24 research outputs found

    Comparison of the prevalence and sonographic features of thyroid nodules accompanying autoimmune thyroid diseases

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    Introduction: The coexistence of thyroid nodules and autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD) has been widely reported. The aim of our study was to retrospectively evaluate the prevalence and sonographic features of malignancy of thyroid nodules in ATD patients. Material and methods: We retrospectively analysed data from 500 patients with ATD in our hospital. We recorded ultrasonographic, histopathological and laboratory features of these patients. Thyroid ultrasonography was performed on all the patients, as well as fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of the thyroid nodule, when required. Patients underwent operations depending on the result of the FNAB. Results: Of the 500 with ATD (400 female and 100 male; mean age = 42.4 years), 300 (60%) had Hashimoto&#8217;s thyroiditis (HT) and 200 (40%) presented with Graves&#8217; disease (GD). The frequency of thyroid nodules was statistically significantly higher in those with GD (37.8%) than in those with HT (24.3%) (p < 0.001). One hundred and forty-nine nodules underwent FNAB (37.8%, 76 out of 200 had GD and 24.3%; 73 out of 300 had HT). The results of the cytological examination were: non-diagnostic cytology, benign, malignant and indeterminate in 19.4%, 73.8%, 2% and 4.5% of the nodules, respectively. When 55 GD and 32 HT patients, on whom total thyroidectomy had been carried out, were evaluated, the incidence of thyroid carcinoma was similar between patients with GD (n = 3, 5.5%) and HT (n = 2, 6.3%) (p > 0.05). Conclusions: We observed that the prevalence of thyroid nodules in patients with GD was higher than patients with HT. However, in general, the characteristics of the nodules and FNAB results were similar in both ATDs. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (6): 658-664)Wstęp: W licznych doniesieniach stwierdza się współwystępowanie guzków tarczycy i autoimmunologicznych chorób tarczycy. Celem pracy była retrospektywna ocena występowania i sonograficznych cech złośliwości guzków tarczycy u pajcentów z autoimmunologicznymi chorobami tarczycy (ATD, autoimmune thyroid disease). Materiał i metody: Analizie retrospektywnej poddano dane 500 pacjentów z ATD, u których przeprowadzono badania ultrasonograficzne, histopatologiczne i laboratoryjne. U wszystkich pacjentów wykonano badanie ultrasonograficzne oraz, w zależności od wymagań, biopsję aspiracyjną cienkoigłową (BAC). Pacjentów poddano operacji w zależności od wyniku BAC. Wyniki: Spośród 500 pacjentów z ATD (400 kobiet i 100 mężczyzn, średnia wieku: 42,4 lat), u 300 (60%) stwierdzono zapalenie tarczycy Hashimoto (HT, Hashimoto thyroids), a u 200 (40%) chorobę Gravesa (GD, Graves disease). U pacjentów z GD stwierdzono statystycznie wyższą częstość występowania guzków tarczycy (37%) w porównaniu z pacjentami z HT (24,3%) (p < 0,001). Wykonano BAC 149 guzków, w 37,8% (76 z 200) przypadków z GD i w 24,3% ( 73 z 300) z HT. Wyniki badania cytologicznego: cytologia niediagnostyczna (19,4%), guzki łagodne (73,8%), guzki złośliwe (2%) i guzki o pośredniej złośliwości (4,5%). Spośród 55 pacjentów z GD i 32 z HT, u których wykonano tyroidektomię totalną, stwierdzono podobną częstość występowania raka tarczycy - u pacjentów z GD (n = 3, 5,5%), a u pacjentów z HT (n = 2, 6,3%) (p > 0,05). Wnioski: Zaobserwowano wyższą częstość występowania guzków tarczycy u pacjentów z GD w porównaniu z pacjentami z HT. Natomiast charakterystyka guzków i wyniki BAC nie różniły sie w obu typach ATD. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (6): 658-664

    Evaluation of near accommodation in type 1 diabetic patients

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    Aim: To evaluate accommodation in type 1 diabetic patients by PowerRef3 in our study. The PowerRef 3 can be used in studying the near triad of accommodation, vergence and pupil responses in healthy and clinical populations. Method: The accommodation of 14 patients (mean age: 33.14 ± 10.27) with type 1 diabetes and 16 control subjects (mean age: 35.81 ± 5.88) were measured by PowerRef3 at 30 cm with a standard accommodation target. The metabolic status of the diabetic patients and accommodation were compared with those of control subjects. Results: The mean accommodation, spherical equivalents and age was not significantly different between diabetic and control subjects.  The mean duration of diabetes was 13 ± 5.7 years (min: 7, max: 27). The mean accommodation was not significantly correlated with duration of diabetes and glycated hemoglobin levels, but it was significantly correlated with the spherical equivalents (p&lt;0.05) and weakly correlated other metabolic parameters (fasting plasma glucose, cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein and triglyceride levels). Conclusion: The accommodation of type 1 diabetes patients at pre-presbyopic ages without diabetic retinopathy was similar to control subjects with PowerRef 3 measurements. This may reflect that good diabetes control, which will prevent retinopathy, may prevent the decrease in accommodation in type 1 diabetes patients

