10 research outputs found

    What are the economic consequences of the migration and remittances for the Ukraine?

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    Background: Economic integration activities in modern globalized world increasingly involve international movements of labor. Inthe case of the Ukraine, the country is one of the top ten donors of the labor force, where both, temporary and permanent migrant workers account for about 10% of the Ukraine’s total population. Considering that remittances received in Ukraine from its migrants workers are estimated to be about 4% of the Gross Domestic Product, there are grounds to claim that high flow of labor and workers remittance flows have been influencing the country's economic development in resent years. Purpose: The purposeof this paper is to analyze the impact of migration and remittances, and examine their consequences on the Ukraine's economy. Practical Approach: Different forms of secondary empirical material of both qualitative and quantitative character have been used. Furthermore, to complement the analysis, a survey among Ukrainian migrants working in Portugal has been conducted. Results: Ithas been determined that labor migration and remittances haveadual effect on the Ukraine'seconomy.First, remittances do have a strong short -term boost to domestic demand that positively affected GDP growth in recent years. Second, however, is that large financial inflows do not contribute to the business sector but instead generate dependence on remittances as they are a source of a supplemental income for many thousands of Ukrainian households; moreover,strong migration trends do not seem to generate more opportunities for those remaining in the Ukraine.Contexto: As actividades de integração económica domundo globalizado moderno implicam cada vez mais deslocações internacionais de trabalhadores. No caso da Ucrânia, o país é um dos 10 maiores a enviarforça laboral para o exterior, onde tanto os trabalhadores emigrantes temporários, como os permanentes representam cerca de10% do total da população ucraniana. Tendo em consideração as remessas recebidas na Ucrânia, oriundas dos seus trabalhadores emigrantes e estimadasem cerca de 4% do Produto Interno Bruto, existe fundamento para preconizar que o elevado fluxo de trabalho e remessas de trabalhadores têm influenciado o desenvolvimento da economia do país nos últimos anos. Objectivo: O objetivodeste relatório é analisar o impacto da emigração e o das respetivas remessas e examinar as suas consequências na economia da Ucrânia. Metodologia: Foram utilizadas diferentes formas de materialempírico secundáriode características tanto quantitativas como qualitativas. Além disso, para complementar a análise, foi realizado um estudo entre emigrantes ucranianos a trabalhar actualmente em Portugal. Resultados: Determinou-se que a migração laboral e as remissas desencadeiamum efeito duplo na economia ucraniana. Numa primeira instância, as remissas potenciam fortemente o poder de compra doméstico a curto prazo, o que afectou positivamente o crescimento de PIB nos últimos anos. No entanto, numa segunda fase encontram -se os vastos fluxos financeiros internos que não contribuem para o sector de negócios, mas que, em vez disso , provocam dependências das remissas como uma fonte de rendimento suplementar para muitos milhares de lares ucranianos; mais ainda, as fortes tendências migratórias não parecem proporcionar mais oportunidades para os que permanecem na Ucrânia

    The results of ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland in children with hypothyroidism

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    Diseases of thyroid gland (TG) rank first among all endocrine pathologies and remain one of the most difficult problems. According to the statistics of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the prevalence of hypothyroidism in children does not exceed 0.035%. However, the relatively low rate can be explained by the low level of detection and diagnosis of this pathological condition due to the variability and low specificity of its symptoms. More acceptable for practice are methods of ultrasound diagnosis of the thyroid gland and laboratory examination of the content of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the serum. Aim. To evaluate the results of ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland in children with hypothyroidism. Methods. The results are based on a survey of 94 children with hypothyroidism living in the Chernivtsi region aged 2 to 10 years. An ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, determination of the level of thyroid hormones (thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (fT4) was performed. Statistical analysis was performed using standard methods using the StatSoft software package © Statistica® 6.0 for Microsoft® Windows XP. Results. Analysis of the results of the study showed that in 59.6% of cases (56 out of 94) the diagnosis was made by screening for congenital hypothyroidism, and in 40.4% of cases (38 out of 94) the disease was diagnosed outside the screening. According to the results of our ultrasound, it was found that in 29 patients the thyroid tissue was not visualized in a typical place or its total volume was much less than normal. Of these, in 12 individuals, thyroid tissue was not reliably visualized at the site of TG projection, and in 17 cases was hypoplasia. In 65 patients, the TG was in a typical place, and its volume corresponded to the norm on the surface area of the body. In 85 people, regardless of the state of functional activity of the TG had a heterogeneous echostructure of the thyroid parenchyma), in 9 people the echostructure of the thyroid parenchyma was homogeneous. In thyroid hypoplasia, the level of TSH was at lower values (p <0.05) compared with thyroid dystopia. Conclusion. Sonographic examination of the thyroid gland has a high level of information. In cases of malformations of the thyroid gland there is a more pronounced degree of thyroid insufficiency

