20 research outputs found

    La qualité de l'emploi chez les immigrants : une analyse selon le parcours migratoire pré-Canada

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    Au-delà de l’origine ou du statut d’admission, les immigrants qui arrivent au Canada se distinguent aussi selon que certains d’entre eux sont à leur première expérience de migration internationale, alors que d’autres en ont connu plusieurs avant leur arrivée en sol canadien. Cependant, en dehors de l’expérience canadienne, le parcours migratoire avant l’arrivée au Canada a peu retenu l’attention dans la littérature sur l’insertion économique des immigrants. À cela s’ajoute le fait que les travaux sur cette insertion se concentrent très souvent sur deux indicateurs de l’insertion économique : les taux d’emploi et de chômage, ainsi que le revenu (Frenette et Morissette, 2005 ; Dempsey, 2006). Lorsque les caractéristiques des emplois sont considérées (rémunération, qualification, etc.), celles-ci sont généralement traitées individuellement (Boudarbat et Montmarquette, 2016 ; Frank et Hou, 2017). Pour notre part, il nous apparait important d’analyser l’insertion économique sous l’angle de la qualité de l’emploi, qui présente l’avantage de combiner plusieurs de ces aspects à la fois (Gilmore, 2009 ; Boulet, 2015). La thèse s’inscrit dans cette perspective, se proposant d’examiner la relation entre le parcours migratoire international pré-Canada et la qualité de l’emploi chez les immigrants. Les données utilisées proviennent de l’Enquête longitudinale auprès des immigrants du Canada (ELIC), effectuée conjointement par Statistique Canada et Citoyenneté et immigration Canada (CIC)1 . La population à l’étude appartient à la cohorte arrivée entre octobre 2000 et septembre 2001. La qualité de l’emploi est mesurée au moyen d’un indicateur synthétique construit à partir de plusieurs dimensions, dont la démarche est inspirée de celle de l’Institut de la Statistique de Québec (Cloutier et Robinson, 2015). Sur le plan de l’analyse, il est d’abord question de décrire les profils sociodémographiques à l’arrivée, selon le parcours migratoire pré-Canada. Cela permettra de vérifier en quoi ceux ayant vécu dans d’autres pays se distinguent de ceux pour lesquels le Canada représente une première expérience migratoire internationale. Il s’agira par la suite d’évaluer l’effet 1 Maintenant Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC). iii du parcours migratoire pré-Canada sur la qualité de l’emploi, deux et quatre ans après l’arrivée. Sur le plan théorique, l’étude s’appuie sur le paradigme de la mobilité qui considère que la conception linéaire de la migration doit être dépassée. L’approche privilégiée semble désormais être celle qui consiste à étudier les migrations internationales en tenant compte des trajectoires dynamiques et multidirectionnelles des immigrants. Dans cette perspective, de nombreux travaux soutiennent que les migrations multiples contribuent à l’enrichissement du capital humain et social des migrants. Dès lors, l’hypothèse centrale de cette thèse est que les expériences de vie et de travail acquises au cours de leurs expériences de migration prédisposent les immigrants ayant vécu dans d’autres pays2 avant leur arrivée à occuper des emplois de meilleure qualité, par rapport à ceux pour lesquels le Canada représente une première expérience migratoire internationale. Du point de vue des caractéristiques à l’arrivée, l’analyse de nos résultats laisse voir des profils qui diffèrent selon le parcours migratoire pré-Canada. Ce qui est surtout remarquable reste le fait que les immigrants originaires de pays moins développés ayant vécu dans des pays développés présentent un profil assez spécifique, par rapport à leurs homologues ayant seulement vécu dans des pays moins développés. En ce qui concerne la trajectoire d’emploi et le niveau de qualité des emplois, nos résultats révèlent que toutes les expériences de migrations pré-Canada ne procurent pas les mêmes avantages. Ainsi, le fait de n’avoir jamais vécu dans un pays développé est associé à des parcours d’emploi plus instables et à des emplois de moins bonne qualité. Toutefois, l’effet du parcours migratoire pré-Canada sur la qualité de l’emploi varie selon la région d’origine et s’estompe de manière générale au bout de quatre ans après l’arrivée. En allant au-delà des facteurs habituellement pris en considération pour prendre en compte le parcours migratoire pré-Canada, cette étude aura contribué sur le plan 2 En dehors de leurs pays de naissance iv théorique à