13 research outputs found

    A perm Ă©s a triĂĄsz idƑszak hatĂĄrĂĄn lezajlott környezeti vĂĄltozĂĄsok, magyarorszĂĄgi szelvĂ©nyek vizsgĂĄlata alapjĂĄn = Environmental changes at the Permian-Triassic boundary, based on studies of boundary sections in Hungary

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    KutatĂĄsi programunk cĂ©lja az volt, hogy kĂ©pet nyerjĂŒnk a paleozoikum Ă©s a mezozoikum hatĂĄrĂĄn lejĂĄtszĂłdĂł, a fanerozoikum legnagyobb kihalĂĄsĂĄhoz vezetƑ környezeti vĂĄltozĂĄsok pontos menetĂ©rƑl Ă©s ennek alapjĂĄn megkĂ­sĂ©reljĂŒk az okok feltĂĄrĂĄsĂĄt is. A bĂŒkki szelvĂ©nyek vizsgĂĄlata sorĂĄn biosztratigrĂĄfiai mĂłdszerekkel tisztĂĄztuk a hatĂĄr pontos helyzetĂ©t, rĂ©szletes mikrofĂĄcies-elemzĂ©st vĂ©geztĂŒnk. Kimutattuk, hogy a legfelsƑ perm rĂ©tegekben a karbonĂĄtkivĂĄlasztĂł szervezetek maradvĂĄnyai rövid szakaszon belĂŒl, de fokozatosan tĂŒnnek el. A maradvĂĄnyok eltƱnĂ©sĂ©vel egyĂŒtt kezdƑdik el a delta 13C Ă©rtĂ©kek fokozatos eltolĂłdĂĄsa negatĂ­v irĂĄnyba. Az ezt követƑ szakaszt elszegĂ©nyedett fosszilia-egyĂŒttes Ă©s litolĂłgiai vĂĄltozĂĄs ("hatĂĄr mĂĄrga") is jellemzi. A "tĂșlĂ©lƑ" permi szervezetek eltƱnĂ©se egybeesik a delta 13C Ă©rtĂ©kek negatĂ­v csĂșcsĂĄval, amit a P-T hatĂĄr kemosztratigrĂĄfiai jelzƑjĂ©nek tekintenek. NegatĂ­v eltolĂłdĂĄs az erƑs vĂ­zmozgĂĄsĂș sekĂ©lytengerben kĂ©pzƑdött dunĂĄnĂșli-közĂ©phegysĂ©gi rĂ©tegsorok ooidos hatĂĄrszakaszĂĄn is egyĂ©rtelmƱen kimutathatĂł. A triĂĄsz kezdetĂ©n mikrobĂĄs karbonĂĄtok, illetve a sekĂ©ly, erƑs vizmozgĂĄsĂș szubtidĂĄlis övezetekben oolit rĂ©tegek kĂ©pzƑdĂ©se jellemzƑ. Az eredmĂ©nyek bebizonyĂ­tottĂĄk, hogy a BĂĄlvĂĄny-Ă©szak elnevezĂ©sƱ alapszelvĂ©ny a perm Ă©s a triĂĄsz hatĂĄrĂĄn lezajlott esemĂ©nyek megismerĂ©se szempontjĂĄbĂłl az egyik legteljesebb Ă©s a legjobban tanulmĂĄnyozhatĂł szelvĂ©ny EurĂłpĂĄban Ă©s vilĂĄgviszonylatban is kiemelkedƑ jelentƑsĂ©gƱ. | The aim of the research project was to contribute for better understanding of environmental changes, which resulted in the largest extension of the Phanerozoic at the boundary between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic. Applying biostratigraphic methods, the exact position of the boundary was determined in the sections of the BĂŒkk Mountains and detailed microfacies analyses were carried out. It was proved that in the uppermost Permian layers, remnants of carbonate secreting organisms gradually disappear in a short interval. A negative shift of delta 13C values starts at the level of onset of gradual decrease in the amount of bioclasts. The next interval is characterised by an impoverished fossil assemblage and also a change in the lithology ('boundary shale'). Disappearance of the 'survivor' Permian biota coincides with a negative delta 13C peak that is considered as the chemostratigraphic marker of the Permian-Triassic boundary. The negative shift was also encountered in the oolitic boundary interval of the Transdanubian Range, which was deposited in a high-energy shallow marine environment. In the earliest Triassic formation of microbial carbonates on the low-energy sea-bottom and oolites in the high-energy environments was typical. Results of the project evidenced that the BĂĄlvĂĄny-North section is one of the most complete and best-exposed Permian-Triassic boundary sections in Europe and it has an outstanding importance world-wide

