317 research outputs found

    Notes on Leaf and Stem Anatomy of Thlaspi Sensu Lato

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    DergiPark: 762509trkjnatBu çalışmada, 9'u Türkiye için endemik olan 19 Thlaspi sensu lato taksonunun yaprak ve gövde anatomik karakterleri, taksonlar arasındaki taksonomik ilişkileri belirleme amacıyla tanımlanmıştır. Tüm taksonların anatomik karakterleri belirlendi ve kümeleme analizi ve temel bileşen analizi kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Yaprakların ve gövdelerin enine kesitleri epidermal hücre ve mezofil tabakalarının yapıları, vasküler demetlerin sayısı ve boyutu, korteks ve endodermisin kalınlığı açısından çeşitli teşhis karakterleri gösterdi. Ayrıca, adaksiyal ve abaksiyal yüzeylerde stomaların sayı, boyut ve indeksinde ve epidermal hücre duvarı yapılarında önemli farklılıklar saptandı. Bu sonuçlar taksonlar arasındaki karşılaştırılmış anatomik özelliklerin Türkiye Florası ve Doğu Ege Adaları'ndaki geleneksel sıralamasındaki seksiyon sınırlamaları ile kısmen uyumlu olduğunu göstermektedir. Elde edilen veriler ayrıca bazı taksonomik yeniden düzenlemelerin gerekli olabileceğine işaret etmektedir. In this study, anatomical characteristics of leaves and stems of 19 taxa of Thlaspi sensu lato, 9 of which are endemic to Turkey, were investigated in order to determine taxonomic relationships among the studied taxa. The anatomical characteristics of all taxa were determined and assessed using the cluster analysis and the principal component analysis. The transverse sections of the leaves and stems exhibited various diagnostic characters in terms of the pattern of epidermal cell and mesophyll layers, the number and size of vascular bundles, and the thickness of the cortex and endodermis. Important differences were detected in number, size, and index of stomata, and in epidermal cell wall structures in the adaxial and abaxial surfaces. The results showed that the compared anatomical characteristics among taxa are partially compatible with their sectional delimitation in their traditional rank in The Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. The results also point out that some taxonomic re-arrangements may be required.

    Occupational Health and Safety in Turkey: Problems And Solutions

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    Since the 1980's, the rate of foreign investments by multi-national companies have been increasing very fast, the structure and percentage of sectors have been changing dramatically causing more occupational health and safety problems than ever before in Turkey. Industrialized nations transfer their old and more risky factory equipments, materials and more risky jobs such as mining to new industrializing countries; thus, industrializing countries such as Turkey have been facing serious occupational health and safety problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze occupational health and safety problems in Turkey by using current statistics and give suggestions to minimize the severe effects of occupational accidents

    Valor predictivo de los test preoperatorios para estimar la intubación difícil en pacientes sometidos a la laringoscopia directa para la cirugía de oído, nariz y garganta