l’amélioration des connaissances sur les facteurs d’insertion économique chez les immigrants. Sur le plan empirique, la construction d’un indicateur synthétique de la qualité de l’emploi, sur la base d’indicateurs objectifs et subjectifs, avec l’utilisation d’une méthode statistique de pondération des indicateurs retenus, aura été une contribution majeure de cette étude.Beyond origin or admission status, immigrants arriving in Canada are also distinguished by that some of them have their first international migration path, while others have had several before their arrival in Canada. However, except from the Canadian experience, the migration path of people coming in Canada has received little attention in the literature on the economic integration of immigrants. Added to this, the fact that work on the economic integration of immigrants very often focuses on two indicators of this integration: the employment and unemployment rate, then income (Frenette and Morissette, 2005; Dempsey, 2006). When the characteristics of jobs are considered (remuneration, qualification, etc.), these are generally treated individually (Boudarbat and Montmarquette, 2016; Frank and Hou, 2017). For our part, it seems important to us to analyze economic integration from the point of view of the quality of employment, which has the advantage of combining several of these aspects at the same time (Gilmore, 2009; Boulet, 2015). This thesis is part of this perspective and aims to examine the relationship between pre-Canada international migration path and the quality of employment. To this purpose, we are using the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC) from Statistics Canada and Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)3 . The sample contains all individuals who arrived in Canada between October 2000 and September 2001. To understand the quality of employment, the approach consists in building a synthetic indicator from several dimensions. In terms of analysis, it is first a question of describing the socio-demographic profiles of immigrants on arrival according to their pre-Canada migration routes. This will test how those who have lived in other countries differ from those for whom Canada represents a first experience of international migration. It will then be a question of assessing the effect of the preCanada migratory journey on the quality of employment two and four years after arrival. 3 Now Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). vi On a theoretical level, the study is based on the paradigm of mobility, which considers that the linear conception of migration must be exceeded. The preferred approach now seems to be that of studying international migration considering the dynamic and multidirectional trajectories of immigrants. In this perspective, several studies maintain that multiple migrations contribute to the enrichment of the human and social capital of migrants. Thus, the central hypothesis of this thesis is that the life and work experiences acquired during their different migratory journeys predispose immigrants who lived in other countries4 before arrival to occupy better quality jobs compared to those for whom Canada represents a first international migration experience. According to characteristics upon arrival, the analysis of our results reveals different profiles that differ according to the pre-Canada migratory route. What is especially remarkable is the fact that immigrants from less developed countries who have lived in developed countries have a specific profile compared to their counterparts who have lived only in less developed countries. About the employment trajectory and the level of job quality, our results reveal that not all pre-Canada migration routes provide the same benefits. Thus, having never lived in a developed country is associated with more unstable employment paths and poorer quality jobs. However, the effect of the pre-Canada migration journey on job quality varies by region of origin and generally fades after four years after arrival. By going beyond the factors usually considered to consider pre-arrival migration experiences, this study will have contributed, theoretically, to improving knowledge of the factors of economic integration of immigrants in the context Canadian. On the empirical level, the construction of a synthetic indicator of the quality of employment based on objective and subjective indicators with the use of a statistical method of weighting of the selected indicators, will have been a major contribution of this study