    TriĂĄsz Ă©s jura lejtƑfĂĄciesek jelentƑsĂ©ge a Neotethys ÉNy-i vĂ©gĂ©nek geodinamikai Ă©rtelmezĂ©sĂ©ben = Importance of Triassic and Jurassic slope facies in the geodynamic reconstruction of the NW termination of the Neotethys

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    A program cĂ©lja az Ă©szak-magyarorszĂĄgi triĂĄsz Ă©s jura medence- Ă©s lejtƑfĂĄciesek szedimentolĂłgiai Ă©s rĂ©tegtani vizsgĂĄlata volt Ășj fejlƑdĂ©störtĂ©neti szintĂ©zis kidolgozĂĄsa Ă©rdekĂ©ben, Ă©s azĂ©rt, hogy lehetƑvĂ© vĂĄljon a korrelĂĄciĂł a DinaridĂĄk Ă©s a HellenidĂĄk hasonlĂł korĂș Ă©s kifejlƑdĂ©sƱ kĂ©pzƑdmĂ©nyeivel. A kutatĂĄsokat a BĂŒkkben, a darnĂłi terĂŒleten, a MĂĄtrĂĄban mĂ©lyĂ­tett fĂșrĂĄsok anyagĂĄn Ă©s a RudabĂĄnyai-hegysĂ©gben vĂ©geztĂŒk. Az összehasonlĂ­tĂł elemzĂ©s Ă©rdekĂ©ben terepi megfigyelĂ©seket Ă©s vizsgĂĄlatokat vĂ©geztĂŒnk a DinaridĂĄkban, a HellenidĂĄkban, a Keleti- Alpokban Ă©s a Nyugati-KĂĄrpĂĄtokban. A Neotethys akkrĂ©ciĂłs komplexumĂĄnak rĂ©szĂ©t kĂ©pezƑ bĂŒkki, tovĂĄbbĂĄ a MĂĄtra aljzatĂĄt alkotĂł Ă©s a DarnĂł környĂ©ki kĂ©pzƑdmĂ©nyek alapvetƑ jellegei jĂłl megfeleltethetƑk a DinaridĂĄkban ismertekkel, Ă©s ennĂ©l fogva kĂ©pzƑdĂ©si körĂŒlmĂ©nyeik is levezethetƑek a DinaridĂĄkra a közelmĂșltban kidolgozott modellekbƑl. A RudabĂĄnyai-hegysĂ©gben megismert olisztosztrĂłmĂĄk törmelĂ©kanyaga mutat ugyan összetĂ©telbeli eltĂ©rĂ©seket a bĂŒkkiekhez Ă©s a mĂĄtraiakhoz kĂ©pest, de fontos összekapcsolĂł bĂ©lyegeket is felismertĂŒnk. Az Északi MĂ©szkƑalpokban megfigyelt szubdukciĂłhoz köthetƑ jelensĂ©gek szedimentolĂłgiai jellege Ă©s idƑbeli lefolyĂĄsa jĂł korrelĂĄciĂłt mutat a BĂŒkkben megismerthez, de a medencĂ©kben felhalmozĂłdott törmelĂ©kben lĂ©nyeges eltĂ©rĂ©sek vannak. Ez az akkrĂ©ciĂłs komplexum törmelĂ©kanyagĂĄnak zömĂ©t szolgĂĄltatĂł felsƑ, kontinentĂĄlis lemez felĂ©pĂ­tĂ©sĂ©nek kĂŒlönbsĂ©gĂ©re vezethetƑ vissza. Az eredmĂ©nyek alĂĄtĂĄmasztjĂĄk a bĂŒkki, a mĂĄtrai-darnĂłi Ă©s a rudabĂĄnyai mezozoos összleteknek a DinaridĂĄkhoz kapcsolĂłdĂł eredeti helyzetĂ©t. | Study of sedimentological and stratigraphical characteristics of the Triassic and Jurassic basin and slope facies in North Hungary was the aim of the project. Elaboration of a new geodynamic synthesis and correlation with the coeval and genetically similar formations of the Dinarides and Hellenides were also in the focus of the project. The studies were performed in the BĂŒkk Mts., in the DarnĂł area, on cores drilled in the MĂĄtra Mts., and in the RudabĂĄnya Hills. For comparative analyses field studies were carried out in the Dinarides, Hellenides, in the Eastern Alps and Western Carpathians. Basic characteristics of the relics of the Neotethys accretionary complexes occur in the BĂŒkk, in the basement of the MĂĄtra and also in the DarnĂł area show good correspondence with those in the Dinarides and therefore their genetic conditions can be derived from the recently elaborated genetic models for the Dinarides. Although differences were pointed out in the composition of olistostromes encountered in the RudabĂĄnya Hills, and that in the BĂŒkk and MĂĄtra Mts., significant common features were also recognised. Sedimentological characteristics and timing of the subduction-related phenomena observed in the Northern Calcareous Alps can also be correlated with those in the BĂŒkk, but there are substantial differences in the composition of the clasts. This can be explained by the differences in the upper continental plate, source of dominant part of the clasts of the accretionary complex. The results support the concept on the Dinaridic relationship of the Mesozoic complexes of the BĂŒkk, MĂĄtra-DarnĂł and RudabĂĄnya Hills

