130 research outputs found

    Using nature to nurture: Breast milk analysis and fortification to improve growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants

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    Premature infants are born prior to a critical window of rapid placental nutrient transfer and fetal growth—particularly brain development—that occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy. Subsequently, a large proportion of preterm neonates experience extrauterine growth failure and associated neurodevelopmental impairments. Human milk (maternal or donor breast milk) is the recommended source of enteral nutrition for preterm infants, but requires additional fortification of macronutrient, micronutrient, and energy content to meet the nutritional demands of the preterm infant in attempts at replicating in utero nutrient accretion and growth rates. Traditional standardized fortification practices that add a fixed amount of multicomponent fortifier based on assumed breast milk composition do not take into account the considerable variations in breast milk content or individual neonatal metabolism. Emerging methods of individualized fortification—including targeted and adjusted fortification—show promise in improving postnatal growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants

    Burden of Crohn's disease: economics and quality of life aspects in Italy.

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    BACKGROUND: This was a prospective observational study designed to evaluate direct and indirect costs and quality of life for patients with Crohn's disease in Italy from the perspectives of the National Health System and of society. METHODS: A total of 162 male and female subjects aged 18-70 years with Crohn's disease in the active phase and a Crohn's Disease Activity Index score ≥150 were included in the study. Subjects were recruited from 25 Italian centers on a consecutive basis. The study consisted of four visits undertaken every 6 months with a follow-up period of 18 months. The study started on September 1, 2006 and was completed on April 12, 2010. Multivariate analyses were carried out on demographic characteristics, treatment costs based on the prescribed daily dose, resource use and other cost parameters, and changes in quality of life using the EQ5D questionnaire. RESULTS: Cost of illness per subject with Crohn's disease in Italy was estimated to be €15,521 per year, with direct costs representing 76% of total costs. Nonhealth care costs and loss of productivity accounted for 24% of total costs. Societal costs during the first months of enrolment were higher compared with costs in the final months of the study. Quality of life measured by the EQ-5D was 0.558 initially and then increased to 0.739, with a mean value of 0.677 during the enrolment period. The cost of illness was not correlated with age or gender. CONCLUSION: The cost of illness was correlated with quality of life; Crohn's disease had a negative impact on subjects' quality of life, and higher costs corresponded to a lower quality of life as measured with the EQ5D. Drug treatment may improve quality of life and reduce hospitalization costs. Our results appear to be in line with the results of other international cost-of-illness studie

    A stepped-care approach to symptomatic endometriosis management : A participatory research initiative

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    Objective: To assess the proportion of patients with symptomatic endometriosis satisfied with their medical treatment 12 months after enrollment in a stepped-care management protocol. Design: Prospective, single-arm, self-controlled study. Setting: Academic department. Patient(s): A cohort of 157 consecutive patients referred or self-referred to our center for symptomatic endometriosis. Interventions(s): Systematic detailed information process on medical and surgical treatment followed by a shared decision to start a stepped-care protocol including three subsequent medical therapy steps (oral contraception [OC]; 2.5 mg/d norethindrone acetate [NETA]; 2 mg/d dienogest [DNG]) and a fourth surgical step. Stepping up was triggered by drug inefficacy/intolerance. Main Outcome Measure(s): Satisfaction with treatment was assessed according to a five-category scale (very satisfied, satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied). Variations were measured in pain symptoms with the use of a 0\u201310-point numeric rating scale (NRS), in quality of life with the use of the Short Form 12 questionnaire (SF-12), and in sexual functioning with the use of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Result(s): At the end of the 12-month study period, 106 women were still using OC, 23 were using NETA, three were using DNG, and four had undergone surgery. Twenty-one participants (13%) dropped out from the study. In intention-to-treat analysis, excluding five drop-outs for pregnancy desire, the overall satisfaction rate with the stepped-care protocol was 62% (95/152; 95% CI 55%\u201370%). By 12-month follow-up, significant improvements were observed in all pain symptom scores and in SF-12 physical and mental component summary scores, whereas FSFI scores did not vary substantially. Conclusion(s): Most women with endometriosis-associated pelvic pain who chose a stepped-care approach were satisfied with OC and a low-cost progestin for the treatment of their symptoms. The need to step up to an expensive progestin or surgery was marginal

    Transmission of Avian Influenza A Viruses among Species in an Artificial Barnyard

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    Waterfowl and shorebirds harbor and shed all hemagglutinin and neuraminidase subtypes of influenza A viruses and interact in nature with a broad range of other avian and mammalian species to which they might transmit such viruses. Estimating the efficiency and importance of such cross-species transmission using epidemiological approaches is difficult. We therefore addressed this question by studying transmission of low pathogenic H5 and H7 viruses from infected ducks to other common animals in a quasi-natural laboratory environment designed to mimic a common barnyard. Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) recently infected with H5N2 or H7N3 viruses were introduced into a room housing other mallards plus chickens, blackbirds, rats and pigeons, and transmission was assessed by monitoring virus shedding (ducks) or seroconversion (other species) over the following 4 weeks. Additional animals of each species were directly inoculated with virus to characterize the effect of a known exposure. In both barnyard experiments, virus accumulated to high titers in the shared water pool. The H5N2 virus was transmitted from infected ducks to other ducks and chickens in the room either directly or through environmental contamination, but not to rats or blackbirds. Ducks infected with the H7N2 virus transmitted directly or indirectly to all other species present. Chickens and blackbirds directly inoculated with these viruses shed significant amounts of virus and seroconverted; rats and pigeons developed antiviral antibodies, but, except for one pigeon, failed to shed virus

