478 research outputs found

    Trophic Interactions, Management Trade-Offs and Climate Change: The Need for Adaptive Thresholds to Operationalize Ecosystem Indicators

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    Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is commonly applied to achieve sustainable use of marine resources. For EBM, regular ecosystem-wide assessments of changes in environmental or ecological status are essential components, as well as assessments of the effects of management measures. Assessments are typically carried out using indicators. A major challenge for the usage of indicators in EBM is trophic interactions as these may influence indicator responses. Trophic interactions can also shape trade-offs between management targets, because they modify and mediate the effects of pressures on ecosystems. Characterization of such interactions is in turn a challenge when testing the usability of indicators. Climate variability and climate change may also impact indicators directly, as well as indirectly through trophic interactions. Together, these effects may alter interpretation of indicators in assessments and evaluation of management measures. We developed indicator networks – statistical models of coupled indicators – to identify links representing trophic interactions between proposed food-web indicators, under multiple anthropogenic pressures and climate variables, using two basins in the Baltic Sea as a case study. We used the networks to simulate future indicator responses under different fishing, eutrophication and climate change scenarios. Responsiveness to fishing and eutrophication differed between indicators and across basins. Almost all indicators were highly dependent on climatic conditions, and differences in indicator trajectories >10% were found only in comparisons of future climates. In some cases, effects of nutrient load and climate scenarios counteracted each other, altering how management measures manifested in the indicators. Incorporating climate change, or other regionally non-manageable drivers, is thus necessary for an accurate interpretation of indicators and thereby of EBM measure effects. Quantification of linkages between indicators across trophic levels is similarly a prerequisite for tracking effects propagating through the food web, and, consequently, for indicator interpretation. Developing meaningful indicators under climate change calls for iterative indicator validations, accounting for natural processes such as trophic interactions and for trade-offs between management objectives, to enable learning as well as setting target levels or thresholds triggering actions in an adaptive manner. Such flexible strategies make a set of indicators operational over the long-term and facilitate success of EBM

    Characteristics, primary treatment, and survival of MDS/MPN with neutrophilia:a population-based study

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    Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MDS/MPN) with neutrophilia, until recently called atypical chronic myeloid leukemia (aCML), being part of the MDS/MPN is a very rare disease with poor prognosis. Although emerging data reveal its cytogenetic and molecular profile, integrated survival and treatment data remain scarce. We analyzed a cohort of 347 adult patients diagnosed with MDS/MPN with neutrophilia, registered in the Netherlands Cancer Registry between 2001 and 2019. Our demographic baseline data align with other cohorts. We observed cytogenetic aberrations exclusively in patients aged &gt;65 years, with trisomy 8 being the most common abnormality. We identified 16 distinct molecular mutations, with some patients (16/101) harboring up to 3 different mutations; ASXL1 being the most frequent one (22%). In a multivariable Cox regression analysis, only age, hemoglobin level and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (alloHSCT) were associated with overall survival (aged &gt;65 years; hazard ratio [HR] 1.85; P = .001 and alloHSCT HR, 0.51; P = .039). Because no other treatment modality seemed to affect survival and might cause toxicity, we propose that all patients eligible for alloHSCT should, whenever possible, receive an allogeneic transplant. It is imperative that we strive to improve outcomes for patients who are not eligible for alloHSCT. Tackling this challenge requires international collaborative efforts to conduct prospective intervention studies.</p

    Reference state, structure, regime shifts, and regulatory drivers in a coastal sea over the last century : The Central Baltic Sea case

