232 research outputs found

    Uso de compostas y vermicompostas para la producción de tomate orgánico en invernadero

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    Una alternativa en la agricultura orgánica es la utilización de sustratos orgánicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de tres compostas y tres vermicompostas mezcladas en diferentes proporciones (100, 75 y 50%) con arena, sobre el rendimiento y calidad de tomate, bajo condiciones de invernadero. Se utilizó el híbrido SUN-7705 de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Los 18 tratamientos se distribuyeron en un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 6×3 con cinco repeticiones en dos fechas de siembra. Se detectaron diferencias estadísticas entre fechas de siembra (p≤0,01). Los resultados indican que las mejores siete mezclas fueron vermicomposta de estiércol de ganado vacuno + rastrojo de maíz + tierra negra (VEMT) 75% + arena; vermicomposta de estiércol de ganado vacuno + pasto bahía (Paspalum notatum Flüggé) + tierra negra (VEPT) 100, 75 y 50% + arena; vermicomposta de estiércol de ganado vacuno + rastrojo de maíz + tierra negra (VEMT) 50% + arena; y vermicomposta de estiércol de ganado vacuno + rastrojo de maíz + zacate elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schumacher; VEMZT) 100 y 75% + arena; con una media de 54,527t•ha-1. Los frutos de mayor tamaño se obtuvieron con la vermicomposta VEMT 75% + arena. El mayor contenido de sólidos solubles, se obtuvo con la mezcla VEPT 100% con 5,34ºBrix. Se concluye que se obtiene mayor rendimiento utilizando sustratos orgánicos con respecto al obtenido en producciones de tomate orgánico en campo, sin afectar la calidad del fruto

    Evaluación de metodologías para la aplicación de sistemas de protección contra la corrosión en el interior de tanques de lastre en embarcaciones marinas

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    In this paper, different methodologies of surface preparation for applyinga paint system used in ballast tanks of marine vessels are studied andtheir influences in the performance of the paint system are evaluated.Typical rusts found on boat surfaces were characterized, field tests wereconducted with different surface preparations in hard-to-reach areas,controlling the contamination degree by soluble salts and comparingdifferent methods (Bresle method, Sleeve test, Saltsmart test and ionchromatography) and different roughness profiles (sand blasting, powergrinding and sandpaper, scraping and picketing) in order to determinethe more efficient combination of methods for the surface preparation inhard-to-reach areas. Different properties of a paint system were evaluateduring laboratory and field exposure tests. The final exposure time was 7months. It was found that the methods of surface preparation by picketingand power grinding + sandpaper have the higher salt contents (> 10 μg/cm2), exceeding the maximum permitted limit of 5.0 μg/cm2Este artículo presenta los resultados de la evaluación del desempeño ymetodologías de preparación superficial para la aplicación de un sistemade pinturas utilizado en tanques de lastre de embarcaciones marinas.Se caracterizaron las herrumbres típicas encontradas en superficies deembarcaciones, se realizaron pruebas de campo haciendo diferentespreparaciones de superficies en áreas de difícil acceso que permitierancontrolar el grado de contaminación por sales solubles, comparandodiferentes métodos (Método Bresle, Sleeve test, Saltsmart, cromatografíaiónica) y varios perfiles de anclaje (sand blasting, grata y lija, escariadory piqueteo) con el fin de determinar la combinación de los métodos máseficientes en la práctica para la preparación de zonas de difícil acceso. Seevaluaron las propiedades de un sistema de pinturas en laboratorio y encampo durante 7 meses de exposición. Se encontró que los métodos depreparación de superficie por piqueteo y grata + lija son los que presentanel mayor contenido de sales (> de 10 μg/cm2), superando el límitemáximo permitido de 5.0 μg/cm2. A partir del método de preparacióncon escariador están por debajo de los 10 μg/cm2

    Análise electromiográfica da actividade muscular do tronco durante o lançamento de balas paraolímpicas

