53 research outputs found

    Novel Algorithm for the Differential Diagnosis of Hyponatraemia in Anuric Patients Undergoing Maintenance Haemodialysis

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    Introduction: Hyponatraemia is associated with increased mortality in patients undergoing maintenance haemodialysis. In anuric patients, hyponatraemia development depends on the water-sodium ratio in retained fluid within the interdialysis interval (IDI). Objective: This study aimed to calculate the retained sodium-retained water ratio in patients on maintenance haemodialysis and make a differential diagnosis of hyponatraemia according to these data. Methods: The amount of retained water was determined as body weight gain (ΔBW) within the IDI. Sodium retention was calculated using our formula: eRNa+ = ΔBW × (SNa+)t2 − total body water (TBW)t1 × ([SNa+]t1 − [SNa+]t2), where TBW represents the calculated volume of the total body water and (SNa+)t1 and (SNa+)t2 represent the sodium concentration at the beginning and at the end of the IDI, respectively. We performed 89 measurements in 32 anuric patients on maintenance haemodialysis. Results: Hyponatraemia was detected in 13 measurements at the end of the IDI. The ΔBW had no statistically significant difference between normonatraemic and hyponatraemic patients. Hyponatraemic patients had significantly lower levels of retained sodium. The retained water-­retained sodium ratio facilitated in differentiating dilution hyponatraemia, nutritional hyponatraemia, depletion hyponatraemia, and dilution hyponatraemia associated with sodium wasting or malnutrition. Conclusion: The composition of retained fluid during the IDI may be hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic in relation to the extracellular fluid. Most of the hyponatraemic patients had hypotonic fluid retained during the IDI because of dilution as well as gastrointestinal sodium loss and/or malnutrition

    Chemically bound gold nanoparticle arrays on silicon: assembly, properties and SERS study of protein interactions

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    A highly reproducible and facile method for formation of ordered 2 dimensional arrays of CTAB protected 50 nm gold nanoparticles bonded to silicon wafers is described. The silicon wafers have been chemically modified with long-chain silanes terminated with thiol that penetrate the CTAB bilayer and chemically bind to the underlying gold nanoparticle. The silicon wafer provides a reproducibly smooth, chemically functionalizable and non-fluorescent substrate with a silicon phonon mode which may provide a convenient internal frequency and intensity calibration for vibrational spectroscopy. The CTAB bilayer provides a potentially biomimetic environment for analyte, yet allows a sufficiently small nanoparticle separation to achieve a significant electric field enhancement. The arrays have been characterized using SEM and Raman spectroscopy. These studies reveal that the reproducibility of the arrays is excellent both between batches (< 10% RSD) and across a single batch (< 5% RSD). The arrays also exhibit good stability, and the effect of temperature on the arrays was also investigated. The interaction of protein and amino acid with the nanoparticle arrays was investigated using Raman microscopy to investigate their potential in bio-SERS spectroscopy. Raman of phenylalanine and the protein bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, BPTI were studied using 785 nm excitation, coincident with the surface plasmon absorbance of the array. The arrays exhibit SERS enhancements of the order of 2.6 x 104 for phenylalanine, the standard deviation on the relative intensity of the 1555 cm-1 mode of phenylalanine is less than 10% for 100 randomly distributed locations across a single substrate and less than 20% between different substrates. Significantly, comparisons of the Raman spectra of the protein and phenlyalanine in solution and immobilized on the nanoparticle arrays indicates that the protein is non-randomly orientated on the arrays. Selective SERS enhancements suggest that aromatic residues penetrate through the bilayer inducing conformational changes in the protein

    Researching the use of force: The background to the international project

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    This article provides the background to an international project on use of force by the police that was carried out in eight countries. Force is often considered to be the defining characteristic of policing and much research has been conducted on the determinants, prevalence and control of the use of force, particularly in the United States. However, little work has looked at police officers’ own views on the use of force, in particular the way in which they justify it. Using a hypothetical encounter developed for this project, researchers in each country conducted focus groups with police officers in which they were encouraged to talk about the use of force. The results show interesting similarities and differences across countries and demonstrate the value of using this kind of research focus and methodology

    The Neural Representation of Prospective Choice during Spatial Planning and Decisions