    Csoportok Ă©s reprezentĂĄciĂłik = Groups and their representations

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    VĂĄltozatos kĂ©rdĂ©seket vizsgĂĄltunk a csoportelmĂ©letben, a csoportok reprezentĂĄciĂłelmĂ©letĂ©ben Ă©s mĂĄs kapcsolĂłdĂł absztrakt algebrai terĂŒleteken. 39 tudomĂĄnyos dolgozatot publikĂĄltunk, ezek nagy rĂ©szĂ©t vezetƑ nemzetközi folyĂłiratokban (pl. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Duke Mathematical Journal, European Journal of Combinatorics, Journal of Algebra, Journal of Group Theory, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society). Legfontosabb eredmĂ©nyeink a következƑk: MeghatĂĄroztuk a pozitiv karakterisztikĂĄjĂș globĂĄlis testek feletti aritmetikai csoportok kongruenciarĂ©szcsoport-növekedĂ©sĂ©t. Új pĂ©ldĂĄkat talĂĄltunk olyan csoportokra, amelyeknek izomorf a pro-vĂ©ges lezĂĄrĂĄsuk. Teljes leirĂĄsĂĄt adtuk azoknak a modulĂĄris csoportalgebrĂĄknak, melyek Lie nilpotencia-indexe maximĂĄlis. CsoportelmĂ©leti mĂłdszereket alkalmazva a loopok elmĂ©letĂ©ben olyan (128 elemƱ) loopot konstruĂĄltunk, amelynĂ©l a belsƑ permutĂĄciĂłk csoportja kommutativ Ă©s a loop nilpotnecia osztĂĄlya 3, ezzel Bruck egy 60 Ă©ves kĂ©rdĂ©sĂ©re adtunk vĂĄlaszt. Az univerzĂĄlis algebrĂĄban a vĂ©ges modulĂĄris hĂĄlĂłk egy szĂ©les osztĂĄlyĂĄra konstruĂĄltunk vĂ©ges kongruencia-reprezentĂĄciĂłkat, mĂ©gpedig operĂĄtorcsoportok felhasznĂĄlĂĄsĂĄval. A bonyolultsĂĄgelmĂ©letben több algebrai problĂ©mĂĄt tanulmĂĄnyoztunk. PĂ©ldĂĄul megmutattuk, hogy nem feloldhatĂł csoportokban az azonossĂĄgok ellenƑrzĂ©se NP-teljes problĂ©ma. | We studied various questions in group theory, in representation theory of groups, and in related areas of abstract algebra. We published 39 research papers, many of them in leading international journals (for example, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Duke Mathematical Journal, European Journal of Combinatorics, Journal of Algebra, Journal of Group Theory, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society). The most important results are the following: We determined the congruence subgroup growth of arithmetic groups over global fields of positive characteristic. We found new examples of groups with isomorphic pro-finite closure. We gave a complete description of modular group algebras with maximal Lie nilpotency index. Applying group theoretic methods in loop theory, we constructed an example of a loop (of order 128) with an Abelian inner permutation group and of nilpotency class 3, thereby answering a 60-year old question of Bruck. In universal algebra we constructed finite congruence lattice representations for a large class of finite modular lattices, namely by using operator groups. In complexity theory we studied several algebraic problems. For example, we showed that for nonsolvable groups the checking of identities is an NP-complete problem