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    The stability of the pelvis and trunk, given by the activity of the muscles in the region, represents an important factor for the correct execution of the sports technique and the prevention of injuries in Paralympic throwers. The objective of this study was to analyze, through surface electromyography, the muscular activity of the rectus abdominis, external oblique of the abdomen and erector spinae, longuissimus and iliocostal bellies, during the shot put from a chair, in 4 Paralympic athletes (2 with lower limb injury and 2 with spinal cord injury). Electromyography showed variations in activation patterns, execution time and amplitude of the signal, according to the disability condition and the degree of trunk involvement. This allowed to have a more realistic panorama of the muscular actions during the sport gesture and the detection of improvement options for the athletes. La estabilidad de la pelvis y el tronco, dada por la actividad de los músculos de la región, representa un factor importante para la correcta ejecución de la técnica deportiva y la prevención de lesiones en lanzadores paralímpicos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar a través de electromiografía de superficie, la actividad muscular del recto abdominal, oblicuo externo del abdomen y erector de la columna, vientres longuísimo e iliocostal, durante el lanzamiento de bala desde silla, en 4 atletas paralímpicos (2 con lesión en miembros inferiores y 2 con lesión medular). La electromiografía evidenció variaciones en los patrones de activación, el tiempo de ejecución y la amplitud de la señal, acorde a la condición de discapacidad y el grado de afectación del tronco. Esto permitió tener un panorama más real de las acciones musculares durante el gesto deportivo y la detección de opciones de mejora para los deportistas.A estabilidade da pélvis e do tronco, dada pela actividade dos músculos da região, representa um factor importante para a correcta execução da técnica desportiva e a prevenção de lesões nos lançadores paraolímpicos. O objectivo deste estudo foi analisar, através da electromiografia de superfície, a actividade muscular do recto abdominal, oblíquo externo do abdómen e erector da coluna vertebral, barriga muito comprida e iliocostal, durante o tiroteio em 4 atletas paraolímpicos (2 com lesão nos membros inferiores e 2 com lesão na medula espinal). A electromiografia mostrou variações nos padrões de activação, tempo de execução e amplitude do sinal, de acordo com a condição de incapacidade e o grau de envolvimento do tronco. Isto permitiu-nos ter uma imagem mais real das acções musculares durante o gesto desportivo e a detecção de opções de melhoria para os atletas

    Resistencia a la corrosión de recubrimientos a base de titanio y circonio producidos por magnetrón Sputtering DC

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    Titanium nitride (TiN and TiN/Ti) and titanium zirconium nitride (TiZrN)thin films were deposited on AISI 304 and 316L stainless steels, using DC Magne-tron Sputtering, to evaluate the superficial, mechanical and corrosion resistanceproperties. X Ray Diffraction (XRD) structural analysis performed showed thatin all studied systems had f.c.c crystalline structure, with (111) bragg planepreferential orientation. The TiZrN coating shows compressive stress by theinclusion of Zr atoms in the structure of TiN and peak widening is observeddue to the presence on the film of TiN. Superficial characteristics obtained byprofilometry (roughness (Ra) and thickness) shows Ra values below 100 nm,typical of thin films obtained by this technique. The thickness obtained rangesfrom 364,50 to 580,25 nm.Using nanoindentation, hardness values TiN, TiN/Ti and TiZrN of 16,173,18,524 and 17,307 Gpa were obtained for thin films respectively. Corrosion resistance evaluation (Tafel Polarization), shows a decreasein corrosion speed of steel when the surface is protectedby a coating, fact which was determined by the reductionof the corrosion rate.Se depositaron recubrimientos de nitruro de titanio (TiN y TiN/Ti) y nitrurode titanio circonio (TiZrN) sobre aceros AISI 304 y 316L por medio de la técnicamagnetrón Sputtering DC para evaluar sus propiedades superficiales y mecánicas, así como la resistencia a la corrosión. El análisis estructural realizado por mediode difracción de rayos X (XRD) mostró que todos los materiales estudiados cris-talizaron en una estructura f.c.c, con orientación preferencial en plano de Bragg (111); el recubrimiento de TiZrN, muestra estrés a la compresión por la inclusiónde átomos de Zr en la estructura del TiN y se observa ensanchamiento en lospicos de difracción debido a la presencia de TiN en la película. Las características superficiales medidas por perfilometría (rugosidad Ra y espesor) muestranvalores de Ra inferiores a 100 nm, típicos de capas delgadas sintetizadas por estemétodo. Los espesores obtenidos varían desde 364,50 nm hasta 580,25 nm. Usandonanoindentación se obtuvieron valores de dureza de capa de TiN, TiN/Ti y TiZrN de 16, 173, 18, 524 y 17, 307 Gpa respectivamente; la evaluación de la resistencia ala corrosión (polarización tafel) muestra que la velocidad de corrosión del acerodisminuye cuando la superficie es protegida con un recubrimiento, hecho que sedeterminó por la reducción de la tasa de corrosión

