43 research outputs found

    "Sin territorio no hay vida": luchas y resistencias en micoahumado sur de Bolívar

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    Many communities in Latin America have been characterized by their fighting spirit in search of the construction of a sovereign and independent territory where people can live with dignity. This is the case of the surrounding communities of San Lucas mountain range, in southern Bolívar (Colombia). Their struggles and resistances have been, on the one hand, against armed groups and on the other hand, against the so-called "development", which is proposed by multinational mining companies and the State itself. A development, which does not know the territorial sovereignty that the communities have to decide about their future.Muchas comunidades en América Latina, se han caracterizado por su espíritu de lucha en busca de la construcción de un territorio soberano y autónomo en el que se pueda vivir dignamente. Este es el caso de las poblaciones aledañas a la Serranía de San Lucas, Sur de Bolivar (Colombia), sus luchas y resistencias han sido, por un lado, contra los grupos armados y por otro, contra el llamado "desarrollo" que proponen las multinacionales mineras y el mismo Estado. Un desarrollo que desconoce la soberanía territorial que tienen las comunidades para decidir sobre su futuro

    “Sin Territorio No Hay Vida”: Luchas y Resistencias en Micoahumado Sur de Bolívar.

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    Many communities in Latin America have been characterized by their fighting spirit in search of the construction of a sovereign and autonomous territory in which they can live with dignity. This is the case of the towns surrounding the Serranía de San Lucas, South of Bolivar (Colombia), their struggles and resistance have been, on the one hand, against the armed groups and on the other, against the so-called "development" proposed by the multinational mining companies and the same State. A development that ignores the territorial sovereignty that communities have to decide on their futureMuchas comunidades en América Latina, se han caracterizado por su espíritu de lucha en busca de la construcción de un territorio soberano y autónomo en el que se pueda vivir dignamente. Este es el caso de las poblaciones aledañas a la Serranía de San Lucas, Sur de Bolivar (Colombia), sus luchas y resistencias han sido, por un lado, contra los grupos armados y por otro, contra el llamado “desarrollo” que proponen las multinacionales mineras y el mismo Estado. Un desarrollo que desconoce la soberanía territorial que tienen las comunidades para decidir sobre su futuro

    Kuenm: An R package for detailed development of ecological niche models using Maxent

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Background Ecological niche modeling is a set of analytical tools with applications in diverse disciplines, yet creating these models rigorously is now a challenging task. The calibration phase of these models is critical, but despite recent attempts at providing tools for performing this step, adequate detail is still missing. Here, we present the kuenm R package, a new set of tools for performing detailed development of ecological niche models using the platform Maxent in a reproducible way. Results This package takes advantage of the versatility of R and Maxent to enable detailed model calibration and selection, final model creation and evaluation, and extrapolation risk analysis. Best parameters for modeling are selected considering (1) statistical significance, (2) predictive power, and (3) model complexity. For final models, we enable multiple parameter sets and model transfers, making processing simpler. Users can also evaluate extrapolation risk in model transfers via mobility-oriented parity (MOP) metric. Discussion Use of this package allows robust processes of model calibration, facilitating creation of final models based on model significance, performance, and simplicity. Model transfers to multiple scenarios, also facilitated in this package, significantly reduce time invested in performing these tasks. Finally, efficient assessments of strict-extrapolation risks in model transfers via the MOP and MESS metrics help to prevent overinterpretation in model outcomes.PAPIIT UNAM IN116018CONACyT-FORDECyT 27364

    Virtual screening of new targets and inhibitors for Candida albicans infection control

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    Infection by Candida albicans fungus is considered of biomedical interest, producing significant mortality and comorbidity. The development of pathogen resistance during pharmacological treatments is increasing, thus, the pursuit for new inhibitors is necessary. Virtual screening is one of the bioinformatics tools used for the search of new drugs, and potential targets for disease management. The aim of the present study was to analyze a library of potential targets, and to identify suppressors for C. albicans using virtual screening. 50 protein targets with restraining potential were examined, choosing GPI-Anchored hemophore PGA10 protein (RBT5) as the target, since it is involved in C. albicans survival and nutrients acquisition. Meanwhile, through the implementation of AutoDock Vina and PyRx software, the molecular affinity of 25 molecules available in ZINC15 database was analyzed, obtaining favorable results for the following compounds: ZINC000000065058, ZINC000000065374 and ZINC000000072389, displaying affinity with the same region of the target protein. These results provide a potential target for the development of novel suppressors, as well as guidelines for three new drugs that could aid in C. albicans suppressio

    Detención preventiva, Delitos sexuales con menores y Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos

