184 research outputs found

    Microscopic fungi of wheat grain in the Polissya zone

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    The article presents the data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of micromycetes of wheat grain grown in the Polissya region. During the research period, an average of 2.88-104 ± 3.62-103 colony forming units (CFU) per 1 g of grain was found in wheat grain samples collected in the Polissya region. Twenty species of microscopic fungi belonging to 9 genera were isolated from the wheat grain of the Polissya zone. Among them were the genera Alternaria (92.5 %), Mucor (92.5 %), Aspergillus (83.0 %), Penicillium (47.2 %), Fusarium (60.4 %), Phoma (15,.1 %), Mycelia (15.1 %), Trichotecium (1.9 %) and Monascus (1.9 %) of the samples. Aspergillus niger (17.0 %), Aspergillus candidus (9.4 %), and Aspergillus terreus (1.9 %) were detected less frequently among Aspergillus. Fusarium spp. (17.0 %), Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium moniliforme, Fusarium semitectum in (5.7 %), and Fusarium culmorum (3.8 %) of the samples were identified among Fusarium. A smaller number of microscopic fungi species represents the endophytic mycobiota of wheat grain. Among the isolates of micromycetes isolated from the Polissya zone, pure cultures were obtained from F. sporotrichiella var. tricinctum isolate 1218/4, and F. sporotrichiella isolate 1218/5. These isolates were atoxic against the test culture Candida pseudotropicalis strain 44 PC, but F. sporotrichiella var. tricinctum 1218/4 produced a growth retardation zone with Rf 0.05 and produced an unidentified trichothecene mycotoxin (TTMT). Among the isolated fungi, Aspergillus flavus isolate 1219/3 and Aspergillus flavus isolate 1221/1 were the first to produce kojic and aspergillic acids and the second to synthesize penicillic and aspergillic acids. To reduce the negative effect of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on the body of chickens of the meat and egg breed Adler Silver, the birds were fed the sorbent “Mikosorb”. It was found that when added to the diet, the sorbent “Mikosorb” in the amount of 2.0 % of the total feed weight reduces the negative effect of deoxynivalenol on the body of chickens of the experimental group. This was confirmed by a 12.0 % reduction in bird mortality. Feeding “Microsorb” in the amount of 2.0 % by weight of complete feed contributed to an increase in the average daily weight gain of poultry during the experiment by 5.43 % compared to the experimental group that consumed feed with the toxin deoxynivalenol (DON). During the experiment, the birds of the experimental group No. 2 consumed 28.91 kg of feed more than group No. 2. Feeding the sorbent “Mikosorb” in the amount of 2.0 % of the feed weight to chickens of the meat and egg breed Adler silver contributes to an increase in gross weight gain by 9.69 kg during the experiment. The use of “Mikosorb” in the technology of feeding chickens of experimental group No. 2 contributed to an increase in the profitability of poultry production by up to 12.0 % compared to poultry that consumed feed affected by DON toxin. After analyzing the scientific results from the literature and our research results, we concluded that the abovementioned studies on wheat grain should be carried out throughout Ukraine during harvesting and storage in warehouses or storages

    Optimum parameters of deoxynivalenol synthesis by micromycete F. graminearum on grain substrates

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    Today, fusariotoxins play an increasingly important role in the pathology of farm animals, among which deoxynivalenol plays an important role. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of the most common fusariotoxins. It affects the health of animals that consume contaminated feed, and can lead to various metabolic disorders, disrupting the body's homeostasis. One of the main effects of deoxynivalenol is that it stimulates the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, which in turn causes the acute phase of inflammation in animals. In addition, deoxynivalenol leads to a decrease in appetite and can cause hypophagia in animals, which in turn leads to a decrease in daily gains. The direction of the conducted research is aimed at identifying the optimal substrate for the synthesis of deoxynivalenol and its maximum accumulation by the fungus F. graminearum, and also established the optimal parameters for the synthesis of mycotoxin (cultivation temperature, substrate humidity, cultivation period). Grains of the following crops were used as substrates: wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats, rye, millet, millet, peas, soybeans, sunflower, mustard, rapeseed, buckwheat, and flax. Deoxynivalenol in samples was determined by thin-layer chromatography. The production of deoxynivalenol was studied in the temperature ranges of 4, 17, 24, and 28 °C; humidity of the substrate in the range from 14–90 % and the duration of cultivation from 1 to 4 weeks. The mycotoxin-producing activity of the fungus F. graminearum isolate 195/1 was largely determined by the studied parameters. The maximum amount of deoxynivalenol was produced at a temperature of 24 ºС, a substrate humidity of 50%, and a duration of cultivation of 24 days. Of the tested substrates, rice was the best for deoxynivalenol production. The obtained results serve as a basis for possible prediction of feed contamination with deoxynivalenol and, in general, will allow to optimize measures to combat mycotoxicosis and thus minimize the possible risks of mycotoxin poisoning of people and animals