    Nieinwazyjny pomiar ilości tkanki tłuszczowej trzewnej metodą ultrasonograficzną — potencjalne zastosowanie w ocenie zaawansowania subklinicznej miażdżycy u mężczyzn z niedoczynnością przysadki i niedoborem hormonu wzrostu

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    Introduction: Growth hormone (GH) deficiency, either isolated or combined with other pituitary hormone deficiencies, is associated with increased mortality and abnormal body composition, particularly visceral adiposity. We aimed to investigate the effects of GH deficiency with or without sex steroid deficiencies on ultrasonographic visceral fat (VF) and cardiovascular risk markers in patients with hypopituitarism on conventional hormone replacement therapy.Material and methods: Forty hypopituitarism patients (24 women, 16 men; mean age 48 ± 16.1 years) with GH deficiency and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were included in this cross-sectional study. The patients were stable on conventional hormone replacement but they were not on GH therapy. Patients who had sex steroid replacement were classified as Group 1 (n = 19), and patients who did not use sex steroids were classified as Group 2 (n = 21). Anthropometric measurements were performed. VF in three regions, subcutaneous fat, and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) were measured. VF volume was calculated by using a formula.Results: Visceral fat volume and mean CIMT were significantly higher in patients than healthy controls (p = 0.001 and 0.019 respectively). Homocysteine and hs-CRP were higher in patients (p &lt; 0.05). In males, VF volume and VF thickness measured between abdominal muscle and splenic vein were significantly correlated with CIMT (r = 0.54, p = 0.047 and r = 0.66, p = 0.010 respectively). Furthermore, there was a strong positive correlation between VF thickness in pararenal region and homocysteine (r = 0.74, p = 0.001) in males.Conclusions: VF volume evaluated by ultrasound can be accepted as a cause of subclinical atherosclerosis in GH deficient hypopituitary patients, particularly males.Wstęp: Niedobór hormonu wzrostu (GH, growth hormone) może występować jako zaburzenie izolowane lub współistnieć z niedoborami innych hormonów przysadki. Wszyscy pacjenci z niedoborem GH są jednak obarczeni większym ryzykiem zgonu i mają nieprawidłowy skład tkanek ciała, z tendencją do otyłości brzusznej. Celem pracy była ocena zależności pomiędzy niedoborem GH, niezależnie od ewentualnego współistnienia niedoborów hormonów płciowych a grubością tkanki tłuszczowej trzewnej (VF, visceral fat) mierzoną metodą ultrasonograficzną oraz czynnikami ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego u pacjentów z niedoczynnością przysadki, leczonych konwencjonalnymi preparatami hormonalnymi.Materiał i metody: Badanie miało charakter przekrojowy i zakwalifikowano do niego 40 pacjentów z niedoczynnością przysadki i niedoborem GH, w tym 24 kobiety, 16 mężczyzn; średni wiek badanych wynosił 48 ± 16,1 lat. Do badania włączono też 15 osób w grupie kontrolnej, dobranych pod względem płci i wieku do osób z grupy badanej. Pacjenci w grupie badanej leczeni byli konwencjonalnie preparatami hormonalnymi, ale nie otrzymywali hormonu wzrostu. Pacjenci leczeni hormonami płciowymi zostali włączeni do grupy 1 (n = 19), a pacjenci nie otrzymujący takich preparatów do grupy 2 (n = 21). U wszystkich wykonano badania antropometryczne. Wykonywano pomiar grubości VF w trzech miejscach, badano grubość podskórnej tkanki tłuszczowej oraz grubość warstwy wewnętrznej i środkowej ściany tętnicy szyjnej (CIMT, carotid intima-media thickness). Objętość VF wyliczano według wzoru.Wyniki: U pacjentów w grupie badanej stwierdzono znamiennie większą objętość trzewnej tkanki tłuszczowej i średnią wartość CIMT w porównaniu z osobami zdrowymi (odpowiednio p = 0,001 i p = 0,019). Stężenie homocysteiny i hs-CRP były również większe w grupie badanej (p &lt; 0,05). U mężczyzn stwierdzono istotną korelację pomiędzy objętością VF i grubością VF mierzoną pomiędzy mięśniami brzucha a żyłą śledzionową a wartością CIMT (odpowiednio r = 0,54 i p = 0,047 oraz r = 0,66 i p = 0,010). Ponadto, u mężczyzn stwierdzono wyraźną zależność pomiędzy grubością VF w okolicy nerek a stężeniem homocysteiny (r = 0,74 i p = 0,001).Wnioski: Objętość VF mierzona ultrasonograficznie może być wykładnikiem subklinicznie toczącej się miażdżycy u pacjentów z niedoborem hormonu wzrostu na skutek niedoczynności przysadki, w szczególności u mężczyzn

