27 research outputs found

    Post traumatic stress disorder among former child soldiers attending a rehabilitative service and primary school education in northern Uganda.

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    Background: This study was prompted by the psychiatric hospitalization of 12 former child soldiers of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) at a rehabilitation school in northern Uganda with a case of mass psychotic behavior. Objectives: To report the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder, depressed mood, and associated risk factors. Methods: Data on post-traumatic stress disorder, depressed mood, physical disabilities, socio-demographic variables, and the children's war experiences were collected in face-to-face interviews using the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ), a modified Hopkins Symptoms Check-List (HSCL), and a 15-item War Trauma Experience Check-list (WTECL-15). Data was analyzed with SPSS version 11.0. Results: There were 58 girls and 44 boys. Eighty nine children (87.3%) reported having experienced ten or more war-related traumatic psychological events; 55.9% of the children suffered from symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, 88.2%, symptoms of depressed mood and 21.6% had various forms of physical disability. Nearly half of the children (42.2%) reported a positive family history of severe mental illness; 10.8%, a family history of suicide; 22.5%, a family history of suicide attempt; and 45.1%, a family history of alcohol abuse. Children who experienced 10 or more traumatic war events were more likely than the rest to experience depressed mood. Return through a reception center or through a cleansing ritual did not protect against depression. Discussion: Post-traumatic stress disorder among former LRA child soldiers at a rehabilitation centre in northern Uganda is presented. The report highlights the huge unmet need for psychological services among former child soldiers of the LRA. African Health Sciences Vol. 8 (3) 2008: pp. 136-14

    PENERAPAN PENDEKATAN KONSTRUKTIVISME UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI DAN HASIL BELAJAR IPA : Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia pada Siswa Kelas VIII-B Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 Subang Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas VIII-B MTs Negeri 4 Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 dalam pembelajaran IPA materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia melalui penerapan pendekatan konstruktivisme melalui penerapan pendekatan konstruktivisme. Metode yang digunakan yaitu penelitian tindakan kelas (class action research) dengan hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: Penerapan konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran IPA materi sistem peredaran darah manusia, aktivitas belajar siswa  sangat baik dan siswa bisa secara  terlibat selama proses pembelajaran, dan menemukan hal-hal baru dalam kegiatan belajar  dengan melakukan percobaan  dan siswa dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Motivasi belajar siswa kelas VIII-B MTs Negeri 4 Semester Genap  melalui penerapan pendekatan konstruktivisme pada pembelajaran IPA materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia pada siklus I, siswa tuntas dilihat dari motivasi belajar sebanyak 13 siswa atau 65% dari 20 siswa. Siswa belum tuntas dilihat dari motivasi belajar sebanyak 7 siswa atau 35% dari 20 siswa.Pada siklus II, siswa tuntas dilihat dari aspek motivasi belajar sebanyak 19 siswa atau 95% dari 20 siswa. Siswa yang tidak tuntas 1 orang  aspek motivasi belajar  atau 5%. Pembelajaran melalui penerapan model pembelajaran  pada pembelajaran mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) materi sistem peredaran darah manusia  dapat meningkatkan hasil dan ketuntasan belajar siswa. Hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII-B MTs Negeri 4 Semester Genap  melalui penerapan pendekatan konstruktivisme pada pembelajaran IPA materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia adalah dengan melihat nilai hasil test formatif temuan awal peningkatan nilai hasil dan ketuntasan belajar siswa  padapada siklus I dan II.  Pada siklus I  siswa yang tuntas sebanyak 13 siswa atau 65,00% dari 20  siswa. Pada siklus II  siswa yang tuntas sebanyak 18 siswa atau 90,00% dari 20 siswa. Direkomendasikan  konstruktivisme ini sebagai pendekatan  dapat diaplikasikan di kelas pembelajaran


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    Every taxpayer who has fulfilled subjective and objective qualification in accordance with provision and Taxation Act has an obligation to register to Directorate General of Tax where its working area covers the residence or position of the taxpayers and to them are given Registered Number of Taxpayer Subject (NPWP). Then, every taxpayer as a taxable entrepreneur based on Value Added Taxation Act year 1984 and its amendment  has anobligation to send their business reports to the office of Directorate General of Tax where its working area covers the residence or position of the taxpayers and their places of business to become taxable entrepreneurs.Keywords: Self Assessment ­ Registered Number of Taxpayers Subject: Taxabl


