32 research outputs found

    Innovations Are in Music of F.Shopin

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    Висвітлюються новаторські пошуки й добутки фортепіанної камерної творчості Ф. Шопена. Шляхом аналізу його творів простежено втілення новітніх тенденцій у жанрах романтичної фортепіанної мініатюри.This work shows the innovative achievements and research of piano chamber works of Chopin. The analysis of his works shows the embodiment of the newest trends in the genre of romantic piano miniatures

    Категоріальний статус правової культури і культури легальності

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    Овчиннікова А. П. Категоріальний статус правової культури і культури легальності / А. П. Овчиннікова // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку України в умовах європейської інтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Одеса, 18 травня 2018 р.) У 2-х т. Т. 1 / відп. ред. Г. О. Ульянова. – Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. – С. 50-53

    The Shape Shifting Story of Reticulocyte Maturation

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    The final steps of erythropoiesis involve unique cellular processes including enucleation and reorganization of membrane proteins and the cytoskeleton to produce biconcave erythrocytes. Surprisingly this process is still poorly understood. In vitro erythropoiesis protocols currently produce reticulocytes rather than biconcave erythrocytes. In addition, immortalized lines and iPSC-derived erythroid cell suffer from low enucleation and suboptimal final maturation potential. In light of the increasing prospect to use in vitro produced erythrocytes as (personalized) transfusion products or as therapeutic delivery agents, the mechanisms driving this last step of erythropoiesis are in dire need of resolving. Here we review the elusive last steps of reticulocyte maturation with an emphasis on protein sorting during the defining steps of reticulocyte formation during enucleation and maturation

    Stanovení vitaminu C v doplňcích stravy

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    The thesis „Determination of Vitamin C in Food Supplements“ is concerned with the comparison of vitamin C concentration levels in effervescent tablets and bulk mixtures stored in tubes with different closures (molecular sieve, silica gel, and the solitary closure) after a certain storage time. Two batches of dietary supplements for adult and juvenile populations were analyzed (Revital vitamin C 500 mg and MaxiVita Kids Multivitamin containing 40 mg of vitamin C). Measurements were taken 6 months after production, then after 10 months and after 14 months of storage. The content of vitamin C was determined by the titration method and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The types of closures, batches of products, individual measurements and methods of vitamin C determination were compared. Based on the measurements, it was found that after some time the concentration of vitamin C decreased significantly. Nevertheless, the type of closure did not significantly affect the vitamin C level in effervescent tablets and bulk mixtures

    Studium produkce lakázy vybranými druhy hub

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    The importance of lignin-degrading fungi and their ligninolytic enzymes has been well appreciated globally, because of their potential use in various industries. This bachelor thesis is focused on study of potential production of extracellular ligninolytic enzymes by brown rot fungi. In the literary review selected strains of brown rot fungi and its most studied ligninolytic enzymes are characterized. The use of laccase in various industries especially food industry are summarized. Activity of ligninolytic enzymes produced by brown rot fungi Laetiporus sulphureus, Serpula lacrymans, Gloeophyllum sepiarium, Phaeolus schweinitzii and Laetiporus montanus during submerged cultivation for 24 days was evaluated. Laccase, lignin peroxidase and manganese dependent peroxidase activities were measured spectrophotometrically. For all enzymes, the highest activity was observed on the 12 day. Selected fungi produced the most lignin peroxidase. Laetiporus sulphureus and Gloeophyllum sepiarium showed the highest values of enzyme activities. It has been found that the enzymatic activity of fungi depends on the geographical location and the specific habitat. Enzyme activities of the same strain taken from different locations were different

    Ryzyko i niepewność w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju: kwestia polityki wobec zmian klimatu w Stanach Zjednoczonych