    Volume CXIV, Number 4, November 7, 1996

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    Objective: Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal disorder caused by complete or partial X chromosome monosomy that manifests various clinical features depending on the karyotype and on the genetic background of affected girls. This study aimed to systematically investigate the key clinical features of TS in relationship to karyotype in a large pediatric Turkish patient population.Methods: Our retrospective study included 842 karyotype-proven TS patients aged 0-18 years who were evaluated in 35 different centers in Turkey in the years 2013-2014.Results: The most common karyotype was 45,X (50.7%), followed by 45,X/46,XX (10.8%), 46,X,i(Xq) (10.1%) and 45,X/46,X,i(Xq) (9.5%). Mean age at diagnosis was 10.2±4.4 years. The most common presenting complaints were short stature and delayed puberty. Among patients diagnosed before age one year, the ratio of karyotype 45,X was significantly higher than that of other karyotype groups. Cardiac defects (bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of the aorta and aortic stenosis) were the most common congenital anomalies, occurring in 25% of the TS cases. This was followed by urinary system anomalies (horseshoe kidney, double collector duct system and renal rotation) detected in 16.3%. Hashimoto's thyroiditis was found in 11.1% of patients, gastrointestinal abnormalities in 8.9%, ear nose and throat problems in 22.6%, dermatologic problems in 21.8% and osteoporosis in 15.3%. Learning difficulties and/or psychosocial problems were encountered in 39.1%. Insulin resistance and impaired fasting glucose were detected in 3.4% and 2.2%, respectively. Dyslipidemia prevalence was 11.4%.Conclusion: This comprehensive study systematically evaluated the largest group of karyotype-proven TS girls to date. The karyotype distribution, congenital anomaly and comorbidity profile closely parallel that from other countries and support the need for close medical surveillance of these complex patients throughout their lifespa

    Use of Insulin Degludec/Insulin Aspart in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus: Expert Panel Recommendations on Appropriate Practice Patterns

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    Insulin degludec/insulin aspart (IDegAsp) is a fixed-ratio co-formulation of insulin degludec (IDeg), which provides long-lasting basal insulin coverage, and insulin aspart (IAsp), which targets post-prandial glucose. This expert panel aimed to provide a practical and implementable guidance document to assist clinicians in prescribing IDegAsp in the diabetes management with respect to different patient populations including children and adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) or type 2 diabetes (T2D) as well as pregnant, elderly and hospitalized patients and varying practice patterns (insulin-naive, insulin-treated, switching from basal, basal bolus and premix regimens). The experts recommended that IDegAsp can be used in insulin-naive T2D patients with poor glycemic control (HbA1c >8.5%) despite optimal oral antidiabetic drugs (OADs) as well as in insulin-treated T2D patients by switching from basal insulin, basal-bolus therapy or premixed insulins in relation to lower risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia, fewer injections and lower intraday glycemic variability, respectively. The experts considered the use of IDegAsp in children with T2D as a basal bolus alternative rather than as an alternative to basal insulin after metformin failure, use of IDegAsp in adult T1D patients as a simplified basal bolus regimen with lesser nocturnal hypoglycemia, fewer injections and better fasting plasma glucose control and in children with T1D as an alternative insulin regimen with fewer injection to increase treatment adherence. The proposed expert opinion provides practical information on use of IDegAsp in different patient populations and practice patterns to assist clinicians, which seems to compensate the need for easily implementable guidance on this novel insulin regimen

    Diagnosing atypia of undetermined significance in thyroid fine needle aspiration samples using nuclear scoring

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    WOS: 000483427400017PubMed: 31233903Background Atypia of undetermined significance (AUS) is an indeterminate category in the Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology. Cytological features described as atypia are not always observed in every case, and it is difficult to determine how the small population of cells with enlarged nuclei, a few grooves, and rare elongated nuclei should be classified. Therefore, there is inter-intra observer variability considering these cell types, even though the cytological criteria are well defined. Therefore, this study aimed to establish a nuclear scoring system to help in the differential diagnosis of AUS. Methods: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) samples that showed AUS and had surgical follow-up were included in this study. The aspirate was scored for the presence of intanuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, nuclear grooves, overlapping, enlargement, and elongation individually. The total nuclear score for each case was calculated. Statistical analysis of the association between each nuclear feature and the presence of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) in the surgical specimens was performed. Cut-off points from the total score of these nuclear features were also calculated. Results: Nuclear grooves and overlapping were more common in malignant cases (p = 5.5 for the total score was sensitive and specific for defining malignancy. Conclusion: The risk of PTC was higher in nodules with more prominent nuclear overlapping or nuclear groove in their FNA samples. In order to achieve a more confident AUS diagnosis, our scoring system can be helpful for thyroid FNA samples

    Is There Any Correlation between Baseline Serum Cortisol Levels and Disease Severity in PCR-Positive COVID-19 Patients with and without Diabetes Mellitus?

