42 research outputs found

    Slip and Adhesion in a Railway Wheelset Simulink Model Proposed for Detection Driving Conditions Via Neural Networks

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    Constantly enlarging operation of locomotives with a very high tractive power in modern railway transport has caused problems with optimal supplying torque from motor to wheel-sets. Losses emerging with inadequate torque values lead to wheel slipping connected with excessive wear and limited acceleration. In models simulating dynamics of torque transmission from the drive units to wheels, the most important are the submodel of the drive and the submodel of balance between traction forces and drive resistances. Some issues of this field studied within a PhD program and SGS (CTU Students Grant Competition) has been focused on increasing quality of these submodels. This contribution is aimed at an innovated part in the existing Simulink model utilizing new data sources and modeling techniques. This improvement supports application of operating point detection methods based on machine learning techniques. New control facilities provided with pulse-width modulated frequency control of the asynchronous motor will be used for automatic submission of optimal operating points. The idea of utilization of via simulation obtained data is an on-line training of polynomial neural unit as an approximation of current driving conditions.Neustále narůstající provoz lokomotiv s velmi vysokým trakčním výkonem v moderní železniční dopravě způsobuje problémy s přenosem optimálního hnacího momentu z motoru na dvojkolí. Ztráty vyplývající z nevhodných hodnot točivého momentu vedou k prokluzu kol spojeným s nadměrným opotřebením a omezeným zrychlením. V modelech simulujících dynamiku přenosu točivého momentu z pohonné jednotky na dvojkolí jsou nejdůležitější submodely pohonu a rovnováhy mezi trakčními silami a jízdními odpory. Výzkum prováděný v rámci doktorských studijních programů a SGS (Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT) se zaměřuje na zvyšování kvality těchto submodelů. Tento příspěvek je zaměřen na inovovanou část v existujícím Simulink modelu využívajícím nové zdroje dat a technik modelování. Nové možnosti regulace zajištěné pulzně-šířkovou frekvenční regulací asynchronního motoru budou použity pro automatické poskytnutí optimálních provozních bodů. Představa využití simulací získaných dat je on-line učení polynomické neuronové jednotky jako aproximace současných jízdních podmínek


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    The combustion in biomass boilers is classified as a non-homogeneous combustion process. This phenomenon is known as difficulty controllable by common control algorithms due to its inappropriate properties e.g. non-linear static characteristics, limitation of control variable quantity, transitions with a time delay or even behavior similar to non-minimal phase systems. Due to these properties the usage of traditional linear controllers leads to unsatisfactory results. The authors decided to use fuzzy controller with behavior similar to PID controller but with adaptation to most problematic properties of combustion process. The results were experimentally verified on a 100 kW biomass combustion boiler

    Optimal Combustion Conditions for a Small-scale Biomass Boiler

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    This paper reports on an attempt to achieve maximum efficiency and lowest possible emissions for a small-scale biomass boiler. This aim can be attained only by changing the control algorithm of the boiler, and in this way not raising the acquisition costs for the boiler. This paper describes the experimental facility, the problems that arose while establishing the facility, and how we have dealt with them. The focus is on discontinuities arising after periodic grate sweeping, and on finding the parameters of the PID control loops. Alongside these methods, which need a lambda probe signal for proper functionality, we inroduce another method, which is able to intercept the optimal combustion working point without the need to use a lambda sensor

    Investigative power of Genomic Informational Field Theory (GIFT) relative to GWAS for genotype-phenotype mapping

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    Identifying associations between phenotype and genotype is the fundamental basis of genetic analyses. Inspired by frequentist probability and the work of R.A. Fisher, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) extract information using averages and variances from genotype-phenotype datasets. Averages and variances are legitimated upon creating distribution density functions obtained through the grouping of data into categories. However, as data from within a given category cannot be differentiated, the investigative power of such methodologies is limited. Genomic Informational Field Theory (GIFT) is a method specifically designed to circumvent this issue. The way GIFT proceeds is opposite to that of GWAS. Whilst GWAS determines the extent to which genes are involved in phenotype formation (bottom-up approach), GIFT determines the degree to which the phenotype can select microstates (genes) for its subsistence (top-down approach). Doing so requires dealing with new genetic concepts, a.k.a. genetic paths, upon which significance levels for genotype-phenotype associations can be determined. By using different datasets obtained in ovis aries related to bone growth (Dataset-1) and to a series of linked metabolic and epigenetic pathways (Dataset-2), we demonstrate that removing the informational barrier linked to categories enhances the investigative and discriminative powers of GIFT, namely that GIFT extracts more information than GWAS. We conclude by suggesting that GIFT is an adequate tool to study how phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation are linked.</p

    PloS one

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    AIMS: Portal hypertension characterized by generalized vasodilatation with endothelial dysfunction affecting nitric oxide (NO) and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization (EDH) has been suggested to involve bacterial translocation and/or the angiotensin system. The possibility that ingestion of probiotics prevents endothelial dysfunction in rats following common bile duct ligation (CBDL) was evaluated. METHODS: Rats received either control drinking water or the probiotic VSL#3 solution (50 billion bacteria.kg body wt(-)(1).day(-)(1)) for 7 weeks. After 3 weeks, rats underwent surgery with either resection of the common bile duct or sham surgery. The reactivity of mesenteric artery rings was assessed in organ chambers, expression of proteins by immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis, oxidative stress using dihydroethidium, and plasma pro-inflammatory cytokine levels by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Both NO- and EDH-mediated relaxations to acetylcholine were reduced in the CBDL group compared to the sham group, and associated with a reduced expression of Cx37, Cx40, Cx43, IKCa and SKCa and an increased expression of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS). In aortic sections, increased expression of NADPH oxidase subunits, angiotensin converting enzyme, AT1 receptors and angiotensin II, and formation of ROS and peroxynitrite were observed. VSL#3 prevented the deleterious effect of CBDL on EDH-mediated relaxations, vascular expression of connexins, IKCa, SKCa and eNOS, oxidative stress, and the angiotensin system. VSL#3 prevented the CBDL-induced increased plasma TNF-alpha, IL-1alpha and MCP-1 levels. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that VSL#3 ingestion prevents endothelial dysfunction in the mesenteric artery of CBDL rats, and this effect is associated with an improved vascular oxidative stress most likely by reducing bacterial translocation and the local angiotensin system


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    &lt;p&gt;This deliverable reports on the work carried out in Task 6.3 of WP6 (Guidelines for Al alloy protection and conservation), which concerns preventive approaches to aeronautical heritage protection resulting in Guidelines for preventive conservation. These preventive approaches have been tested on the case study on microclimate and pollution monitoring, and corrosivity evaluation in D6.3, [1], where the aeronautical heritage under study is made of aluminum alloys, in particular.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Based on this work, the milestone of WP6 (M6.1 Material dependent and microclimatic preventive conservation method of indoor aircraft wrecks) is finalized.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The Deliverable 6.4 summarizes results of the case studies on aviation museums across Europe. Hence, this deliverable is divided into the following parts:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;- Results from the case study on the preventive conservation of aircrafts/wrecks in the Aviation museum Kbely, Military History Institute Prague, Czech Republic.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;- Case study on Musée de l'Hydraviation, Biscarrosse (France).&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;- Case study on Volandia museum (Malpensa, Italy).&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;- Guidelines for preventive conservation and protection.&lt;/p&gt