    Evaluation de l’utilisation du protocole national de prise en charge du paludisme simple des enfants à Matam, Guinée Conakry

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    L'objectif était d'évaluer l'usage du nouveau protocole national de prise en charge du paludisme simple. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale de type descriptif menée du 01 octobre au 31 Décembre 2013. L'enquête a été faite dans les six services de santé de la commune de Matam et a intéressé tous les patients de 0-15 ans venant en consultation dans ces centres de santé d'une part et les prestataires de soins de ces dits centres d'autre part. Nous avons enregistré 545 patients dont 52,1% de sexe féminin, l'âge moyen était de 5,62±5. Plus de la moitié (60,2%) des prescriptions étaient conformes au protocole mais aucun prestataire ne s'en servait parce qu'inaccessible. Seulement 72% savaient de l'existence de ce protocole. La disponibilité et l'utilisation du protocole national de prise en charge du paludisme simple restent faibles. La formation continue du personnel semble nécessaire.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Evaluation of the influence of the fuel nozzle atomizer design in the diesel working process using mathematical modeling

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    The results of the optimization of the design of the atomizer fuel injector to reduce specific fuel consumption and the concentrations of harmful substances in exhaust gases on the basis of numerical simulation are presented in the article. The study was carried out in the program complex Diesel-RK developed by the MGTU named after N. E. Bauman. Diesel SMD-31 was chosen as the base engine for the study. It is established that optimal techno-economic and environmental indicators of diesel engine SMD-31 are obtained by using fuel injectors with 4 spray holes with a diameter of 0.29 mm.В данной приводятся результаты оптимизации конструкции распылителя топливной форсунки с целью снижения удельного расхода топлива и концентрации вредных веществ в отработавших газах на основе численного моделирования. Исследование выполнено в программном комплексе Дизель-РК, разработанном в МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана. В качестве базового двигателя для исследования был выбран дизель СМД-31. Установлено, что оптимальные технико-экономические и экологические показатели дизеля СМД-31 достигаются при использовании топливной форсунки, имеющей 4 распыливающих отверстия с диаметром 0,29 мм

    Subsequent mortality in survivors of Ebola virus disease in Guinea: a nationwide retrospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: A record number of people survived Ebola virus infection in the 2013-16 outbreak in west Africa, and the number of survivors has increased after subsequent outbreaks. A range of post-Ebola sequelae have been reported in survivors, but little is known about subsequent mortality. We aimed to investigate subsequent mortality among people discharged from Ebola treatment units. METHODS: From Dec 8, 2015, Surveillance Active en ceinture, the Guinean national survivors' monitoring programme, attempted to contact and follow-up all survivors of Ebola virus disease who were discharged from Ebola treatment units. Survivors were followed up until Sept 30, 2016, and deaths up to this timepoint were recorded. Verbal autopsies were done to gain information about survivors of Ebola virus disease who subsequently died from their closest family members. We calculated the age-standardised mortality ratio compared with the general Guinean population, and assessed risk factors for mortality using survival analysis and a Cox proportional hazards regression model. FINDINGS: Of the 1270 survivors of Ebola virus disease who were discharged from Ebola treatment units in Guinea, information was retrieved for 1130 (89%). Compared with the general Guinean population, survivors of Ebola virus disease had a more than five-times increased risk of mortality up to Dec 31, 2015 (age-standardised mortality ratio 5·2 [95% CI 4·0-6·8]), a mean of 1 year of follow-up after discharge. Thereafter (ie, from Jan 1-Sept 30, 2016), mortality did not differ between survivors of Ebola virus disease and the general population. (0·6 [95% CI 0·2-1·4]). Overall, 59 deaths were reported, and the cause of death was tentatively attributed to renal failure in 37 cases, mostly on the basis of reported anuria. Longer stays (ie, equal to or longer than the median stay) in Ebola treatment units were associated with an increased risk of late death compared with shorter stays (adjusted hazard ratio 2·62 [95% CI 1·43-4·79]). INTERPRETATION: Mortality was high in people who recovered from Ebola virus disease and were discharged from Ebola treatment units in Guinea. The finding that survivors who were hospitalised for longer during primary infection had an increased risk of death, could help to guide current and future survivors' programmes and in the prioritisation of funds in resource-constrained settings. The role of renal failure in late deaths after recovery from Ebola virus disease should be investigated. FUNDING: WHO, International Medical Corps, and the Guinean Red Cross

