233 research outputs found

    Importància de la velocitat de sortida de la pilota i de la precisió com a paràmetres d’eficàcia en el llançament en salt a distància en l’handbol

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    En aquest estudi s’analitza la velocitat de sortida de la pilota i la precisió, en la seva localització en la porteria, com a paràmetres determinants de l’eficàcia del llançament en salt a distància en handbol. Es realitza un estudi fotogramètric bidimensional (2D) per calcular la velocitat de la pilota, en el moment de perdre contacte amb la mà executora, i es contrasten els resultats amb els obtinguts en estudis similars. Igualment, s’analitza la precisió de la pilota, tenint en compte que el blanc a localitzar és variable (grandària, forma, localització, etc.). Els espais eficaços, per localitzar la pilota en la porteria, dependran en cada moment: a) de la posició del porter i les possibilitats de moviment fins que la pilota es trobi fora de l’abast d’aquest, i b) de la posició de la pilota en el moment de sortida de la mà del llançador. Després de realitzar un estudi previ, en què s’analitzen antecedents d’investigació relatius a les zones de més dificultat d’intervenció per al porter, es procedeix a la definició d’espais de major o menor eficàcia, mitjançant l’assignació de puntuació (entre 0 i 10 punts), a diferents zones de la porteria, d’acord amb la dificultat d’accés per part del porter en les seves intervencions. L’anàlisi dels resultats mostra que les taxes de velocitat obtingudes són similars a les obtingudes en estudis amb les mateixes característiques metodològiques. A més a més, la precisió no es veu afectada per la velocitat de sortida de la pilota, el moment del llançament i la posició del porter

    Importancia de la velocidad de salida del balón y de la precisión como parámetros de eficacia en el lanzamiento en salto a distancia en balonmano

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    En este estudio se analiza la velocidad de salida del balón y la precisión, en su localización en la portería, como parámetros determinantes de la eficacia del lanzamiento en salto a distancia a en balonmano. Se realiza un estudio fotogramétrico bidimensional (2D) para calcular la velocidad del balón, en el momento de perder contacto con la mano ejecutora, y se contrastan los resultados con los obtenidos en estudios similares. Igualmente, se analiza la precisión del balón teniendo en cuenta que el blanco a localizar es variable (tamaño, forma, localización, etc). Los espacios eficaces, para localizar el balón en la portería, dependerán en cada momento: a) de la posición del portero y las posibilidades de movimiento hasta que el balón se encuentre fuera del alcance de éste y b) de la posición del balón en el momento de salida de la mano del lanzador. Tras realizar un estudio previo, en el que se analizan antecedentes de investigación relativos a las zonas de mayor dificultad de intervención para el portero, se procede a la definición de espacios de mayor o menor eficacia, mediante la asignación de puntuación (entre 0 y 10 puntos), a distintas zonas de la portería, en función de la dificultad de acceso por parte del portero en sus intervenciones. El análisis de los resultados muestra que las tasas de velocidad obtenidas son similares a las obtenidas en estudios con iguales características metodológicas. Además, la precisión no se ve afectada por la velocidad de salida del balón, el momento del lanzamiento y la posición del portero

    Importancia de la práctica de actividad física

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    Strong correlation between the antifungal effect of amphotericin B and its inhibitory action on germ-tube formation in a Candida albicans URA+ strain

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    The hypothetical capacity of amphotericin B to suppress the formation of germ-tubes, which is the first step of yeast-to-hypha conversion in Candida albicans, has been investigated in the wild-type strain CEY.1 (CAI.4-URA+). Exponential cells exposed to concentrations of amphotericin B below or around the MIC90, exhibited a weak reduction in the percentage of human serum-induced germ-tube formation at 37ºC compared with a non-exposed control. However, the dimorphic transition was drastically suppressed after addition of potentially lethal doses of amphotericin B, which also caused severe cell killing. In contrast, an identical experimental approach carried out with the fungistatic compound 5-fluorocytosine had no significant effect on the level of the germ-tube formation. Together, these results strongly point to a close correlation between the fungicidal action of amphotericin B and its ability to impair morphogenetic conversion in C. albicans. [Int Microbiol 2015; 18(1):25-31]Keywords: Candida albicans · amphotericin B · 5-fluorocytosine · germ-tube · cell killin


