78 research outputs found

    Rural Heritage and Cultural Landscape: Guidelines for Sustainable Seismic Reinforcement of Emilian Historic Rural Building in Italy

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    Historic rural settlements are essential evidences of the Italian cultural heritage because they hand precious architectural, historical and environmental values. Despite its importance, this heritage is rarely protected by specific laws and a great part of these buildings are now abandoned and partially ruined, also as a consequence of the last century mechanized and intensive farming and the consequent lifestyle change. Moreover, the seismic events pose a serious threat to their preservation: indeed, despite they are located in an area - the Italian territory - with a very high seismic risk, often they don’t have any proper anti-seismic device able to prevent a serious damage, or collapse. In this work, the results of the research carried out on a significant number of historic rural buildings in the Emilian area, in Italy, are presented in order to draw up specific guidelines for their sustainable seismic reinforcement and conservation. Indeed, starting from the analysis of the peculiar features of the landscape and of the examined buildings, it's possible to recognize some recurring structures and shapes which identify as many rural architectural types, with similar structural behavior and seismic damage. Thanks to this similarity, it has been possible to set up some reliable guidelines of analysis and intervention which can constitute an easy and expeditious instrument for technicians and restorers in order to safeguard this valuable built heritage, too much neglected until now. The final aim is to evidence the extreme efficacy of a conservation strategy, which can constitute the first guarantee for a sustainable intervention on this precious cultural heritage

    Hooping as an Ancient Remedy for Conservation of Large Masonry Domes

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    The insertion of metal tie rods all around masonry domes, in order to hoop them and to absorb their horizontal thrusts, is the most ancient traditional strengthening technique for these fascinating structures. In this paper some general consideration on this primeval remedy are presented, starting from the historical and structural analysis of the large XVI century octagonal dome of Madonna dell’Umiltà in Pistoia (Italy). Several hooping systems had been inserted around this dome in different periods and with different techniques, in order to reinforce this weak masonry structure and their tensile stresses have been measured by means of dynamic tests. The results have shown the large differences in the tensile stresses among the different ties, allowing to understand the real contribution of each hooping systems. These data were then used to calibrate a finite element model which, allowed to retrace and quantify from a structural point of view the passage through the centuries of this daring construction and of the efforts made to preserve it up to now. In the paper, the final results are new suggestions on the most efficient way to ensure, once again with hooping ties, the preservation of this monument for the future, starting from empiricism

    RESANARE. Dieci anni di tesi di laurea in Restauro, Analisi e Recupero del costruito

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    Guardare agli edifici storici con lo sguardo dei giovani architetti che li hanno studiati è il modo piÚ efficace per sottolinearne la necessità di valorizzazione. il volume - che riunisce i migliori tra questi sguardi, raccolti in una mostra - offre l'occasione per riflettere sui temi del REStauro e dell'ANAlisi del patrimonio architettonico, finalizzati al suo REcupero

    Per una ‘quantificazione’ del monitoraggio strutturale, strumento di programmazione e tutela

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    The aim of this paper is to present the potentiality of monitoring analysis in defining a reliable strategy of seismic protection and structural restoration of cultural heritage. The recent technical laws for the protection of historic buildings in seismic areas (DPCM 2011) have partially changed the concepts of ‘safety’, recovering – for ancient structures – methods of analysis based on the empirical definition of local mechanisms of instability instead of global numerical modelling techniques. This fact implies the necessity to thoroughly observe the possible damage of the ancient structures, in order to better comprehend their movements. In step with this, a great importance has given by this laws to ‘structural monitoring’, which represents the modern translation of the ancient empirical method. In this work the effective role of monitoring in the global process of seismic protection for cultural heritage is analysed, in reference to its ‘numerical translation’ foreseen by the law in the global formulas for seismic action evaluation. In step with this, some discrepancies between the qualitative and quantitative role of ‘structural monitoring’ are stressed and a final correction is proposed in order to formally recognize, also from the quantitative point of view, the importance of monitoring as instrument of cultural heritage conservation

    Il vero necessario e le catene di Prometeo, ovvero come il Restauro sopravvive al “tempo che invecchia”

