50 research outputs found

    Etat des lieux de la faune ichtyologique des pĂȘcheries de la Sirba et de Sidi-Kompenga, Est du Burkina Faso

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    Cette Ă©tude a concernĂ© les pĂȘcheries des localitĂ© de Sidi-Kompenga et de Sirba situĂ©es Ă  l’Est du Burkina Faso et a eu pour objectif de faire l’état des lieux de la faune ichtyologique. L’échantillonnage s’est dĂ©roulĂ© durant les pĂ©riodes de crue et d’étiage. Des pĂȘches expĂ©rimentales combinant plusieurs engins de pĂȘche ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur six stations. Quatre paramĂštres physico-chimiques ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s : la tempĂ©rature, le pH, la conductivitĂ© et la transparence. La richesse taxinomique ainsi que les indices de diversitĂ© de Shannon, d’équitabilitĂ© de Pielou et de Simpson ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s. Les tempĂ©ratures moyennes Ă©taient comprises entre 27,8 et 31,2 °C et entre 28,6 et 30,9 °C respectivement au niveau de Sidi-Kompenga et de la Sirba. Quant aux pH moyens, ils Ă©taient compris entre 7,3 et 8,3 et entre 7,04 et 8,24 respectivement au niveau de SidiKompenga et de la Sirba. Quant Ă  la faune ichtyologique, on a dĂ©nombrĂ© 29 espĂšces regroupĂ©es en 22 genres et 11 familles au niveau de Sidi-kompenga et 28 espĂšces regroupĂ©es en 23 genres et 11 familes au niveau de Sirba. Les indices de Shannon H’, d’équitabilitĂ© de Pielou et de Simpson calculĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© respectivement 2,67 ; 0,79 et 0,90 Ă  Sidikompenga et 2,66 ; 0,80 et 0,91 Ă  Sirba. Les familles des Alestidea et des Mormyridea ont Ă©tĂ© les plus diversifiĂ©es avec chacune 6 espĂšces dont Sarotherodon galilaeus, Oreochromis niloticus et Coptodon zillii ont Ă©tĂ© les 3 espĂšces les plus courantes dans les captures. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les deux pĂȘcheries prĂ©sentent une population piscicole diversitĂ©. This study concerned the fisheries of the localities of Sidi-Kompenga and Sirba located in the East of Burkina Faso and had the objective of taking stock of the fish fauna. The sampling was carried out during the periods of high and low water levels. Experimental fishing combining several fishing gears was carried out at six stations. Four physico-chemical parameters were measured: temperature, pH, conductivity and transparency. The taxonomic richness as well as the Shannon diversity, Pielou equitability and Simpson indices were determined. Mean temperatures were between 27.8 and 31.2 °C and between 28.6 and 30.9 °C respectively at Sidi-Kompenga and Sirba. Average pH values were between 7.3 and 8.3 and 7.04 and 8.24 respectively at Sidi-Kompenga and Sirba. As for the fish fauna, there were 29 species grouped in 22 genera and 11 families at the level of Sidi-kompenga and 28 species grouped in 23 genera and 11 families at the level of Sirba. The Shannon H', Pielou and Simpson equitability indices calculated were respectively 2.67; 0.79 and 0.90 at Sidi-kompenga and 2.66; 0.80 and 0.91 at Sirba. The families Alestidea and Mormyridea were the most diverse with 6 species each, of which Sarotherodon galilaeus, Oreochromis niloticus and Coptodon zillii were the 3 most common species in the catches. The results show that both fisheries have a diverse fish population

    Occlusion intestinale aigue rĂ©vĂ©lant un lymphome T digestif associĂ© Ă  la maladie coeliaque, Ă  propos d’un cas

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    Le lymphome T intestinal associĂ© Ă  une entĂ©ropathie ou Enteropathy associated T-cell lymphoma (EATL), est une complication rare de la maladie coeliaque (MC). Nous rapportons l’observation d’un lymphome T associĂ©e Ă  une MC rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par une occlusion intestinale aigue. Une patiente maghrĂ©bine de 38 ans, aux antĂ©cĂ©dents de stĂ©rilitĂ© et de douleurs abdominales chroniques, Ă©tait admise en urgence pour occlusion intestinale aigue. L’intervention chirurgicale retrouvait une tumeur au dĂ©pend du grĂȘle avec des adĂ©nopathies mĂ©sentĂ©riques. L’histologie et l’immunohistochimie de la piĂšce opĂ©ratoire objectivait un lymphome T digestif CD3+ et le bilan immunologique de la maladie coeliaque Ă©tait positif. Le diagnostic d’EATL Ă©tait ainsi retenu. La patiente Ă©tait mise sous chimiothĂ©rapie (CHOEP) et rĂ©gime sans gluten avec une rĂ©ponse complĂšte au traitement. L’EATL est une complication rare de la MC qui peut ĂȘtre rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e par une occlusion intestinale. Son pronostic peut ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ© par une prise en charge prĂ©coce associant chirurgie et chimiothĂ©rapie. Sa prĂ©vention passe par un diagnostic prĂ©coce de la MC et un rĂ©gime sans gluten.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    TĂ©tanos du post-partum sur dĂ©chirure vaginale Ă  propos d’un cas Ă  l’HĂŽpital National de Zinder, Niger