    Geological-morphological description of the Ishtar Terra (photomap of the Venusian surface sheet B-5)

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    The main part of the Ishtar Terra east of the Maxwell Montes is covered with systems of areal dislocations of several directions, which are called Parquet. According to the structural patterns these may be divided into: (1) the central stable block; (2) the lesser peripheral blocks separated from the central one by gaps and grabens; (3) the zones of mobilized parquet, whose substance flowed downward at an incline in the directions away from the central block in the form of plastic flows; and (4) the partially parqueted lava sheets. The Maxwell Montes were formed as a result of the collision between the central parquet block and the Lakshmi Planum

    Geological-morphological description of the Sedna and Guinevre planitiae on Venus (photomap sheets B-11, B-20, B-21)

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    Presented are descriptions and maps of the region of Sedna and Guinevra Planitiae--representatives of the largest geological providense on Venus comprised of volcanic rock. Units of different age are isolated and their relations are given, as well as interpretations of proposed mechanisms of formation

    Characterization of Gastrin-Releasing Peptide and Its Receptor Aberrantly Expressed by Human Colon Cancer Cell Lines

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    ABSTRACT Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) is a mitogen and morphogen important in the development of human colon cancers. Although epithelial cells lining the colon do not normally express GRP or its receptor (GRP-R), most human tumors express GRP-R mRNA. Yet functional protein has only been detected in 24 to 40% of colon cancers. To elucidate the reason for the difference between the expression of GRP/GRP-R mRNA and protein, we studied nine human colon cancer cell lines. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction revealed that all colon cancer cell lines expressed similar amounts of mRNA for both GRP as well as GRP-R. Yet binding studies using 125 I-Tyr 4 -bombesin detected functional receptors on only five of the nine cell lines studied. Conformational fragment-length polymorphism analysis indicated that although mRNA for the ligand GRP was never mutated, mRNA for the GRP-R was always mutated. Sequencing revealed that the message for GRP-R contained between two and seven separate mutations at the nucleotide level. This resulted in 14 separate coding mutations, 2 of which were observed in more than one cell line. Each mutation was individually recreated by site-directed mutagenesis and studied in transiently transfected Chinese hamster ovary-K1 cells. Alteration of Pro 145 into a tyrosine, of Val 317 into a glutamic acid, and insertion of a 32-nucleotide segment resulting in a frameshift distal to Asp 137 all resulted in GRP receptors incapable of binding ligand. Thus, these data indicate that human colon cancers commonly express GRP and GRP-R mRNA but that receptor mutations account for the failure of functional protein to be generated


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    Most physical properties of ice depend on the processes occurring on its boundary. The reason for this is the presence of a quasi-liquid layer of water on the ice surface. To study the properties of a quasi-liquid layer of water, it is necessary to measure its thickness. At present, an installation has been developed for measuring the thickness of a quasi-liquid layer of water on the ice surface

    Активация фосфоритной муки путем частичного разложения минеральных кислот

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    The effect of modification of phosphorite powder with low P2O5 content by inorganic acids on extraction of water-soluble and citric-soluble components, as well as on dustiness, has been studied. Formation of new phases on the surface of activated phosphorite powder has been established by X-ray analysis. On the basis of data obtained, the optimal conditions for the phosphorite powder modification have been determined.Изучено влияние модифицирования неорганическими кислотами фосфоритной муки с низким содержанием Р2О5 на извлечение водо- и лимонно-растворимых компонентов и на пылимость. Рентгенофазовым анализом установлено образование новых фаз на поверхности активированной фосфоритной муки. На основании полученных данных выбраны оптимальные условия модифицирования фосфоритной муки

    Эффективность комплексных NPK-удобрений, получаемых из конверсионных щелоков производства сульфата калия