    Stratigraphy, facies and geodynamic settings of Jurassic formations in the BĂŒkk Mountains, North Hungary: its relations with the other areas of the Neotethyan realm.

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    Jurassic mĂ©lange complexes related to the subduction of the Neotethys Ocean occur in the BĂŒkk Mountains, North Hungary. This paper characterizes the sedimentary sequence of basin and slope facies that occur in the southwestern part of the BĂŒkk Mountains, placing special emphasis on the redeposited sedimentary rocks (olistostromes, olistoliths: MĂłnosbĂ©l Group) in order to obtain information on the provenance of the clasts, and the mode and time of their redeposition. The series of formations studied shows a general coarsening-upwards trend. Based on radiolarians and foraminifera, the MĂłnosbĂ©l Group formed in Early to Late Bathonian time. The lower part of the complex is typified by a predominance of pelagic carbonates, shale and radiolarite with andesitic volcaniclastic intercalations. The higher part of the succession is characterized by polymictic olistostromes. Large olistoliths that are predominantly blocks of Bathonian shallow marine limestone (BĂŒkkzsĂ©rc Limestone) appear in the upper part of the sequence. Based on the biostratigraphic and sedimentological data, results of analyses of the redeposited clasts and taking into consideration the concepts of the development of the western Neotethys domain, the evolutionary stages of the sedimentary basins were defined. The onset of the compressional stage led to initiation of nappe stacking that led to the formation of polymict olistostromes and then to the redeposition of large blocks derived from out-of-sequence nappes of the former platform foreland

    Az ÉK-magyarorszĂĄgi paleozoikum Ă©s mezozoikum dinĂĄri-hellenid korrelĂĄciĂłja = Dinaridic-Hellenidic correlation of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of NE Hungary

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    ElkĂ©szĂŒltek A Cirkum-Pannon rĂ©giĂł tektonosztratigrĂĄfiai tĂ©rkĂ©peinek magyarĂĄzĂł fejezetei, amelyek a XVIII. KĂĄrpĂĄt-BalkĂĄn GeolĂłgiai Kongresszuson (BelgrĂĄd, 2006) lettek bemutatva. ElkĂ©szĂŒlt a DarnĂłi komplexum Ă©s a Recsk-mĂ©lyszint ĂșjraĂ©rtĂ©kelĂ©se Ă©s tĂ©rkĂ©pe, valamint elƑzetes korrelĂĄciĂł a BelsƑ-DinaridĂĄk Ă©s BelsƑ-HellenidĂĄk irĂĄnyĂĄban, szerb Ă©s görög egyĂŒttmƱködĂ©sben; utĂłbbiban Ășj tektonikai modellek vetƑdtek fel a BĂŒkk-hegysĂ©gben. JelentƑsen elƑre haladt a RudabĂĄnyai-hegysĂ©g közĂ©psƑ rĂ©szĂ©nek szerkezeti Ă©s jĂșra megismerĂ©se, elkĂ©szĂŒlt a nem metamorf aggtelek-rudabĂĄnyai egysĂ©gek szerkezeti kersztszelvĂ©nye az orszĂĄghatĂĄrtĂłl SzalonnĂĄig. | Explanatory chapters of the Circum-Pannonian tectonostratigraphic terrane map series have been prepared for printing; they were presented at the XVIIIth Carpato-Balkan Geological Congress (Belgrade, 2006). The DarnĂł Complex and the pre-Tertiary basement of the Recsk Paleogene ore-field have been revised, the new geological map of the DarnĂł area have been prepared. Preliminary correlation with the Inner Hellenides - Inner Dinarides has been made and in Greek cooperation a partly new tectonic model was elaborated for the BĂŒkk Mts. Knowledge on the structure and Jurassic stratigraphy oh the middle part of the RudabĂĄnya Mts. has been significantly increased. Structural cross-section of the non-metamorphosed units of Aggtelek-RudabĂĄnya Mts. (from the state border to the SE margin) has been prepared for printing