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    Structural Strengthening is often conceived as a boundary path in the practice of Restorers. The brief essay presented here, partly provocative, aims to stimulate the debate on the need to acquire responsibility in this field. The main assumption is the substantial coincidence between form and structure which can be retraced in historic masonry buildings: it derives from the mechanical properties of "masonry itself" as constructive material. Thus, empiricism can constitute the main instrument for historic building structural analysis: only careful reconstruction of recurrent damages, different reconstructions and constructive characteristics, can guarantee a satisfactory and reliable assessment on their stability and safety. A recovery of skills, including structural ones, is useful, especially now that the technical possibilities have exceeded the imagination of any designer. Only Restorers (and not simple structural engineers) can use this technical innovation in the most correct way. The challenge is harness it (with the chains of Prometheus), in order to ethically respect the past. Only a solid historical-constructive competence can guarantee it.Il consolidamento è spesso concepito come un percorso di confine nella pratica dei Restauratori. Il breve saggio qui presentato, in parte provocatorio, intende stimolare il dibattito sulla necessità di assumersi delle responsabilità in questo campo. Il presupposto principale è la sostanziale coincidenza tra forma e struttura che è rintracciabile negli edifici storici in muratura: essa deriva dalle proprietà meccaniche della "muratura in sè" come materiale costruttivo. L'empirismo può quindi costituire il principale strumento di analisi strutturale degli edifici storici: solo un'attenta ricostruzione dei danni ricorrenti, delle diverse ricostruzioni e delle caratteristiche costruttive, possono garantire una valutazione soddisfacente e attendibile sulla loro stabilità e sicurezza. Un recupero delle competenze, anche strutturali, è utile, soprattutto ora che le possibilità tecniche hanno superato l'immaginazione di qualsiasi progettista. Solo i Restauratori (e non semplici strutturisti) possono utilizzare questa innovazione tecnica nel modo piÚ corretto. La sfida è incatenarla (con le catene di Prometeo), per rispettare eticamente il passato. Solo una solida competenza storico-costruttiva può garantirlo


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    It’s well known that the identification of the most appropriate use for historical heritage, is a fundamental instrument of conservation, which in maintenance, even before in “restoration intervention”, find the first guarantee of success. In this paper, the participated restoration process which involved the abandoned convent of San Rocco in Soragna (Parma) is presented, with the aim of showing the application of “integrated conservation process” principles to an interesting episode of cultural heritage. Starting from historical and structural analysis of this really compromised and damaged structure, the project of reuse is presented, which, starting from a deep interaction between social and functional aspects, gathering local and social needs, has led to the creation of a territorial health structure, a small-size health facility, thus becoming a response to the municipality’s needs, making the most of the historical vocation of the building. Moreover, the adopted approach counterposes with the current tendency of multiplying interventions by proposing a diversification of uses instead: higher flexibility of spaces, and functions operating at different times of day will lead to a more effective and extended functioning of the complex, resulting in an overall better use (and, thus) preservation of the building in the long-term

    From Art to Science of Construction: the Permanence of Proportional Rules in the “Strange Case” of the 19th Century Ponte Taro Bridge (Parma, Italy)

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    The bridge commissioned by Maria Luigia to Eng. Antonio Cocconcelli and built between 1816 and 1821 over the Taro River (near Parma, Northern Italy), is a very important monument, both from a cultural and strategic point of view. This 20 arches masonry bridge reaches the length of nearly 600 meters and constitutes a very interesting case study, not only for the technical and structural issues related to its restoration and use (with increased traffic loads) but also for the role that geometry played in its history and stability. In this paper, a compared analysis on the historical ‘proportional theory’ and the constructive features of this ancient bridge is proposed with the final aim to show the importance of recovering “empiricism” in dealing with ancient monuments. Thanks to a high precision survey the realized structure has been compared to the original project, in order to detect the deformations suffered by the structure in time, thus applying the “historical monitoring” procedure to the monument. Hence, starting from the dimensional theory, a static analysis of the bridge is proposed by means of Mery’s graphic method, in order to investigate the structural safety level of the original project, also considering the current load conditions. A comparison with the static results obtained by means of limit analysis, finally shows the validity of ancient proportional theory, which can constitute a first qualitative method for structural validation of ancient masonry structures