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    The occurrence of regime shifts in marine ecosystems has important implications for environmental legislation that requires setting reference levels and targets of quantitative restoration outcomes. The Baltic Sea ecosystem has undergone large changes in the 20(th) century related to anthropogenic pressures and climate variability, which have caused ecosystem reorganization. Here, we compiled historical information and identified relationships in our dataset using multivariate statistics and modeling across 31 biotic and abiotic variables from 1925 to 2005 in the Central Baltic Sea. We identified a series of ecosystem regime shifts in the 1930s, 1970s, and at the end of the 1980s/beginning of the 1990s. In the long term, the Central Baltic Sea showed a regime shift from a benthic to pelagic-dominated state. Historically, benthic components played a significant role in trophic transfer, while in the more recent productive system pelagic-benthic coupling was weak and pelagic components dominated. Our analysis shows that for the entire time period, productivity, climate, and hydrography mainly affected the functioning of the food web, whereas fishing became important more recently. Eutrophication had far-reaching direct and indirect impacts from a long-term perspective and changed not only the trophic state of the system but also affected higher trophic levels. Our study also suggests a switch in regulatory drivers from salinity to oxygen. The "reference ecosystem" identified in our analysis may guide the establishment of an ecosystem state baseline and threshold values for ecosystem state indicators of the Central Baltic Sea.Peer reviewe

    Non-linearity in stock–recruitment relationships of Atlantic cod: insights from a multi-model approach

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    The stock–recruitment relationship is the basis of any stock prediction and thus fundamental for fishery management. Traditional parametric stock–recruitment models often poorly fit empirical data, nevertheless they are still the rule in fish stock assessment procedures. We here apply a multi-model approach to predict recruitment of 20 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stocks as a function of adult biomass and environmental variables. We compare the traditional Ricker model with two non-parametric approaches: (i) the stochastic cusp model from catastrophe theory and (ii) multivariate simplex projections, based on attractor state-space reconstruction. We show that the performance of each model is contingent on the historical dynamics of individual stocks, and that stocks which experienced abrupt and state-dependent dynamics are best modelled using non-parametric approaches. These dynamics are pervasive in Western stocks highlighting a geographical distinction between cod stocks, which have implications for their recovery potential. Furthermore, the addition of environmental variables always improved the models’ predictive power indicating that they should be considered in stock assessment and management routines. Using our multi-model approach, we demonstrate that we should be more flexible when modelling recruitment and tailor our approaches to the dynamical properties of each individual stock.https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/article/77/4/1492/5522545Published versio

    Mechanistic Link between Vitamin B12 and Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in the elderly population, affecting over 55 million people worldwide. Histopathological hallmarks of this multifactorial disease are an increased plaque burden and tangles in the brains of affected individuals. Several lines of evidence indicate that B12 hypovitaminosis is linked to AD. In this review, the biochemical pathways involved in AD that are affected by vitamin B12, focusing on APP processing, Aβ fibrillization, Aβ induced oxidative damage as well as tau hyperphosphorylation and tau aggregation, are summarized. Besides the mechanistic link, an overview of clinical studies utilizing vitamin B supplementation are given, and a potential link between diseases and medication resulting in a reduced vitamin B12 level and AD are discussed. Besides the disease-mediated B12 hypovitaminosis, the reduction in vitamin B12 levels caused by an increasing change in dietary preferences has been gaining in relevance. In particular, vegetarian and vegan diets are associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, and therefore might have potential implications for AD. In conclusion, our review emphasizes the important role of vitamin B12 in AD, which is particularly important, as even in industrialized countries a large proportion of the population might not be sufficiently supplied with vitamin B12

    Evidence of local conformational fluctuations and changes in bacteriorhodopsin, dependent on lipids, detergents and trimeric structure, as studied by 13C NMR