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    ResumenJustificación y objetivosEl valor predictivo de los test preoperatorios para estimar la intubación difícil puede ser diferente en afecciones laríngeas. Se hizo una revisión de las historias clínicas de los pacientes sometidos a laringoscopia directa y una investigación del valor predictivo de los exámenes preoperatorios para estimar la intubación difícil.MétodosSelección de historias clínicas de los períodos preoperatorio e intraoperatorio y del sistema informatizado del hospital.ResultadosSe evaluaron 2.611 pacientes. En un 7,4% se detectaron intubaciones difíciles. Las intubaciones difíciles fueron constatadas en pacientes con una puntuación de Mallampati (escala de Mallampati [EM]) clase 4 (50%); clasificación de Cormack-Lehane grado 4 (95,7%); conocimiento previo de la vía aérea difícil (86,2%); restricción de la amplitud de movimientos del cuello (amplitud de movimientos cervical) (75,8%); distancia tiromentoniana corta (81,6%); y masa en las cuerdas vocales (849,5%) (p<0,0001). La EM tuvo una sensibilidad baja, mientras que la amplitud de movimientos cervical, tuvo la presencia de masa en las cuerdas vocales, distancia tiromentoniana corta y EM con un valor predictivo positivo relativamente mayor. La incidencia de intubaciones difíciles se incrementó 6.159 y 1.736 veces en cada nivel de aumento de los grados de la clasificación de Cormack-Lehane y de la clase de la EM, respectivamente. Cuando todos los test fueron considerados en su conjunto, la intubación difícil pudo ser clasificada con exactitud en un 96,3% de los casos.ConclusiónLos resultados de los test que prevén intubaciones difíciles en casos con laringoscopia directa coincidieron claramente con los resultados previstos en la literatura para las poblaciones de pacientes en general. Las diferencias en algunos resultados de los test, cuando se les comparó con los de la población en general, pueden ser debidas a las condiciones patológicas subyacentes de la laringe en las poblaciones de pacientes con intubación difícil.AbstractBackground and objectivesPredictive value of preoperative tests in estimating difficult intubation may differ in the laryngeal pathologies. Patients who had undergone direct laryngoscopy were reviewed, and predictive value of preoperative tests in estimating difficult intubation was investigated.MethodsPreoperative, and intraoperative anesthesia record forms, and computerized system of the hospital were screened.ResultsA total of 2.611 patients were assessed. In 7.4% of the patients, difficult intubations were detected. Difficult intubations were encountered in some of the patients with Mallampati scoring (MS) system class 4 (50%), Cormack–Lehane classification grade 4 (95.7%), previous knowledge of difficult airway (86.2%), restricted neck movements (cervical range of motion) (75.8%), short thyromental distance (81.6%), vocal cord mass (849.5%) as indicated in parentheses (P<.0001). MS had a low sensitivity, while restricted cervical range of motion, presence of a vocal cord mass, short thyromental distance, and MS each had a relatively higher positive predictive value. Incidence of difficult intubations increased 6.159 and 1.736-fold with each level of increase in Cormack–Lehane classification grade and MS class, respectively. When all tests were considered in combination difficult intubation could be classified accurately in 96.3% of the cases.ConclusionTest results predicting difficult intubations in cases with direct laryngoscopy had observedly overlapped with the results provided in the literature for the patient populations in general. Differences in some test results when compared with those of the general population might stem from the concomitant underlying laryngeal pathological conditions in patient populations with difficult intubation

    Comparison of Clinical and Hemodynamic Effects of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Calves

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    Background: Inhalation anesthesia is the preferred method for use on many animal species, including ruminants, due to its superiority over the injectable anesthetics. The most commonly used inhalation anesthetics are isoflurane and sevoflurane The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia on the cardiovascular system of calves.Materials, Methods &amp; Results: A total of 20 calves (11 male, 9 female) between 1 and 6 months in age and 50 to 85 kg in body weight were used. The calves were divided randomly into two groups of 10 each, with one group being administered isoflurane and the other sevoflurane. An intramuscular dosage of 0.1 mg/kg of xylazine was administered to the calves as premedication. Induction was performed 10 min after calves were given an intramuscular dosage of 4 mg/kg of ketamine. Inhalation anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane or sevoflurane in 100% oxygen saturation. Before anesthesia, after induction and at intervals of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, and 60 min of anesthesia, the body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate of the calves were recorded. Additionally, before anesthesia, after induction and at intervals of 15, 30, 45, and 60 min of anesthesia, serum electrolyte (Na+, Ca++, K+, Mg++) and blood gases (pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO3-, TCO2, O2Sat, HCT) were evaluated from blood samples taken from both groups. The second derivation, durations and amplitudes of the P and T waves, the durations and amplitudes of the QRS complex, and the durations of PQ and QT intervals were evaluated on the ECGs recorded before anesthesia, after induction and during anesthesia. Following anesthesia termination, the extubation time and the time it took for straightening of the head and standing up were recorded. Decrease in heart rate and body temperature were found significant in two of the groups. Decrease in respiratory rate compared to initial values after premedication was statistically significant for both groups. However, during anesthesia, an increase occurred. This incresae in respiration rate was not statistically significant compared to initial values. The incease in the values of pCO2, pO2, HCO3 and the decrease in the values of pH and Hct comparing the initial values was found statistically significant in both groups.Discussion: In ruminants, isoflurane has an induction concentration of 3-5% and an anesthetic concentration of 1.5-3%, while sevoflurane has an induction concentration of 4-6% and an anesthetic concentration of 2.5-4%. In this study, the concentration of isoflurane was 2.3% (2-5) and the of sevoflurane was 4.07% (3-5) for surgery. In the isoflurane group, extubation, straightening of the head and standing up times were 12.40 ± 3.77 min, 20.4 ± 1.57 min, and 30.80 ± 1.89 min, respectively. In the sevoflurane group, extubation, straightening of the head and standing up times were 13.40 ± 4.99, 19.2 ± 1.49, and 28.0 ± 1.83 min, respectively. Although the calves in the isoflurane group were extubated earlier than those of the sevoflurane group, the time elapsed for straightening of the head and standing up were longer than that of the sevoflurane group. The anesthesia protocol provided a smooth anesthetic administration, general anesthesia and awakening. In conclusion, the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia on the cardiovascular and respiratory system were similar, and although the changes that emerged during anesthesia were statistically significant, it was nonetheless found that the changes were within the physiological limits

