127 research outputs found

    Identification and “in silico” Structural Analysis of the Glutamine-rich Protein Qrp (YheA) in Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Background: YlbF and YmcA are two essential proteins for the formation of biofilm, sporulation, and competence in Bacillus subtilis. In these two proteins, a new protein domain called com_ylbF was recently discovered, but its role and protein function has not yet been established. Objective: In this study, we identified and performed an “in silico” structural analysis of the YheA protein, another com_ylbF-containing protein, in the opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Methods: The search of the yheA gene was performed using BLAST-P and tBLASn algorithms. The three-dimensional (3D) models of YheA, as well as YlbF and YmcA proteins, were built using the I-TASSER and Quark programs. The identification of the native YheA in Staphylococcus aureus was carried out through chromatography using the FPLC system. Results: We found that YheA protein is more widely distributed in Gram-positive bacteria than YlbF and YmcA. Two new and important characteristics for YheA and other com_ylbF-containing proteins were found: a highly conserved 3D structure and the presence of a putative conserved motif located in the central region of the domain, which could be involved in its function. Additionally, we established that Staphylococcus aureus expresses YheA protein in both planktonic growth and biofilm. Finally, we suggest renaming YheA as glutamine-rich protein (Qrp) in S. aureus. Conclusion: The Grp (YheA), YlbF, and YmcA proteins adopt a highly conserved three-dimensional structure, harboring a protein-specific putative motif within the com_ylbF domain, which possibly favors the interaction with their substrates. Finally, Staphylococcus aureus expresses the Grp (YheA) protein in both planktonic and biofilm growth. </jats:sec

    Community health workers improve contact tracing among immigrants with tuberculosis in Barcelona

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    Background: The important increase in immigration during recent years has changed the epidemiology and control strategies for tuberculosis (TB) in many places. This study evaluates the effectiveness of intervention with community health workers (CHW) to improve contact tracing among immigrants. Methods: The study included all TB cases detected by the Barcelona TB Program from 2000 to 2005 and compared a period without CHW intervention (2000-2002) to a period with CHW intervention (2003-2005). The influence on contact tracing of sex, age, hospital of diagnosis, district of residence, birthplace, HIV, homeless and CHW intervention was analysed by logistic regression. Odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. Results: 960 foreign born TB cases were detected, 388 in the intervention period. Contact tracing was performed on 65,7 % of 201 smear-positive cases during the pre-intervention period compared to 81.6 % of 152 smear-positive TB cases during the intervention period (p &lt; 0.001). Risk factors associated with incomplete contact tracing of smear-positive index cases included being diagnosed in two hospitals without contact tracing TB unit (OR = 3.5; CI:1.4-8.9) and (OR = 4.6; CI:1.6-13.5) respectively, birth place in India-Pakistan (OR = 4.4; CI:1.9-10.3) or North Africa (OR = 4.3; CI:1.8-10.5), having an unknown residence (OR = 5.4; CI:1.6-18.0), being HIV-infected (OR = 6.1; CI:2.5-14.8

    Clinical manifestations and treatment of mucopolysaccharidosis type I patients in Latin America as compared with the rest of the world

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    Background Mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I) comprises a spectrum of clinical manifestations and is divided into three phenotypes reflecting clinical severity: Hurler, Hurler-Scheie, and Scheie syndromes. There may be important variations in clinical manifestations of this genetic disease in patients residing in different regions of the world.Methods Using data from the MPS I Registry (as of September 2009), we evaluated patients from Latin America (n=118) compared with patients from the rest of the world [ROW (n=727)].Results Phenotype distribution differed among patients in Latin America compared to ROW(Hurler 31 vs. 62%, Hurler-Scheie 36 vs. 21%, Scheie 10 vs. 11%, and unknown 22 vs. 6%). the frequency of certain symptoms, such as cardiac valve abnormalities, sleep impairment, and joint contractures, also differed between Latin America and ROW for some phenotypes. Median age at MPS I diagnosis was earlier in the ROW than Latin America for all phenotypes, and age at first treatment for Hurler and Hurler-Scheie patients was also earlier in the ROW. Hurler patients in Latin America showed a gap of 3.1 years between median ages of diagnosis and first treatment compared to only 0.5 years in the ROW. Treatment allocation in Latin America compared to ROW was as follows: enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) only, 80 vs. 45%; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) only, 0.9 vs. 27%; both ERT and HSCT, 0 vs. 16%; and neither treatment, 19 vs. 13%.Conclusion These data highlight important differences in MPS I patients between Latin America and ROW in terms of phenotypic distribution, clinical manifestations, and treatment practices.MPS I Registry team at Genzyme CorporationHosp Nacl Pediat JP Garrahan, Unidad Errores Congenitos Metab, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaHosp Especialidades UMAE 25, Monterrey, MexicoGenzyme Corp, Latin Amer Grp, Registry Program, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv Rosario, Fdn Univ Ciencias Salud, Bogota, ColombiaUniv Valparaiso, Fac Med, Neurol Infantil Programa Formac Neuropediat, Valparaiso, ChileUniv Chile, INTA, Lab Genet & Enfermedades Metab, Santiago, ChileUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Referencia Erros Inatos Metab, São Paulo, BrazilGenzyme Corp, Latin Amer Grp, Compassionate Use Program, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Referencia Erros Inatos Metab, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Growth, biochemical response and liver health of juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer) fed fermented and nonfermented tuna hydrolysate as fishmeal protein replacement ingredients