    A novel HPV 16 L1-based chimeric virus-like particle containing E6 and E7 seroreactive epitopes permits highly specific detection of antibodies in patients with CIN 1 and HPV-16 infection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The presence of IgG antibodies to HPV-16 L1-virus like particles (VLPs) in serum has been reported as a result of persistent exposure to the virus and as a marker of disease progression. However, detection of VLP-specific antibodies in sera does not always indicate a malignant lesion as positive results may also be due to a nonmalignant viral infection. Furthermore, malignant lesions are associated with an increased antibody titer for E6 and E7 proteins. The aim of this study was to develop an ELISA using a novel chimeric virus-like particle (cVLP) encoding an L1 protein fused with a string of HPV-16 E6 and E7 seroreactive epitopes to its C-terminus to be used for detection of HPV-16 specific antibodies in patients with cervical intraepithelial lesion grade 1 (CIN 1).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The sera of 30 patients with CIN 1 who also tested positive for HPV-16 DNA and of 30 age-matched normal donors negative for HPV infection were tested for the presence of IgG antibodies specific for either VLP-L1 (HPV-16 L1), gVLP (derived from Gardasil), or cVLP by ELISA. The cVLP-reactive sera yielded two distinct groups of results: (H) reactivity levels that presented very strong cVLP-specific titers, and (L) reactivity levels with significantly lower titers similar to those obtained with VLP-L1 and gVLP antigens. Additionally, the sera that presented the higher cVLP titers closely matched those that had significantly stronger reactivity to E6 and E7 epitopes. Interestingly, the samples with the highest titers corresponded to patients with the higher numbers of sexual partners and pregnancies. On the other hand only 4 out of the 12 sera that harbored antibodies with VLP neutralizing ability corresponded to the group with high cVLP antibody titers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We report for the first time that chimeric particles containing HPV-16 L1 protein fused with E6 and E7 seroreactive epitopes enable much better detection of IgG antibodies in the sera of CIN 1 patients positive for HPV-16 infection than those obtained with VLPs containing only the HPV-16 L1 protein. We also found that the sera with higher cVLP antibody titers corresponded to patients with more sexual partners and pregnancies, and not always with to those with a high neutralizing activity. This novel assay could help in the development of a tool to evaluate cervical cancer risk.</p

    Evaluation of methodologies for the application of protection systems against corrosion inside ballast tanks in marine vessels