    Öğrencilerin ortaöğretim kurumu tercihinde okullarla ilgili faktörlerin etkisi

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    It is studied that to determine the school related factors which affects the students&rsquo; choices of the high school, according to the type of the schools. This is a survey study. The participants are 523&nbsp; 9 th grade students in 21 secondary schools in Adapazarı. SPSS is used for analyzing data. Kay-Kare Test is used to determine the demografic differences due to the type of the school. To analyze the data for the school related factors, Kruskal Wallis is used. As a result, it is expressed that in the choices of the schools, similar factors are important. On the other hand, the most important factors are; the fame of the school due to its succesful education, the easiness of entering the university after completing the school and the teachers of the school, who are talented and famous with their successBu araştırma ile &ouml;ğrencilerin orta &ouml;ğretim kurumu tercihlerinde etkili olan okullarla ilgili fakt&ouml;rler incelenmiştir. Bu ama&ccedil;la Adapazarı&rsquo;nda 21 orta&ouml;ğretim kurumundaki 9. sınıf &ouml;ğrencilerinden 523 kişi ile anket &ccedil;alışması yapılmıştır. Veriler SPSS paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Okul t&uuml;r&uuml;ne g&ouml;re demografik farklılıkları belirlemek i&ccedil;in iki değişkenli Kay-Kare testi kullanılmıştır. Okul tercihine etki eden okullara ait fakt&ouml;rlerle ilgili verilerin analizi i&ccedil;in Kruskal Wallis kullanılmıştır. Yapılan &ccedil;alışma sonucunda okul tercihinde t&uuml;m okul t&uuml;rlerine g&ouml;re benzer fakt&ouml;rlerin etkisi olduğu, en etkili fakt&ouml;rlerin okulun &ccedil;evrede iyi eğitim veren başarılı bir okul olarak tanınmış olması, bu okuldan mezun olmanın &uuml;niversiteye girişte sağladığı kolaylık (ek puan, sınavsız ge&ccedil;iş hakkı gibi.) ve okulun &ouml;ğretmen kadrosunun deneyimli ve tanınmış &ouml;ğretmenlerden oluşması olduğu saptanmıştı

    Regulation of growth and some key physiological processes in salt-stressed maize (Zea mays L.) plants by exogenous application of asparagine and glycerol

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    Maize seedlings were subjected to concentrations of 0 and 100mM of NaCl in Hoagland’s nutrient solution medium in plastic pots containing perlite. Two levels of asparagine (5 and 10 mM) and glycerol (20 and 40 mM) were sprayed onto the leaves of maize seedlings 10 days after germination. Saline stress caused considerable decline in total dry mass, chlorophyll content and relativewater content in the maize plants. It increased the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and polyphenol oxidase as well as electrolyte leakage, but did not alter the activity of non-specific peroxidise. Foliar application of asparagine or glycerol was found to be effective in checking shoot growth inhibition under NaCl stress. Exogenously applied asparagine or glycerol reduced superoxide dismutase, non-specific peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activities in salt-stressed maize plants compared to those not treated with these organic compounds. Salinity increased Na+ contents but reduced those of K+, Ca2+ and P in the roots of the used genotype of maize. Foliar application of asparagine or glycerol increased the contents of K+, Ca2+ and P, but it reduced that of Na+ in salt-stressed maize plants as compared to those of the salt-stressed plants not supplied with glycerol or asparagine. Glycerol was more effective than asparagine in improving salinity tolerance of maize plants in terms of growth and physiological attributes measured in the present study