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    Scientific evidence of climate change has never been more profound. Activists around the world now demand climate action from global leaders on almost a daily basis. Yet, decision makers are not in a rush to deal with the climate emergency. The present article looks at the politics of climate change through the lens of decision-making under uncertainty to understand whether uncertainty and risk can explain the lack of decisive action on the part of the global leadership and posits that the politics of climate change reflect the climate system itself: complex, multi-layered, driven by many inter-related elements and diverse in its manifestations.Naukowe dowody odnoszące się do zmian klimatu są niepodważalne. Aktywiści na całym świecie wymagają od globalnych liderów działań klimatycznych niemal codziennie. Jednak decydenci nie spieszą się z rozwiązaniem kryzysu klimatycznego. W niniejszym artykule przyglądamy się polityce zmian klimatu przez pryzmat podejmowania decyzji w warunkach niepewności, aby zrozumieć, czy niepewność i ryzyko mogą wyjaśnić brak zdecydowanych działań ze strony światowego przywództwa i zakładamy, że polityka zmian klimatu odzwierciedla system klimatyczny sam w sobie: złożony, wielowarstwowy, napędzany przez wiele powiązanych ze sobą elementów i różnorodny w swoich przejawach

    The Peculiarities оf Mastering тhe Texture оf The Jazz Styles іn Schools оf Aesthetic Education (оn тhe Example оf Swing аnd Blues)

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    Стаття присвячена темі опанування піаністами – учнями шкіл естетичного виховання – основних джазових стилів. Висвітлено методику роботи над фортепіанною фактурою основних джазових стилів – свінгу та блюзу. Запропоновано практичні вправи та складено схему навчального процесу.The article is devoted to the theme of piano pupils’ development of aesthetic education schools and to the major jazz styles. It reveals the genre and stylistic features of jazz music, and also covers the processing of texture styles such as swing, blues, boogie-woogie, ballad, Latin-jazz, jazz-waltz, ragtime. The first section is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the formation of a specific language and styles of jazz, which occupies an intermediate position between entertainment and academic music, folk and professional art, African American and European musical tradition. As a result of the development jazz has developed distinctive properties, which are most clearly manifested in spirituals, blues, ragtime. These genres have influenced the development of jazz with its complex system of syncopation, polirinia specific harmonious thinking, special articulation and phrasing, different from the classical music industry. The proposed guidelines for the development of the piano music of the major jazz styles are shown in the second section of the article. The scheme of the educational process, including the specific steps are: to familiarize the student with the style, rhythm exercises, which should be involved by hands, feet and vocal apparatus of the disciple, working parties separately right and left hands and all invoices. We can remember that in jazz music the priority rhythm and improvisation, special attention is given to the mastery of syncopation, accents and practical mastering of different tonalities. The article can be useful to the teachers of classical piano when working on the works of a variety of genres, and in the process of training the student to improvise on jazz departments of music schools, schools of aesthetic education, undergraduate music colleges

    Modelling and forecasting of the region’s environmental indicators

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    The environmental situation in the Khmelnytskyi oblast has been analyzed, models and forecasts of indicators have been developed by methods of extrapolation, regression analysis and trend models, and the quality of forecasting has been estimated. Namely, the models of influence of selected factors on the environmental situation in the Khmelnytskyi oblast have been developed. Oneand multifactorial regression models have been constructed, conclusions about the degree of influence of factors have been made. Trend models of indicators of the ecological situation in the region have been constructed. Estimates of pollutant emissions, indicators of the creation and disposal of hazardous waste have been developed using different forecasting methods. These calculations can be used to carry out activities aimed at protecting the environment

    The Bologna process policy implementation in Russia and Ukraine : similarities and differences

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    The recent establishment of the European Higher Education Area and the ongoing monitoring carried out by the Bologna Follow-up Group raises the question: to what extent have the objectives of the Bologna Process been implemented in the varied higher education systems of the 47 signatory states, including the former Soviet Union states? This article concentrates on the extent of the Bologna Process implementation in Russia and Ukraine at the national policy level, focusing on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the dual-cycle degree organisation and the development of quality assurance. Based on official documentation, it appears that by 2009 Ukraine had achieved more than Russia in the implementation of Bologna aims and objectives. The theoretical approach suggested by Heinze and Krill is used to identify the national considerations of Russia and Ukraine relative to the Bologna Process, and Phillips and Ochs' model of policy transfer is employed to analyse the similarities and differences of the Bologna Process implementation in Russia and Ukraine. The findings suggest that while Ukraine may have implemented more of the Bologna Process objectives overall, including ECTS and the degree cycles, Russia has made progress in the diploma supplement, and both countries are at a similar level of quality assurance