in 74% of cases, were observed. All-cause in-hospital mortality among the overall population was 5.6% compared to 1% of the general population older than 40 years. In total, 35% were admitted to hospital, with an average stay of 6.6 days and an in-hospital mortality rate in this group of 10.74%. Discussion: This study identifies the main features of an unselected COPD population and the main errors made in the management of the disease

    HLA-B*08 identified as the most associated MHC locus for anti-carbamylated protein antibody-positive/anti-CCP-negative rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective: Previously, only the HLA-DRB1 alleles have been assessed in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of the present study was to identify the key major histocompatibility complex (MHC) susceptibility factors showing a significant association with anti-carbamylated protein antibody-positive (anti-CarP+) RA. Methods: Analyses were restricted to RA patients who were anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody negative (anti-CCP-), because the anti-CCP status dominated the results otherwise. Therefore, we studied samples from 1,821 anti-CCP- RA patients and 6,821 population controls from Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands. The genotypes for ~8,000 MHC biallelic variants were assessed by dense genotyping and imputation. Their association with the anti-CarP status in RA patients was tested with logistic regression and combined with inverse-variance meta-analysis. Significance of the associations was assessed according to a study-specific threshold of P < 2.0 × 10-5 . Results: The HLA-B*08 allele and its correlated amino acid variant Asp-9 showed a significant association with anti-CarP+/anti-CCP- RA (P < 3.78 × 10-7 ; I2 = 0). This association was specific when assessed relative to 3 comparator groups: population controls, anti-CarP-/anti-CCP- RA patients, and anti-CCP- RA patients who were positive for other anti-citrullinated protein antibodies. Based on these findings, anti-CarP+/anti-CCP- RA patients could be separated from other antibody-defined subsets of RA patients in whom an association with the HLA-B*08 allele has been previously demonstrated. No other MHC variant remained associated with anti-CarP+/anti-CCP- RA after accounting for the presence of the HLA-B*08 allele. Specifically, the reported association of HLA-DRB1*03 was observed at a level comparable to that reported previously, but it was attributable to linkage disequilibrium. Conclusion: These results identify HLA-B*08 carrying Asp-9 as the MHC locus showing the strongest association with anti-CarP+/anti-CCP- RA. This knowledge may help clarify the role of the HLA in susceptibility to specific subsets of RA, by shaping the spectrum of RA autoantibodies. © 2020, American College of Rheumatology

    It is time to define an organizational model for the prevention and management of infections along the surgical pathway: a worldwide cross-sectional survey

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    Background The objectives of the study were to investigate the organizational characteristics of acute care facilities worldwide in preventing and managing infections in surgery; assess participants' perception regarding infection prevention and control (IPC) measures, antibiotic prescribing practices, and source control; describe awareness about the global burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and IPC measures; and determine the role of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic on said awareness. Methods A cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted contacting 1432 health care workers (HCWs) belonging to a mailing list provided by the Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery. The self-administered questionnaire was developed by a multidisciplinary team. The survey was open from May 22, 2021, and June 22, 2021. Three reminders were sent, after 7, 14, and 21 days. Results Three hundred four respondents from 72 countries returned a questionnaire, with an overall response rate of 21.2%. Respectively, 90.4% and 68.8% of participants stated their hospital had a multidisciplinary IPC team or a multidisciplinary antimicrobial stewardship team. Local protocols for antimicrobial therapy of surgical infections and protocols for surgical antibiotic prophylaxis were present in 76.6% and 90.8% of hospitals, respectively. In 23.4% and 24.0% of hospitals no surveillance systems for surgical site infections and no monitoring systems of used antimicrobials were implemented. Patient and family involvement in IPC management was considered to be slightly or not important in their hospital by the majority of respondents (65.1%). Awareness of the global burden of AMR among HCWs was considered very important or important by 54.6% of participants. The COVID-19 pandemic was considered by 80.3% of respondents as a very important or important factor in raising HCWs awareness of the IPC programs in their hospital. Based on the survey results, the authors developed 15 statements for several questions regarding the prevention and management of infections in surgery. The statements may be the starting point for designing future evidence-based recommendations. Conclusion Adequacy of prevention and management of infections in acute care facilities depends on HCWs behaviours and on the organizational characteristics of acute health care facilities to support best practices and promote behavioural change. Patient involvement in the implementation of IPC is still little considered. A debate on how operationalising a fundamental change to IPC, from being solely the HCWs responsibility to one that involves a collaborative relationship between HCWs and patients, should be opened