251 research outputs found

    Роль оценивания в обучении иноязычной письменной коммуникации студентов высших учебных заведений

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    The role of assessment in teaching writing at the univisitiesВ статье обосновывается роль оценивания в процессе обучения иноязычной коммуникации в вузах с позиции компетентностной парадигмы

    The Texts of Regional Orthodox Mass Media: Linguostylistic Aspect

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    The paper deals with lexical, morphological and stylistic features of the texts of Orthodox print publications of the Volgograd diocese. It is revealed that along with the neutral book lexicon, the stylistically marked lexemes of the thematic group "Orthodox sacred and liturgical lexicon" are used in the texts. They are divided into four subgroups of words: 1) words denoting the basic notions of religion and theological terms; 2) words related to ritual and naming of the elements of worship; 3) words denoting the names of the Church hierarchy; 4) words denoting the names of the God and the Holy Virgin. The Orthodox sacred and liturgical vocabulary is represented by nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Church Slavonic words are used to create a solemn tone and to effect the reader. The morphological structure of the texts of Orthodox publications is predominantly nominal. The specificity of the studied texts is manifested in the use of present tense verbs of theological generalization, as well as imperative verbs. The syntactic peculiarity consists in the use of interrogative constructions, question-and-answer unities, positional-lexical repetitions, homogeneous elements of the sentence, inversions. The wide use of stylistic figures (anadiplosis, antithesis, gradation) in the texts is conditioned by the urge to focus attention on semantically meaningful fragments, as well as to enhance an expressive effect

    Features of the Organization of Work of Modern Downshifters

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    This article provides an analysis concerning the position of downshifters in the labor market and social structure of modern Russian society. The specifics of career strategy are also being examined. «Downshifting» is understood as a phenomenon of voluntary downward vertical social mobility, characterised by voluntary long-term change of style in everyday life, which can manifest itself in the change of employment, everyday practices, social and geographical mobility. Within the concept of individualization downshifting presented as destandartised model of biography, implying the rejection of typical for a given society stages, phases of the life cycle. The results of the in-depth interviews with downshifters which were needs to better understand and analyze the «beyond» lifestyle in a consumer society. We focus on two important characteristics of the lifestyle of downshifters: labor organization and financial issues. The results reveal that downshifters is a prime example of non-standard, individualized employment and career. The results of the study allow us to describe the scenarios of the development of life of downshifters after the decision they made and the features of new forms of labor behavior

    Nature of Phenolic Pollution of the Vakh River

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    Data on definition of phenols in waters of the Vakh River and vegetable samples of a flood plain of the river are presented in article. Researches were conducted during the period from 2011 to 2015. The big and small rivers of the Tyumen North contain significant amounts of humic acids. It is known that a large amount of natural phenols is present at the taiga and tundra rivers, and the largest content is characteristic of marsh waters. Enrichment of natural waters phenols happens at the content in water of peat and rotting of flooded trees. The number of phenolic connections increases at different damages of plants: mechanical, chemical. Owing to the dominating state in biocenoses of the North of the Tyumen region mosses and lichens having the chemical composition which is characterized by prevalence of low-molecular phenolic connections in environment of this region also chemically mobile substances of this class are widespread physically. The purpose of work is research of phenolic pollution of waters of the Vakh River and determination of dependence on natural and anthropogenous factors, in particular conditions of an inundated zone. As a result of the conducted researches was consistent pattern of phenolic pollution of waters of the Vakh River is determined and the hypothesis of his nature is confirmed

    The use of beta-D-glucanase as a substitute for Novozyme 234 in immunofluorescence and protoplasting

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    Novozym 234 has been used for many years to prepare protoplasts of Aspergillus nidulans and other fungi for transformation. It has also been very useful in immunofluorescence studies for partially digesting walls of fixed hyphae or germlings to allow antibodies to penetrate into the cytoplasm. In recent years, the availability of Novozym 234 has become problematic, and we have searched for combinations of available enzymes that are suitable for protoplasting and immunofluorescence studies in A. nidulans

    Product-Placement on Internet Promotion

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    На сегодняшний день все больше явлений становятся доступны в онлайн-формате. Развлечения выходят на новый уровень, используются новые технологии взаимодействия с пользователями, контент уходит в интернет-пространство на стриминговые сервисы. Интернет-реклама лидирует среди способов продвижения. В статье рассматривается использование продакт-плейсмента в Интернете на примере исследования кейса по веб-сериалу «Последний рейв».Today the internet is used for a variety of purposes. More and more things are becoming available online. Entertainment is reaching a new level, and some phenomena completely go into the Internet space for streaming services. The article examines the use of product placement on the Internet using the example of a case the web series «The Last Rave»

    Organization of methodological assistance to teachers in educating parents of young children: from the experience of the past

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    The article presents the period of creation of a new type of preschool institution in Russia - a nursery-garden and the problems of training teachers to work with young children and their parents that arose in this regard.В статье рассматривается период создания в России нового типа дошкольного учреждения - яслей-сада и возникших в связи с этим проблем подготовки педагогических кадров для работы с детьми раннего возраста и их родителями