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    The aim of this study was to compare players’ intra-individual variability in the throwing movement pattern in support, throwing to the four corners of the goal, and in the presence of the goalkeeper in handball. Four players from the Spanish first division participated as subjects, plus seven goalkeepers. The start of the goalkeepers’ movements was recorded from a force platform with a frequency of 500 Hz, while the throw was videotaped by two video cameras synchronized at the same frequency with the force platform. The variability in the movement pattern faked the goalkeepers. The kinetic chain is proximal-distal (P-D) a temporal sequence orientated to reduce the stress in the joint of the shoulder. The inertia of the trunk reduced the time of execution and determined the instant of throwing depending on the goalkeeper´s movements

    Biomechanical Analysis of Anticipation of Elite and Inexperienced Goalkeepers to Distance Shots in Handball

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the anticipation time and kinematic factors in the movement of goalkeepers’ center of mass when making a long-distance throw in handball. The sample group was composed of 14 goalkeepers and field players. A force platform was used to measure the force of the goalkeepers’ reaction movements, while the throwers’ movements were recorded with high-speed cameras. The expert goalkeepers began to move 193 ± 67 ms before the ball was released, with a 67% success rate of interception. The inexperienced goalkeepers began their movement 209 ± 127 ms with a 24% success rate. The time taken by expert goalkeepers to begin a vertical movement of their CM, relative to the moment of the ball’s release, was less than the time taken by inexperienced goalkeepers (77 ± 70 vs. 141 ± 108 ms respectively). The analysis of the velocity and movement indicates that expert goalkeepers wait longer before moving than do inexperienced goalkeepers

    Impact of a Web-Based Exercise and Nutritional Education Intervention in Patients Who Are Obese With Hypertension: Randomized Wait-List Controlled Trial

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    Background: Internet-based interventions are a promising strategy for promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors. These have a tremendous potential for delivering electronic health interventions in scalable and cost-effective ways. There is strong evidence that the use of these programs can lead to weight loss and can lower patients’ average blood pressure (BP) levels. So far, few studies have investigated the effects of internet-based programs on patients who are obese with hypertension (HTN). Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the short- and long-term efficacy, in terms of body composition and BP parameters, of a self-administered internet-based intervention involving different modules and learning techniques aimed at promoting lifestyle changes (both physical activity and healthy eating) in patients who are obese with HTN. Methods: A randomized wait-list controlled trial design was used. We recruited 105 adults with HTN who were overweight or obese and randomly assigned them to either a 3-month internet-based intervention group (n=55) or the wait-list control group (n=50). We assessed BMI (primary outcome), body fat mass (BFM), systolic (S)BP and diastolic (D)BP, blood glucose and insulin levels, physical activity levels, and functional capacity for aerobic exercise at Time 0 (preintervention) and Time 1 (postintervention). All the patients in the wait-list control group subsequently received the intervention, and a secondary within-group analysis, which also included these participants, was conducted at Time 2 (12-month follow-up). Results: A 2-way mixed analysis of covariance showed a significant decrease in BMI, BFM, and blood glucose at 3 months in the internet-based intervention group; the effect size for the BMI and BFM parameters was moderate to large, and there was also a borderline significant trend for DBP and insulin. These results were either maintained or improved upon at Time 2 and showed significant changes for BMI (mean difference −0.4, 95% CI −0.1 to −0.6; P=.005), BFM (mean difference −2.4, 95% CI −1.1 to −3.6; P<.001), DBP (mean difference −1.8, 95% CI −0.2 to −3.3; P=.03), and blood glucose (mean difference −2, 95% CI 0 to −4; P=.04). Conclusions: Implementation of our self-administered internet-based intervention, which involved different learning techniques aimed to promote lifestyle changes, resulted in positive short- and long-term health benefits in patients who are obese with HTN

    Dependencia al ejercicio físico e insatisfacción corporal en diferentes deportes de resistencia y su relación con la motivación al deporte

