90 research outputs found

    The Spread of English and its Implication in ELT

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Estudios Ingleses. Curso académico 2014-2015[ES]La gran expansión del inglés ha llevado a investigaciones para saber cuál es la mejor manera de enseñar una lengua. CLIL (AICLE) es un método de enseñanza que ha florecido por su éxito entre los estudiantes. En este trabajo de fin de Grado, se analizará las razones por las cuales el inglés ha ganado su importancia como lengua franca y se ha convertido en una lengua tan importante. Se explicará su impacto y su implementación en las escuelas, así como las características de CLIL (AICLE) y se analizará un caso particular de una escuela.[EN]The unprecedented spread of the English language has led to an investigation into which the best option of teaching is. CLIL has flourished due to its success among students. In this paper, I will be analysing the reasons that has led to the rising importance of English as a lingua franca, why the English Language has become so important, explaining its impact and implementation on schools, the features of CLIL as well as analysing my particular study case

    A comparison of long-term trends in observations and emission inventories of NOx

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    Air pollution is a pressing issue that is associated with adverse effects on human health, ecosystems, and climate. Despite many years of effort to improve air quality, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) limit values are still regularly exceeded in Europe, particularly in cities and along streets. This study explores how concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) in European urban areas have changed over the last decades and how this relates to changes in emissions. To do so, the incremental approach was used, comparing urban increments (i.e. urban background minus rural concentrations) to total emissions, and roadside increments (i.e. urban roadside concentrations minus urban background concentrations) to traffic emissions. In total, nine European cities were assessed. The study revealed that potentially confounding factors like the impact of urban pollution at rural monitoring sites through atmospheric transport are generally negligible for NOx. The approach proves therefore particularly useful for this pollutant. The estimated urban increments all showed downward trends, and for the majority of the cities the trends aligned well with the total emissions. However, it was found that factors like a very densely populated surrounding or local emission sources in the rural area such as shipping traffic on inland waterways restrict the application of the approach for some cities. The roadside increments showed an overall very diverse picture in their absolute values and trends and also in their relation to traffic emissions. This variability and the discrepancies between roadside increments and emissions could be attributed to a combination of local influencing factors at the street level and different aspects introducing inaccuracies to the trends of the emis-sion inventories used, including deficient emission factors. Applying the incremental approach was evaluated as useful for long-term pan-European studies, but at the same time it was found to be restricted to certain regions and cities due to data availability issues. The results also highlight that using emission inventories for the prediction of future health impacts and compliance with limit values needs to consider the distinct variability in the concentrations not only across but also within cities

    Temperature dependence of tropospheric ozone under NOx reductions over Germany

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    Due to the strong temperature dependence of surface ozone concentrations (O3), future warmer conditions may worsen ozone pollution levels despite continued efforts on emission controls of ozone precursors. Using longterm measurements of hourly O3 concentrations co-located with NOx concentrations in stations distributed throughout Germany, we assess changes in the climate penalty in summertime, defined as the slope of ozonetemperature relationship during the period 1999?2018. We find a stronger temperature sensitivity in the urban stations over the southwestern regions, especially in the first period of the study (1999?2008). We show a decrease in the climate penalty in most of stations during the second period of the study (2009?2018), with some exceptions (e.g. Berlin) where the climate penalty did not show significant changes. A key motivation of this study is to provide further insights into the impacts of NOx reductions in the O3-temperature relationship. For that, we propose a statisti-cal approach based on Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) to describe ozone production rates, inferred from hourly observations, as a function of NOx and temperature, among other variables relevant during the O3 production. The GAMs confirm lower O3 production rates during the second period (2009?2018) at most of the stations and a decreasing sensitivity to temperature. We observe that a large number of stations are transitioning to NOx-limited chemistry, consistent with a decreasing temperature dependence of O3 at moderate-high temperatures as a result of sustained NOx reductions. Moreover, the GAMs results showed changes in the shape of the function representing the O3-temperature relationship when comparing the first and second period, which suggest changes in VOC influencing the temperature dependence of O3. From these results, we infer effective VOC reductions over time that have also contributed to the observed decrease of O3 production rates. Thus, our analysis indicates that emissions reductions have been effective in a number of stations, particularly in the southwestern regions. However, we notice that in a few stations (e.g. Berlin) additional emission reductions should be required to effectively mitigate the temperature dependence of O3