    Nuovi materiali per il restauro strutturale: una questione antica

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    The use of composites in architectural restoration is becoming more and more widespread, due to their technical advantages, in many cases. However, using these materials in the field of cultural heritage creates not only technical problems but also cultural issues.The paper deals with these issues, starting from some considerations on the use of “new” materials in the past, when – just to mention some examples – iron, steel and reinforced concrete were considered innovative. From Ruskin’s idea of  “crutch”, passing to the “hidden reinforcement” expressed in the Athens Charter, to some more recent examples, the past experiences offer once again the opportunity to evaluate new techniques and theoretical approaches.The authors underline the opportunity to identify a “correct methodology” rather than a “correct solution” in restoration.  Further knowledge and comprehension of a monument and – at the same time - a deep awareness of the limits and weaknesses of recent technologies and materials, may guide architects to a more efficient, respectful structural restoration project.Keywords: restoration, structure, materials, reinforcement, techniqueDopo una prima fase di sperimentazione e ricerca, l’impiego dei materiali compositi nel restauro architettonico, anche a seguito della recente accelerazione tecnologica, è ormai una realtà consolidata e, per i grandi vantaggi che comporta (trattandosi di materiali leggeri e altamente resistenti), in larga diffusione. Tuttavia, la loro applicazione al patrimonio culturale pone non solo problemi tecnici, ma più generalmente, culturali.Il presente articolo vuole affrontare la questione, partendo da alcune considerazioni su come tali problemi siano stati affrontati, e forse risolti, quando i „nuovi“ materiali erano il ferro, e poi l’acciaio e il cemento armato. Dalla “stampella” di ruskiniana memoria alle protesi nascoste della Carta di Atene, fino agli esempi più recenti di consolidamento, le esperienze passate diventano ancora una volta fondamento per valutare sperimentalmente l’efficacia di tecniche e approcci, in previsione di interventi futuri, rivalutando il ruolo dell’empirismo anche nel progetto di consolidamento dei beni culturali.La conclusione, qui anticipata, è che non esiste, come sempre nel caso unico degli edifici storici, una "soluzione corretta", e tipizzabile, quanto piuttosto un "corretto approccio", che partendo dalla conoscenza e dalla comprensione dell’edificio storico e passando attraverso la comparazione di diverse soluzioni tecnicamente possibili, ricompone, alla fine del percorso, il necessario equilibrio tra possibilità tecniche ed opportunità teoriche, privilegiando il monumento. Parole chiave: restauro, struttura, materiali, consolidamento, tecnic

    Dal documento alla conoscenza: la storia costruttiva della cerchiatura lignea della cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore

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    The paper presents the results of the research recently carried out on the chesnut chain of Santa Maria del Fiore dome, in Florence: probably the less investigated element of Brunelleschi's masterpiece. Thanks to the recent laser-scanner survey of the chain - carried out by the Opera del Duomo in Florence (studio Scaletti, Florence) - it has been possible to reconstruct the history of a really peculiar artifact (for materials and configuration) which always accompanied the debates on the stability of the dome, without ever becoming the protagonist. By comparing the results to historical treatises, the attempt was to date the different constructive elements of the wooden ring, thus enhancing the global knowledge on the dome. The analysis of the detailed notes drawn up by the workers led to localize the interventions on the chain. This allowed to distinguish the original technologies from the further interventions, thus mapping the technical advances that have taken place in the meantime during the centuries. In particular, the investigation carried out on a specific joint (E) aims to demonstrate the validity of a research method, which finds in the monument itself the first document of its complex history.L’articolo raccoglie gli esiti della ricerca recentemente eseguita sulla cerchiatura lignea della cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore, elemento ancora poco indagato del capolavoro brunelleschiano. In un percorso combinato tra ricerca d’archivio e confronto con il dato misurato, grazie al recente rilievo laser-scanner eseguito da parte dell’Opera del Duomo di Firenze (studio Scaletti, Firenze) si è tentato di ricostruire la storia di un manufatto peculiare, per materiali e configurazione, che ha accompagnato i dibattiti sulla stabilità della cupola senza mai diventarne protagonista. In un perenne richiamo alla trattatistica storica, il tentativo è stato quello di datare i diversi elementi costruttivi della cerchiatura lignea, completando un percorso di conoscenza sulla cupola rimasto in sospeso per molto tempo. La ricerca, partendo dall’analisi archivistica e dalla lettura di dettagliate note di spesa redatte dalle maestranze, ha tentato di collocare fisicamente i documenti esaminati, cercando di distinguere le tecnologie originali e localizzando gli interventi eseguiti sulla catena nel corso dei secoli, che si traducono in una mappa variegata di giunti e accrocchi, che racconta non solo la storia della catena ma anche quella degli avanzamenti tecnici avvenuti nel frattempo. In particolare, il racconto dell’indagine condotta su uno specifico tra i giunti individuati vuole riaffermare la validità di un metodo di ricerca, che nel monumento trova il primo documento di sè stesso.


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    The roman Amphitheatre of Dürres (Albania) is in the ancient heart of the city, surrounded and partially buried by Ottoman and modern buildings. A first phase of survey allowed to clarify the planning evolution and the original morphology of this monument, together with constructive techniques and transformations. As for most of the existing amphitheatres, also in this case the original facing and decorative elements are lost by now: the present image of the amphitheatre is reduced to the image of its structures, in opus mixtum and opus caementicium, which are the new surfaces in touch with the environment. These elements, frequently joined by more recent stonewalls, are subjected to a rapid deterioration process, essentially caused by the direct interaction with water, which has transformed, during the centuries, from resource to main problem and cause of damage. Decorative mosaics and wall paintings are today almost entirely lost. Consolidation and restoration processes of these elements involve several technical and theoretical issues to solve, which involve the organization of water systems. Starting from the analysis of the existing conditions of this monument, passing through past interventions on it, we can try to define a scheme of intervention which could envisage different technical and theoretical problems bounded up with an archaeological excavation, from visitor safety to the fundamental respect of the authenticity of the monument
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