140 research outputs found

    dUTPase based switch controls transfer of virulence genes in order to preserve integrity of the transferred mobile genetic elements

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    dUTPases ubiquitously regulate cellular dUTP levels to preserve genome integrity. Recently, several other cellular processes were reported to be controlled by dUTPases including the horizontal transfer of Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity islands (SaPI). SaPIs are mobil genetic elements that encode virulence enhancing factors e.g. toxins. Here, phage dUTPases were proposed to counteract the repressor protein (Stl) and promote SaPI excision and transfer. A G protein-like mechanism was proposed which is unexpected in light of the kinetic mechanism of dUTPase. Here we investigate the molecular mechanism of SaPI transfer regulation, using numerous dUTPase variants and a wide range of in vitro methods (steady-state and transient kinetics, VIS and fluorescence spectroscopy, EMSA, quartz crystal microbalance, X-ray crystallography). Our results unambiguously show that Stl inhibits the enzymatic activity of dUTPase in the nM concentration range and dUTP strongly inhibits the dUTPase: Stl complexation. These results identify Stl as a highly potent dUTPase inhibitor protein and disprove the G protein-like mechanism. Importantly, our results clearly show that the dUTPase:dUTP complex is inaccessible to the Stl repressor. Unlike in small GTPases, hydrolysis of the substrate nucleoside triphosphate (dUTP in this case) is required prior to the interaction with the partner (Stl repressor in this case). We propose that dUTPase can efficiently interact with Stl and induce SaPI excision only if the cellular dUTP level is low (i.e. when dUTPase resides mainly in the apo enzyme form) while high dUTP levels would inhibit SaPI transfer. This mechanism may serve the preservation of the integrity of the transferred SaPI genes and links the well-known metabolic role of dUTPases to their newly revealed regulatory function in spread of virulence factors

    Electron cyclotron resonance ion source plasma characterization by energy dispersive x-ray imaging

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    Pinhole and CCD based quasi-optical x-ray imaging technique was applied to investigate the plasma of an electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS). Spectrally integrated and energy resolved images were taken from an axial perspective. The comparison of integrated images taken of argon plasma highlights the structural changes affected by some ECRIS setting parameters, like strength of the axial magnetic confinement, RF frequency and microwave power. Photon counting analysis gives precise intensity distribution of the x-ray emitted by the argon plasma and by the plasma chamber walls. This advanced technique points out that the spatial positions of the electron losses are strongly determined by the kinetic energy of the electrons themselves to be lost and also shows evidences how strongly the plasma distribution is affected by slight changes in the RF frequency. © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Detection of uracil within DNA using a sensitive labeling method for in vitro and cellular applications

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    The role of uracil in genomic DNA has been recently re-evaluated. It is now widely accepted to be a physiologically important DNA element in diverse systems from specific phages to antibody maturation and Drosophila development. Further relevant investigations would largely benefit from a novel reliable and fast method to gain quantitative and qualitative information on uracil levels in DNA both in vitro and in situ, especially since current techniques does not allow in situ cellular detection. Here, starting from a catalytically inactive uracil-DNA glycosylase protein, we have designed several uracil sensor fusion proteins. The designed constructs can be applied as molecular recognition tools that can be detected with conventional antibodies in dot-blot applications and may also serve as in situ uracil-DNA sensors in cellular techniques. Our method is verified on numerous prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellular systems. The method is easy to use and can be applied in a high-throughput manner. It does not require expensive equipment or complex know-how, facilitating its easy implementation in any basic molecular biology laboratory. Elevated genomic uracil levels from cells of diverse genetic backgrounds and/or treated with different drugs can be demonstrated also in situ, within the cell

    Corrosion and inhibition of copper in different electrolyte solutions

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    Highly potent dUTPase inhibition by a bacterial repressor protein reveals a novel mechanism for gene expression control

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    Transfer of phage-related pathogenicity islands of Staphylococcus aureus (SaPI-s) was recently reported to be activated by helper phage dUTPases. This is a novel function for dUTPases otherwise involved in preservation of genomic integrity by sanitizing the dNTP pool. Here we investigated the molecular mechanism of the dUTPase-induced gene expression control using direct techniques. The expression of SaPI transfer initiating proteins is repressed by proteins called Stl. We found that Φ11 helper phage dUTPase eliminates SaPIbov1 Stl binding to its cognate DNA by binding tightly to Stl protein. We also show that dUTPase enzymatic activity is strongly inhibited in the dUTPase:Stl complex and that the dUTPase:dUTP complex is inaccessible to the Stl repressor. Our results disprove the previously proposed G-protein-like mechanism of SaPI transfer activation. We propose that the transfer only occurs if dUTP is cleared from the nucleotide pool, a condition promoting genomic stability of the virulence elements

    The Structure of Hyperalkaline Aqueous Solutions Containing High Concentrations of Gallium - a Solution X-ray Diffraction and Computational Study

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    Highly concentrated alkaline NaOH/Ga(OH)3 solutions with 1.18 M Ga(III)T 2.32 M and 2.4 M NaOHT 4.9 M (where the subscript T denotes total or analytical concentrations) have been prepared and investigated by solution X-ray diffraction and also by ab initio quantum chemical calculations. The data obtained are consistent with the presence of only one predominant Ga(III)-bearing species in these solutions, that is the tetrahedral hydroxo complex Ga(OH)4–. This finding is in stark contrast to that found for Al(III)-containing solutions of similar concentrations, in which, besides the monomeric complex, an oxo-bridged dimer was also found to form. From the solution X-ray diffraction measurements, the formation of the dimeric (OH)3Ga–O–Ga(OH)32– could not unambiguously be shown, however, from the comparison of experimental IR, Raman and 71Ga NMR spectra with calculated ones, its formation can be safely excluded. Moreover, higher mononuclear stepwise hydroxo complexes, like Ga(OH)63–, that have been claimed to exist by others in the literature, was not possible to experimentally detect in these solutions with any of the spectroscopic techniques used

    p53 controls expression of the DNA deaminase APOBEC3B to limit its potential mutagenic activity in cancer cells.

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    Cancer genome sequencing has implicated the cytosine deaminase activity of apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide-like (APOBEC) genes as an important source of mutations in diverse cancers, with APOBEC3B (A3B) expression especially correlated with such cancer mutations. To better understand the processes directing A3B over-expression in cancer, and possible therapeutic avenues for targeting A3B, we have investigated the regulation of A3B gene expression. Here, we show that A3B expression is inversely related to p53 status in different cancer types and demonstrate that this is due to a direct and pivotal role for p53 in repressing A3B expression. This occurs through the induction of p21 (CDKN1A) and the recruitment of the repressive DREAM complex to the A3B gene promoter, such that loss of p53 through mutation, or human papilloma virus-mediated inhibition, prevents recruitment of the complex, thereby causing elevated A3B expression and cytosine deaminase activity in cancer cells. As p53 is frequently mutated in cancer, our findings provide a mechanism by which p53 loss can promote cancer mutagenesis