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la dependencia al ejercicio físico e insatisfacción corporal de deportistas de resistencia y su relación con la motivación al ejercicio físico. Participaron 126 hombres (M = 36.02 ± 10.62 años) y 23 mujeres (M = 28.18 ± 8.65 años) que practican: carrera de fondo, natación, triatlón y ciclismo. En la muestra total, la prevalencia de dependencia al ejercicio físico fue de un 13.6% y de insatisfacción corporal de un 16.3 %. Los triatletas presentan mayor prevalencia de dependencia al ejercicio físico, con diferencias significativas en relación con los corredores. La regulación introyectada es un factor predictivo común a la dependencia al ejercicio físico y a la insatisfacción corporal.The objective of this study is to analyse dependence on exercise and body dissatisfaction in endurance athletes and its relation with motivation to do sports. 126 men (M= 36.02 ± 10.62 years) and 23 women (M = 28.18 ± 8.65 years) took part who did: long-distance running, swimming, triathlon and cycling. In the total sample, the prevalence of exercise dependence was 13.6% and body dissatisfaction was 16.3%. For exercise dependence, triathletes showed higher scores with significant differences when compared to the runners. Introjected regulation is a common predictor for exercise dependence and body dissatisfaction.O objectivo deste estudo é analisar a dependência do exercício físico e insatisfação corporal de desportistas de resistência e a sua relação com a motivação para o exercício físico. Participaram 126 homens (M = 36.02 ± 10.62 anos) y 23 mulheres (M = 28.18 ± 8.65 anos) que praticam: corrida de fundo, natação, triatlo e ciclismo. Na amostra total, a prevalência de dependência do exercício físico foi de 13.6% e de insatisfação corporal de 16.3%. Os triatletas apresentam maior prevalência de dependência do exercício físico, com diferenças significativas em relação aos corredores. A regulação introjectada é um factor preditivo comum à dependência do exercício físico e à insatisfação corporal

    The effect of different loads on semi-tethered swimming and its relationship with dry-land performance variables

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    Semi-tethered loaded swimming (denoted STLS) has been used widely to develop or test swimmers skills, although its transference to increase performance seems overestimated. In addition, its relationship with dry-land tests remains obscured by imprecise reports. Sixteen competitive male swimmers (age: 18.31 ± 1.42) participated in a two-fold purpose study: Firstly, swimming performance was assessed at different STLS intensities on an adapted Smith Machine. A repeated measures 1-way ANOVA was conducted to find differences between the variables collected through a linear encoder at 15, 30, 45 and 60% of the maximal load (ML). Secondly, the relationships between the swimming velocities and the different sorts of variables obtained on a dry-land arm-stroke strength test were studied by Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). The results showed that less velocity, acceleration and impulse were delivered at high loads (p < 0.001). It increased the velocity fluctuation, affecting the swimming patterns adversely. On the other hand, the correlations between velocity-based dry-land variables and swimming velocities (r = 0.71) seem to be more suitable to predict swimming performance, rather than strength-based variables (r = 0.49). In conclusion, coaches should reconsider using STLS, as little or no benefit may be obtained in performance.CTS-527: Actividad física y deportiva en el medio acuátic

    Trehalose accumulation induced during the oxidative stress response is independent of TPS1 mRNA levels in Candida albicans

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    Growing cells of the Candida albicans trehalose- deficient mutant tps1/tps1 were extremely sensitive to severe oxidative stress exposure (H2O2). However, their viability was not affected after saline stress or heatshock treatments, being roughly equivalent to that of the parental strain. In wild-type cells, these adverse conditions induced the intracellular accumulation of trehalose together with activation of trehalose-6P synthase, whereas the endogenous trehalose content and the corresponding biosynthetic activity were barely detectable in the tps1/tps1 mutant. The addition of cycloheximide did not prevent the marked induction of trehalose-6P synthase activity. Furthermore, the presence of H2O2 decreased the level of TPS1 mRNA expression. Hence, the conspicuous trehalose accumulation in response to oxidative stress is not induced by increased transcription of TPS1. Our results are consistent with a specific requirement of trehalose in order to withstand a severe oxidative stress in C. albicans, and suggest that trehalose accumulation observed under these conditions is a complex process that most probably involves post-translational modifications of the trehalose synthase complex