    Clinical manifestations of hereditary paraganglioma syndrome associated with SDHAF2

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Medicina. Curso 2021-2022Introducción: Las recomendaciones de las guías de práctica clínica para el manejo del síndrome de paraganglioma hereditario asociado a SDHAF2 se basan en lo descrito en la literatura en relación a dos familias con la variante p.Gly78Arg en este gen. Hasta la fecha, entre otras características, se pensaba que los paragangliomas (PGLs) tenían lugar exclusivamente a nivel de cabeza y cuello, sin observarse enfermedad metastásica. Objetivo: Describir el perfil clínico del síndrome de paraganglioma hereditario asociado a SDHAF2. Sujetos y Métodos: Se evaluaron a 64 pacientes tras la detección de 7 casos índice con la misma variante patógena (p.Gly78Arg) en el gen SDHAF2. Se recogieron los datos clínicos de los 46 pacientes portadores de dicha variante, a los que además del estudio molecular, se les realizó estudio hormonal y prueba de imagen anatómica. En casos seleccionados, se llevó a cabo PET con 68Ga-DOTA-TOC y 18F-DOPA. Las piezas quirúrgicas fueron evaluadas. Resultados: Un total de 27 pacientes desarrollaron la enfermedad, con una edad media de 37 años al diagnóstico. Todos los pacientes manifestaron PGLs a nivel de cabeza y cuello (96,3% bifurcación carotídea), con alta frecuencia de multifocalidad. Cuatro pacientes manifestaron asimismo PGLs mediastínicos y dos feocromocitomas. Todos los PGLs extraadrenales fueron no funcionantes, a excepción de un caso con hipersecreción de 3-metoxitiramina. A lo largo del seguimiento, dos pacientes manifestaron enfermedad a distancia (metástasis óseas y pulmonares). El tratamiento con cirugía ocurrió en un 85,1% de los casos y un 58,3% manifestaron algún tipo de complicación. El PET con 68Ga-DOTA-TOC fue superior al PET con 18F-DOPA en la identificación de PGLs extraadrenales y afectación metastásica. En cuanto al análisis inmunohistoquímico de pacientes seleccionados, en ningún caso se observó positividad para SDHB. Conclusiones: Se han observado variaciones fenotípicas en el síndrome de paraganglioma asociado a SDHAF2, no descritas con anterioridad, que contribuirán a modificar el manejo de esta enfermedadIntrodución: As recomendacións das guías de práctica clínica para o manexo da síndrome de paraganglioma hereditaria asociada a SDHAF2 baséanse no descrito na literatura en relación a dúas familias coa variante p.Gly78Arg neste xene. Ata a data, entre outras características, pensábase que os paragangliomas (PGLs) se producían exclusivamente na cabeza e pescozo, sen observarse enfermidade metastásica. Obxectivo: describir o perfil clínico da síndrome de paraganglioma hereditaria asociada a SDHAF2. Suxeitos e métodos: Avaliáronse a 64 pacientes tras a detección de 7 casos índice coa mesma variante patóxena (p.Gly78Arg) no xene SDHAF2. Recolléronse os datos clínicos dos 46 pacientes portadores desta variante que, ademais do estudo molecular, foron sometidos a un estudo hormonal e proba de imaxe anatómica. En casos seleccionados, levouse a cabo PET con 68Ga-DOTA-TOC e 18F-DOPA. As mostras cirúrxicas foron avaliadas. Resultados: Un total de 27 pacientes manifestaron a enfermidade, cunha idade media de 37 anos no momento do diagnóstico. Todos os pacientes mostraron PGLs a nivel de cabeza e pescozo (96,3% de bifurcación carotídea), cunha alta frecuencia de multifocalidade. Catro pacientes tamén manifestaron PGLs mediastínicos e dous feocromocitomas. Todos os PGLs extraadrenais foron non funcionantes, excepto un caso con hipersecreción de 3-metoxitiramina. Ao longo do seguimento, dous pacientes manifestaron enfermidade a distancia (metástases óseas e pulmonares). O tratamento cirúrxico tivo lugar no 85,1% dos casos e o 58,3% relatou algún tipo de complicación. O PET con 68Ga-DOTA-TOC foi superior ao PET con 18F-DOPA na identificación de PGLs extraadrenais e afectación metastásica. En canto á análise inmunohistoquímica de pacientes seleccionados, en ningún caso se observou positividade para SDHB. Conclusións: Observáronse variacións fenotípicas na síndrome de paraganglioma asociada a SDHAF2, non descritas previamente, que contribuirán a modificar o manexo desta enfermidadeIntroduction: The recommendations of the clinical practice guidelines regarding the management of hereditary paraganglioma syndrome associated with SDHAF2 are based on what is described in the literature in relation to two carrier families of the p.Gly78Arg variant in this gene. To date, among other characteristics, paragangliomas (PGLs) have been thought to occur exclusively in the head and neck, with no metastatic disease observed. Objective: To describe the clinical profile of SDHAF2-associated hereditary paraganglioma syndrome. Subjects and Methods: A total of 64 patients were evaluated after the detection of 7 index cases with the same pathogenic variant (p.Gly78Arg) in the SDHAF2 gene. The clinical data of the 46 patients carrying this variant were collected. In addition to the molecular study, these patients underwent a hormonal study, as well as anatomical imaging. In selected cases, PET with 68Ga-DOTA- TOC and 18F-DOPA were also carried out. The surgical specimens were evaluated. Results: A total of 27 patients developed the disease, with a mean age of 37 years at diagnosis. All patients manifested PGLs in the head and neck (96.3% carotid bifurcation), with a high frequency of multifocality. Four patients also manifested mediastinal PGLs and two pheochromocytomas. All extraadrenal PGLs were non-functioning, with the exception of one case with hypersecretion of 3-methoxytyramine. Throughout the followup, two patients manifested distant disease (bone and lung metastases). Surgical treatment occurred in 85.1% of cases and 58.3% reported some type of complication. 68Ga-DOTATOC PET was superior to 18F-DOPA PET in identifying extraadrenal PGLs and metastatic involvement. Regarding the immunohistochemical analysis of selected patients, no positivity for SDHB was observed. Conclusions: Certain phenotypic variations have been observed in the paraganglioma syndrome associated with SDHAF2, which have not previously been described and which will contribute to modifying the management of this diseas

