The Peculiarities оf Mastering тhe Texture оf The Jazz Styles іn Schools оf Aesthetic Education (оn тhe Example оf Swing аnd Blues)


Стаття присвячена темі опанування піаністами – учнями шкіл естетичного виховання – основних джазових стилів. Висвітлено методику роботи над фортепіанною фактурою основних джазових стилів – свінгу та блюзу. Запропоновано практичні вправи та складено схему навчального процесу.The article is devoted to the theme of piano pupils’ development of aesthetic education schools and to the major jazz styles. It reveals the genre and stylistic features of jazz music, and also covers the processing of texture styles such as swing, blues, boogie-woogie, ballad, Latin-jazz, jazz-waltz, ragtime. The first section is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the formation of a specific language and styles of jazz, which occupies an intermediate position between entertainment and academic music, folk and professional art, African American and European musical tradition. As a result of the development jazz has developed distinctive properties, which are most clearly manifested in spirituals, blues, ragtime. These genres have influenced the development of jazz with its complex system of syncopation, polirinia specific harmonious thinking, special articulation and phrasing, different from the classical music industry. The proposed guidelines for the development of the piano music of the major jazz styles are shown in the second section of the article. The scheme of the educational process, including the specific steps are: to familiarize the student with the style, rhythm exercises, which should be involved by hands, feet and vocal apparatus of the disciple, working parties separately right and left hands and all invoices. We can remember that in jazz music the priority rhythm and improvisation, special attention is given to the mastery of syncopation, accents and practical mastering of different tonalities. The article can be useful to the teachers of classical piano when working on the works of a variety of genres, and in the process of training the student to improvise on jazz departments of music schools, schools of aesthetic education, undergraduate music colleges

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