    Indicators of cognitive activity of children with laboratory hypothyroidism

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    The growth rate of a healthy child, the peculiarities of its physical and intellectual development, the formation of reproductive function are largely determined by the state of the endocrine system. Thyroid hormones have a significant impact on the growth and development of the child's organism. Today, attention is focused on the consequences of intellectual disabilities in children with hypothyroidism, as well as the impact of chronic iodine deficiency in the environment on the development of children. Insufficient intake of iodine in the body leads to congenital dysontogenesis of higher mental functions, to the formation, in severe cases, of mental retardation of varying degrees, and, in mild forms - to the borderline or partial disorders of intelligence. The aim is to study the cognitive functions of children with laboratory hypothyroidism. Methods. For a screening study of the intellectual development of school-age children living in geographical areas of Chernivtsi region (Ukraine) with varying degrees of iodine supply, 399 schoolchildren aged 11-18 years were studied, including 194 boys and 205 girls. The main group consisted of children (99) with laboratory hypothyroidism (HL), with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) elevation or with diverse complaints and who had been found to have elevated TSH levels during routine examinations. Patients with any kind of systemic disease and/or taking medications were excluded from the study. Diagnosis of HL was based on mild increase of TSH (5-25mIU/L) with a normal fT4 level. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) test was also performed in all children. TSH response to TRH stimulation was considered to be normal when TSH levels were between 5-25 mIU/L. The formation of intellectual function was determined using a fragment of the R. Kettel test (adapted modified version of the children's personality questionnaire R. Kettel). Іnclusion сriteria: age 11-18 years, living in the Chernivtsi region, the absence of organic pathology of the CNS and mental retardation, diseases of the eyesight and hearing, for 6 months, all subjects did not receive any treatment with iodine-containing drugs and thyroid hormones. Results. Analysis of the study results showed that children, for the most part, have an average degree of intellectual development (60%). The level of intellectual formation changed in the direction of decreasing with increasing degree of iodine deficiency. Among children with laboratory hypothyroidism, the number of those who had a low level of intelligence was almost twice as high as in children from the comparison group 25 [21.8-27.3] % against 13 [11.8-16.6] %, P < 0.01). Children with laboratory hypothyroidism have a "debt" of 56% of attention, 36% of perception, 26% of motility, and 44% of memory. The pace of operating activities was reduced by 26%. Comparison of TSH concentration, ioduria and thyroid volume with the presence or absence of deficits in certain cognitive functions showed that in children with laboratory hypothyroidism and fine motor skills TSH G level was increased by 90%, thyroid volume by 28% , and with memory loss - 125% and 38%, respectively. Correlative analysis revealed a highly probable positive relationship between moderate strength in prepubertal children between thyroid volume and fine motor skills (r = 0.485, P < 0.01), memory (r = 0.488, P < 0.05) and efficiency (r = 0,321, P < 0,05). Conclusion. Children with subclinical hypothyroidism are characterized by decreased memory, instability of attention and decreased ability to concentrate, impaired fine motor skills, which generally reduces their mental capacity

    Продуктивність сортів лохини високорослої (V. X covilleanum) в умовах зимових теплиць