    Peoples’ attitude toward COVID-19 vaccine, acceptance, and social trust among African and Middle East countries

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    Background: To end the COVID-19 pandemic, a large part of the world must be immune to the virus by vaccination. Therefore, this study aimed to gauge intent to be vaccinated against COVID-19 among ordinary people and to identify attitudes towards vaccines and barriers for vaccine acceptance. Methods: The study population comprises 1880 people residing in different countries that answer a prepared questionnaire. The questionnaire topics are demographics, historical issues, participants’ attitudes and beliefs regarding vaccines, concerns, and vaccine hesitancy. Results: Attitudes and beliefs relating to vaccines in general, and the COVID-19 vaccine, were ascertained. Overall, 66.81% of the contributors would like to be vaccinated against COVID-19, while %33.19 did not intend to be vaccinated. Reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy included concern regarding vaccine side effects, fear of getting sick from the uptake of the vaccine, and the absence of accurate vaccine promotion news. Individuals with higher education believe that India (68.6%) produces the best vaccine (P<0.001), while healthcare workers think the Chinese vaccine (44.2%) is the best (P=0.020). Individuals with higher education have not been vaccinated, not be healthcare workers, and females were the most contributors to effective of the vaccine in reducing mortality from COVID-19 disease. Conclusion: Given the degree of hesitancy against COVID-19 vaccination, a multifaceted approach to facilitate vaccine uptake that includes vaccine education, behavioral change strategies, and health promotion, is paramount

    Batı Afrika'da tedarik zinciri yönetiminin zorlukları: Gine konakri firmaları örneği

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    The impact of global logistics and supply chain strategy has sparked intense debate both in academia and industry. But the importance of trade infrastructure as a sine qua non for facilitating better circulation of goods and services in the 21st century. The effect of logistics infrastructure on economic development and trade in Africa continent is essential as the review of freight logistics and supply chain activities is carried out in order to identify the main perspectives for the conduct of strong business in Africa and the development of trade on the continent. This study describes the various challenges facing the West African supply chain, particularly in Guinea. Supply chain challenges cut across technology, road network, rail transport, sea transport, air transport, and regulatory reforms. The study results reveal that inadequate infrastructure affects several supply chains companies in the region. In addition, the lack of a continental regulatory framework, lack of political will, and limited application of technology, to a large extent, are contributing factors hampering development in logistics infrastructure in Africa. The study recommends that the facilities and the transportation of adequate regulatory reforms of goods are established for the development of logistics infrastructure in Africa.Küresel lojistik ve tedarik zinciri stratejisinin etkisi, hem akademi hem de endüstride yoğun tartışmalara yol açtı. Ancak 21. yüzyılda mal ve hizmetlerin daha iyi dolaşımını sağlamak için ticaret altyapısının olmazsa olmaz bir önemi vardır. Lojistik altyapının Afrika kıtasındaki ekonomik kalkınma ve ticaret üzerindeki etkisi, Afrika'da güçlü ticaretin yürütülmesi ve ticaretin kıta. Bu çalışma, Batı Afrika tedarik zincirinin özellikle Gine'de karşılaştığı çeşitli zorlukları açıklamaktadır. Tedarik zinciri zorlukları, teknoloji, karayolu ağı, demiryolu taşımacılığı, deniz taşımacılığı, hava taşımacılığı ve düzenleyici reformları kapsıyor. Çalışma sonuçları, yetersiz altyapının bölgedeki birçok tedarik zinciri şirketini etkilediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Ek olarak, kıtasal bir düzenleyici çerçevenin olmaması, siyasi irade eksikliği ve teknolojinin sınırlı uygulanması, büyük ölçüde Afrika'daki lojistik altyapısının gelişimini engelleyen faktörlerdir. Çalışma, Afrika'da lojistik altyapının geliştirilmesi için tesislerin ve malların uygun düzenleyici reformlarının yapılmasını önermektedir.No sponso