    Mutaciones en MET en Cáncer de Cabeza y Cuello pre- y post- quimioterapia

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    El Cáncer de Cabeza y Cuello (CCC) representa un problema de salud global (1) por ser el sexto cáncer más prevalente en el mundo (2). En 2018, el número de nuevos casos superó los 887.000 y se registraron 453.307 fallecimientos. En España, la incidencia y mortalidad anuales fueron de 10.244 y 3.850 casos respectivamente, según la información de la plataforma GLOBOCAN (International Agency for Research on Cancer, Organización Mundial de la Salud

    Fibromialgia: fotografía realizada desde la perspectiva de las personas que la padecen. Estudio cualitativo

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    20 p.La Fibromialgia (FM) es una enfermedad musculo-esquelética, crónica, de predominio femenino. Con gran comorbilidad y consecuencias sobre el funcionamiento psicológico, emocional, social, y físico. Objetivo: Conocer las experiencias de vida, de un grupo de pacientes con FM, su calidad de vida y modos de afrontamiento. Metodología: Se planteó un estudio cualitativo desde el paradigma interpretativo, de enfoque fenomenológico. Se realizaron sucesivas entrevistas semiestructuradas, hasta obtener saturación. La selección fue intencional. Se explicó el objetivo de estudio y la posibilidad de abandonarlo. Se solicitó consentimiento. Se analizaron los datos según modelo de Taylor-Bogdan. Se encontraron 5 categorías de codificación, tras lo cual se realizó nueva entrevista confirmatoria de resultados con los participantes. Resultados: 1-Descubrimiento de la enfermedad, 2-Convivencia con los síntomas, 3-Situación sociolaboral y económica, 4-Consecuencias de la FM en la vida sexual, 5- Papel de la Asociación. El apoyo social, sanitario y familiar es fundamental para el afrontamiento. Demandan ser escuchados, encuentran incomprensión incluso por profesionales de la salud. En la asociación encuentran comprensión y apoyo. Discusión: Sería necesaria una mayor concienciación a nivel sanitario y laboral acerca de la FM, proporcionando mayor apoyo al afectado, evitando frustración y conflictos en la relación profesional-paciente. El estudio aporta algo más al conocimiento de la FM. Resultando de interés al profesional enfermero, para ofrecer una atención con otra perspectiva y de mayor calidad

