82 research outputs found

    Individual molecular species of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine in myelin turn over at different rates

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    Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) of the myelin membrane exhibit heterogeneity with respect to metabolic turnover rate (Miller, S. L., Benjamins, J. A., and Morell, P. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 212, 4021-4037). To test the hypothesis that this is due to differential turnover of individual molecular species (which differ in acyl chain composition), we have examined the relative turnover of individual molecular species of myelin PC and PE. Phospholipids were labeled by injection of [2-3H]glycerol into the brains of young rats.Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) of the myelin membrane exhibit heterogeneity with respect to metabolic turnover rate (Miller, S. L., Benjamins, J. A., and Morell, P. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 212, 4021-4037). To test the hypothesis that this is due to differential turnover of individual molecular species (which differ in acyl chain composition), we have examined the relative turnover of individual molecular species of myelin PC and PE. Phospholipids were labeled by injection of [2-3H]glycerol into the brains of young rats

    Prenatal hypoxia induces increased cardiac contractility on a background of decreased capillary density.

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    Background: Chronic hypoxia in utero (CHU) is one of the most common insults to fetal development and may be associated with poor cardiac recovery from ischaemia-reperfusion injury,yet the effects on normal cardiac mechanical performance are poorly understood. Methods: Pregnant female wistar rats were exposed to hypoxia (12% oxygen, balance nitrogen)for days 10–20 of pregnancy. Pups were born into normal room air and weaned normally. At 10 weeks of age, hearts were excised under anaesthesia and underwent retrograde 'Langendorff' perfusion. Mechanical performance was measured at constant filling pressure (100 cm H2O) with intraventricular balloon. Left ventricular free wall was dissected away and capillary density estimated following alkaline phosphatase staining. Expression of SERCA2a and Nitric Oxide Synthases (NOS) proteins were estimated by immunoblotting. Results: CHU significantly increased body mass (P < 0.001) compared with age-matched control rats but was without effect on relative cardiac mass. For incremental increases in left ventricular balloon volume, diastolic pressure was preserved. However, systolic pressure was significantly greater following CHU for balloon volume = 50 μl (P < 0.01) and up to 200 μl (P < 0.05). For higher balloon volumes systolic pressure was not significantly different from control. Developed pressures were correspondingly increased relative to controls for balloon volumes up to 250 μl (P < 0.05).Left ventricular free wall capillary density was significantly decreased in both epicardium (18%; P <0.05) and endocardium (11%; P < 0.05) despite preserved coronary flow. Western blot analysis revealed no change to the expression of SERCA2a or nNOS but immuno-detectable eNOS protein was significantly decreased (P < 0.001) in cardiac tissue following chronic hypoxia in utero. Conclusion: These data offer potential mechanisms for poor recovery following ischaemia, including decreased coronary flow reserve and impaired angiogenesis with subsequent detrimental effects of post-natal cardiac performance

    Subthreshold psychosis in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: multisite naturalistic study

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    Nearly one-third of individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) develop a psychotic disorder during life, most of them by early adulthood. Importantly, a full-blown psychotic episode is usually preceded by subthreshold symptoms. In the current study, 760 participants (aged 6-55 years) with a confirmed hemizygous 22q11.2 microdeletion have been recruited through 10 medical sites worldwide, as part of an international research consortium. Of them, 692 were nonpsychotic and with complete measurement data. Subthreshold psychotic symptoms were assessed using the Structured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes (SIPS). Nearly one-third of participants met criteria for positive subthreshold psychotic symptoms (32.8%), less than 1% qualified for acute positive subthreshold symptoms, and almost a quarter met criteria for negative/disorganized subthreshold symptoms (21.7%). Adolescents and young adults (13-25 years) showed the highest rates of subthreshold psychotic symptoms. Additionally, higher rates of anxiety disorders and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were found among the study participants with subthreshold psychotic symptoms compared to those without. Full-scale IQ, verbal IQ, and global functioning (GAF) scores were negatively associated with participants' subthreshold psychotic symptoms. This study represents the most comprehensive analysis reported to date on subthreshold psychosis in 22q11.2DS. Novel findings include age-related changes in subthreshold psychotic symptoms and evidence that cognitive deficits are associated with subthreshold psychosis in this population. Future studies should longitudinally follow these symptoms to detect whether and how early identification and treatment of these manifestations can improve long-term outcomes in those that eventually develop a psychotic disorder

    Genetic contributors to risk of schizophrenia in the presence of a 22q11.2 deletion

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    Schizophrenia occurs in about one in four individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS). The aim of this International Brain and Behavior 22q11.2DS Consortium (IBBC) study was to identify genetic factors that contribute to schizophrenia, in addition to the ~20-fold increased risk conveyed by the 22q11.2 deletion. Using whole-genome sequencing data from 519 unrelated individuals with 22q11.2DS, we conducted genome-wide comparisons of common and rare variants between those with schizophrenia and those with no psychotic disorder at age ≥25 years. Available microarray data enabled direct comparison of polygenic risk for schizophrenia between 22q11.2DS and independent population samples with no 22q11.2 deletion, with and without schizophrenia (total n = 35,182). Polygenic risk for schizophrenia within 22q11.2DS was significantly greater for those with schizophrenia (padj = 6.73 × 10−6). Novel reciprocal case–control comparisons between the 22q11.2DS and population-based cohorts showed that polygenic risk score was significantly greater in individuals with psychotic illness, regardless of the presence of the 22q11.2 deletion. Within the 22q11.2DS cohort, results of gene-set analyses showed some support for rare variants affecting synaptic genes. No common or rare variants within the 22q11.2 deletion region were significantly associated with schizophrenia. These findings suggest that in addition to the deletion conferring a greatly increased risk to schizophrenia, the risk is higher when the 22q11.2 deletion and common polygenic risk factors that contribute to schizophrenia in the general population are both present

    An anti-peptide antibody specific for the class A calcium channel alpha 1 subunit labels mammalian neuromuscular junction.

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    We have generated an anti-peptide antibody specific for the class A calcium channel alpha 1 subunit from rat brain. In immunoblots of the calcium channel complex partially purified from rat brain membranes, the antibody specifically recognized two doublets, one of apparent M(r) 210,000 and M(r) 180,000 and another of apparent M(r) 160,000 and M(r) 130,000. Immunofluorescent staining of sections of rat diaphragm showed that this antibody specifically recognizes antigens that are highly concentrated at neuromuscular synapses. Using this antibody, we also examined the distribution of the class A alpha 1 subunit in sagittal sections of rat cerebellum by immunoperoxidase staining. Specific immunoreactivity was localized in the granule cell layer, possibly to the cerebellar glomeruli, the unique structures in cerebellum where mossy fibers synapse with granule cell dendrites. Purkinje cell neurons were not stained specifically. These results indicate that the class A calcium channel alpha 1 subunit is highly concentrated at mammalian neuromuscular junction and has a restricted localization in cerebellum that does not include Purkinje cell soma or dendrites