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    Background: COVID-19 has caused a pandemic and is associated with significant mortality. The pathophysiology of COVID-19, affecting many organs and systems, is still being investigated. The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and possibly adrenal glands are the targets of SARS-CoV-2 because of its angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) receptors expression. Hypocortisolemia can be seen in the postinfection period. COVID-19 infection tends to be severe in diabetic patients due to immune dysfunction. In this study, our aim was to investigate the relationship between basal cortisol levels and the course of COVID-19 infection in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. Methods: Our retrospective study included 311 PCR-positive COVID-19 patients over the age of 18 who were hospitalized in Ankara City Hospital Infectious Diseases Department or Intensive Care Unit (ICU) between 15 March 2020 and 15 May 2020. Serum basal cortisol, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), HbA1c values, and diabetes history were recorded within the first 24 h of hospitalization. The presence of pulmonary involvement was noted from the patients&rsquo; imaging records. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, patients with chronic liver disease or chronic kidney disease, and patients who were already using steroids or had started COVID-19 infection treatment within the 72 h before blood collection were excluded from the study. Results: Of the 311 patients, 100 had Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2D), while 211 did not. The age, serum basal cortisol, and glucose levels of the patients with T2D (64.51 &plusmn; 12.29, 19.5 &plusmn; 13.12, and 143.5 (77&ndash;345)) were higher than those of the patients without T2D (46.67 &plusmn; 16.38, 15.26 &plusmn; 8.75, and 96 (65&ndash;202)), and the differences were statistically significant (p = 0.004, p = 0.004, and p &lt; 0.001, respectively). The basal cortisol values of the ICU patients (27.89 (13.91&ndash;75)) were significantly higher than those of the ward patients (13.68 (1.48&ndash;51.93)) and patients who were transferred to the ICU from the ward due to worsening conditions (19.28 (7.74&ndash;55.21)) (p &lt; 0.001 and p = 0.007, respectively). The factors affecting ICU admission were determined to be age, T2D history, basal cortisol, and elevation in FPG using univariate logistic regression analysis. In the multiple logistic regression analysis, age, basal cortisol level, and infiltrative involvement in thorax CT were determined to be the risk factors affecting intensive care admission. Conclusion: High basal cortisol levels in patients with T2D may predict the severity of COVID-19 infection or mortality. Although high basal cortisol levels are among the risk factors affecting ICU admission, patients with COVID-19 should also be evaluated in terms of clinical and laboratory findings and relative adrenal insufficiency

    The association of autoimmune thyroiditis and non-functional adrenal incidentalomas with insulin resistance

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    Objective Patients with incidental nonfunctioning adrenal adenoma are associated with increased risk of obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and dyslipidemia. We aimed to investigate the relationship between thyroid function, serum lipids and insulin resistance in patients with nonfunctioning adrenal incidentaloma. Subjects and methods Forty patients who had diagnosed as adrenal incidentaloma (AI) in our department were included in the study. Serum free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxine (fT4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), anti-thyroperoxidase antibody (anti-TPO Ab) and anti-thyroglobulin antibody (anti-Tg Ab), lipid profile, hs-CRP, fasting insulin levels were measured and insulin resistance calculated by HOMA-IR. Thyroid volume (TV) was assessed. Results None of the patients showed specific signs and symptoms of hormone excess. TV, TSH and fT3 levels in the patient and control groups did not differ significantly (p > 0.05). The serum fT4, anti-TG Ab, anti-TPO Ab levels in the patient group were significantly higher than in the control group (p = 0.013, p < 0.0001, p = 0.016 respectively). The HOMA-IR, hs-CRP and HDL cholesterol levels in the AI patients were significantly higher than the control group (p = 0.034, p = 0.041, p = 0.002, respectively). Statistically significant relationship was found between HOMA-IR and thyroid volume (r = 0.373, p = 0.018), fT4 (r = 0.382, p = 0.015), hs-CRP (r = 0.512, p = 0.001), HDL cholesterol (r = 0,351 p = 0.026) in AI patients. There were significant correlation between anti-TG Ab, anti-TPO Ab and TSH levels in AI patients (r = 0.431 p = 0.006, r = 0.402 p = 0.012). Conclusions Patients with nonfunctioning adrenal incidentaloma have several metabolic disturbances. At the same time autoimmune thyroid disorders are more frequent in nonfunctioning adrenal incidentaloma patient so that thyroid functions must be evaluated in those patients. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2015;59(1):42-