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    © 2018 Siddik et al. Conventional aquaculture feed materials available in Australia are expensive, which has prompted the search for alternatives that would be cost-effective and locally available. The present study was undertaken in order to maximize the use of a tuna hydrolysate (TH), which was produced locally from the tuna-processing discards. The growth performance, biochemical status, antioxidant capacity and liver health of juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer) were assessed. Two series of isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets labelled as TH50, TH75(non-fermented tuna hydrolysate) and FTH50, FTH75(fermented tuna hydrolysate) were formulated to replace FM at 50% and 75%, respectively. A basal diet without the TH supplementation was used as a control. The experimental diets were fed to the triplicate groups of fish three times a day for 56 days. The results of the experiment revealed that fish fed on both fermented and non-fermented TH-containing diets significantly reduced (p &lt; 0:05) the final body weight, weight gain and specific growth rate compared to the control. The highest apparent digestibility coefficients for dry matter, protein and lipid were obtained in the control group, and decreased with the increasing level of TH in the diets. However, the whole-body proximate compositions and the blood biochemical indices of fish were not affected by the TH inclusion in the diets. The fish fed on TH diets of TH50, FTH50and TH75exhibited reduced (p &lt; 0:05) glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity compared to the control; whereas the FTH75exhibited no difference with the control. The excessive inclusion of TH in the diets of TH75and FTH75resulted in cytoplasmic vacuolization, with an increased amount of lipid accumulation, and necrosis in the liver tissue. These results indicated that the replacement of the FM protein with TH at 50% and 75% inclusion levels negatively affected the growth performance, feed utilization, and digestibility in juvenile barramundi; and it also increased the potential risk of hepatic failure in the fish. Further investigation is, therefore, required in order to optimize the TH levels in the fish diets which would be suitable for the growth of fish, as well as for maintaining the enhanced biochemical response in juvenile barramundi

    Seeds of Life in Space (SOLIS). III. Zooming Into the Methanol Peak of the Prestellar Core L1544

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    Toward the prestellar core L1544, the methanol (CH3OH) emission forms an asymmetric ring around the core center, where CH3OH is mostly in solid form, with a clear peak at 4000 au to the northeast of the dust continuum peak. As part of the NOEMA Large Project SOLIS (Seeds of Life in Space), the CH3OH peak has been spatially resolved to study its kinematics and physical structure and to investigate the cause behind the local enhancement. We find that methanol emission is distributed in a ridge parallel to the main axis of the dense core. The centroid velocity increases by about 0.2 km s−1 and the velocity dispersion increases from subsonic to transonic toward the central zone of the core, where the velocity field also shows complex structure. This could be an indication of gentle accretion of material onto the core or the interaction of two filaments, producing a slow shock. We measure the rotational temperature and show that methanol is in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) only close to the dust peak, where it is significantly depleted. The CH3OH column density, N tot(CH3OH), profile has been derived with non-LTE radiative transfer modeling and compared with chemical models of a static core. The measured N tot(CH3OH) profile is consistent with model predictions, but the total column densities are one order of magnitude lower than those predicted by models, suggesting that the efficiency of reactive desorption or atomic hydrogen tunneling adopted in the model may be overestimated; or that an evolutionary model is needed to better reproduce methanol abundance

    Seeds of Life in Space (SOLIS) VI. Chemical evolution of sulfuretted species along the outflows driven by the low-mass protostellar binary NGC1333-IRAS4A

