393 research outputs found

    Mecanismos de fotosensibilización inducida por fármacos: una visión general

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    This paper presents a general survey of the mechanisms involved in drug phototoxicity. Moreover, a list of 174 currently used clinical drugs inducing photosensitization is provided in addition to some others from which phototoxic effects are suspected. Likewise, some aspects related to the mechanisms involved in the phototoxicity of fluoroquinolones and non steroidal-antiinflammatory drugs have been reviewed. Finally, a possible role of the arenediazonium ions as photosensitisers is discussed.En el presente trabajo se hace ofrece una visión general los mecanismos relacionados con la fototoxicidad de sustancias farmacológicamente activas. Además se ha confeccionado una lista de 174 compuestos utilizados en la actualidad en la práctica clínica y de los que se existe pruebas de su actividad fototóxica. Conjuntamente se ofrece otra relación con sustancias cuyos efectos fototóxicos se sospechan. Asimismo, se revisan algunos aspectos relacionados con los mecanismos de fotoxicidad de fluoroquinolonas y antiinflamatorios no esteroídicos. Por último, se discute la posible actividad fotosensibilizadora de los iones arenodiazónicos

    Performing media

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    A dissertation in fulfilment of the Degree of Masters of Arts in Fine Arts (MAFA) at the University of Witwatersrand 2014Catherine Wood describes our society today as an entanglement between languages, time, space, intimacy, drama and diversity (Wood 2012: 10). Ian Chambers affirms that the notion of communicating or recounting with greater multi-­‐dimensionality, enacting or displaying more than one perspective at the same time, seems to better facilitate the complexity involved in communication itself (Chambers 2000: 25). Interaction in today’s context is therefore a complex experience that can position many modes of engagement in the same moment. The following dissertation explores the process of translating more than one visual language – here, painting and performance. It explores how the interdisciplinary nature of visual languages can interpret experience as multifaceted, lending greater perspective to concepts, issues and subject matter. Walter Benjamin suggests that this is only possible because languages “are not strangers to one another, but are, a priori and apart from all historical relationships, interrelated in what they want to express” (Benjamin 1969: 72). Benjamin’s text introduces the idea of translation between languages as a mode, a natural way of interaction. I will use his concept of translation to explain my interest in the conflation between painting and performance, and how this process reflects on a particular experience our current context

    Rethinking Rightlessness : the “Right to Have Rights” and the EU-Turkey Statement

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    The migration “crisis” in 2015, the largest human displacement since the end of World War II, made people become aware of the existence of a “right to have rights” and a right to belong to some kind of organized community once again when the refugee who had been forced to flee his or her country of origin lost and could not regain or enjoy these rights elsewhere. This has also demonstrated that human rights indeed need a prerequisite right to be more than citizenship rights: that is the “right to have rights,” which must be guaranteed by humanity itself. Following the summer of migration in 2015, the EU and Turkey came to a deal on 18 March 2016, which is officially known as the EU-Turkey Statement. The implementation of the Statement raised concerns especially over the human rights violations it entails vis-à-vis the migrants who are returned from the Greek islands to Turkey or who are expelled from the EU territory at the very Greek-Turkish border. However, this study argues that rather than “merely” depriving migrants of certain set of rights enshrined in international and regional human rights instruments, the EU-Turkey Statement deprives them of a more fundamental “right to have rights” – which also puts other rights in jeopardy. Despite the developments in international law since Hannah Arendt coined the “right to have rights” in The Origins of Totalitarianism in 1951, the ever-existing gaps in international law still create an area of maneuver for states and incentivize them to engage in the externalization of migration management. From the outset, the externalization of migration management has been on the EU agenda and embedded in the very core of the Common European Asylum System. The adoption of the EU-Turkey Statement, as well as its implementation, too, have resulted from the EU’s rationale to prevent the “irregular” migrants from reaching the EU territory and to divert the burden of migration management and of protection to non-EU third countries. In fact, the EU-Turkey Statement can be considered the utmost specimen of the EU’s efforts to externalize the management of migration. Furthermore, this thesis considers the EU-Turkey Statement not as one single statement, but a bundle of commitments, measures and practices. Therefore, it assesses the EU-Turkey Statement with the relevant practices, aspects and developments – as the gravity of human rights issues that asylum seekers and refugees encounter at the Greek-Turkish border, in Turkey and on the Greek islands is closely connected with the Statement and the preceding undertakings of the parties. Among the formal and informal instruments of the externalization of migration management, this thesis scrutinizes in the context of the EU-Turkey Statement the concept of “safe third country,” readmission agreements, and interception of migrants at maritime and land borders. Drawing upon the legal dogmatic method, the thesis first analyzes the impact of these three instruments on the rights of asylum seekers and refugees on the Greek islands, at the Greek-Turkish border, and in Turkey. Second, against the backdrop of the Arendtian “right to have rights,” it argues that the problem today is in fact access to a “right to have rights.” Indeed, the refugee who is excluded due to the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement from the state territory (at the border), from the general application of law (by way of the law) and from the space of appearance (in the polis) is prevented from accessing safe soils, to asylum (procedures) or a durable juridico-politico status, and to a politically organized community for the claim and enjoyment of human rights