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    We are remarkably adept at inferring the consequences of our actions, yet the neuronal mechanisms that allow us to plan a sequence of novel choices remain unclear. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate how the human brain plans the shortest path to a goal in novel mazes with one (shallow maze) or two (deep maze) choice points. We observed two distinct anterior prefrontal responses to demanding choices at the second choice point: one in rostrodorsal medial prefrontal cortex (rd-mPFC)/superior frontal gyrus (SFG) that was also sensitive to (deactivated by) demanding initial choices and another in lateral frontopolar cortex (lFPC), which was only engaged by demanding choices at the second choice point. Furthermore, we identified hippocampal responses during planning that correlated with subsequent choice accuracy and response time, particularly in mazes affording sequential choices. Psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses showed that coupling between the hippocampus and rd-mPFC increases during sequential (deep versus shallow) planning and is higher before correct versus incorrect choices. In short, using a naturalistic spatial planning paradigm, we reveal how the human brain represents sequential choices during planning without extensive training. Our data highlight a network centred on the cortical midline and hippocampus that allows us to make prospective choices while maintaining initial choices during planning in novel environments

    The general fault in our fault lines

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    Pervading global narratives suggest that political polarization is increasing, yet the accuracy of such group meta-perceptions has been drawn into question. A recent US study suggests that these beliefs are inaccurate and drive polarized beliefs about out-groups. However, it also found that informing people of inaccuracies reduces those negative beliefs. In this work, we explore whether these results generalize to other countries. To achieve this, we replicate two of the original experiments with 10,207 participants across 26 countries. We focus on local group divisions, which we refer to as fault lines. We find broad generalizability for both inaccurate meta-perceptions and reduced negative motive attribution through a simple disclosure intervention. We conclude that inaccurate and negative group meta-perceptions are exhibited in myriad contexts and that informing individuals of their misperceptions can yield positive benefits for intergroup relations. Such generalizability highlights a robust phenomenon with implications for political discourse worldwide

    Toward a Critical Race Realism

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    Is context the key? The (non-) differential effects of mediated incivility in three European countries

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    There is a worry that serious forms of political conflict, in particular, uncivil behavior of politicians, increases political cynicism and demobilizes the public. Despite the close relation of incivility with social and cultural norms of what is an acceptable form of discussion, studies are mostly restricted to one country. To overcome this blind spot, we conduct a cross-national experiment in three countries (the Netherlands, UK and Spain) testing whether civil and uncivil forms of mediated political conflict affect cynicism toward the EU, political participation intentions, and the support for the policies discussed. Results indicate that despite different levels of conflict in the news, and different levels of cynicism and participation in these countries, the effects of incivility are homogenous. Uncivil political conflict has negative effects on political participation intention and policy support but does not significantly affect cynicism – in each of the three countries. We also test the role of an individual-level factor, namely Tolerance for Disagreement (TfD). Citizens with low levels of TfD are more affected by uncivil conflict, while subjects with high TfD seem to be immune against violations of social norms. We discuss these finding against the backdrop of individual and cultural influences on political communication effects and cross-cultural experimental research in more general terms

    Role of EBAG9 protein in coat protein complex I-dependent glycoprotein maturation and secretion processes in tumor cells

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    Many proteins mature within the secretory pathway by the acquisition of glycans. Failure to maintain the proper distribution of the glycosylation machinery might lead to disease. High expression levels of the ubiquitous Golgi protein estrogen receptor-binding fragment-associated gene 9 (EBAG9) in human tumors correlate with poor clinical prognosis, and EBAG9 overexpression in epithelial cell lines induces truncated glycans, typical of many carcinomas. Here, we addressed the pathogenetic link between EBAG9 expression and the alteration of the cellular glycome. We applied confocal microscopy, live imaging, pulse-chase labeling in conjunction with immunoprecipitation, and enzymatic activity assays in a variety of EBAG9-overexpressing or depleted epithelial tumor cell lines. EBAG9 shuttles between the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment and the cis-Golgi, and we demonstrate association of EBAG9 with coat protein complex I (COPI)-coated transport vesicles. EBAG9 overexpression imposes delay of endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi transport and mislocalizes components of the ER quality control and glycosylation machinery. Conversely, EBAG9 down-regulation accelerates glycoprotein transport through the Golgi and enhances mannosidase activity. Thus, EBAG9 acts as a negative regulator of a COPI-dependent ER-to-Golgi transport pathway in epithelial cells and represents a novel pathogenetic principle in which interference with intracellular membrane trafficking results in the emergence of a tumor-associated glycome