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    Context: Low-mass protostars drive powerful molecular outflows that can be observed with millimetre and submillimetre telescopes. Various sulfuretted species are known to be bright in shocks and could be used to infer the physical and chemical conditions throughout the observed outflows. Aims: The evolution of sulfur chemistry is studied along the outflows driven by the NGC 1333-IRAS4A protobinary system located in the Perseus cloud to constrain the physical and chemical processes at work in shocks. Methods: We observed various transitions from OCS, CS, SO, and SO2 towards NGC 1333-IRAS4A in the 1.3, 2, and 3 mm bands using the IRAM NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array and we interpreted the observations through the use of the Paris-Durham shock model. Results: The targeted species clearly show different spatial emission along the two outflows driven by IRAS4A. OCS is brighter on small and large scales along the south outflow driven by IRAS4A1, whereas SO2 is detected rather along the outflow driven by IRAS4A2 that is extended along the north east–south west direction. SO is detected at extremely high radial velocity up to +25 km s−1 relative to the source velocity, clearly allowing us to distinguish the two outflows on small scales. Column density ratio maps estimated from a rotational diagram analysis allowed us to confirm a clear gradient of the OCS/SO2 column density ratio between the IRAS4A1 and IRAS4A2 outflows. Analysis assuming non Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium of four SO2 transitions towards several SiO emission peaks suggests that the observed gas should be associated with densities higher than 105 cm−3 and relatively warm (T > 100 K) temperatures in most cases. Conclusions: The observed chemical differentiation between the two outflows of the IRAS4A system could be explained by a different chemical history. The outflow driven by IRAS4A1 is likely younger and more enriched in species initially formed in interstellar ices, such as OCS, and recently sputtered into the shock gas. In contrast, the longer and likely older outflow triggered by IRAS4A2 is more enriched in species that have a gas phase origin, such as SO2

    Microcirculatory alterations: potential mechanisms and implications for therapy

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    Multiple experimental and human trials have shown that microcirculatory alterations are frequent in sepsis. In this review, we discuss the characteristics of these alterations, the various mechanisms potentially involved, and the implications for therapy. Sepsis-induced microvascular alterations are characterized by a decrease in capillary density with an increased number of stopped-flow and intermittent-flow capillaries, in close vicinity to well-perfused capillaries. Accordingly, the surface available for exchange is decreased but also is highly heterogeneous. Multiple mechanisms may contribute to these alterations, including endothelial dysfunction, impaired inter-cell communication, altered glycocalyx, adhesion and rolling of white blood cells and platelets, and altered red blood cell deformability. Given the heterogeneous nature of these alterations and the mechanisms potentially involved, classical hemodynamic interventions, such as fluids, red blood cell transfusions, vasopressors, and inotropic agents, have only a limited impact, and the microcirculatory changes often persist after resuscitation. Nevertheless, fluids seem to improve the microcirculation in the early phase of sepsis and dobutamine also can improve the microcirculation, although the magnitude of this effect varies considerably among patients. Finally, maintaining a sufficient perfusion pressure seems to positively influence the microcirculation; however, which mean arterial pressure levels should be targeted remains controversial. Some trials using vasodilating agents, especially nitroglycerin, showed promising initial results but they were challenged in other trials, so it is difficult to recommend the use of these agents in current practice. Other agents can markedly improve the microcirculation, including activated protein C and antithrombin, vitamin C, or steroids. In conclusion, microcirculatory alterations may play an important role in the development of sepsis-related organ dysfunction. At this stage, therapies to target microcirculation specifically are still being investigated

    Randomized Controlled Trial of the Focus Parent Training for Toddlers with Autism: 1-Year Outcome

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    This randomized controlled trial compared results obtained after 12 months of nonintensive parent training plus care-as-usual and care-as-usual alone. The training focused on stimulating joint attention and language skills and was based on the intervention described by Drew et al. (Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatr 11:266–272, 2002). Seventy-five toddlers with autism spectrum disorder (65 autism, 10 PDD-NOS, mean age = 34.4 months, SD = 6.2) were enrolled. Analyses were conducted on a final sample of 67 children (lost to follow-up = 8). No significant intervention effects were found for any of the primary (language), secondary (global clinical improvement), or mediating (child engagement, early precursors of social communication, or parental skills) outcome variables, suggesting that the ‘Focus parent training’ was not of additional value to the more general care-as-usual

    Clues to Evolution of the SERA Multigene Family in 18 Plasmodium Species

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    SERA gene sequences were newly determined from 11 primate Plasmodium species including two human parasites, P. ovale and P. malariae, and the evolutionary history of SERA genes was analyzed together with 7 known species. All have one each of Group I to III cysteine-type SERA genes and varying number of Group IV serine-type SERA genes in tandem cluster. Notably, Group IV SERA genes were ascertained in all mammalian parasite lineages; and in two primate parasite lineages gene events such as duplication, truncation, fragmentation and gene loss occurred at high frequency in a manner that mimics the birth-and-death evolution model. Transcription profile of individual SERA genes varied greatly among rodent and monkey parasites. Results support the lineage-specific evolution of the Plasmodium SERA gene family. These findings provide further impetus for studies that could clarify/provide proof-of-concept that duplications of SERA genes were associated with the parasites' expansion of host range and the evolutionary conundrums of multigene families in Plasmodium