66 research outputs found

    Estudio de la energía superficial de matrices orgánicas por cromatografía de gases inversa para su aplicación en el desarrollo de materiales compuestos

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    Para que los materiales compuestos sean los adecuados en todas las aplicaciones debe prestarse especial atención a la interfase entre la matriz y la fibra. Ésta es sin duda la zona más importante y vulnerable de dichos materiales. Una técnica ideal para el estudio de dicha interfase es la Cromatografía de Gases Inversa (IGC). La IGC es una de las pocas técnicas de estudio de superficies que aporta datos de la "actividad superficial" de un sólido aunque con ella no se "identifiquen" átomos concretos o grupos funcionales. Determina la afinidad de la superficie de estudio con los diferentes grupos funcionales del entorno. Son muchas las ventajas que presenta la IGC, quizás la más ventajosa es la rapidez en la obtención de los datos. Además, el método es extraordinariamente versátil a la hora de observar el efecto de la temperatura en las propiedades de la superficie. Y lo más importante, el montaje experimental es muy sencillo y económico. Se pretende demostrar las posibilidades que ofrece la técnica de IGC en el estudio de las propiedades superficiales de cinco distintas matrices orgánicas habituales en el desarrollo de materiales compuestos avanzados (resinas fenólicas, furánicas, cianoéster y epoxi) y de un material polimérico de referencia apolar (polietileno). Se propone un nuevo método de cálculo de la actividad superficial de los materiales de estudio, en base a la introducción de las interacciones de Debye, ignoradas hasta ahora en los trabajos de IGC que aparecen en la bibliografía. Se realiza una estimación del área de todos los patrones con la ayuda de los radios atómicos y la longitud de los enlaces de las moléculas diatómicas descritos en la bibliografía. Al mismo tiempo, se propone el uso de la serie de los n-alcoholes como patrones polares, porque las ventajas aportadas en cuánto a la fiabilidad de las medidas y al cálculo de la interacción del dipolo OH serán determinantes en el estudio de la posible formación de los enlaces de hidrógeno en los materiales analizados. Por último, se realizó un "mapeo" de superficie de las distintas matrices orgánicas de naturaleza polimérica con la posibilidad de realizar la elección de la matriz más adecuada para el desarrollo de un material compuesto

    Problems with basing insect ethics on individuals’ welfare

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    In their target article, Mikhalevich & Powell (M&P) argue that we should extend moral protection to arthropods. In this commentary, we show that there are some unforeseen obstacles to applying the sort of individualistic welfare-based ethics that M&P have in mind to certain arthropods, namely, insects. These obstacles have to do with the fact that there are often many more individuals involved in our dealings with insects than our ethical theories anticipate, and also with the fact that, in some sense, some insects count as more than an individual and, in another sense, they sometimes count as less than an individual

    Death is common, so is understanding it: the concept of death in other species

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    Comparative thanatologists study the responses to the dead and the dying in nonhuman animals. Despite the wide variety of thanatological behaviours that have been documented in several different species, comparative thanatologists assume that the concept of death is very difficult to acquire and will be a rare cognitive feat once we move past the human species. In this paper, we argue that this assumption is based on two forms of anthropocentrism: an intellectual anthropocentrism, which leads to an over-intellectualisation of the CoD, and an emotional anthropocentrism, which yields an excessive focus on grief as a reaction to death. Contrary to what these two forms of anthropocentrism suggest, we argue that the CoD requires relatively little cognitive complexity and that it can emerge independently from mourning behaviour. Moreover, if we turn towards the natural world, we can see that the minimal cognitive requirements for a CoD are in fact met by many nonhuman species and there are multiple learning pathways and opportunities for animals in the wild to develop a CoD. This allows us to conclude that the CoD will be relatively easy to acquire and, so, we can expect it to be fairly common in nature

    Trypanosoma cruzi pathogenicity involves virulence factor expression and upregulation of bioenergetic and biosynthetic pathways

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    The molecular repertoire of Trypanosoma cruzi effects its virulence and impacts the clinical course of the resulting Chagas disease. This study aimed to determine the mechanism underlying the pathogenicity of T. cruzi. Two T. cruzi cell lines (C8C3hvir and C8C3lvir), obtained from the clone H510 C8C3 and exhibiting different virulence phenotypes, were used to evaluate the parasite’s infectivity in mice. The organ parasite load was analysed by qPCR. The proteomes of both T. cruzi cell lines were compared using nLC-MS/MS. Cruzipain (Czp), complement regulatory protein (CRP), trans-sialidase (TS), Tc-85, and sialylated epitope expression levels were evaluated by immunoblotting. High-virulence C8C3hvir was highly infectious in mice and demonstrated three to five times higher infectivity in mouse myocardial cells than low-virulence C8C3lvir. qPCR revealed higher parasite loads in organs of acute as well as chronically C8C3hvir-infected mice than in those of C8C3lvir-infected mice. Comparative quantitative proteomics revealed that 390 of 1547 identified proteins were differentially regulated in C8C3hvir with respect to C8C3lvir. Amongst these, 174 proteins were upregulated in C8C3hvir and 216 were downregulated in C8C3lvir. The upregulated proteins in C8C3hvir were associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle, ribosomal proteins, and redoxins. Higher levels of Czp, CRP, TS, Tc-85, and sialylated epitopes were expressed in C8C3hvir than in C8C3lvir. Thus, T. cruzi virulence may be related to virulence factor expression as well as upregulation of bioenergetic and biosynthetic pathways proteins.Antofagasta University FellowshipAgencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo (ANID)Millennium Science Initiative Program: MillenniumInstitute on Immunology and Immunotherapy ICN09_016Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) 2018/18257-1 2018/15549-1 2020/04923-0 2021/00140-3Bridge Fund for Research of Excellence, University of Antofagasta SEM-17-0

