677 research outputs found

    Resonant tunneling through protected quantum dots at phosphorene edges

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    We theoretically investigate phosphorene zigzag nanorribons as a platform for constriction engineering. In the presence of a constriction at the upper edge, quantum confinement of edge protected states reveals resonant tunnelling Breit-Wigner transmission peaks, if the upper edge is uncoupled to the lower edge. Coupling between edges in thin constrictions gives rise to Fano-like and anti-resonances in the transmission spectrum of the system.Comment: 8 pages,7 figure

    Framework for Learning and Control in the Classical and Quantum Domains

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    Control and learning are key to technological advancement, both in the classical and quantum domains, yet their interrelationship is insufficiently clear in the literature, especially between classical and quantum definitions of control and learning. We construct a framework that formally relates learning and control, both classical and quantum, to each other, with this formalism showing how learning can aid control. Furthermore, our framework helps to identify interesting unsolved problems in the nexus of classical and quantum control and learning and help in choosing tools to solve problems. As a use case, we cast the well-studied problem of adaptive quantum-enhanced interferometric-phase estimation as a supervised learning problem for devising feasible control policies. Our unification of these fields relies on diagrammatically representing the state of knowledge, which elegantly summarizes existing knowledge and exposes knowledge gaps.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Carrying capacity and goat botanical diet composition in an arid ecosystem, Lavalle, Argentina

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    8 págs, 1 tabla.-- Comunicación presentada a la XLV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos: "Producciones agroganaderas: gestión eficiente y conservación del medio natural" (Gijón, 28 de mayo al 3 de junio de 2005).[ES] El trabajo se llevó a cabo en el departamento de Lavalle, Mendoza, Argentina. Las unidades de pastos, más importantes desde el punto de vista forrajero son: Algarrobal de Prosopis flexuosa; Matorral con Atriplex lampa (zampal); Matorral con Tricomaria usillo (usillar); Matorral degradado con Larrea cuneifolia (jarillal) y Medanal. Los objetivos del estudio fueron estimar la capacidad sustentadora de las diferentes unidades y la composición botánica de la ingesta de los caprinos. La estimación de dicha capacidad, expresada en hectáreas por Unidades Ganadera Caprinas (ha UGC–1), se realizó mediante el método de Point Quadrat modificado para el Monte. Y por medio del análisis microhistológico de heces se determinó la composición estacional de la ingesta.Los valores medios anuales de capacidad sustentadora fueron: Algarrobal, 1,2; Zampal, 1,7; Usillar, 3,5; Jarillal, 5,8 y Médanos, 4,3 ha UGC-1. La composición de la ingesta varió durante las estaciones, observándose una predominancia de las especies arbustivas, las gramíneas perennes aparecieron en muy baja frecuencia en todas las estaciones. El Algarrobal y el Zampal son las unidades de mayor importancia forrajera, presentando receptividades ganaderas más altas y una oferta forrajera más estable a lo largo del año, respecto del resto de las unidades de pastos analizadas.[EN] The work was carried out in the department of Lavalle, Mendoza, Argentina. The units of pastures, more important from the forage matter are: Algarrobal of Prosopis flexuosa; Shrubland with Atriplex lampa (zampal); Shrubland with Tricomaria usillo (usillar); Shrubland degraded with Larrea cuneifolia (jarillal) and Dunes. The aims of the study were to estimate the carrying capacity of the different units and the botanical composition of goat diets. The carrying capacity, expressed in hectares by Units Goat (ha UG-1), was measured by the method of Point Quadrat modified for Monte and the seasonal botanical composition of goat diets, was determined by microhistological analysis of faeces. The annual average values of carrying capacity were: Algarrobal, 1.2; Zampal, 1.7; Usillar, 3.5; Jarillal, 5.8 and Dunes, 4.3 ha UG-1. The composition of the diet varied during the seasons, the predominance of the shrubs species were observed, the perennial grass appeared in low frequency in all the seasons. The Algarrobal and the Zampal are the units of greater forage importance, where forage receptivity are higher and with more stable production throughout the year, respect to the others units of pastures analyzed.Peer reviewe

    Insulin Receptor Has Tyrosine Kinase Activity Toward Shc In Rat Liver.

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    Insulin induces tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc in cell cultures and in insulin-sensitive tissues of the intact rat. However, the ability of insulin receptor (IR) tyrosine kinase to phosphorylate Shc has not been previously demonstrated. In the present study, we investigated insulin-induced IR tyrosine kinase activity towards Shc. Insulin receptor was immunoprecipitated from liver extracts, before and after a very low dose of insulin into the portal vein, and incubated with immunopurified Shc from liver of untreated rats. The kinase assay was performed in vitro in the presence of exogenous ATP and the phosphorylation level was quantified by immunoblotting with antiphosphotyrosine antibody. The results demonstrate that Shc interacted with insulin receptor after infusion of insulin, and, more important, there was insulin receptor kinase activity towards immunopurified Shc. The description of this pathway in animal tissue may have an important role in insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity toward mitogenic transduction pathways.311415-