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    In the BĂŒkk Mountains the Upper Permian is represented by the NagyvisnyĂł Limestone, which contains very rich marine assemblages. It is overlain by the GerennavĂĄr Limestone (uppermost Permian-Lower Triassic) which records the effects of the Permo-Triassic mass extinction with a dramatic decrease in diversity and abundance of fossils. The basal GerennavĂĄr Limestone is represented by a clayey marl unit (basal beds) deposited in a quiet, low-energy marine environment below the storm wave-base, whose maximum thickness, about one meter, is recorded in the BĂĄlvĂĄny-North section. From this locality a relatively diversified and abundant marine benthonic assemblage has been collected, and is here described. Bivalves are represented by: Bakevellia cf. ceratophaga (Schlotheim), ? Pterinopectinidae gen. et sp. indet., Eumorphotis lorigae sp. n., the most abundant species, Entolium piriformis (Liu) and Pernopecten latangulatus Yin. Brachiopods are less frequent, and the following four species have been identified: Spinomarginifera sp., Orthothetina ladina (Stache), Ombonia tirolensis (Stache) and Orbicoelia tschernyschewi (Likharew). An exact age of this fauna, based on conodonts, is not yet available, but the strong affinities with those of the lower Tesero Member (Dolomites) and the Lower Kathwai Member (Pakistan) suggest a latest Permian age (? Hindeodus praeparvus Zone). If so, the BĂĄlvĂĄny-North section becomes one of the few in the world which records the last bioevents of the Palaeozoic

    Upper Triassic‒Middle Jurassic resedimented toe-of-slope and hemipelagic basin deposits in the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt, Zlatar Mountain, SW Serbia

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    In the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt, small (m-scale) to large (km-scale) blocks of Middle to Upper Triassic, and Middle to Upper Jurassic, more or less silicified bedded limestone are widely present, both as parts of para-autochthonous successions and as redeposited blocks in ophiolitic mĂ©langes. The studied, approximately 230-m-thick succession in the wider area of Zlatar Mountain, is one of the most important para-autochthonous sections in the Serbian part of the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt. The succession is made up of an alternation of redeposited carbonate toe-of-slope deposits, sand to clay-sized siliciclastic rocks, hemipelagic mudstones and radiolarite–spongiolite basin facies. In the lower part of the sequence, the components of the siliciclastic beds were derived mostly from low- and medium-grade metamorphic rocks. Similar components, together with sand-sized fragments of ophiolitic rocks, were encountered in small amounts in some redeposited carbonate beds. The chronostratigraphic assignment of the succession is based mostly on foraminifers, but age-diagnostic radiolarians and other microfossil groups were also considered. In the lower part of the probably continuous succession, a Norian–Rhaetian assemblage was recognized; a Sinemurian–Pliensbachian assemblage was encountered up-section, whereas the upper part of the succession could be assigned to the Bajocian–Bathonian. Considering the paleogeographic reconstructions and the analogies of age-equivalent sections, the succession records the depositional history of the Bosnian Basin during the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic period and may contribute to the understanding of the evolution of the Adriatic margin of the Neotethys Ocean in the transition interval from passive to active margin stages