112 research outputs found

    Neuronalis összeköttetések a szomatoszenzoros kérgi área 3b és área 1 kézreprezentációs területén főemlősökben | Neuronal connections within the hand representation in areas 3b and 1 of the somatosensory cortex in primates

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A szomatoszenzoros kérgi área 3b és 1 közti szoros funkcionális kapcsolatot reciprok neuronalis összeköttetések biztosítják, jelezve, hogy a tapintási észlelés meghatározó módon függ a két área interakciójától. Célkitűzés: Jelen vizsgálat célja e neuronkörök megismerése volt a distalis ujjbegy-reprezentáció szintjén. Módszer: Az áreán belüli és áreák közötti összeköttetések vizsgálatához fiziológiai térképezéssel kombinált pályajelölést alkalmaztunk mókusmajmokban (Saimiri sciureus). Eredmények: A szerzők kimutatták, hogy a két área közötti reciprok összeköttetések az azonos ujjbegy reprezentációját preferálják. Ezzel szemben az áreán belüli kapcsolatok horizontális eloszlása igazolja a fiziológiai megfigyeléseket, amelyek erős kapcsolatot mutattak a szomszédos ujjbegyek reprezentációi között. Érdekes, hogy az injektált kérgi reprezentáció lokális bemeneti területe, amely a két áreában különbözik, egyforma méretű bőrfelületet reprezentál. Következtetések: Eredményeikből azt a következtetést lehet levonni, hogy áreán belül a lokális, horizontális kapcsolatok az ujjak közötti információ integrálásában, az áreák közötti, ujjbegy-reprezentációra lokalizálódó kapcsolatok pedig a kézmozgás során a stimulusok lokalizációjában játszhatnak szerepet. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(33), 1320–1325. | Abstract Introduction: The close functional relationship between areas 3b and 1 of the somatosensory cortex is based on their reciprocal connections indicating that tactile sensation depends on the interaction of these two areas. Aim: The aim of the authors was to explore this neuronal circuit at the level of the distal finger pad representation. Method: The study was made by bidirectional tract tracing aided by neurophysiological mapping in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). Results: Inter-areal connections between the two areas preferred the homologues representations. However, intra-areal connections were formed between the neighboring finger pad representations supporting the physiological observations. Interestingly, the size of the local input area of the injected cortical micro-region, which differed in the two areas, represented the same skin area. Conclusions: The authors propose that intra-areal connections are important in integrating information across fingers, while inter-areal connections are important in maintaining input localization during hand movement. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(33), 1320–1325

    Enhancing Phenolic Maturity of Syrah with the Application of a New Foliar Spray

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    Climate change is inducing earlier grape ripening, especially in warm vintages. This phenomenon isresulting in unbalanced wines an alcohol concentration that is too high and titratable acidity that is low,along with a high pH level without the desired level of phenolic maturity. Final wine quality notably dependson the phenolic composition of the grapes and the extractability of these compounds. This research wasdesigned to test a new foliar spray, called LalVigne® MATURE, for its capacity to create a balance betweensugar development and phenolic maturity. It is a formulation of 100% natural, inactivated wine yeastderivatives. This foliar spray was tested on Syrah vines in two vintages (2012 and 2013) in a cool-climatewine region (Eger, Hungary). The spray acted as an elicitor, stimulating the synthesis of several secondarymetabolites. The changes in anthocyanin extractability and texture characteristics of the grape berrieswere followed during ripening. Experimental wines were made at three separate harvest times in eachvintage. Standard analytical parameters were evaluated for grapes and wines, as well as for resveratrol.Grapes from the treated vines had thicker skins than the controls at all sampling dates in both vintages.The phenolic potential (especially anthocyanin concentration and extractability) of the foliar spray-treatedgrapes was greatly improved. Our experiment showed that phenolic ripening can be enhanced using thefoliar spray, and that its application was useful in different vintages

    GLADE+: An Extended Galaxy Catalogue for Multimessenger Searches with Advanced Gravitational-wave Detectors

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    We present GLADE+, an extended version of the GLADE galaxy catalogue introduced in our previous paper for multimessenger searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors. GLADE+ combines data from six separate but not independent astronomical catalogues: the GWGC, 2MPZ, 2MASS XSC, HyperLEDA, and WISExSCOSPZ galaxy catalogues, and the SDSS-DR16Q quasar catalogue. To allow corrections of CMB-frame redshifts for peculiar motions, we calculated peculiar velocities along with their standard deviations of all galaxies having BB-band magnitude data within redshift z=0.05z=0.05 using the "Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies" formalism. GLADE+ is complete up to luminosity distance dL=472+4d_L=47^{+4}_{-2} Mpc in terms of the total expected BB-band luminosity of galaxies, and contains all of the brightest galaxies giving 90\% of the total BB-band and KK-band luminosity up to dL130d_L\simeq 130 Mpc. We include estimations of stellar masses and individual binary neutron star merger rates for galaxies with W1W1 magnitudes. These parameters can help in ranking galaxies in a given gravitational wave localization volume in terms of their likelihood of being hosts, thereby possibly reducing the number of pointings and total integration time needed to find the electromagnetic counterpart.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A tuberkulózis előfordulása egy XVIII. századi váci családban

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    Two individuals of the Nigrovits family from the Vác Mummy Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum were the subjects of multidisciplinary, anthropological, paleopathological, radiological, paleomicrobiological and paleoproteomic studies. The father, József Nigrovits (No 29), died at the age of 55 on the 11th of November 1793; his son, Antal Nigrovits (No 54), died on the 16th of July 1803, at the age of 22. They lived in the 18th century in a small town of northern Hungary. The macroscopic examination of body No 54 showed a severely deformed neck and back region; body No 29 had no characteristic marks of any illnesses. The CT scan data of the bodies and their 3D reconstructions showed no skeletal evidence of tuberculosis, despite the positive results of their paleomicrobiological studies. The deformity of body No 54 turned to be a developmental abnormality of unknown origin, but no Pott’s gibbus was present

    Revising mtDNA haplotypes of the ancient Hungarian conquerors with next generation sequencing

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    As part of the effort to create a high resolution representative sequence database of the medieval Hungarian conquerors we have resequenced the entire mtDNA genome of 24 published ancient samples with Next Generation Sequencing, whose haplotypes had been previously determined with traditional PCR based methods. We show that PCR based methods are prone to erroneous haplotype or haplogroup determination due to ambiguous sequence reads, and many of the resequenced samples had been classified inaccurately. The SNaPshot method applied with published ancient DNA authenticity criteria is the most straightforward and cheapest PCR based approach for testing a large number of coding region SNP-s, which greatly facilitates correct haplogroup determination