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    Among berry crops in recent years, the area of cultivation of blueberry has grown significantly, which is facilitated by the soil and climatic conditions of the northwestern region of Ukraine, and high prices (120-140 at wholesale and 180-240 UAH / kg at retail). The expansion of blueberry areas is facilitated by the increase in the production of planting material, which is mainly grown in Ukraine by biotechnological methods and at a price much lower (55-65 UAH) than when purchased abroad (75-120 UAH).The advanced experience of foreign producers in growing blueberries in open soil, adapted to the conditions of Ukraine, allows you to receive up to 7-8 kg of berries from the bush, which provides at least 70-85 UAH of net profit for each kilogram of sales.A significant reserve of early berry production is growing blueberries in spring greenhouses, when the harvest of early varieties of berries is replenished with it from the third decade of May, and the cost increases to 200-250 UAH per kilogram.Scientific studies point to the possibility of growing blueberries in winter greenhouses, which makes it possible to accelerate the flow of berries to the food market in the second half of May.In order to study the efficiency of cultivation of blueberry varieties of different ripeness groups in winter greenhouses, studies were conducted on their adaptation, productivity and quality of berries. As a result of researches dynamics of passing of the basic physiological phases of growth and development of varieties of blueberry, their yield and some qualitative indicators have been studied.The results of the studies indicate that cultivation of high early early maturity blueberry varieties is advisable in winter greenhouses.Серед ягідних культур в останні роки значно зросли площі вирощування лохини високої, чому сприяють грунтово-кліматичні умови північно-західного регіону України і високі ціни (120-140 на оптовій торгівлі і 180-240 грн/кг при роздрібній). Розширенню площ лохини сприяє зростання обсягів виробництва посадкового матеріалу, який в Україні вирощують здебільшого біотехнологічними методами і ціна на які значно нижча (55-65 грн), ніж при закупівлі за кордоном (75-120 грн).Передовий досвід закордонних товаровиробників при вирощуванні лохини у відкритому ґрунті, адаптований до умов України, дозволяє отримувати до 7-8 кг ягід з куща, що забезпечує не менше 70-85 грн чистого прибутку на кожному кілограмі реалізованої продукції.Значним резервом надходження ранньої ягідної продукції є вирощування лохини у весняних теплицях, коли урожай ранніх сортів ягід поповнюється нею з третьої декади травня, а вартість зростає до 200-250 грн за кілограм.Наукові дослідження вказують на можливість вирощування лохини і в зимових теплицях, що дає змогу прискорити надходження ягідна продовольчий ринок з другої половини травня.З метою вивчення ефективності вирощуваннясортів лохини різних груп стиглості в умовах зимових теплиць проведено дослідження щодо їх адаптації, продуктивності і якості ягід. Внаслідок досліджень вивчена динаміка проходження основних фізіологічних фаз росту і розвитку сортів лохини, їх вурожайність та окремі якісні показники.Результати досліджень указують на те, що в умовах зимових теплиць доцільним є вирощування сортів лохини високої ранньої групи стиглості

    The results of implementation of european requirements in management of transfer pricing audit (experience of Ukraine)

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    Since 2017 four of fifteen steps of the BEPS plan (base erosion and profit shifting) have been introduced in Ukraine to resist various areas of aggressive tax planning. The implementation of the BEPS plan is primarily made through frame working a transfer pricing control system in Ukraine, which aims to reduce illegal tax sheltering through foreign economic transactions with interdependent or interested parties as well as through transactions with contractors that are registered or make business in low-tax jurisdictions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results of implementation of European requirements in the system of audit of foreign economic activity in Ukraine. The study is based on data from the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine for 2015-2019.The article identifies the amounts of Ukrainian exports (imports) to (from) low-tax jurisdictions, analyzes the controlled exports and imports by geographical segment. The study presents evidence of the use of transfer pricing mechanisms by Ukrainian companies to optimize income taxation, which is contrary to the interests of the state. Therefore, a special need consists in improvement of the state control over operations of the foreign economic activity. The changes and current trends in foreign economic operations during the implementation of transfer pricing controls since 2013 in accordance with the BEPS plan were examined. This study proves that immediately after expanding the list of low tax jurisdictions, there has been a significant fall in the volume of controlled exports and imports, which we regard as a loss of cost-effectiveness of trade operations through low tax jurisdictions due to increased controls and enlarged list of territories, transactions through which are under strict control

    The Inverted-U Relationship between R&D and Profitability: Evidence from the Slovak Medical Device Industry