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta los resultados de la evaluación del desempeño y metodologías de preparación superficial para la aplicación de un sistema de pinturas utilizado en tanques de lastre de embarcaciones marinas. Se caracterizaron las herrumbres típicas encontradas en superficies de embarcaciones, se realizaron pruebas de campo haciendo diferentes preparaciones de superficies en áreas de difícil acceso que permitieran controlar el grado de contaminación por sales solubles, comparando diferentes métodos (Método Bresle, Sleeve test, Saltsmart, cromatografía iónica) y varios perfiles de anclaje (sand blasting, grata y lija, escariador y piqueteo) con el fin de determinar la combinación de los métodos más eficientes en la práctica para la preparación de zonas de difícil acceso. Se evaluaron las propiedades de un sistema de pinturas en laboratorio y en campo durante 7 meses de exposición. Se encontró que los métodos de preparación de superficie por piqueteo y grata + lija son los que presentan el mayor contenido de sales (> de 10 μg/cm2), superando el límite máximo permitido de 5.0 μg/cm2. A partir del método de preparación con escariador están por debajo de los 10 μg/cm2.ABSTRACT: In this paper, different methodologies of surface preparation for applying a paint system used in ballast tanks of marine vessels are studied and their influences in the performance of the paint system are evaluated. Typical rusts found on boat surfaces were characterized, field tests were conducted with different surface preparations in hard-to-reach areas, controlling the contamination degree by soluble salts and comparing different methods (Bresle method, Sleeve test, Saltsmart test and ion chromatography) and different roughness profiles (sand blasting, power grinding and sandpaper, scraping and picketing) in order to determine the more efficient combination of methods for the surface preparation in hard-to-reach areas. Different properties of a paint system were evaluate during laboratory and field exposure tests. The final exposure time was 7 months. It was found that the methods of surface preparation by picketing and power grinding + sandpaper have the higher salt contents (> 10 μg/ cm2), exceeding the maximum permitted limit of 5.0 μg/cm2

    A Large Case-Control Study Performed in Spanish Population Suggests That RECQL5 Is the Only RECQ Helicase Involved in Breast Cancer Susceptibility.

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    Around 50% of the familial breast cancer (BC) cases are estimated to be caused by germline variants in known low-, moderate-, and high-risk susceptibility genes, while the other half is of unknown genetic origin. In the present study, we wanted to evaluate the role of the RECQ helicases, some of which have been studied in the past as candidates, with unclear results about their role in the disease. Using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, we analyzed the whole coding sequence of BLM, RECQL1, RECQL4, RECQL5, and WRN in almost 2000 index cases from BC Spanish families that had previously tested negative for the known BC susceptibility genes (BRCAX) and compared the results with the controls extracted from gnomAD. Our results suggest that BLM, RECQL1, RECQL4, and WRN do not play a major role in BC susceptibility. However, in the combined analysis, joining the present results with those previously reported in a series of 1334 BC Spanish patients and controls, we found a statistically significant association between Loss of Function (LoF) variants in RECQL5 and BC risk, with an OR of 2.56 (p = 0.009; 95% CI, 1.18-4.98). Our findings support our previous work and places the RECQL5 gene as a new moderate-risk BC gene.A.O. is partially funded by FIS PI19/00640 supported by FEDER funds and the Spanish Network on Rare Diseases (CIBERER). M.d.l.H. is partially funded by FIS PI20/00110 supported by FEDER funds.S

    Guía de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de los pacientes mayores de 15 años diabetes mellitus tipo 1

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    La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es una enfermedad que suele aparecer tempranamente, implicando que los pacientes convivan con ella por muchos años. Del adecuado control clínico que se logre, dependerán los resultados y como se trata de una condición con potenciales complicaciones serias, es imperativo tener claridad sobre su diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento para minimizar impacto en morbilidad, calidad de vida y mortalidad.Pacientes mayores de 15 añoshttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0960-9480https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1982-6799https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9013-5384N/

    First Colombian Multicentric Newborn Screening for Congenital Toxoplasmosis

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    Congenital toxoplasmosis can result in permanent sequel as blindness or neurological damage in children and it seems to be more severe in South America than in other continents. There is a lack of information about this frequency in Colombia, where no control program is established, although it is a recognized cause of potentially preventable congenital blindness. We propose the first Colombian multicentric study to determine the frequency and impact of congenital toxoplasmosis. More than 15,000 newborns in seven cities were studied. Newborns were tested at birth by doing a cord blood test for toxoplasmosis. Additionally, children from mothers with history of toxoplasmosis acquired during pregnancy were recalled for a follow-up. The program identified fifteen children otherwise undiagnosed; three of these children died as consequence of congenital toxoplasmosis. The frequency of the congenital infection varied significantly between cities, being higher in Armenia and Florencia, intermediate in Bogota, Bucaramanga and Barranquilla and very low in western cities such as Cucuta and Riohacha. For the first time a significant correlation was found between mean rainfall at the city and the incidence of this congenital infection