    Barreras en el aprendizaje de niños y niñas de la Institución Educativa Antonio Donado Camacho

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    El presente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos en una investigación sobre barreras educativas que encuentran los niños y niñas con necesidades especiales en de la Institución Educativa Antonio Donado Camacho Antioquia. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es identificar barreras para el aprendizaje de los niños y niñas con necesidades especiales de manera que facilite la inclusión de estudiantes con alguna discapacidad. La investigación se realizó teniendo en cuenta un enfoque cualitativo de tipo hermenéutico, basado en métodos de recolección de datos no estandarizados. a través de entrevista semiestructurada, observación directa y diarios de campo aplicada a los participantes. La recolección de los datos consistió en obtener los puntos de vista de cada uno. El investigador conduce la indagación de una manera subjetiva y reconoce sus tendencias personales (Todd, Nerlich y McKeown, 2004). Una vez hecho el respectivo análisis, se pudo identificar que es pertinente la articulación de estrategias y metodologías en las prácticas pedagógicas docentes, que permitan generar espacios y ambientes de aprendizaje que motiven y estimulen el desarrollo de estas, para garantizar la inclusión educativa en dicha institución, dando prioridad a los estudiantes con barreras para el aprendizaje y ofrecer garantía en la educación a la población más vulnerable

    Stated Preferences for Space Heating Investment

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    Energy retrofits are an important leverage to reduce energy consumption in dwellings, especially for space heating. In this paper, we use a discrete choice experiment on space heating for both detached houses and apartments in France. In our choice experiment, we asked 1,820 respondents, both owners and tenants, to imagine that their current space heating system had broken down and that they had to choose a new one to replace it. A multinomial logit model was used to analyze the households preferences and willingness to pay for various space heating system attributes. We found that in general households prefer renewable sources and systems, but avoid wood. Preferences for familiar technologies have a considerable impact on the probabilities of choice and could represent a significant obstacle to the development of energy-efficient equipment. Willingness to pay for attributes that control energy consumption depends on thermal comfort preferences. The more cold-sensitive the household, the more willing it is to invest to renewable energy sources and to set temperature management

    A new decapod crustacean assemblage from the lower Aptian of La Cova del Vidre (Baix Ebre, province of Tarragona, Catalonia)

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    During fieldwork in a small outcrop of the lower Aptian Margas de Forcall Formation at La Cova del Vidre, hitherto known as the type locality of the anomuran Pagurus avellanedai, new decapod crustacean material has been recovered. In this newly recovered lot, two undescribed species of brachyuran have been recognised; there are here described as Rathbunopon tarraconensis n. sp. and Pithonoton Iluismariaorum n. sp. In addition, numerous remains of the anomuran P. avellanedai, enable an improvement of the original description of this taxon, and an analysis of associated ammonites from La Cova del Vidre has resulted in precise age calibration for the first time. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Compatibility of the French white certificate program to fulfil the objective of energy savings claimed by the Energy Service Directive