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    Colombia como un Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho debe propender porque los derechos de sus ciudadanos se materialicen en un compendio de normas que desde la perspectiva de las internacionales no sean contrarias de aquellos estándares del Bloque de Constitucionalidad. Al realizarse un estudio y revisión de la prohibición taxativa frente a medidas de aseguramiento en el delito de acceso carnal abusivo con menor de 14 años y el numeral 01 del Artículo 199 de la Ley 1098 de 2006 Código de Infancia y Adolescencia, se encuentra que ello se puede resolver mediante el control de convencionalidad de los jueces de la República con los estándares del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, como la forma adecuada y el punto de partida desde la legislación interna y los compromisos internacionales que Colombia ha adquirido en ese sentido, esto sin dejar a un lado principios como legalidad, derecho de defensa y presunción de inocencia, con la residualidad frente a las medidas de aseguramiento que restringen la libertad de los procesados, con lo cual se avanza en el campo de la crítica a la normatividad ya que, se realiza una propuesta de adición legislativa que reviste el cumplimiento de estos aspectos y/o la manera de solución de los mismos, aportando a la aplicabilidad del derecho procesal penal en sentido menos objetivo y más humano.Universidad Libre - Facultad de Derecho- Maestría en Derecho PenalColombia as a Social and Democratic must ensure that the rights of its citizens are materialized in a set of rules that seen in the light of international standards are not contrary to those standards of the Constitutional Block. When a study and review of the prohibition of the prohibition against security measures in the crime of abusive carnal access with a minor under 14 years of age numeral 01 of Article 199 of Law 1098 of 2006 Childhood and Adolescence Code, it is found that this can be resolved through the control of conventionality of the judges of the Republic with the standards of Inter American Human Rights System, as the appropriate way and starting point from the domestic legislation and international commitments that Colombia has acquired in this regard, This without leaving aside principles such as legality, presumption of innocence and the right to defense, with natural residual of the security measures that restrict the liberty of the accused, in this point Colombia takes advance in the field of criticism of the regulations, so Colombia's authorities make a proposal of legislative addition that reviews the compliance of these aspects and/or the way to solve these kinds of problems, contributing to the applicability of criminal procedural law in a less objective and more humane sense

    Adopción de la norma NIIF (NIC 41) activos biológicos de las empresas dedicadas a la cría de ganado bovino del Bajo Cauca Antioqueño

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    Cartilla que refleja los productos de un proceso investigativo realizado desde el grupo Sennova sobre el grado de implementación de la norma NIIF (NIC41) en empresas ganaderas dedicadas a la cría de ganado bovino del bajo cauca Antioqueño, cuyo eje principal es realizar un modelo de implementación de la norma NIC41 la cual es esencial para el sector ganadero en tanto ayuda a identificar el estado actual de los procesos para establecer procesos de mejora mediante el reconocimiento de los activos e inventario biológicos . La cartilla incluye el mapa de procesos estándar, diagrama de flujo del proceso con enfoque NIIF (NIC41) y procedimiento con las actividades para la adopción de la norma NIIF (NIC 41) en la cría de ganado bovino.Booklet that reflects the products of an investigative process carried out by the Sennova group on the degree of implementation of the IFRS standard (IAS41) in livestock companies dedicated to raising cattle in the lower Antioqueño cauca, whose main axis is to make an implementation model of the IAS41 standard, which is essential for the livestock sector as it helps to identify the current state of the processes to establish improvement processes through the recognition of biological assets and inventory. The booklet includes the standard process map, a process flow diagram with an IFRS approach (IAS41) and a procedure with the activities for the adoption of the IFRS standard (IAS 41) in cattle raising.Elementos que integran el procedimiento -- Procedimiento -- Mapa de procesos empresas dedicadas a la cría de ganado bovino -- Diagrama de flujo de proceso para adopción de la norma NIIF (NIC 41) -- Actividades para la adopción de la norma NIIF (NIC 41) en la cría de ganado bovinona30 página

    Síndrome de moya-moya y falciformia. Reporte de un caso

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    Moya-Moya Disease is a progressive occlusive vascular, non-inflammatory, non-atherosclerotic, which affects the large vessels of the circle of Willis. In this article we report a case of Moya-Moya syndrome associated with Sickle Cell Anemia, who had transient ischemic attacks often the diagnosis is based on the patient’s clinical and angiographic findings was revascularized by encefalomiosinangiosis, process by which greatly improves their quality of life and cease the occurrence of transient ischemic attacks. We conclude that it is a case of Moya-Moya Syndrome since the patient had concomitant Sickle Cell DiseaseLa Enfermedad de Moya-Moya es una vasculopatía oclusiva progresiva, no inflamatoria, no ateroesclerótica, que afecta los grandes vasos del polígono de Willis. En el presente artículo se reporta un caso de un síndrome de Moya- Moya asociado a Anemia de Células Falciformes, quien presentaba ataques isquémicos transitorios con frecuencia, el diagnostico se basa en la clínica del paciente y los hallazgos angiográficos, fue revascularizado mediante encefalomiosinangiosis, procedimiento con el cual mejora notablemente su calidad de vida y cesa la aparición de ataques isquémicos transitorios. Se concluye que se trata de un caso de síndrome de Moya-Moya dado que concomitantemente este paciente presentó Enfermedad de Células Falciformes. (DUAZARY 2012 No. 2, 176 - 180)