    Batı Afrika'da tedarik zinciri yönetiminin zorlukları: Gine konakri firmaları örneği

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    The impact of global logistics and supply chain strategy has sparked intense debate both in academia and industry. But the importance of trade infrastructure as a sine qua non for facilitating better circulation of goods and services in the 21st century. The effect of logistics infrastructure on economic development and trade in Africa continent is essential as the review of freight logistics and supply chain activities is carried out in order to identify the main perspectives for the conduct of strong business in Africa and the development of trade on the continent. This study describes the various challenges facing the West African supply chain, particularly in Guinea. Supply chain challenges cut across technology, road network, rail transport, sea transport, air transport, and regulatory reforms. The study results reveal that inadequate infrastructure affects several supply chains companies in the region. In addition, the lack of a continental regulatory framework, lack of political will, and limited application of technology, to a large extent, are contributing factors hampering development in logistics infrastructure in Africa. The study recommends that the facilities and the transportation of adequate regulatory reforms of goods are established for the development of logistics infrastructure in Africa.Küresel lojistik ve tedarik zinciri stratejisinin etkisi, hem akademi hem de endüstride yoğun tartışmalara yol açtı. Ancak 21. yüzyılda mal ve hizmetlerin daha iyi dolaşımını sağlamak için ticaret altyapısının olmazsa olmaz bir önemi vardır. Lojistik altyapının Afrika kıtasındaki ekonomik kalkınma ve ticaret üzerindeki etkisi, Afrika'da güçlü ticaretin yürütülmesi ve ticaretin kıta. Bu çalışma, Batı Afrika tedarik zincirinin özellikle Gine'de karşılaştığı çeşitli zorlukları açıklamaktadır. Tedarik zinciri zorlukları, teknoloji, karayolu ağı, demiryolu taşımacılığı, deniz taşımacılığı, hava taşımacılığı ve düzenleyici reformları kapsıyor. Çalışma sonuçları, yetersiz altyapının bölgedeki birçok tedarik zinciri şirketini etkilediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Ek olarak, kıtasal bir düzenleyici çerçevenin olmaması, siyasi irade eksikliği ve teknolojinin sınırlı uygulanması, büyük ölçüde Afrika'daki lojistik altyapısının gelişimini engelleyen faktörlerdir. Çalışma, Afrika'da lojistik altyapının geliştirilmesi için tesislerin ve malların uygun düzenleyici reformlarının yapılmasını önermektedir.No sponso

    L’intégration des demandeurs d’asile et réfugiés à l’université de Bâle

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    Ce mémoire, écrit dans le cadre de mon programme de master en études africaines à l'université de Bâle sur l'intégration des demandeurs d'asile et des réfugiés à l'université de Bâle, fait ressortir le rôle que l'université de Bâle et l'association Estudiantine Offener Hörsaal font pour faciliter l'intégration de ce groupe de personnes isolées et dont certains vivent dans des conditions de vie très précaires à cause de leur statut administratif et social. Ce travail est basé sur une recherche qualitative à travers une revue de la littérature et des archives de l'université de Bâle liée à mes questions de recherche. En outre, les entretiens menés avec un échantillon représentatif des participants ainsi qu’avec divers acteurs socio-professionnels impliqués dans ce programme d’intégration m'ont permis d’établir des liens entre les pratiques passées et actuelles en matière d’intégration des réfugiés et des apatrides à l’université Bâle