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    Waste-free technology for producing chlorine-free fertilizers (potassium sulphate) and recycling liquid wastes (conversion liquors of potassium sulphate production) for obtaining additional products (various grades of complex fertilizers based on them) allowing to reduce price cost of plant production is vital for agricultural production. The paper dwells on results of studies on production and agrochemical efficiency of complex NPK fertilizer of 16-10-16 grade obtained based on conversion alkaline solution at potassium sulfate and ammophos production. Fertilizer is obtained by method of low-temperature conversion of potassium chloride with ammonium sulfate. It allows to obtain chlorine-free fertilizer (potassium sulfate) and arrange processing of conversion alkaline solution to obtain a wide range of complex fertilizers, including the experimental brand. Agrochemical efficiency of NPK fertilizer (16-10-16 grade) during cultivation of vegetable crops (carrot, cabbage, onion) on sod-podzolic loose soil was determined. It was determined that nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer of 16-10-16 brand in equivalent doses with standard solids (urea, ammoniated superphosphate, granulated potassium chloride) during cultivation of vegetable crops provides yield of carrot, cabbage and onion at the level of the standard (standard solids) with no significant changes in product quality, there is only a tendency to increase of sugar and reduction of nitrate content in products. The complex NPK-fertilizer of 16-10-16 brand has been recorded in the “State Register of Plant Protection Products and Fertilizers Allowed on the Territory of the Republic of Belarus” and is allowed to be used at agro-industrial complex and for retail sale.Важное значение для сельскохозяйственного производства имеет использование безотходной технологии получения бесхлорных удобрений (сульфата калия) и утилизация жидких отходов (конверсионных щелоков производства сульфата калия) для получения дополнительной продукции (различных марок комплексных удобрений на их основе), что позволяет снизить себестоимость растениеводческой продукции. В статье приведены результаты исследований по получению и агрохимической эффективности комплексного NPK-удобрения марки 16-10-16, полученного на основе конверсионных щелоков производства сульфата калия и аммофоса. Удобрение получено методом низкотемпературной конверсии хлористого калия сульфатом аммония, что позволяет получить бесхлорное удобрение (сульфат калия) и организовать процесс переработки конверсионных щелоков для получения широкой линейки комплексных удобрений, в том числе и исследуемой марки. Определена агрохимическая эффективность NPK-удобрения (марка 16-10-16) при возделывании овощных культур (моркови, капусты, лука) на дерново-подзолистой рыхлосупесчаной почве. Установлено, что применение азотно-фосфорно-калийного удобрения марки 16-10-16 в эквивалентных дозах со стандартными удобрениями (карбамидом, суперфосфатом аммонизированным, калием хлористым гранулированным) при возделывании овощных культур обеспечивает урожайность моркови, капусты и лука на уровне эталона (стандартные удобрения) без существенных изменений качества продукции, отмечается лишь тенденция увеличения содержания сахаров и снижения содержания нитратов в продукции. Комплексное NPK-удобрение марки 16-10-16 внесено в «Государственный реестр средств защиты растений и удобрений, разрешенных к применению на территории Республики Беларусь» и разрешено для применения в агропромышленном комплексе и для розничной продажи населению

    Deep Neural Networks for Energy and Position Reconstruction in EXO-200

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    We apply deep neural networks (DNN) to data from the EXO-200 experiment. In the studied cases, the DNN is able to reconstruct the relevant parameters - total energy and position - directly from raw digitized waveforms, with minimal exceptions. For the first time, the developed algorithms are evaluated on real detector calibration data. The accuracy of reconstruction either reaches or exceeds what was achieved by the conventional approaches developed by EXO-200 over the course of the experiment. Most existing DNN approaches to event reconstruction and classification in particle physics are trained on Monte Carlo simulated events. Such algorithms are inherently limited by the accuracy of the simulation. We describe a unique approach that, in an experiment such as EXO-200, allows to successfully perform certain reconstruction and analysis tasks by training the network on waveforms from experimental data, either reducing or eliminating the reliance on the Monte Carlo.Comment: Accepted version. 33 pages, 28 figure

    Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in 136^{136}Xe with EXO-200

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    We report on a search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 136^{136}Xe with EXO-200. No signal is observed for an exposure of 32.5 kg-yr, with a background of ~1.5 x 10^{-3} /(kg yr keV) in the ±1σ\pm 1\sigma region of interest. This sets a lower limit on the half-life of the neutrinoless double-beta decay T1/20νββT_{1/2}^{0\nu\beta\beta}(136^{136}Xe) > 1.6 x 1025^{25} yr (90% CL), corresponding to effective Majorana masses of less than 140-380 meV, depending on the matrix element calculation