97 research outputs found


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    Este trabajo de grado es una obra para orquesta sinfónica que exhibe el resultado del estudio realizado por el autor sobre la escritura de música orquestal, así como su exploración de un lenguaje propio enmarcado dentro de un contexto modal con un manejo tradicional de los instrumentos y el ensamble. El análisis que acompaña la partitura permite dilucidar parte del proceso creativo desde su concepción hasta su realización final.This gradúate project is a composition for symphonic orchestra. It exhibits the result of the author’s study of orchestral music and the exploration of his musical language, within the context of modal music and a traditional use of the instruments and the ensemble. The accompanying analysis elucidates part of the Creative process from conception to realization.Maestro (a) en MúsicaPregrad

    Modeling Lexicon Emergence as Concept Emergence in Networks

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    Amodel for lexicon emergence in social networks is presented. The model is based on a modified version of classic Naming Games, where agents’ knowledge is represented by means of formal contexts. That way it is possible to represent the effect interactions have on individual knowledge as well as the dynamics of global knowledge in the network.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-41086-PJunta de Andalucía TIC-606

    Qualitative Reasoning on Complex Systems from Observations

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    A hybrid approach to phenomenological reconstruction of Complex Systems (CS), using Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) as main tool for conceptual data mining, is proposed. To illustrate the method, a classic CS is selected (cellular automata), to show how FCA can assist to predict CS evolution under different conceptual descriptions (from different observable features of the CS).Junta de Andalucía TIC-606

    Complex concept lattices for simulating human prediction in sport

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    In order to address the study of complex systems, the detection of patterns in their dynamics could play a key role in understanding their evolution. In particular, global patterns are required to detect emergent concepts and trends, some of them of a qualitative nature. Formal concept analysis (FCA) is a theory whose goal is to discover and extract knowledge from qualitative data (organized in concept lattices). In complex environments, such as sport competitions, the large amount of information currently available turns concept lattices into complex networks. The authors analyze how to apply FCA reasoning in order to increase confidence in sports predictions by means of detecting regularities from data through the management of intuitive and natural attributes extracted from publicly available information. The complexity of concept lattices -considered as networks with complex topological structure- is analyzed. It is applied to building a knowledge based system for confidence-based reasoning, which simulates how humans tend to avoid the complexity of concept networks by means of bounded reasoning skills.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009-09492Junta de Andalucía TIC-606

    Simulating Language Dynamics by Means of Concept Reasoning

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    A problem in the phenomenological reconstruction of Complex Systems (CS) is the extraction of the knowledge that elements playing in CS use during its evolution. This problem is important because such a knowledge would allow the researcher to understand the global behavior of the system [1,2]. In this paper an approach to partially solve this problem by means of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is described in a particular case, namely Language Dynamics. The main idea lies in the fact that global knowledge in CS is naturally built by local interactions among agents, and FCA could be useful to represent their own knowledge. In this way it is possible to represent the effect of interactions on individual knowledge as well as the dynamics of global knowledge. Experiments in order to show this approach are given using WordNet.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009-09492Junta de Andalucía TIC-606

    Confidence-Based Reasoning with Local Temporal Formal Contexts

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    Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a theory whose goal is to discover and to extract Knowledge from qualitative data. It provides tools for reasoning with implication basis (and association rules). In this paper we analyse how to apply FCA reasoning to increase confidence in sports betting, by means of detecting temporal regularities from data. It is applied to build a Knowledge based system for confidence reasoning.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009-09492Junta de Andalucía TIC-606

    Análisis de la calidad de la red de puntos de apoyo de la Junta de Andalucía. Idoneidad para su aplicación en producción de ortofotografía

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    Actualmente la producción de ortofotografías se basa en procedimientos que comprenden tareas altamente automatizadas, hecho que ha permitido una reducción de plazos y costes en la obtención de estos productos. De igual forma ha contribuido a dicha reducción la disponibilidad de información de partida obtenida en proyectos anteriores, especialmente para las fases Apoyo de Campo y Modelo Digital del Terreno. El propósito de este estudio ha sido la evaluación de la calidad posicional de la Red de Puntos de Apoyo de Andalucía (RPA), constituida por una base de puntos medidos sobre el terreno a lo largo de diversas campañas de producción cartográfica. Como objetivo de este análisis se pretende categorizar en función de su idoneidad esta información, para su utilización en posteriores proyectos que requieran apoyo topográfico. En este artículo se describe la metodología establecida: Un diagnóstico de la idoneidad de la RPA para su posterior reutilización, mediante el establecimiento de diversos criterios y el análisis de información en función de los mismos. En una segunda fase, con la ejecución de remediciones sobre el terreno y posterior validación estadística de los datos, se ha evaluado la exactitud y calidad posicional de los puntos que han superado los diferentes criterios de aceptación.Nowadays, the production of orthophotos is based on procedures that include highly automated tasks, which has led to a reduction in time and cost in obtaining these products. Likewise, it has contributed to this reduction the availability of baseline information obtained in previous projects, especially for Field Support and Digital Terrain Model phases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the positional quality of the Control Points Network of Andalusia (RPA), consisting of a base of measured field points along different production mapping. The aim of this analysis is to categorize this information in terms of their suitability, to be used in subsequent projects which require topographic support. This article describes the methodology set: a diagnosis of the suitability of the RPA for reuse, by means of establishing different criteria and analysis of information based on them. In a second phase, with the implementation of on field remeasurements and subsequent statistical validation of data, it has been evaluated the positional accuracy and quality of points that have passed the different acceptance criteria

    Good is stronger than bad for eudaimonic well-being

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    [ES] Los cambios percibidos en creencias básicas y crecimiento relacionados con los eventos vitales se examinaron en tres estudios. Una muestra representativa (N = 885), una muestra de estudiantes y sus familiares (N = 291) y una de estudiantes (N = 245) respondieron una lista de eventos vitales positivos y negativos, una escala de cambios en creencias básicas y una escala de crecimiento postraumático. Los eventos positivos se asociaron fuertemente con cambios en las creencias básicas, mientras que solo se encontraron asociaciones débiles para los eventos negativos. Además, cambios negativos en las creencias básicas se asociaron con el crecimiento solo en eventos negativos de la vida y los cambios positivos en las creencias básicas se asociaron en general con el crecimiento.[EN] Perceived changes in basic beliefs and growth related to life events were examined in three studies. A representative sample (N 885), a sample of students and their families (N = 291) and a sample of students (N=245) responded with a list of positive and negative life events, a scale of changes in basic beliefs and a post-traumatic growth scale. Positive events were strongly associated with changes in basic beliefs, while only weak associations were found for negative events. In addition, negative changes in basic beliefs were associated with growth only in negative life events and positive changes in basic beliefs were generally associated with growth

    Selecting Attributes for Sport Forecasting using Formal Concept Analysis

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    In order to address complex systems, apply pattern recongnition on their evolution could play an key role to understand their dynamics. Global patterns are required to detect emergent concepts and trends, some of them with qualitative nature. Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a theory whose goal is to discover and to extract Knowledge from qualitative data. It provides tools for reasoning with implication basis (and association rules). Implications and association rules are usefull to reasoning on previously selected attributes, providing a formal foundation for logical reasoning. In this paper we analyse how to apply FCA reasoning to increase confidence in sports betting, by means of detecting temporal regularities from data. It is applied to build a Knowledge-Based system for confidence reasoning.Comment: Paper 3 for the Complex Systems in Sports Workshop 2011 (CS-Sports 2011