    How parents choose to use CAM: a systematic review of theoretical models

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    Background: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is widely used throughout the UK and the Western world. CAM is commonly used for children and the decision-making process to use CAM is affected by numerous factors. Most research on CAM use lacks a theoretical framework and is largely based on bivariate statistics. The aim of this review was to identify a conceptual model which could be used to explain the decision-making process in parental choice of CAM. Methods: A systematic search of the literature was carried out. A two-stage selection process with predetermined inclusion/exclusion criteria identified studies using a theoretical framework depicting the interaction of psychological factors involved in the CAM decision process. Papers were critically appraised and findings summarised. Results: Twenty two studies using a theoretical model to predict CAM use were included in the final review; only one examined child use. Seven different models were identified. The most commonly used and successful model was Andersen's Sociobehavioural Model (SBM). Two papers proposed modifications to the SBM for CAM use. Six qualitative studies developed their own model. Conclusion: The SBM modified for CAM use, which incorporates both psychological and pragmatic determinants, was identified as the best conceptual model of CAM use. This model provides a valuable framework for future research, and could be used to explain child CAM use. An understanding of the decision making process is crucial in promoting shared decision making between healthcare practitioners and parents and could inform service delivery, guidance and policy

    Sex-Differences in the Pattern of Comorbidities, Functional Independence, and Mortality in Elderly Inpatients: Evidence from the RePoSI Register

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    Background: The RePoSi study has provided data on comorbidities, polypharmacy, and sex dimorphism in hospitalised elderly patients. Methods: We retrospectively analysed data collected from the 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 data sets of the RePoSi register. The aim of this study was to explore the sex-differences and to validate the multivariate model in the entire dataset with an expanded follow-up at 1 year. Results: Among 4714 patients, 51% were women and 49% were men. The disease distribution showed that diabetes, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, and malignancy were more frequent in men but that hypertension, anaemia, osteoarthritis, depression, and diverticulitis disease were more common in women. Severity and comorbidity indexes according to the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS-s and CIRS-c) were higher in men, while cognitive impairment, mood disorders, and disability in daily life measured by the Barthel Index (BI) were worse in women. In the multivariate analysis, BI, CIRS, and malignancy significantly increased the risk of death in men at the 1-year follow-up, while age was independently associated with mortality in women. Conclusions: Our study highlighted the relevance and the validity of our previous predictive model in the identification of sex dimorphism in hospitalised elderly patients underscoring the need of sex-personalised health-care

    The RESET project: constructing a European tephra lattice for refined synchronisation of environmental and archaeological events during the last c. 100 ka

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    This paper introduces the aims and scope of the RESET project (. RESponse of humans to abrupt Environmental Transitions), a programme of research funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (UK) between 2008 and 2013; it also provides the context and rationale for papers included in a special volume of Quaternary Science Reviews that report some of the project's findings. RESET examined the chronological and correlation methods employed to establish causal links between the timing of abrupt environmental transitions (AETs) on the one hand, and of human dispersal and development on the other, with a focus on the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic periods. The period of interest is the Last Glacial cycle and the early Holocene (c. 100-8 ka), during which time a number of pronounced AETs occurred. A long-running topic of debate is the degree to which human history in Europe and the Mediterranean region during the Palaeolithic was shaped by these AETs, but this has proved difficult to assess because of poor dating control. In an attempt to move the science forward, RESET examined the potential that tephra isochrons, and in particular non-visible ash layers (cryptotephras), might offer for synchronising palaeo-records with a greater degree of finesse. New tephrostratigraphical data generated by the project augment previously-established tephra frameworks for the region, and underpin a more evolved tephra 'lattice' that links palaeo-records between Greenland, the European mainland, sub-marine sequences in the Mediterranean and North Africa. The paper also outlines the significance of other contributions to this special volume: collectively, these illustrate how the lattice was constructed, how it links with cognate tephra research in Europe and elsewhere, and how the evidence of tephra isochrons is beginning to challenge long-held views about the impacts of environmental change on humans during the Palaeolithic. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.RESET was funded through Consortium Grants awarded by the Natural Environment Research Council, UK, to a collaborating team drawn from four institutions: Royal Holloway University of London (grant reference NE/E015905/1), the Natural History Museum, London (NE/E015913/1), Oxford University (NE/E015670/1) and the University of Southampton, including the National Oceanography Centre (NE/01531X/1). The authors also wish to record their deep gratitude to four members of the scientific community who formed a consultative advisory panel during the lifetime of the RESET project: Professor Barbara Wohlfarth (Stockholm University), Professor Jørgen Peder Steffensen (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen), Dr. Martin Street (Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Neuwied) and Professor Clive Oppenheimer (Cambridge University). They provided excellent advice at key stages of the work, which we greatly valued. We also thank Jenny Kynaston (Geography Department, Royal Holloway) for construction of several of the figures in this paper, and Debbie Barrett (Elsevier) and Colin Murray Wallace (Editor-in-Chief, QSR) for their considerable assistance in the production of this special volume.Peer Reviewe
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