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    International audienceThe Commission has proposed a Directive on the promotion of end-use efficiency and energy services (ESD) to enhance the cost-effective and efficient end-use of energy in Member States. According to the Directive, the Member States shall adopt and aim to achieve an overall national indicative energy savings target of 9% (or beyond) in 2016. This target is to be reached by way of energy services and other energy efficiency measures. The French National Energy Efficiency Action Plan to comply with the ESD includes a White Certificates scheme (or FWC) as one of the important measures to fulfil the target. As the accountings of energy savings in the FWC scheme and in the ESD are different (e.g. lifetime-cumulated and discounted kWh for FWC and annual kWh for ESD), an analysis of the compliance of both methodologies and a comparison of the assessed savings are necessary. In this paper, we evaluate the compliance with the ESD requirements of two different end-use actions (insulation, heating boiler) included in the FWC scheme. This is done through the concrete case of certificates filed by EDF. The main objective of this evaluation is to assess the contribution of the savings of these FWC actions to the target of the ESD. Finally, general conclusions are drawn about the use of a White Certificates scheme as a monitoring and evaluation tool for the ESD purpose

    El marco jurídico colombiano de las energías alternativas ante el cambio climático

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    36 páginasEl presente trabajo presenta un análisis sucinto de la relación entre el cambio climático y el sector de la energía, así como del rol de las energías alternativas en dicha relación. Una vez establecido lo anterior, se entra en el examen del marco jurídico colombiano de las energías alternas con la finalidad de poner de presente su evolución, estado actual y, particularmente, si este es suficiente para que desde el sector energético el país aporte a la afán universal que significa el cambio climático, respecto a del cual se hace especial énfasis en los mecanismos de incentivo a la inversión privada en proyectos relacionados con las mencionadas energías alternativas.This article briefly analyses the role the energy industry, especially through alternative energies, has played in climate change. After doing this analysis, the article will examine the evolution of Colombian regulation on alternative energies, it’s present state and, especially, if it effectively constitutes a contribution from the energy industry in Colombia to the global fight against climate change. Regarding this last point, this article focuses especially in the incentives for private investment in projects related to alternative energies

    Histological and parasitological distinctive findings in clinically-lesioned and normal-looking skin of dogs with different clinical stages of leishmaniosis

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    Normal-looking skin of dogs with leishmaniosis frequently shows microscopic lesions along with the presence of Leishmania amastigotes. However, histological lesions with or without detection of amastigotes might not occur in less severe clinical cases. In addition, comparative studies between paired clinically-lesioned and normal-looking skin samples from dogs with different disease severity are lacking. The objective of this study was to compare histological and parasitological findings by Leishmania immunohistochemistry (IHC) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) on paired clinically-lesioned and normal-looking skin biopsies from 25 dogs with different clinical stages of leishmaniosis, 11 with stage I-mild disease (papular dermatitis) and 14 with stage II-III (ulcerative or exfoliative dermatitis). The study demonstrated microscopic lesions in 14 out of 25 (56%) samples from normal-looking skin biopsies. In those samples, perivascular to interstitial dermatitis composed by macrophages with lymphocytes and plasma cells was observed mainly in the superficial and mid-dermis. The intensity of the dermatitis was mild to moderate and always less prominent than in the clinically-lesioned skin. In normal-looking skin samples, the presence of parasites was detected by histology, IHC and qPCR in 5/25 (20%), 8/25 (32%) and 18/25 (72%), respectively. Leishmania was encountered in 11/25 (44%), 23/25 (92%) and 25/25 (100%) of clinically-lesioned skin samples by histology, IHC and qPCR, respectively. Normal-looking skin from dogs with stage I-mild disease was less frequently inflamed (P = 0.0172). Furthermore, Leishmania was more easily demonstrated by histology (P = 0.0464), IHC (P = 0.0421) or qPCR (P = 0.0068) in normal-looking skin of dogs with stage II-III-moderate to severe disease. In addition, in the latter group, there was a significantly higher parasite load studied by means of qPCR than in dogs with less severe disease (P = 0.043). Clinically-lesioned skin from dogs with stage I disease was more frequently characterised by the nodular to diffuse pattern and granuloma formation (P = 0.0166) and by a lower parasite load studied by means of qPCR (P = 0.043) compared with more diseased dogs. Normal-looking skin from dogs with stage I is less likely to present histological lesions as well as harbour the parasite when compared with dogs with moderate to severe leishmaniosis