    Impact of soil gas pollutants on indoor air quality

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    L’entrée des polluants gazeux du sol (Radon, COV,…) dans les environnements intérieurs peut occasionner des risques sanitaires significatifs. Or les modèles d’évaluation de risques sanitaires liés à ces polluants gazeux du sol contiennent beaucoup d’incertitudes qui peuvent conduire à une mauvaise appréciation des risques. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse contribue à l’amélioration des modèles d’évaluation des risques. Dans un second temps, elle propose le développement d’un modèle de dimensionnement des Systèmes de Dépressurisation du Sol (SDS) passifs utilisés pour protéger les bâtiments des pollutions gazeuses venant du sol. L’amélioration des modèles a porté sur la prise en compte des principaux phénomènes de convection et diffusion à l’interface entre le sol et le bâtiment, en tenant compte des différentes typologies de soubassement. La première contribution porte sur le développement de modèles analytiques fournissant les débits d’air dus à la convection à travers le sol pour différents types de soubassement : dallage indépendant, dalle portée, vide sanitaire et cave. Les bâtiments avec des murs enterrés et les soubassements avec un lit de gravier sous le plancher bas sont également traités. Une méthodologie permettant la prise en compte de la fissuration et des points singuliers du plancher bas est aussi proposée. La deuxième contribution porte sur la prise en compte du transfert couplé des polluants des sols par convection et diffusion auprès des fondations. Une étude numérique a permis une meilleure compréhension du comportement des polluants à l’interface sol/bâtiment. Sur la base de cette compréhension, des lois semi-empiriques d’estimation des flux d’entrée de polluant dans les bâtiments sont proposées. Les différents modèles développés ont été validés numériquement avec un modèle CFD et expérimentalement avec des données issues de la littérature. La confrontation de ces modèles avec ceux existants a montré les améliorations apportées. L’impact de la typologie du soubassement sur le transfert de polluants gazeux des sols a été constaté. Une première application des modèles est illustrée par leur intégration dans un code de simulation thermo-aéraulique multizone afin de pouvoir étudier l’impact de ces polluants sur la qualité de l’air intérieur. Ce travail se termine par le développement d’un modèle de dimensionnement des Systèmes de Dépression du Sol (SDS) passifs. Ce modèle aéraulique de dimensionnement des SDS a été validé par des mesures effectuées au CSTB dans une maison expérimentale. Les premières applications du modèle de dimensionnement portent notamment sur l’impact de la météorologie (vent et tirage thermique) sur le fonctionnement du SDS passif et sur l’impact des stratégies de ventilation du bâtiment sur le fonctionnement du SDS passif. On voit ainsi l’intérêt de l’utilisation d’un tel modèle pour tester l’aptitude de ce système de protection des bâtiments dans des situations environnementales données.Transfer of soil gas pollutants (Radon, VOC) into buildings can cause significant health risks. However, analytical models used today to estimate health risks associated with these pollutants contain many uncertainties which can lead to poor risk assessment. Initially, the main objective of this thesis is to contribute to the improvement of these models for risk assessment. Secondly, we propose the development of air flow model for passive Sub slab Depressurization Systems (SDS) design used to protect buildings. The improvement of models focused on the inclusion of the main phenomena of convection and diffusion at building/soil interface, taking into account different types of building substructures. The first improvement concerns the assessment of convection phenomenon through the development of analytical models to quantify air flow rates entering through many kinds of building substructures: floating slab, bearing slab, crawl space and basement. Buildings with buried walls and substructures with a sub slab gravel layer are also treated. A methodology taking into account the presence of cracks, holes and singular leakages of the slab is also proposed. The second improvement of the models is the inclusion of coupled transfer of convection and diffusion near foundations. A numerical study allowed a better understanding of the behavior of pollutants at soil / building interface. Based on this understanding, semi-empirical laws for estimating soil gas pollutants entry rate into buildings are proposed. The various models developed have been validated numerically using a CFD model and experimentally with data from the literature when available. The impact of building substructure on pollutant transfer has been highlighted. A first application of the model is illustrated by their integration into a multizone simulation code to study the impact of these transfers on indoor air quality. Finally, the work ends with the development of a model for designing passive sub slab depressurization systems. The design model developed is validated with in situ experimental data. Preliminary applications using this model focused at first on the impact of meteorological conditions (stack effect, wind) on the sub slab system running. At second, the impact of ventilation strategies on sub slab depressurization performance is studied. Thus, we see the potential interest of this model to test the effective running of passive sub slab depressurization systems in given configuration