    Attribution of surface ozone to NOx and volatile organic compound sources during two different high ozone events

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    Increased tropospheric ozone (O3) and high temperatures affect human health during heat waves. Here, we perform a source attribution that considers separately the formation of German surface ozone from emitted NOx and volatile organic compound (VOC) precursors during two peak ozone events that took place in 2015 and 2018 which were associated with elevated temperatures. Results showed that peak ozone concentrations can be primarily attributed to nearby emissions of anthropogenic NOx (from Germany and immediately neighboring countries) and biogenic VOC. Outside of these high ozone episodes, baseline ozone concentrations are attributed primarily to long-range transport, with ozone due to remote anthropogenic NOx emissions and methane oxidation adding to the tropospheric ozone background. We show that a significant contribution to modeled O3 coming from German NOx or VOC emissions occurs mostly in southern Germany, emphasizing that the production of ozone depends on the local interplay between NOx and VOC precursors. Shipping activities in the Baltic and North seas have a large impact on ozone predicted in coastal areas, yet a small amount of ozone from these sources can also be seen far inland, showing the importance of transported ozone on pollution levels. We have also shown that changes in circulation patterns during the peak O3 episodes observed in Germany during the 2015 and 2018 heat waves can affect the contribution of different NOx emission sources to total O3; thus, the possible influence of multiple upwind source regions should be accounted for when mitigation strategies are designed. Our study also highlights the good correlation between ozone coming from German biogenic VOC emissions and total ozone, although the diurnal variation in the ozone coming from biogenic sources is not dominated by the diurnal variation in biogenic emissions, and the peaks of ozone from biogenic sources are disconnected from local emission peaks. This suggests that the formation of O3 from local German biogenic VOC emissions is not the sole factor that influences the ozone formation, and other meteorological and chemical processes affect the diel variation of ozone with a biogenic origin. Overall, this study helps to demonstrate the importance of a source attribution method to understand the sources of O3 in Germany and can be a useful tool that will help to design effective mitigation strategies

    Sensibilidad a las condiciones sanitarias de tres líneas de conejos

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    Actualmente, en la mayoría de las especies de interés productivo hay interés en disponer de animales que sean poco sensibles a los cambios ambientales. Esta menor sensibilidad iría asociada con una mayor longevidad y un menor coste de los gastos sanitarios y de la reposición, con el consiguiente beneficio para los ganaderos. En la Unidad de Mejora Genética del Departamento de Ciencia Animal de la Universitat Politècnica de València se dispone de tres líneas maternas comerciales con diferente longevidad debido principalmente a los criterios que se utilizaron para la fundación de las líneas. La línea B es la que presenta una mayor longevidad, la línea V se puede considerar que presenta una longevidad estándar mientras que la línea A desde su fundación es una línea más sensible y con una longevidad menor respecto a las otras dos líneas. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar cómo afectan diferentes desafíos ambientales y sanitarios a los parámetros reproductivos y la mortalidad de las reproductoras de estas tres líneas comerciales. Para ello, se van a utilizar datos de un total de 1.727 hembras de las tres líneas en el periodo comprendido entre Diciembre de 2013 y Abril de 2017.Otero Escrich, ND. (2018). Sensibilidad a las condiciones sanitarias de tres líneas de conejos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/111099TFG

    Characterizing renewable energy compound events across Europe using a logistic regression‐based approach

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    The transition towards decarbonized power systems requires accounting for the impacts of the climate variability and climate change on renewable energy sources. With the growing share of wind and solar power in the European power system and their strong weather dependence, balancing the energy demand and supply becomes a great challenge. We characterize energy compound events, defined as periods of simultaneous low renewable production of wind and solar power, and high electricity demand. Using a logistic regression approach, we examine the influence of meteorological and atmospheric drivers on energy compound events. Moreover, we assess the spatial coherence of energy compound events that pose a major challenge within an interconnected power grid, as they can affect multiple countries simultaneously. On average, European countries are exposed to winter energy compound events more than twice per year. The combination of extremely low temperatures and low wind speeds is associated with a higher probability of occurrence of energy compound events. Furthermore, we show that blocked weather regimes have a major influence on energy compound events. In particular, Greenland and European blocking lead to widespread energy compound events that affect multiple countries at the same time. Our results highlight the relevance of weather regimes resulting in synchronous spatial energy compound events, which might pose a greater risk within a potential fully interconnected European grid