447,938 research outputs found

    Spatial Motion Doodles: Sketching Animation in VR Using Hand Gestures and Laban Motion Analysis

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    International audienceWe present a method for easily drafting expressive character animation by playing with instrumented rigid objects. We parse the input 6D trajectories (position and orientation over time)-called spatial motion doodles-into sequences of actions and convert them into detailed character animations using a dataset of parameterized motion clips which are automatically fitted to the doodles in terms of global trajectory and timing. Moreover, we capture the expres-siveness of user-manipulation by analyzing Laban effort qualities in the input spatial motion doodles and transferring them to the synthetic motions we generate. We validate the ease of use of our system and the expressiveness of the resulting animations through a series of user studies, showing the interest of our approach for interactive digital storytelling applications dedicated to children and non-expert users, as well as for providing fast drafting tools for animators

    Measurement of an excess in the yield of J/ψ\psi at very low-pTp_{\rm T} in Pb--Pb collisions with the ALICE detector

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    We report on the measurement of J/ψ\psi production at very low transverse momentum (pT<p_{\rm T} < 300 MeV/cc) in Pb--Pb collisions performed with the ALICE detector at the LHC. We find an excess in the yield of J/ψ\psi with respect to expectations from hadronic production. Coherent photo-production of J/ψ\psi is proposed as a plausible origin of this excess. We show the nuclear modification factor of very low-pTp_{\rm T} J/ψ\psi as a function of centrality. Then we measure the J/ψ\psi coherent photoproduction cross section in peripheral events assuming that it is the mechanism at the origin of the measured excess. It's worth noting that the observation of J/ψ\psi coherent photoproduction in Pb--Pb collisions at impact parameters smaller than twice the nuclear radius has never been observed so far and would open new theoretical challenges.Comment: Proceeding of EDS Blois Conference, 29th June - 4th July 2015, Borgo, Corsic

    Ground state sign-changing homoclinic solutions for a discrete nonlinear pp-Laplacian equation with logarithmic nonlinearity

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    By using a direct non-Nehari manifold method from [X.H. Tang, B.T. Cheng. J. Differ. Equations. 261(2016), 2384-2402.], we obtain an existence result of ground state sign-changing homoclinic solution which only changes sign one times and ground state homoclinic solution for a class of discrete nonlinear pp-Laplacian equation with logarithmic nonlinearity. Moreover, we prove that the sign-changing ground state energy is larger than twice of the ground state energy


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    Per un patrimoni conceptual de J.-J. Rousseau

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    Més enllà de les controvèrsies sobre l’obra de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, el cert és que la seva obra i la mitologia que al seu entorn s’ha construït formen part del que podríem anomenar el patrimoni conceptual de la pedagogia.1 Escrits i idees, matèria i pensament, però també proposta i resposta, formarien, per tant, l’elenc dels elements a l’entorn de la seva figura als quals s’ha atorgat valor. Tres elements que, en si mateixos, representen una aportació a la pedagogia, tant per allò que s’esdevingué com per les reaccions que provocà. De tal manera que bé podem afirmar que aquest autor esdevé com un dels fonaments de la memòria pedagògica. En aquest sentit, no és estrany que, en ocasió del tricentenari del seu naixement, hagin estat diverses les iniciatives per a la difusió de la seva biografia, del seu pensament i, també, del deixant que les seves propostes han tingut

    Partitions of Wigner 3-j or Super 3-j symbols induced by Regge symmetry : accurate description

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    12 pagesWe show that Regge transformations induce five partitions on (3-j) symbols of su(2) , namely Sp(0), Sp(1), Sp(2), Sp(4), Sp(5), with an empty set Sp(3) = ∅. The super-algebra osp(1|2) admits three kinds of super-symbols (3-j) Salpha, (3-j) Sbeta ,(3-j) Sgamma , whose alpha, beta, gamma parities are fixed by the values of 2(j ± m). We find also five partitions for (3-j) Salpha, (3-j) Sgamma symbols of osp(1|2), but they reduce to Sp(0), Sp(1) for a (3-j) Sbeta . Unexpectedly this latter and its ‘Regge-transformed’ may be opposite in sign. A formula fully similar to that of a (3-j) is derived for the (3-j) S . Some forbidden (3-j) Sbeta requires an analytic prolongation, consistent with Regge beta-partitions, which enables us to establish a complete (3-j) S table

    L\u27amour de la patrie, ou Le toit paternel

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    Pauvre soldat, enfant de la montagne,J\u27ai parcouru plus d\u27un sol étranger; J\u27ai vu le nord, et la blonde Allemagne,J\u27ai vu l\u27Espagne aux parfums d\u27oranger. Mais malgré tous les charmes de ces beaux paradis,Je disais, plein de larmes, ce n\u27est pas mon pays!... Ah! rien ne vaut la patrie, la patrie si chérie,Et le beau ciel, où fleurit l\u27humble toit paternel!.. Non! rien ne vaut la patrie, la patrie si chérieEt le beau ciel, où fleurit le humble toit paternel! Mais libre enfin, pour un dernier voyage,Je vais partir, mon bâton à la main. O mes amis, je vais voir mon village!Le coeur joyeux, je me mets en chemin. Compagnons trop fidèlesIls enchainent mes pas... Mais mon coeur a des aîles,Et j\u27échappe à leurs bras.Ah! rienn
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