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    AbstractWe examined how the local conformation and dynamics of [3-13C]Ala-labeled bacteriorhodopsin (bR) are altered as viewed from 13C NMR spectra when the natural membrane lipids are partly or completely replaced with detergents. It turned out that the major conformational features of bR, the αII-helices, are generally unchanged in the delipidated or solubilized preparations. Upon partial delipidation or detergent solubilization, however, a significant conformational change occurs, ascribed to local conversion of αII→αI-helix (one Ala residue involved), evident from the upfield displacement of the transmembrane helical peak from 16.4 ppm to 14.5 ppm, conformational change (one or two Ala residues) within αII-helices from 16.4 to 16.0 ppm, and acquired flexibility in the loop region (especially at the F–G loop) as manifested from suppressed peak-intensities in cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CP-MAS) NMR spectra. On the other hand, formation of monomers as solubilized by Triton X-100, Triton N-101 and n-dodecylmaltoside is characterized by the presence of a peak at 15.5 ppm and a shifted absorption maximum (550 nm). The size of micelles under the first two conditions was small enough to yield 13C NMR signals observable by a solution NMR spectrometer, although 13C CP-MAS NMR signals were also visible from a fraction of large-sized micelles. We found that the 16.9 ppm peak (three Ala residues involved), visible by CP-MAS NMR, was displaced upfield when Schiff base was removed by solubilization with sodium dodecyl sulfate, consistent with our previous finding of bleaching to yield bacterioopsin

    A systematic approach to mapping recessive disease genes in individuals from outbred populations

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    The identification of recessive disease-causing genes by homozygosity mapping is often restricted by lack of suitable consanguineous families. To overcome these limitations, we apply homozygosity mapping to single affected individuals from outbred populations. In 72 individuals of 54 kindred ascertained worldwide with known homozygous mutations in 13 different recessive disease genes, we performed total genome homozygosity mapping using 250,000 SNP arrays. Likelihood ratio Z-scores (ZLR) were plotted across the genome to detect ZLR peaks that reflect segments of homozygosity by descent, which may harbor the mutated gene. In 93% of cases, the causative gene was positioned within a consistent ZLR peak of homozygosity. The number of peaks reflected the degree of inbreeding. We demonstrate that disease-causing homozygous mutations can be detected in single cases from outbred populations within a single ZLR peak of homozygosity as short as 2 Mb, containing an average of only 16 candidate genes. As many specialty clinics have access to cohorts of individuals from outbred populations, and as our approach will result in smaller genetic candidate regions, the new strategy of homozygosity mapping in single outbred individuals will strongly accelerate the discovery of novel recessive disease genes

    Temporal variance of disturbance did not affect diversity and structure of a marine fouling community in north-eastern New Zealand

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    Natural heterogeneity in ecological parameters, like population abundance, is more widely recognized and investigated than variability in the processes that control these parameters. Experimental ecologists have focused mainly on the mean intensity of predictor variables and have largely ignored the potential to manipulate variances in processes, which can be considered explicitly in experimental designs to explore variation in causal mechanisms. In the present study, the effect of the temporal variance of disturbance on the diversity of marine assemblages was tested in a field experiment replicated at two sites on the northeast coast of New Zealand. Fouling communities grown on artificial settlement substrata experienced disturbance regimes that differed in their inherent levels of temporal variability and timing of disturbance events, while disturbance intensity was identical across all levels. Additionally, undisturbed assemblages were used as controls. After 150 days of experimental duration, the assemblages were then compared with regard to their species richness, abundance and structure. The disturbance effectively reduced the average total cover of the assemblages, but no consistent effect of variability in the disturbance regime on the assemblages was detected. The results of this study were corroborated by the outcomes from simultaneous replicate experiments carried out in each of eight different biogeographical regions around the world

    Analysis of shared common genetic risk between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy

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    Because hyper-excitability has been shown to be a shared pathophysiological mechanism, we used the latest and largest genome-wide studies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (n = 36,052) and epilepsy (n = 38,349) to determine genetic overlap between these conditions. First, we showed no significant genetic correlation, also when binned on minor allele frequency. Second, we confirmed the absence of polygenic overlap using genomic risk score analysis. Finally, we did not identify pleiotropic variants in meta-analyses of the 2 diseases. Our findings indicate that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy do not share common genetic risk, showing that hyper-excitability in both disorders has distinct origins
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