    Robust signatures in the current-voltage characteristics of DNA molecules oriented between two graphene nanoribbon electrodes

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    In this work we numerically calculate the electric current through three kinds of DNA sequences (telomeric, \lambda-DNA, and p53-DNA) described by different heuristic models. A bias voltage is applied between two zig-zag edged graphene contacts attached to the DNA segments, while a gate terminal modulates the conductance of the molecule. The calculation of current is performed by integrating the transmission function (calculated using the lattice Green's function) over the range of energies allowed by the chemical potentials. We show that a telomeric DNA sequence, when treated as a quantum wire in the fully coherent low-temperature regime, works as an excellent semiconductor. Clear steps are apparent in the current-voltage curves of telomeric sequences and are present independent of lengths and sequence initialisation at the contacts. The current-voltage curves suggest the existence of stepped structures independent of length and sequencing initialisation at the contacts. We also find that the molecule-electrode coupling can drastically influence the magnitude of the current. The difference between telomeric DNA and other DNA, such as \lambda-DNA and DNA for the tumour suppressor p53, is particularly visible in the length dependence of the current

    Electronic transport across linear defects in graphene

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    We investigate the low-energy electronic transport across grain boundaries in graphene ribbons and infinite flakes. Using the recursive Green’s function method, we calculate the electronic transmission across different types of grain boundaries in graphene ribbons. We show results for the charge density distribution and the current flow along the ribbon. We study linear defects at various angles with the ribbon direction, as well as overlaps of two monolayer ribbon domains forming a bilayer region. For a class of extended defect lines with periodicity 3, an analytic approach is developed to study transport in infinite flakes. This class of extended grain boundaries is particularly interesting, since the K and K0 Dirac points are superposed.NMRP acknowledges support from EC under Graphene Flagship (Contract No. CNECT-ICT-604391) and the hospitality of the Instituto de Física of the UFRJ, where this work was completed. JNBR acknowledges Singapore National Research Foundation for its support through the Fellowship Program NRFNRFF2012-01. CJP and ALCP acknowledge So Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), grant 2012/19060-0. Part of the numerical simulations were performed at the computational facilities from CENAPAD-SP, at Campinas State University

    Elaboración y validez de un cuestionario de las habilidades motrices iniciales para estudiantes de enseñanza media chilena

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    El siguiente artículo presenta la elaboración y validación de un cuestionario de habilidades motrices que mida el estado de dichas habilidades a través de la percepción de las y los profesores de Educación Física (EF) en Chile durante la transición de la enseñanza básica hacia la enseñanza media para desempeñarse correctamente en las clases de EF. Para dicha validación se ha considerado un modelo de habilidades motrices. En una primera fase se realizó el análisis y vaciado del currículum de Educación Física chileno de 7º básico a 4º año medio para luego dar paso a una segunda fase de la creación del cuestionario y posteriormente realizar la validación de contenido, de constructo y la fiabilidad del instrumento en una tercera fase a través de la recogida de datos en una muestra piloto. A partir de los datos mostrados, se concluye que el instrumento creado es válido y fiable

    A simulational and theoretical study of the spherical electrical double layer for a size-asymmetric electrolyte: the case of big coions

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    Monte Carlo simulations of a spherical macroion, surrounded by a size-asymmetric electrolyte in the primitive model, were performed. We considered 1:1 and 2:2 salts with a size ratio of 2 (i.e., with coions twice the size of counterions), for several surface charge densities of the macrosphere. The radial distribution functions, electrostatic potential at the Helmholtz surfaces, and integrated charge are reported. We compare these simulational data with original results obtained from the Ornstein-Zernike integral equation, supplemented by the hypernetted chain/hypernetted chain (HNC/HNC) and hypernetted chain/mean spherical approximation (HNC/MSA) closures, and with the corresponding calculations using the modified Gouy-Chapman and unequal-radius modified Gouy-Chapman theories. The HNC/HNC and HNC/MSA integral equations formalisms show good concordance with Monte Carlo "experiments", whereas the notable limitations of point-ion approaches are evidenced. Most importantly, the simulations confirm our previous theoretical predictions of the non-dominance of the counterions in the size-asymmetric spherical electrical double layer [J. Chem. Phys. 123, 034703 (2005)], the appearance of anomalous curvatures at the outer Helmholtz plane and the enhancement of charge reversal and screening at high colloidal surface charge densities due to the ionic size asymmetry.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    SEOM-GEMCAD-TTD clinical guidelines for localized rectal cancer (2021)

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    The management of localized rectal cancer requires a multidisciplinary approach to optimize outcomes, reduce morbidity and prevent under or overtreatments. While early stages may obtain benefit of local resections without any additional therapies, locally advanced rectal cancer becomes a challenge defining the better sequential strategy of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The latest results of international phase III studies have positioned the total neoadjuvant therapy as a potential new standard of care in high risk rectal cancers, however, the best schedule is still not well defined