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    The concept of science for most students is a difficult concept. Based on observations made during science learning in grade IV at SDN Pasirtenjo 3, it shows that teachers still use a teacher-centered learning approach. This condition is most likely one of the causes of low student learning outcomes in science subjects. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of contextual learning with audio-visual media and scientific thinking skills on science learning outcomes for fourth grade elementary school students. The population in this study were all fourth grade students at SDN Pasirtenjo 3 in the academic year 2020/2021 totaling 60 people, the research sample was grade IV students at SDN Pasirtenjo 3 Pandeglang Regency totaling 30 people. The independent variables in this study were audio-visual media contextual learning and scientific thinking, while the dependent variable was science learning outcomes. The measurement of scientific thinking variables uses a questionnaire, while the learning outcomes use the science learning outcomes test in the form of multiple choice. The results showed that there were differences in science learning outcomes between students who studied contextual audio-visual media with contextual learning without audio-visual media. Then there is the influence of the interaction between contextual learning and scientific thinking skills on science learning outcomes. Furthermore, students' science learning outcomes with contextual learning using audio-visual media have higher scientific thinking abilities compared to contextual learning without audio-visual media. And there is no difference in the science learning outcomes of students with low scientific thinking skills with contextual learning using audio-visual media compared to contextual learning without audio-visual media.Konsep IPA untuk sebagian besar siswa merupakan konsep yang sulit. Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan saat pembelajaran IPA di kelas IV SDN Pasirtenjo 3 menunjukkan bahwa guru masih menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada guru. Kondisi inilah yang kemungkinan besar menjadi salah satu penyebab rendahnya hasil belajar Siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pembelajaran kontekstual media audio visual dan kemampuan berpikir ilmiah terhadap hasil belajar IPA Siswa kelas IV  Sekolah Dasar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa  kelas IV SDN Pasirtenjo 3 pada tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 yang berjumlah 60 orang, sampel penelitian adalah Siswa kelas IV SDN Pasirtenjo 3 Kabupaten Pandeglang berjumlah 30 orang. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran kontekstual media audio visual dan berpikir ilmiah, sedangkan variabel terikat adalah hasil belajar IPA. Pengukuran variabel berpikir ilmiah menggunakan angket, sedangkan hasil belajar menggunakan tes hasil belajar IPA berbentuk pilihan ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan hasil belajar IPA antara siswa yang pembelajaran kontekstual media audio visual dengan yang pembelajaran kontekstual tanpa media audio visual. Kemudian adanya pengaruh interaksi antara pembelajaran kontekstual dengan kemampuan berpikir ilmiah terhadap hasil belajar IPA. Selanjutnya hasil belajar IPA siswa dengan pembelajaran kontekstual media audio visual kemampuan berpikir ilmiah lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kontekstual tanpa media audio visual. Serta tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar IPA siswa yang kemampuan berpikir ilmiah rendah dengan pembelajaran kontektual bermedia audio visual dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran  kontekstual tanpa media audio visual

    The reliability and validity of the SF-8 with a conflict-affected population in northern Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: The SF-8 is a health-related quality of life instrument that could provide a useful means of assessing general physical and mental health amongst populations affected by conflict. The purpose of this study was to test the validity and reliability of the SF-8 with a conflict-affected population in northern Uganda. METHODS: A cross-sectional multi-staged, random cluster survey was conducted with 1206 adults in camps for internally displaced persons in Gulu and Amuru districts of northern Uganda. Data quality was assessed by analysing the number of incomplete responses to SF-8 items. Response distribution was analysed using aggregate endorsement frequency. Test-retest reliability was assessed in a separate smaller survey using the intraclass correlation test. Construct validity was measured using principal component analysis, and the Pearson Correlation test for item-summary score correlation and inter-instrument correlations. Known groups validity was assessed using a two sample t-test to evaluates the ability of the SF-8 to discriminate between groups known to have, and not have, physical and mental health problems. RESULTS: The SF-8 showed excellent data quality. It showed acceptable item response distribution based upon analysis of aggregate endorsement frequencies. Test-retest showed a good intraclass correlation of 0.61 for PCS and 0.68 for MCS. The principal component analysis indicated strong construct validity and concurred with the results of the validity tests by the SF-8 developers. The SF-8 also showed strong construct validity between the 8 items and PCS and MCS summary score, moderate inter-instrument validity, and strong known groups validity. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence on the reliability and validity of the SF-8 amongst IDPs in northern Uganda