    Enantioselective Crystallization of Sodium Chlorate in the Presence of Racemic Hydrophobic Amino Acids and Static Magnetic Fields

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    We study the bias induced by a weak (200 mT) external magnetic field on the preferred handedness of sodium chlorate crystals obtained by slow evaporation at ambient conditions of its saturated saline solution with 20 ppm of added racemic (dl) hydrophobic amino acids. By applying the Fisher test to pairs of experiments with opposing magnetic field orientation we conclude, with a confidence level of 99.7%, that at the water-air interface of this saline solution there is an enantioselective magnetic interaction that acts upon racemic mixtures of hydrophobic chiral amino acids. This interaction has been observed with the three tested racemic hydrophobic amino acids: dl-Phe, dl-Try and dl-Trp, at ambient conditions and in spite of the ubiquitous chiral organic contamination. This enantioselective magnetic dependence is not observed when there is only one handedness of added chiral amino-acid, if the added amino acid is not chiral or if there is no additive. This effect has been confirmed with a double blind test. This novel experimental observation may have implications for our view of plausible initial prebiotic scenarios and of the roles of the geomagnetic field in homochirality in the biosphere.This research was supported by the Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial (INTA) and by the grant AYA2006-15648-C02-02 of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain) and by the project grants AYA2011-25720 and AYA2012-38707 of MINECO (Spain).We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    The parasporal crystals of Bacillus pumilus strain 15.1: a potential virulence factor?

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    Bacillus pumilus strain 15.1 was previously found to cause larval mortality in the Med-fly 27 Ceratitis capitata and was shown to produce crystals in association with the spore. As 28 parasporal crystals are well-known as invertebrate-active toxins in entomopathogenic 29 bacteria such as Bacillus thuringiensis (Cry and Cyt toxins) and Lysinibacillus sphaericus (Bin 30 and Cry toxins), the B. pumilus crystals were characterised. The crystals were composed of a 31 45 kDa protein that was identified as an oxalate decarboxylase by peptide mass 32 fingerprinting, N-terminal sequencing and by comparison with the genome sequence of strain 33 15.1. Synthesis of crystals by a plasmid-cured derivative of strain 15.1 (produced using a 34 novel curing strategy), demonstrated that the oxalate decarboxylase was encoded 35 chromosomally. Crystals spontaneously solubilized when kept at low temperatures and the 36 protein produced was resistant to trypsin treatment. The insoluble crystals produced by 37 B. pumilus 15.1 did not show significant toxicity when bioassayed against C. capitata larvae, 38 but once the OxdD protein was solubilized, an increase of toxicity was observed. We also 39 demonstrate that the OxdD present in the crystals has oxalate decarboxylate activity as the 40 formation of formate was detected, which suggests a possible mechanism for B. pumilus 15.1 41 activity. To our knowledge, the characterization of the B. pumilus crystals as oxalate 42 decarboxylase is the first report of the natural production of parasporal inclusions of an 43 enzyme

    Microbial Ecology in the Atmosphere: The Last Extreme Environment

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    The atmosphere is an extreme environment where organisms are subject to low temperatures and high radiation. Many of the microorganisms detected there appear in resistant forms or show mechanisms of adaptation designed to withstand these extreme conditions. Airborne microorganisms may play an important role in the global climate system, biogeochemical cycling, and health. Dust storms are the atmospheric phenomenon that move more topsoil through the Earth’s atmosphere, and numerous microorganisms attached to dust particles are thus transported. The Iberian Peninsula is periodically affected by this phenomenon as African dust frequently reaches southern Europe and the Mediterranean basin. There are numerous methods for sampling airborne microbes, but factors such as low biomass and high variability of the atmosphere render them not yet sufficiently efficient. Very few studies have been conducted directly in the atmosphere via sampling using airborne platforms. The National Institute for Aerospace Technology has two CASA C-212-200 aircraft that have been suitably modified to operate as airborne research platforms. These aircraft are a unique tool for the study of atmospheric microbial diversity and the different environments where they can be found. A study of the airborne microbial diversity in a Saharan dust event from four aerobiology sampling flights is provided in advance

    Using phage display technology to obtain Crybodies active against non-target insects

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    The insecticidal Cry toxins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are increasingly important in the biological control of insect pests and vectors of human disease. Markets for Bt products and transgenic plants expressing their toxins are driven by their specificity, safety and the move away from chemical control agents. However, the high specificity of Cry toxins can also prove to be a limitation when there is no known Cry toxin active against a particular target. Novel activities can be discovered by screening natural Bt isolates or through modifications of the Cry proteins. Here we demonstrate the use of λ-phage displaying Cry1Aa13 toxin variants modified in domain II loop 2 (Crybodies) to select retargeted toxins. Through biopanning using gut tissue from larvae of the non-target insect Aedes aegypti, we isolated a number of phage for further testing. Two of the overexpressed Cry toxin variants showed significant activity against A. aegypti larvae while another induced mortality at the pupal stage. We present the first report of the use of phage display to identify novel activities toward insects from distant taxonomic Orders and establish this technology based on the use of Crybodies as a powerful tool for developing tailor-made insecticides against new target insects