251 research outputs found

    Eskola kirola Irunen: genero dibertsitatearen azterketa & proposamen alternatiboa

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    GRAL honetan, Irungo Eskola Kirolaren azterketa sakon bat egiten da. Azterketa honetan, genero dibertsitatearen kausak bilatzea da helburu nagusia, nesken partaidetza hain baxua izatearen zergatiak ezagutzeko. Modu honetan, ikerketa aurkeztu ostean nesken partaidetza baxuaren kausa edo arrazoi nagusiak azaleratzen dira, eta lanarekin amaitzeko Eskola Kirol eredu alternatibo bat proposatzen da, erreparaturiko arazoak gainditzea helburutzat duena. Euskaraz idatzirik dago

    Itzulpengintza eta terminologia: terminoen erauzketa eta azterketa euskarara itzulitako testu zientifiko batean

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    “Itzulpengintza eta terminologia: terminoen erauzketa eta azterketa euskarara itzulitako testu zientifiko batean” izeneko Gradu Amaierako Lan (GRAL) honek helburu du ingelesetik euskarara itzulita dagoen testu zientifiko bateko terminologia erauztea, Erauzterm izeneko terminoak erauzteko tresna erdi-automatikoaz baliatuz, eta erauzitako terminoen itzulpen-azterketa egitea. William Nessek ingelesez idatzitako Introduction to terminology liburua eta haren euskarazko bertsioa, Mineralogiaren hastapenak, erabili ditut lan honetan. Mineralogiako eduki garrantzitsuenak biltzen dituen liburu zabal eta osoa da, berezitua, unibertsitatean askotariko mineralogia-ikasketak egiten dituzten ikasleei zuzenduta baitago. Liburu hori erabiliz, geologia arloko, eta espezifikoki, mineralogiako terminologia biltzeko aukera izan dut. Hala ere, liburu lodia eta luzea zenez, lehen kapitulura mugatu dut aztergaia, kapitulu guztien azterketa egiteak GRAL honen muga nabari gaindituko lukeelako. Lehen 90 orrialdeetako terminologia landu dut beraz. Liburu hori hainbat arrazoirengatik aukeratu dut: zientzia arloko diziplinetan geologia da interes gehien pizten zidan gaia; jatorrizko liburuaren eta itzulpenaren kopia lortzeko eskuragarritasuna nuen; eta itzultzaile eta hizkuntza-begirale baten arteko lana izan zen. Bi zatitan egituratu dut nire lana. Lehenik, terminologiaren arloko oinarrizko edukiak eta oinarri teorikoa azaldu ditut lan praktikoa egiten hasi aurretik: terminoak zer diren, terminologiaren historia, terminologia teoria desberdinak, itzulpengintza eta terminologiaren arteko erlazioa, euskal terminologiaren historia eta egoera, eta terminoak euskaratzeko zailtasunak eta irtenbideak. Bigarren zatia praktikoa izan da. Erauzterm izeneko programa erdi-automatikoaz baliatu naiz Mineralogiaren hastapenak liburuko lehen kapituluko terminologia erauzteko. Programa erdi-automatikoak erauzitako hitz bateko, biko eta anitzeko termino-hautagaiak eskuz banaka-banaka onartu edo baztertu ditut lehendabizi, eta ondoren, hautatutako termino guztien lagin txiki batekin azterketa-lan bat egin dut. Alde batetik terminoen aldakortasuna aztertu dut. Beste aldetik, itzultzaileek terminoak ingelesetik euskarara ekartzeko erabili dituzten baliabideak sailkatzen saiatu naiz. Azkenik, egindako azterketa-lanetik nire ondorioak atera ditut

    Proposing a new batch method for assessment of biological activity in H2S degrading biotrickling filters

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    [Abstract] The proposed batch method consists on measuring the sulfate production rate (SPR) at maximum rate of a set of polyurethane cubes extracted from an ongoing pilot-scale biotrickling filter (BTF) for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) removal. Saturation of the system was achieved by applying high gaseous pollutant concentrations. Under these operational conditions the measured activity is proportional to the concentration of H2S degrading biomass (XSH) present in the system. This method has been used to follow the performance of a pilot-scale BTF under selected conditions. The activity at the inlet zone of the packed bed was found to be between two and three times that measured at the outlet zone. An increase in elimination capacity of 14% corresponded to a very similar average activity increase in the reactor. In addition to this, the method provided a means by which the reactor recovery after a starvation period could be studied