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         Abstract. The pulper coffee machine technology is one of the tools for peeling cericoffee beans which is applied at UKM Mukti Raharja to increase its coffee production capacity. Meanwhile, a website-based online sales application with the link: http://kopicanggah.com/ is one of the technologies applied to increase the sales of UKM. The purpose of this service program is to increase production capacity and increase sales. The service methods carried out consist of identification of UKM needs, website design/design and pulper coffee machines and training modules, training operational assistance and implementation of pulper coffee machines and website-based online sales applications, service program outputs. The results obtained, namely, the trial application of the pulper coffee machine obtained a machine capacity of 360 kg/hour, a total power of 1500 Watts, and a motor power of 1.5 hp. The results of the application website-based online sales were 16 transactions over 22 days with a total transaction of Rp. 3,530,000 or an increase in sales as 41% from the previous month's income.             Abstrak. Teknologi mesin pulper kopi merupakan salah satu alat untuk mengupas biji kopi ceriyang diterapkan di UKM Mukti Raharja untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi kopinya. Sedangkan aplikasi penjualan online berbasis website dengan link: http://kopicanggah.com/ merupakan salah satu teknologi yang diterapkan untuk meningkatkan omset penjualan UKM. Tujuan program pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan meningkatkan omset penjualan dari UKM. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan terdiri dari: identifikasi kebutuhan UKM, desain/perancangan website dan mesin pulper kopi serta modul pelatihannya, pendampingan operasional pelatihan dan implementasi mesin pulper kopi dan aplikasi penjualan online berbasis website, output program pengabdian. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu uji coba pengaplikasian mesin pulper kopi diperoleh kapasitas mesin sebesar 360 kg/jam, daya total 1500 Watt dan daya motor 1,5 hp. Hasil pengaplikasian penjualan online berbasis website yaitu diperoleh 16 transaksi selama 22 hari dengan total transaksi sebesar Rp. 3.530.000 atau mengalami peningkatan omset sebesar 41% dari pendapatan bulan sebelumnya

    Optimalisasi Pemberian Pakan Ikan Melalui Alat Pakan Ikan Otomatis Berbasis Solar Cell di Desa Cijambe, Subang

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    Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di kelompok peternak ikan desa Cijambe, Kec. Subang. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk untuk meningkatkan produksi kelompok peternak ikan desa Cijambe melalui teknologi alat pakan ikan otomatis menggunakan solar cell. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan yaitu identifikasi kebutuhan peternak ikan, desain alat pakan ikan otomatis, pembuatan alat pakan ikan otomatis, pendampingan operasional pelatihan penggunaan dan pemeliharaan alat pakan ikan otomatis. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian yaitu  terjadi peningkatan efisiensi pemberian pakan atau Feed Efficiency (FE) dari 69,4% menjadi 86,8. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang alat pakan ikan dari kelompok peternak ikan sebesar 70% dengan dilaksanakannya penjadwalan pemberian pakan ikan pada pukul 07.00, 12.00, dan 16.00. Peningkatan kapasitas produksi sebesar 60% yang terdiri atas ikan mas dari 5 ton per bulan menjadi 8 ton, dan ikan nila dari 15 ton per bulan menjadi 24 ton.&nbsp