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    We report an exceptional case of postpartum tetanus occurring in an unvaccinated primipara having given birth in a health center. Six days after childbirth, she had a trismus associated with generalized muscle contractions suggestive of tetanus. Obstructed labor was complicated by a vulvar tear repaired with wires under septic conditions. Functional sequelae, such as dysarthria, quadriesteria, and a decrease in visual acuity, marked the evolution. The newborn was free from neonatal tetanus. Our patient poses the problem of access to preventive care and the quality of care in health facilities in developing countries

    Community-based behavior change promoting child health care: a response to socio-economic disparity

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    Background: Early initiation of breastfeeding after birth is a key behavioral health factor known to decrease neonatal mortality risks. Yet, few demographic studies examined how a community-based intervention impacts postpartum breastfeeding among the socio-economically deprived population in Sub-Saharan Africa. A postintervention evaluation was conducted in 2011 to measure the effect of a UNICEF-led behavior change communication program promoting child health care in rural Niger. Methods: A quantitative survey is based on a post hoc constitution of two groups of a study sample, exposed and unexposed households. The sample includes women aged 15\u201349 years, having at least one child less than 24 months born with vaginal delivery. Rate ratio for bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression were applied for statistical analysis. The outcome variable is the initiation of breastfeeding within the first hour of birth. Independent variables include other behavioral outcome variables, different types of communication actions, and socio-demographic and economic status of mothers. Results: The gaps in socio-economic vulnerability between the exposed and unexposed groups imply that mothers deprived from accessing basic health services and hygiene facilities are likely to be excluded from the communication actions. Mothers who practiced hand washing and used a traditional latrine showed 2.0 times more likely to initiate early breastfeeding compared to those who did not (95 % CI 1.4\u20132.7; 1.3\u20133.1). Home visits by community volunteers was not significant (AOR 1.2; 95 % CI 0.9\u20131.5). Mothers who got actively involved in exclusive breastfeeding promotion as peers were more likely to initiate breastfeeding within the first hour of birth (AOR 2.0; 95 % CI 1.4\u20132.9). Conclusions: A multi-sectorial approach combining hygiene practices and optimal breastfeeding promotion led to supporting early initiation of breastfeeding. A peer promotion of child health care suggests a model of behavior change communication strategy as a response to socio-economic disparity

    PĂ©ritonites AiguĂ«s d’Origine GynĂ©cologique Ă  l’HĂŽpital National de Zinder, Niger