    False-Positive Laryngeal FDG Uptake During PET/CT Imaging: Reinke’s Edema

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    Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) is frequently used for diagnosing, staging, and following-up various malignancy types because it provides information on the site and metabolic activity of the tumor. Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake by the normal laryngeal tissue is symmetric and low, whereas that under some non-malignant conditions of the larynx, such as vocal cord paralysis and Teflon granuloma, is asymmetrically increased. We reported the first case of histologically proven Reinke’s edema causing false-positive laryngeal FDG uptake on PET/CT imaging. A clinician must be aware of these rare benign lesions in the case of increased FDG uptake, and histopathological investigation is mandatory to rule out malignancy for suspicious cases

    Montelukast jest skutecznym lekiem w zapobieganiu zespołowi hiperstymulacji jajników: badania eksperymentalne

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    Objectives: To determine the efficacy of montelukast in comparison with cabergoline in the prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in rats. Material and methods: An experimental OHSS model was formed in 35 female Wistar rats. Rats (22 days old) were randomized into 5 groups, each containing 7 animals. The control group received no therapy; the mild OHSS group was administered pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) 10 IU for 4 days, hCG 10 IU on the 5th day; the severe OHSS group received PMSG 10 IU for 4 days, hCG 30 IU on the 5th day. The montelukast group: received montelukast 10 mg/kg/day and the cabergoline group was administered cabergoline 100μg/kg/day via oral gavage for 6 days (days 22–27), in addition to those of severe OHSS. All groups were sacrificed on 28th day. Body weight, ovarian diameter and weight, vascular permeability, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), semiquantitative VEGF receptor-1, and VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) immunohistochemistry were evaluated. Results: Ovarian diameter and VEGF expression were significantly lower in the montelukast and cabergoline groups than in the severe OHSS group. While montelukast was more effective in limiting vascular permeability in the severe OHSS, cabergoline was superior to montelukast with respect to the limiting effect on increased body weight and VEGFR-2 expression. Conclusions: The VEGF/VEGFR-2 interaction plays an important role in OHSS pathogenesis. Montelukast limits VEGF expression, and cabergoline reduces both VEGF and VEGFR-2 expressions; they are both effective therapies for the prevention of severe OHSS.Cel: Ocena skuteczności montelukastu w porównaniu z kabergoliną w zapobieganiu zespołowi hiperstymulacji jajników (OHSS) u szczurów. Materiał i metoda: Model doświadczalny OHSS stanowiło 35szczurów rasy Wistar, płci żeńskiej. Szczury (22 dniowe) podzielono na 5 grup, każda zawierająca 7 zwierząt. Grupa kontrolna nie otrzymała żadnej terapii. Grupa z łagodnym OHSS otrzymała gonadotropinę z surowicy ciężarnych klaczy (PMSG) w ilości 10IU przez 4 dni, hCG 10IU w 5 dniu, grupa z ciężkim OHSS otrzymała PMSG 10IU przez 4 dni, hCG 30IU w 5 dniu. Grupa z montelukastem otrzymała montelukast w dawce 10mg/kg/dzień a grupa z kabergoliną otrzymała kabergolinę 100μg/kg/dzień przez doustny zgłębnik przez 6 dni (dni 22-27). Wszystkie zwierzęta zabito w 28 dniu. Oceniono masę ciała, wymiar i wagę jajników, przepuszczalność naczyń, czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka naczyń (VEGF) oraz w immunohistochemii półilościowo receptor – 1 VEGF i receptor-2 VEGF. Wyniki: Wymiar jajnika oraz ekspresja VEGF były istotnie niższe w grupach z monelukastem i kabergoliną niż w grupie z ciężkim OHSS. Podczas gdy montelukast był bardziej skuteczny w ograniczaniu przepuszczalności śródbłonków w ciężkim OHSS, to kabergolina okazała się lepsza od montelukastu po uwzględnieniu ograniczającego efektu zwiększonej masy ciała i ekspresji VEGFR-2. Wnioski: Wzajemne oddziaływanie VEGF/VEGFR-2 odgrywa istotną role w patogenezie OHSS. Montelukast ogranicza ekspresję VEGF, a kabergolina zmniejsza zarówno ekspresję VEGF jak i VEGFR-2; obie terapie są skuteczne w zapobieganiu ciężkiemu OHSS