    Reliability and validity of the center for epidemiologic studies-depression scale in screening for depression among HIV-infected and -uninfected pregnant women attending antenatal services in northern Uganda: a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: There are limited data on the prevalence and approaches to screening for depression among pregnant women living in resource poor settings with high HIV burden. METHODS: We studied the reliability and accuracy of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale in 123 (36 HIV-infected and 87 -uninfected) pregnant women receiving antenatal care at Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda. CES-D scores were compared to results from the psychiatrist-administered Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) for current major depressive disorder (MDD), a "gold standard" for assessing depression. We employed measures of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha), and criterion validity [Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUROC), sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), and positive predictive value (PPV)] to evaluate the reliability and validity of the CES-D scale. RESULTS: 35.8% of respondents were currently experiencing an MDD, as defined from outputs of the MINI-depression module. The CES-D had high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.92) and good discriminatory ability in detecting MINI-defined current MDDs (AUROC = 0.82). The optimum CES-D cutoff score for the identification of probable MDD was between 16 and 17. A CES-D cutoff score of 17, corresponding to Se, Sp, and PPV values of 72.7%, 78.5%, and 76.5%, is proposed for adoption in this population and performs well for HIV-infected and -uninfected women. After adjusting for baseline differences between the HIV subgroups (maternal age and marital status), HIV-infected pregnant women scored 6.2 points higher on the CES-D than HIV-uninfected women (p = 0.032). CONCLUSIONS: The CES-D is a suitable instrument for screening for probable major depression among pregnant women of mixed HIV status attending antenatal services in northern Uganda

    Factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression amongst internally displaced persons in northern Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: The 20 year war in northern Uganda between the Lord's Resistance Army and the Ugandan government has resulted in the displacement of up to 2 million people within Uganda. The purpose of the study was to measure rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression amongst these internally displaced persons (IDPs), and investigate associated demographic and trauma exposure risk factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional multi-staged, random cluster survey with 1210 adult IDPs was conducted in November 2006 in Gulu and Amuru districts of northern Uganda. Levels of exposure to traumatic events and PTSD were measured using the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (original version), and levels of depression were measured using the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyse the association of demographic and trauma exposure variables on the outcomes of PTSD and depression. RESULTS: Over half (54%) of the respondents met symptom criteria for PTSD, and over two thirds (67%) of respondents met symptom criteria for depression. Over half (58%) of respondents had experienced 8 or more of the 16 trauma events covered in the questionnaire. Factors strongly linked with PTSD and depression included gender, marital status, distance of displacement, experiencing ill health without medical care, experiencing rape or sexual abuse, experiencing lack of food or water, and experiencing higher rates of trauma exposure. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence of exposure to traumatic events and deprivation of essential goods and services suffered by IDPs, and the resultant effect this has upon their mental health. Protection and social and psychological assistance are urgently required to help IDPs in northern Uganda re-build their lives

    Models of epidemics: when contact repetition and clustering should be included

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    Background The spread of infectious disease is determined by biological factors, e.g. the duration of the infectious period, and social factors, e.g. the arrangement of potentially contagious contacts. Repetitiveness and clustering of contacts are known to be relevant factors influencing the transmission of droplet or contact transmitted diseases. However, we do not yet completely know under what conditions repetitiveness and clustering should be included for realistically modelling disease spread. Methods We compare two different types of individual-based models: One assumes random mixing without repetition of contacts, whereas the other assumes that the same contacts repeat day-by-day. The latter exists in two variants, with and without clustering. We systematically test and compare how the total size of an outbreak differs between these model types depending on the key parameters transmission probability, number of contacts per day, duration of the infectious period, different levels of clustering and varying proportions of repetitive contacts. Results The simulation runs under different parameter constellations provide the following results: The difference between both model types is highest for low numbers of contacts per day and low transmission probabilities. The number of contacts and the transmission probability have a higher influence on this difference than the duration of the infectious period. Even when only minor parts of the daily contacts are repetitive and clustered can there be relevant differences compared to a purely random mixing model. Conclusion We show that random mixing models provide acceptable estimates of the total outbreak size if the number of contacts per day is high or if the per-contact transmission probability is high, as seen in typical childhood diseases such as measles. In the case of very short infectious periods, for instance, as in Norovirus, models assuming repeating contacts will also behave similarly as random mixing models. If the number of daily contacts or the transmission probability is low, as assumed for MRSA or Ebola, particular consideration should be given to the actual structure of potentially contagious contacts when designing the model.ISSN:1742-468