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    CC BY-NC-ND 4.0In the knowledge economy, the activities of knowledge-intensive enterprises largely depend on the effectiveness of intellectual capital management and the processes of its creation – research and development (R&D). The present paper analyzes the relationship between the R&D and profitability of the Slovak medical device companies, which belong to high-value-added, knowledge-intensive industries. A sample of 26 companies operating in the Slovak medical device industry for the period of 2015 to 2019 is considered. For data analysis purposes, GRETL software is used. The current study deploys the panel data regression analysis methodology. A regression model is constructed that includes one dependent variable and four independent variables. Using the Breusch-Pagan test and the Hausman test, the feasibility of using the Fixed Effects Method as an estimated parameter for the regression model is substantiated. Diagnosis of the adequacy of this model is performed on the basis of the Normality test, Autocorrelation test, and Heteroscedasticity test, and the feasibility of model estimation is substantiated with robust standard errors. The modeling results show that there is a curvilinear (inverted-U) relationship between R&D and the profitability of Slovak medical device companies, which confirms the hypothesis of the study. RDI has a significant negative impact on ROA at a 1% level, and RDI2 has a significant positive impact on ROA at a 1% level. The current results suggest that more investment in R&D is better for profitability, but only within the zone of optimal R&D activities. Medical device companies that carry out minor R&D activities are encouraged to improve their R&D investment policy to improve their quality and effectiveness

    Psychological aspects of social responsibility as a method of conflict management at the enterprise

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    Розглянуто окремі аспекти реалізації принципів соціальної відповідальності в управлінні конфліктами на підприємстві. Будь-яка діяльність, що передбачає взаємодію людей, супроводжується високою вірогідністю виникнення конфліктів. Реалізація засад соціальної відповідальності зачіпає інтереси великої кількості учасників – зацікавлених сторін, або стейкхолдерів, які, в свою чергу, мають свої потреби, цілі, цінності та очікування. Звичайно, це не може не викликати різноманітних розбіжностей, які з часом можуть перерости у конфлікти. Одним із первинних внутрішніх стейкхолдерів підприємства є його персонал, так як на якість та ефективність діяльності підприємства впливають не просто зусилля окремих працівників, а загальна результативність праці всього колективу. Соціально-трудові відносини, які складаються між роботодавцем та персоналом, а також самими працівниками, мають бути орієнтовані на створення таких умов діяльності та взаємодії людей, які б зводили до мінімуму вірогідність виникнення різноманітних протиріч, конфліктів та їх деструктивного розвитку. Засобами управління, зокрема попередження та подолання конфліктів у межах підприємства є впровадження елементів внутрішньої соціальної відповідальності бізнесу. До її пріоритетних напрямів відносять: розвиток людських ресурсів (підвищення кваліфікації; професійна перепідготовка; стажування; навчання на робочому місці; можливість отримання другої вищої освіти; внутрішньофірмове навчання тощо); формування безпечних та комфортних умов праці; забезпечення стабільності виплати заробітної плати; додаткове медичне та соціальне страхування працівників; надання фінансової допомоги працівникам в критичних або екстрених ситуаціях. Зараз сучасні підприємства, реалізуючи принципи соціальної відповідальності, перетворюють її на соціальну вигоду, отримуючи при цьому ряд позитивних ефектів, зокрема покращення репутації та іміджу бізнесу; підвищення продуктивності праці працівників; зростання продажів та лояльності клієнтів; підвищення інвестиційної привабливості підприємства; стимулювання довіри споживачів і, насамперед, упередження та подолання конфліктів у колективі.Some aspects of the implementation of social responsibility principles in conflict management at the enterprise are considered in this paper. Any activity involving human interaction is followed by high probability of conflict. The implementation of social responsibility principles affects the interests of a large number of participants – related parties or stakeholders, who, in turn, have their own needs, goals, values and expectations. Certainly, this causes various differences, which over time can escalate into conflicts. One of the primary internal stakeholders of the company is its staff, as the quality and efficiency of the company is influenced not only by the efforts of individual employees, but the overall productivity of the whole team. Social and labor relations between the employer and staff, as well as employees themselves, should be focused on the creation of conditions for human activity and interaction in such a way as to minimize the possibility of various contradictions, conflicts and their destructive development. The means of management, particularly the prevention and resolution of conflicts within the enterprise are the introduction of elements of internal social business responsibility. Its priority areas include: human resources development (advanced training; professional retraining; internships; on-the-job training; the possibility of gaining the second higher education; in-house training, etc.); formation of safe and comfortable working conditions; ensuring the stability of wage payments; additional medical and social insurance of employees; providing financial assistance to employees in critical or emergency situations. At present, modern enterprises, implementing the principles of social responsibility, transform it into social benefit, at the same time receiving a number of positive effects, including improvement of business reputation and image; employee productivity increase; sales growth and customer loyalty; increase of the enterprise investment attractiveness; stimulation of consumer confidence and, first of all, prevention and overcoming of conflicts in the team

