114 research outputs found

    Kuntoutukseen sitoutumiseen liittyviÀ tekijöitÀ monitasokirurgisilla potilailla

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    TÀmÀ opinnÀytetyö on tehty osana TuLe -hanketta eli Tulevaisuus lasten erikoissairaanhoidossa, joka on toteutettu yhteistyössÀ Helsingin seudun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan Naisten- ja lastentautien tulosyksikön sekÀ Metropolian Ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa. OpinnÀytetyön tarkoituksena on kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla selvittÀÀ hoitoon sitoutumista edistÀviÀ ja estÀviÀ tekijöitÀ kuntoutuksessa. Tavoitteena on koota tietoa monitasokirurgisen potilaan hoitoon sitoutumisen edistÀmiseen. Monitasokirurginen leikkaus on CP-vammaisille tehtÀvÀ, yleensÀ alaraajojen kÀvelyÀ parantava leikkaus, jossa leikataan useita eri alueita samalla kerralla. Monitasokirurginen leikkausprosessi on pitkÀ ja siihen sisÀltyy lukuisia eri vaiheita sekÀ osallistuu lukuisia eri terveydenhuollon ammattilaisia. Prosessi on rankka kokemus lapselle ja perheelle. HyvÀ hoitoon sitoutuminen onkin tÀrkeÀÀ. Hoitoon sitoutuminen on prosessi, jonka pÀÀmÀÀrÀnÀ on omaehtoinen sitoutuminen hoitoon ja sitÀ kautta sairauden hoitoon tai kuntoutumiseen. Hoitoon sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat tekijÀt voidaan jakaa potilaasta johtuviin ja ympÀristöstÀ johtuviin tekijöihin, joita tukemalla voidaan parantaa potilaan hoitoon sitoutumista. Ihmisen psyykkisillÀ tekijöillÀ kuten motivaatiolla, voimaantumisella ja uskomuksilla katsotaan olevan suuri vaikutus hoitoon sitoutumiseen. Lapsen ja nuoren hoitoon sitoutumisen lÀhtökohtana on perhe. Lasten ja nuorten kohdalla on otettava huomioon myös lapsen kehitysvaihe ja myös siihen liittyvÀt fysiologiset, psykologiset ja sosiaaliset kehityshaasteet ja muutokset. Kognitiivisten ja psykologiset valmiuksien selvittÀminen on oleellista. Potilaan hoitoon sitoutumiseen voidaan vaikuttaa hoitotyöllÀ tukemalla potilaan yksilölli-syyttÀ ja luomalla hyvÀ vuorovaikutus suhde hoitajan ja potilaan vÀlille. Hoitoon sitoutumisen kannalta on myös tÀrkeÀÀ potilaan motivoiminen, voimaantuminen ja pystyvyyden tukeminen.This thesis has been written as part of the project in The Future of Specialized Health Care for Children, which is implemented in cooperation with the Helsinki University Central Hos-pital Gynecology and Pediatrics business unit, as well as the Metropolia University of Ap-plied Sciences. Purpose of this study is to determine the adherence-promoting and inhibiting factors in rehabilitation. The aim is to gather information about the multi-level surgical treatment of the patient's commitment to the promotion of. Multi-level surgical surgery is made for people with CP disabilities, usually in the lower limbs for walking curative surgery, which operate into a number of different areas at the same time. Multi-Level surgery process is long and involves a number of different steps, as well as participates in a number of different health care professionals. The process is a tough experience for child and family. They are required by an absolute commitment to the treatment. Adherence to treatment is a process whose goal is self motivated commitment to treatment and thus treatment for illness or rehabilitation. Adherence factors can be divided into the patient and the environment are caused by factors that can be improved by supporting commitment to patient care. Human psychic factors such as motivation, empowerment and beliefs are considered to be a major impact on adherence. Child and adolescent adherence is based on the family. Children and young people must also take account of development and associated physiological, psychological, and social development challenges and changes. Cognitive and psychological capacity to find out is essential. Patient adherence can be influenced by nursing support to the patient's individuality and creating a good interactive relationship between the caregiver and the patient. For patient adherence, it is also important for the patient to motivate, empowerment and self-efficacy support

    Guide for Student tutors

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    The early stage of studies and the first semester has a great impact on how the student will settle down to his new home and how he will catch on studying. Within this guide are described the most important tasks of a student tutor

    Lifestyle counselling during pregnancy and offspring weight development until four years of age: follow-up study of a controlled trial

