24 research outputs found

    A finite oscillator model with equidistant position spectrum based on an extension of su(2)

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    We consider an extension of the real Lie algebra su(2) by introducing a parity operator P and a parameter c. This extended algebra is isomorphic to the Bannai-Ito algebra with two parameters equal to zero. For this algebra we classify all unitary finite-dimensional representations and show their relation with known representations of su(2). Moreover, we present a model for a one-dimensional finite oscillator based on the odd-dimensional representations of this algebra. For this model, the spectrum of the position operator is equidistant and coincides with the spectrum of the known su(2) oscillator. In particular the spectrum is independent of the parameter c while the discrete position wavefunctions, which are given in terms of certain dual Hahn polynomials, do depend on this parameter

    Motzkin paths, Motzkin polynomials and recurrence relations

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    We consider the Motzkin paths which are simple combinatorial objects appearing in many contexts. They are counted by the Motzkin numbers, related to the well known Catalan numbers. Associated with the Motzkin paths, we introduce the Motzkin polynomial, which is a multi-variable polynomial "counting" all Motzkin paths of a certain type. Motzkin polynomials (also called Jacobi-Rogers polynomials) have been studied before, but here we deduce sonic properties based on recurrence relations. The recurrence relations proved here also allow an efficient computation of the Motzkin polynomials. Finally, we show that the matrix entries of powers of an arbitrary tridiagonal matrix are essentially given by Motzkin polynomials, a property commonly known but usually stated without proof

    Tridiagonal test matrices for eigenvalue computations : two-parameter extensions of the Clement matrix

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    The Clement or Sylvester-Kac matrix is a tridiagonal matrix with zero diagonal and simple integer entries. Its spectrum is known explicitly and consists of integers which makes it a useful test matrix for numerical eigenvalue computations. We consider a new class of appealing two-parameter extensions of this matrix which have the same simple structure and whose eigenvalues are also given explicitly by a simple closed form expression. The aim of this paper is to present in an accessible form these new matrices and examine some numerical results regarding the use of these extensions as test matrices for numerical eigenvalue computations.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form is in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematic

    A finite quantum oscillator model related to special sets of Racah polynomials

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    In [R. Oste and J. Van der Jeugt, arXiv: 1507.01821 [math-ph]] we classified all pairs of recurrence relations in which two (dual) Hahn polynomials with different parameters appear. Such pairs are referred to as (dual) Hahn doubles, and the same technique was then applied to obtain all Racah doubles. We now consider a special case concerning the doubles related to Racah polynomials. This gives rise to an interesting class of two-diagonal matrices with closed form expressions for the eigenvalues. Just as it was the case for (dual) Hahn doubles, the resulting two-diagonal matrix can be used to construct a finite oscillator model. We discuss some properties of this oscillator model, give its (discrete) position wavefunctions explicitly, and illustrate their behavior by means of some plots

    Doubling (Dual) Hahn Polynomials: Classification and Applications

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    We classify all pairs of recurrence relations in which two Hahn or dual Hahn polynomials with different parameters appear. Such couples are referred to as (dual) Hahn doubles. The idea and interest comes from an example appearing in a finite oscillator model [Jafarov E.I., Stoilova N.I., Van der Jeugt J., J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011), 265203, 15 pages, arXiv:1101.5310]. Our classification shows there exist three dual Hahn doubles and four Hahn doubles. The same technique is then applied to Racah polynomials, yielding also four doubles. Each dual Hahn (Hahn, Racah) double gives rise to an explicit new set of symmetric orthogonal polynomials related to the Christoffel and Geronimus transformations. For each case, we also have an interesting class of two-diagonal matrices with closed form expressions for the eigenvalues. This extends the class of Sylvester-Kac matrices by remarkable new test matrices. We examine also the algebraic relations underlying the dual Hahn doubles, and discuss their usefulness for the construction of new finite oscillator models

    On the algebra of symmetries of Laplace and Dirac operators

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    We consider a generalization of the classical Laplace operator, which includes the Laplace-Dunkl operator defined in terms of the differential-difference operators associated with finite reflection groups called Dunkl operators. For this Laplace-like operator, we determine a set of symmetries commuting with it, which are generalized angular momentum operators, and we present the algebraic relations for the symmetry algebra. In this context, the generalized Dirac operator is then defined as a square root of our Laplace-like operator. We explicitly determine a family of graded operators which commute or anti-commute with our Dirac-like operator depending on their degree. The algebra generated by these symmetry operators is shown to be a generalization of the standard angular momentum algebra and the recently defined higher rank Bannai-Ito algebra.Comment: 39 pages, final versio

    The total angular momentum algebra related to the S3\mathrm{S}_3 Dunkl Dirac equation

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    We consider the symmetry algebra generated by the total angular momentum operators, appearing as constants of motion of the S3\mathrm{S}_3 Dunkl Dirac equation. The latter is a deformation of the Dirac equation by means of Dunkl operators, in our case associated to the root system A2A_2, with corresponding Weyl group S3\mathrm{S}_3, the symmetric group on three elements. The explicit form of the symmetry algebra in this case is a one-parameter deformation of the classical total angular momentum algebra so(3)\mathfrak{so}(3), incorporating elements of S3\mathrm{S}_3. This was obtained using recent results on the symmetry algebra for a class of Dirac operators, containing in particular the Dirac-Dunkl operator for arbitrary root system. For this symmetry algebra, we classify all finite-dimensional, irreducible representations and determine the conditions for the representations to be unitarizable. The class of unitary irreducible representations admits a natural realization acting on a representation space of eigenfunctions of the Dirac Hamiltonian. Using a Cauchy-Kowalevsky extension theorem we obtain explicit expressions for these eigenfunctions in terms of Jacobi polynomials.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; New title, introduction and physics contex

    Exactly solvable model of the one-dimensional confined harmonic oscillator

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    An exactly solvable model of the one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator confined in a box with infinite walls is constructed. We have found explicit expressions of the non-equidistant energy spectrum as well as stationary states wavefunctions in both momentum and position configuration spaces. It is shown that they are expressed through continuous q-Hermite polynomials. We have also found an explicit expression for the kernel of the finite-continuous Fourier transform between these two representation spaces

    The Wigner distribution function for the su(2) finite oscillator and Dyck paths

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    Recently, a new definition for a Wigner distribution function for a one-dimensional finite quantum system, in which the position and momentum operators have a finite (multiplicity-free) spectrum, was developed. This distribution function is defined on discrete phase-space (a finite square grid), and can thus be referred to as the Wigner matrix. In the current paper, we compute this Wigner matrix (or rather, the pre-Wigner matrix, which is related to the Wigner matrix by a simple matrix multiplication) for the case of the su(2) finite oscillator. The first expression for the matrix elements involves sums over squares of Krawtchouk polynomials, and follows from standard techniques. We also manage to present a second solution, where the matrix elements are evaluations of Dyck polynomials. These Dyck polynomials are defined in terms of the well-known Dyck paths. This combinatorial expression of the pre-Wigner matrix elements turns out to be particularly simple