    Indicators of cognitive activity of children with laboratory hypothyroidism

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    Abstract. The growth rate of a healthy child, the peculiarities of its physical and intellectual development, the formation of reproductive function are largely determined by the state of the endocrine system. Thyroid hormones have a significant impact on the growth and development of the child's organism. Today, attention is focused on the consequences of intellectual disabilities in children with hypothyroidism, as well as the impact of chronic iodine deficiency in the environment on the development of children. Insufficient intake of iodine in the body leads to congenital dysontogenesis of higher mental functions, to the formation, in severe cases, of mental retardation of varying degrees, and, in mild forms – to the borderline or partial disorders of intelligence

    Trends in research of responsible investment in the context of sustainable development: bibliometric analysis

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    Purpose. The purpose of the article is to outline trends and priorities for the study of responsible investment in the context of sustainable development and explore research institutions and publishing activities in this area. Methodology / approach. The study used bibliometric, structural, cluster and graphic analysis, as well as methods for visualizing the publishing activity of scientists on responsible investment according to the Web of Science platform and using VOSviewer software. Results. Based on a study of 1534 articles on the topic of responsible investment, in such areas of analysis as publication categories, dynamics of publications, types of organizations, authors' activity, publishing rating, countries of publication activity, citations of articles, clustering of terms and cited authors, the bibliometric field of this concept was characterized and visualized. The most cited articles which are directed on revealing of tendencies of disclosure and the subsequent monitoring of subjects of VI as bases of sustainable development of economy are investigated. The publishing activity of the authors and the most cited and relevant articles are analyzed. Four thematic clusters in the study of responsible investment (empirical, behavioral, generalizing and supporting) and the most famous institutions, involved in the study of responsible investment, were revealed. Originality / scientific novelty. The main parameters of the bibliometric field of responsible investment were characterized by means of cluster, structural and graphical analysis of the dynamics of individual indicators. For the first time, on the basis of the identified clusters, the affiliation of the research topic to the related “empirical” and “supply” cluster was determined. It was determined that the connection between clusters of responsible investment is manifested in their role as tools and at the same time strategies for the formation of new investment opportunities. Practical value / implications. The obtained results allow substantiating the key approaches to understanding responsible investment and the most priority areas of its research, to determine the sources of its scientific and methodological support on the way to sustainable development

    Geographical analysis of ecology-dependent diseases of Kryvyi Rih population in order to provide a sustainable development of the industrial regions

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    The geographical, ecological and territorial peculiarities of the dynamics and the appearance’s reasons of the population’s sick rate in dependence on the environment’s state of Kryvyi Rih town with the aim of the stable development’s provision of the industrial regions. The influence of the contamination’s sources on the health state of the Kryvyi Rih population is cleared up and the space-time peculiarities of the sick rate’s display are established: the influence of the environmental risks’ factors on the population’s sick rate and the display of the diseases’ separate groups are defined, estimated and mapped, the spreading’s indicators of the ecologically dependent pathology from the distance to the stationary sources of pollution and from the factors of the environmental risks are revealed. The statistical base is created and the factors’ analysis of the environmental risks, the sick rate, the main demographical indicators of Kryvyi Rih population for the period of 2004 – 2019 is made and it’s determined that the sick rate and the mortality, caused by it, play the essential role in the development of the demographical situation of Kryvyi Rih town