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    Background Fetal conditions are known to be partly responsible for the child’s risk for obesity. Our pilot study aimed to determine the effect of gestational lifestyle counseling on the offspring weight gain until 4 years of age and to estimate power for future studies. Design and methods First-time pregnant mothers participated in a controlled trial conducted in maternity health clinics during 2004 – 2006. The intervention included individual counseling on physical activity and diet, and an option to attend supervised group exercise sessions. The participant mothers (N = 109) received a follow-up questionnaire concerning 13 repeated growth measurements of their offspring. Response rate to the follow-up questionnaire was 66.1% (N = 72/109). Results The increase of BMI z-score between 24–48 months was not significantly slower among the intervention group offspring (95% CI −0.025 to 0.009, p = 0.34) compared to control group. Z-scores for weight-for-length/height did not differ between groups when the period 0–48 months was analyzed (95% CI −0.010 to 0.014, p = 0.75). Conclusions In this pilot study gestational lifestyle counseling did not significantly slow the weight gain of the offspring. Gestational intervention studies with at least 300 mothers per group are needed to confirm the possible effect on offspring’s risk for obesity.BioMed Central open acces

    Opettajatuutorin opas

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    Non-graduation after comprehensive school, and early retirement but not unemployment are prominent in childhood cancer survivors—a Finnish registry-based study

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    Survivors had higher frequencies than controls for lacking further education after comprehensive school. Unemployment was not common, but risk for early retirement was significantly increased in each three survivor group.</p

    Pragmatic controlled trial to prevent childhood obesity in maternity and child health care clinics: pregnancy and infant weight outcomes (The VACOPP Study)

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    Background According to current evidence, the prevention of obesity should start early in life. Even the prenatal environment may expose a child to unhealthy weight gain; maternal gestational diabetes is known to be among the prenatal risk factors conducive to obesity. Here we report the effects of antenatal dietary and physical activity counselling on pregnancy and infant weight gain outcomes. Methods The study was a non-randomised controlled pragmatic trial aiming to prevent childhood obesity, the setting being municipal maternity health care clinics. The participants (n = 185) were mothers at risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus and their offspring. The children of the intervention group mothers were born between 2009 and 2010, and children of the control group in 2008. The intervention started between 10–17 gestational weeks and consisted of individual counselling on diet and physical activity by a public health nurse, and two group counselling sessions by a dietician and a physiotherapist. The expectant mothers also received a written information leaflet to motivate them to breastfeed their offspring for at least 6 months. We report the proportion of mothers with pathological glucose tolerance at 26–28 weeks’ gestation, the mother’s gestational weight gain (GWG) and newborn anthropometry. Infant weight gain from 0 to 12 months of age was assessed as weight-for-length standard deviation scores (SDS) and mixed effect linear regression models. Results Intervention group mothers had fewer pathological oral glucose tolerance test results (14.6% vs. 29.2%; 95% CI 8.9 to 23.0% vs. 20.8 to 39.4%; p-value 0.016) suggesting that the intervention improved gestational glucose tolerance. Mother’s GWG, newborn anthropometry or infant weight gain did not differ significantly between the groups. Conclusion Since the intervention reduced the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus, it may have the potential to diminish obesity risk in offspring. However, results from earlier studies suggest that the possible effect on the offspring’s weight gain may manifest only later in childhood.BioMed Central open acces

    Varhaiskasvatuksen, esi- ja perusopetuksen digitalisaation tavoitetila

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    Varhaiskasvatuksen, esi- ja perusopetuksen digitalisaation tavoitetilan kuvaus valmistuu syksyllÀ 2023 osana Varhaiskasvatuksen, esi- ja perusopetuksen sekÀ vapaan sivistystyön digitalisaation viitekehys -hanketta. Hankkeessa kehitetÀÀn digitalisaation ohjausta ja vaikuttavuutta sekÀ hallinnonalan ennakointikykyÀ. Tavoitetilan kuvauksella konkretisoidaan Suomen digitaalisen kompassin, Kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen digitalisaation linjausten 2027 sekÀ muiden merkittÀvien toimialan digitalisaatiota mÀÀrittelevien asiakirjojen asettamia tavoitteita varhaiskasvatuksen, esi- ja perusopetuksen nÀkökulmasta. Digitalisaatiota tarkastellaan seitsemÀn osa-alueen kautta: digitalisaation kehittÀmisen edellytykset, digitaalinen osaaminen, digitaalisen infrastruktuurin, palveluiden ja yhteentoimivuuden kehittÀmisen tuki, tiedonhallinta ja laatu, tietosuoja ja -turva, digitalisaation lainsÀÀdÀntö ja -tulkinta sekÀ digitalisaation tutkimus. Digitalisaation tavoitteet kuvataan varhaiskasvatuksen, esi- ja perusopetuksen kontekstissa.TÀllöin kaikki kasvatus- ja koulutustoimijat voivat tehdÀ pitkÀjÀnteistÀ, ennakoivaa ja strategisesti ohjattua työtÀ tavoitetilan toteutumiseksi. Kansallisesti mÀÀritellyn ja yhteisesti jaetun tavoitetilan kuvaaminen mahdollistaa konkreettisten toimenpiteiden muodostamisen, mikÀ edistÀÀ toimialan digitalisaation kehitystÀ kohti yhteisesti jaettua tavoitetilaa