    Survey on Evaluation Methods for Dialogue Systems

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    In this paper we survey the methods and concepts developed for the evaluation of dialogue systems. Evaluation is a crucial part during the development process. Often, dialogue systems are evaluated by means of human evaluations and questionnaires. However, this tends to be very cost and time intensive. Thus, much work has been put into finding methods, which allow to reduce the involvement of human labour. In this survey, we present the main concepts and methods. For this, we differentiate between the various classes of dialogue systems (task-oriented dialogue systems, conversational dialogue systems, and question-answering dialogue systems). We cover each class by introducing the main technologies developed for the dialogue systems and then by presenting the evaluation methods regarding this class

    Revisited Mass-Radius relations for exoplanets below 120 Earth masses

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    The masses and radii of exoplanets are fundamental quantities needed for their characterisation. Studying the different populations of exoplanets is important for understanding the demographics of the different planetary types, which can then be linked to planetary formation and evolution. We present an updated exoplanet catalog based on reliable, robust and as much as possible accurate mass and radius measurements of transiting planets up to 120 MM_{\oplus}. The resulting mass-radius (M-R) diagram shows two distinct populations, corresponding to rocky and volatile-rich exoplanets which overlap in both mass and radius. The rocky exoplanet population shows a relatively small density variability and ends at mass of 25M\sim25 M_{\oplus}, possibly indicating the maximum core mass that can be formed. We use the composition line of pure-water to separate the two populations, and infer two new empirical M-R relations based on this data: M=(0.9±0.06) R(3.45±0.12) M = (0.9 \pm 0.06) \ R^{(3.45 \pm 0.12)} for the rocky population, and M=(1.74±0.38) R(1.58±0.10) M = (1.74 \pm 0.38) \ R^{(1.58 \pm 0.10)} for the volatile-rich population. While our results for the two regimes are in agreement with previous studies, the new M-R relations better match the population in the transition-region from rocky to volatile-rich exoplanets, which correspond to a mass range of 5-25 MM_{\oplus} and a radius range of 2-3 RR_{\oplus}.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Osasun heziketa programa: hileko zikloaren heziketa LH5-eko ikasleei bideratua

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    Hilekoa, hileko zikloari hasiera ematen dion gertakaria da, haurdunaldirik ematen ez denean, endometrioa askatuz. Osasun menstruala, hileko zikloarekin lotutako ongizate fisiko, mental eta sozial egoerari deritzo. Pobrezia menstruala berriz, hilekoa modu osasuntsuan kudeatzeko baliabide nahikorik ez izatea da, eta honek hainbat eragin psikosozial ditu. Dismenorreak, eragina dauka osasun menstrualean, baina normalizatua dago. Hilekoarekin erlazionatutako infekzioak ere ohikoak dira. Horretaz gain, heziketa faltak, tabuak eta estigmak dakartzate. Heziketan hutsune honek, pertsona hauen bizi kalitatean negatiboki eragiten du, errendimendu akademikoan ere eraginez. Koste ekonomikoari dagokionez, hilekoa duten pertsona askok zailtasunak izaten dituzte hilekoa modu osasuntsuan kudeatzeko. Osasun egoera honi aurre egiteko, hainbat estrategia jarri dira martxan. Hau horrela, heziketa programa hau, genero guztietako 10-11 urte bitarteko ikasleei bideratu zaie

    Improving search over Electronic Health Records using UMLS-based query expansion through random walks

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    ObjectiveMost of the information in Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is represented in free textual form. Practitioners searching EHRs need to phrase their queries carefully, as the record might use synonyms or other related words. In this paper we show that an automatic query expansion method based on the Unified Medicine Language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus improves the results of a robust baseline when searching EHRs.Materials and methodsThe method uses a graph representation of the lexical units, concepts and relations in the UMLS Metathesaurus. It is based on random walks over the graph, which start on the query terms. Random walks are a well-studied discipline in both Web and Knowledge Base datasets.ResultsOur experiments over the TREC Medical Record track show improvements in both the 2011 and 2012 datasets over a strong baseline.DiscussionOur analysis shows that the success of our method is due to the automatic expansion of the query with extra terms, even when they are not directly related in the UMLS Metathesaurus. The terms added in the expansion go beyond simple synonyms, and also add other kinds of topically related terms.ConclusionsExpansion of queries using related terms in the UMLS Metathesaurus beyond synonymy is an effective way to overcome the gap between query and document vocabularies when searching for patient cohorts