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    Introduction : les pĂ©ritonites aiguĂ«s gynĂ©cologiques (PAGy) sont rares dans notre pratique chirurgicale. Un retard diagnostique et thĂ©rapeutique conduit Ă  une laparotomie dans notre contexte. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©crire les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et thĂ©rapeutiques des PAGy Ă  l’HĂŽpital National de Zinder, Niger. Patientes et mĂ©thodes : il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective allant de janvier 2013 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2016 (4 ans). Étaient incluses les patientes opĂ©rĂ©es pour pĂ©ritonite dont le diagnostic de pĂ©ritonite aiguĂ« gynĂ©cologique(PAGy) Ă©tait confirmĂ© en peropĂ©ratoire. Étaient exclues les pĂ©ritonites d’autres causes non gynĂ©cologiques. Les patientes prĂ©sentant une infection gĂ©nitale non opĂ©rĂ©es n’étaient pas incluses. RĂ©sultats : Durant la pĂ©riode d’étude, 660 cas de pĂ©ritonites Ă©taient enregistrĂ©s, dont 190 femmes. Les pĂ©ritonites aiguĂ«s gynĂ©cologiques (PAGy) reprĂ©sentant 2,87% (n=19) toutes les pĂ©ritonites opĂ©rĂ©es. L’ñge moyen de nos patientes Ă©tait de 27,9±7,7 ans. Une notion d’algie pelvienne chronique Ă©tait retrouvĂ©e dans 42,1% (n=8), de fiĂšvre au long cours dans 36,8% (n=7). Les patientes Ă©taient mariĂ©es dans 79% (n=15) et multipares dans 57,9% (n=9). Le dĂ©lai mĂ©dian de consultation Ă©tait de 8 jours (extrĂȘmes : 6-25 jours). La pĂ©ritonite Ă©tait gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e dans 84,2% (n=16) et localisĂ©e dans 15,8% (n=3). L’origine Ă©tait tubo-ovarienne dans 94,5% (n=18). Le traitement conservateur prĂ©servant les annexes Ă©tait fait dans 78,9% (n=15). Les infections du site opĂ©ratoire Ă©taient enregistrĂ©es dans 21,1% (n=4). La mortalitĂ© Ă©tait de 21,1% (n=4). Les facteurs associĂ©s au risque de dĂ©cĂšs Ă©taient : le dĂ©lai d’admission > 9 jours (p=0,032), la fiĂšvre > 38,5°C et l’infection Ă  VIH (p=0,035). Conclusion : Les pĂ©ritonites aiguĂ«s gynĂ©cologiques affectent les femmes jeunes avec un statut socio-Ă©conomique bas. Elles sont souvent diagnostiquĂ©es au stade de pĂ©ritonites gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es. Dans notre contexte l’origine est tuboovarienne est prĂ©dominante. La mortalitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e pourrait ĂȘtre prĂ©venue par un diagnostic et un traitement prĂ©coce des infections gĂ©nitales. Introduction: Acute gynecological peritonitis is rare in our surgical practice. The diagnostic and therapeutic delay leads to a laparotomy in our context. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiological and therapeutic characteristics of acute gynecological peritonitis at the Zinder National Hospital, Niger. Patients and methods: this was a retrospective study from January 2013 to December 2016 (4 years). Patients operated for peritonitis whose diagnosis of acute gynecological peritonitis was confirmed intraoperatively were included. Patients with peritonitis from other non gynecological causes were excluded. Patients with unoperated genital infection were not included. Results: During the study period, 660 cases of peritonitis were recorded, including 190 women. Acute gynecological peritonitis (PAGy) representing 2.87% (n = 19) all operated peritonitis. The average age of our patients was 27.9 ± 7.7 years. A notion of chronic pelvic pain was found in 42.1% (n = 8), of long-term fever in 36.8% (n = 7). Patients were married in 79% (n = 15) and multiparous in 57.9% (n = 9). The median consultation time was 8 days (range: 6-25 days). Peritonitis was generalized in 84.2% (n = 16) and located in 15.8% (n = 3). The origin was adnexal in 94.5% (n = 18). Conservative treatment preserving the appendices was done in 78.9% (n = 15). Operative site infections recorded in 21.1% (n = 4). Mortality was 21.1% (n = 4). Factors associated with the risk of death were: time to admission> 9 days (p = 0.032), fever> 38.5 ° C, and HIV infection (p = 0.035). Conclusion: Acute gynecological peritonitis affects young women with low socio-economic status. They are often diagnosed at the stage of generalized peritonitis. In our context adnexal origin is predominant. High mortality could be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment of genital infections. &nbsp

    Acute intestinal obstruction due to extrinsic compression by previa myoma and ectopic pregnancy: a case report

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    Abstract Background Acute intestinal obstruction during pregnancy is a rare digestive surgical emergency with significant maternal and fetal mortality. Diagnosis is difficult, often delaying the management. Here, we report an exceptional association of mechanical acute intestinal obstruction due to compression by previa uterine leiomyoma, and a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Case presentation This is the case report of a 43-year-old primiparous black woman from a rural area, who was admitted to the surgical emergency department for acute intestinal obstruction. At examination on admittance, our patient had a bad general condition with clinical anemia. She had an occlusive syndrome that had been evolving for 3 days. A physical examination of her abdomen showed a widespread distension with an irregular and polylobed solid mass occupying the whole of the lower-umbilical and hypogastric area. A rectal examination found an empty rectum, and the mass was perceptible in Douglas’s pouch. At the vaginal examination, we found the same mass and a finger holster was clean. The diagnosis of intestinal occlusion by a tumor was retained. The laparotomy revealed a distended intestine, a ruptured right tubal ectopic pregnancy and a polymyomatous uterus. The most massive previa leiomyoma was adhering and compressing the rectal and sigmoidal hinge. A total hysterectomy was performed and histopathological examination of specimens confirmed myoma and ectopic pregnancy. The surgical follow-up was uneventful, and our patient was discharged on postoperative day 12. Conclusions The etiological diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction during pregnancy is not easy, especially in the context of a low-income country where the means of biological and radiological diagnosis are lacking. A laparotomy is required before diagnosis of acute surgical abdomen and its management will depend on the intraoperative findings and the condition of the patient

    Influence of Intra-annual Croping Seasons on Rice Yield in the Sahel

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