    Metabolismo de glúcidos y proteínas en Tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp.) tras la ingesta de alimento en salinidades de 0, 10 y 20 ppt

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    The objective of this research was to determine the variation of glucose and amino acid levels in blood and glycogen levels in tissue (liver and brain) of red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) after food intake in salinity from 0(T1 ),10(T2), and 20ppt(T3). Six experimental tanks (TE) were established for each salt concentration. Fish were anesthetized using MS-222. To evaluate glucose and amino acids in plasma, 1 mL of blood was taken from the caudal vein and tissue samples were taken to evaluate glycogen from 0 hours to 20 hours, with an interval of 4 hours between sampling (1TE=4 hours). The results show a significant increase in postprandial glycemia in the three treatments, which remain constant until 20 hours after the end of the experiment. In general, it is observed a increase in plasma glucose level in cultured fish at T 2 and T3 with respect to T 1, at times of zero and four hours. On the other hand, amino acid levels increase significantly up to 8 hours in the three treatments,T3 being the one with the greatest significant increase with respect to T1 and T2. Similarly, in liver and brain glycogen levels show a growing trend of concentrations after 4 hours, in the three treatments. Likewise , the maximum concentration of tissue glycogen is observed after 20 hours postprandial .Therefore , these results suggest that fish cultured at 20 ppt  El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en determinar la variación de los niveles de glucosa y aminoácidos en sangre y los niveles de glucógeno en tejido (hígado y cerebro) de Tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp .) tras la ingesta de alimento en salinidad desde 0(T1), 10(T2) y 20ppt(T3). Se establecieron seis tanques experimentales (TE) por cada concentración salina. Los peces fueron anestesiados usando MS -222. Para evaluar glucosa y aminoácidos en plasma se tomó 1mL de sangre de la vena caudal y se tomaron muestras de tejido para evaluar glucógeno desde las 0 horas hasta las 20 horas, con un intervalo de 4 horas entre muestreo (1TE=4horas). Los resultados muestran incremento significativo de la glucemia postprandial , en los tres tratamientos , que permanecen constante hasta las 20 horas de finalización del experimento . De manera general , se observa un incremento del nivel de glucosa plasmática en los peces cultivados en T 2yT3 con respecto aT 1, en tiempos de cero y cuatro horas. Por otro lado, los niveles de aminoácidos incrementan significativamente hasta las 8 horas en los tres tratamientos, siendo T3 el que presenta mayor incremento significativo con respecto a T1 y T2. Igualmente, en hígado y cerebro los niveles de glucógeno presentan tendencia creciente de las concentraciones a partir de las 4 horas, en los tres tratamientos . Asimismo , se observa la máxima concentración de glucógeno tisular tras las 20 horas postprandial . Por tanto , estos resultados sugieren que los peces cultivados en 20 ppt

    Teleagro: iot applications for the georeferencing and detection of zeal in cattle

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    The loss of reproductive efficiency of animals and cattle rustling have become one of the main concerns of farmers. The decrease in reproductive efficiency is mainly due to the low percentage in heat detection. Reproductive efficiency is commonly measured by the interval between births, which affects the daily milk production of the cow during its productive life and the income associated with the sale of milk from its production, conditioning the profitability of the farmers. The zeal for its part consists of the theft of bovine cattle that usually is used for its commercialization, bringing considerable losses. According to figures from the Observatory of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law of the Fundacion Colombia Ganadera, Fundagán, only during 2014 there were 164 cases of cattle rustling, resulting in the loss of 3,798 cattle throughout the country, which represents a loss for the producers of 15 billion of Colombian money. This project proposes the development of a technological platform that combines hardware, software and communications systems of the latest technology and with open standards to provide an economic and reliable solution to the Colombian and Latin American livestock industry. In Colombia, there is a history of products and prototypes that have been developed to alleviate this problem, no platforms of similar benefits have been found that are accessible to farmers in the country. In this article, the different stages developed to obtain a validated prototype with the beneficiary entity and their respective results are socialized