40 research outputs found

    Tutela judicial efectiva con el artículo 121 del código general del proceso en aplicación a la sentencia C-443 de 2019

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    La tutela judicial efectiva como un derecho fundamental, debe estar de la mano e inmerso para el correcto acceso a la administración de justicia, por medio del cual las personas pueden acceder a resolver sus conflictos en el marco de la justicia y en cabeza del juez competente. Entrando con una mirada desde el juez que conoció el asunto, el proceso o el caso concreto, es el juez quien lleva a feliz término el proceso profiriendo la correspondiente sentencia. Es importante resaltar que la tutela judicial efectiva parte del principio del debido proceso, en el que el juez no puede estar sujeto a un término perentorio sin desbordar al absurdo en el tiempo que puede durar el proceso, para que así pueda decidir en derecho en el marco del proceso luego de haber realizado un análisis desde el inicio y ha adquirido un conocimiento previo, para que este no se desdibuje al perder competencia y sea entonces, otro juez, que no es el que conoció el asunto, quien deba decidirlo en un lapso de tiempo inferior al que tuvo el primer juez.Universidad Libre - Facultad de Derecho - Especialización en Derecho ProcesalEffective judicial protection as a fundamental right, must be hand in hand and immersed for the correct access to the administration of justice, through which people can agree to resolve their conflicts within the framework of justice and at the head of the competent judge. Entering with a glance from the judge who heard the matter, the process or the specific case, it is the judge who brings the process to a successful conclusion by issuing the corresponding sentence. It is important to highlight that effective judicial protection is based on the principle of due process, in which the judge cannot be subject to a peremptory term without overflowing the absurd in the time that the process can last, so that he can decide in law in the framework of the process after having carried out an analysis from the beginning and has acquired prior knowledge, so that this is not blurred when competition is lost and it is then, another judge, who is not the one who heard the matter, who must decide it in a period of time less time than the first judge had

    Alternativas de Educación Ambiental en torno al recurso hídrico y manejo del agua a través de un análisis de política pública de gestión ambiental en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga (2000-2014).

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    El propósito de esta investigación es el de contribuir a la consolidación de estrategias de Educación Ambiental a partir de la gestión del recurso hídrico como aspecto que contribuye al desarrollo urbano.The purpose of this research it is to contribute to the consolidation of environmental education strategies that lead to a culture of change and environmental awareness, which in turn shows openness to citizen participation

    Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the anxiety control questionnaire-revised in pregnant women

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    Anxiety disorders are very frequent during pregnancy. Anxiety control is a generalized psychological vulnerability for its development. The aim of this study is to explore the psychometric properties of the Anxiety Control Questionnaire Revised (ACQ-R) in Spanish pregnant women. 275 women responded to measures of anxiety, depression, affect, and quality of life. The original three-factor solution of the ACQ-R (emotional, threat, and stress control) was replicated by confirmatory analysis. The model fit improved when item 15 was changed from the emotional to the stress scale. Significant associations between ACQ-R scores and depression, anxiety, affect, and quality of life were found. During pregnancy, the measurement of risk factors for the development of anxiety disorders is needed. The ACQ-R is a short and valid instrument that assesses anxiety control perception during pregnancy, which can be a mechanism underlying anxiety progression, and hence a potential target for treatment

    Developing a smartphone app based on the unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: a qualitative analysis of users and professionals' perspectives

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    Emotional Disorders have become the most prevalent mental disorders in the world. In relation to their high prevalence, mental health care from public health services faces major challenges. Consequently, finding solutions to deliver cost-effective evidence-based treatments has become a main goal of today's clinical psychology. Smartphone apps for mental health have emerged as a potential tool to deal with it. However, despite their effectiveness and advantages, several studies suggest the need to involve patients and professionals in the design of these apps from the first stage of the development process. Thus, this study aimed to identify, from both a group of users and professionals, the needs, opinions, expectations and design aspects of a future smartphone app based in the Unified Protocol (UP), that will allow to develop the subsequent technical work of the app engineers. Two focus groups were conducted, one with 7 professionals and the other with 9 users, both groups familiar with the UP. A thematic content analysis based in grounded theory was performed in order to define emergent categories of analysis derived from the interview data. The results revealed 8 common topics in both focus groups and 5 specific key topics were identified in the professionals' focus group. Of the total proposals, 93 % of the professionals' and 78 % of the users' are implemented in the preliminary version of the app

    A reduction in pain intensity is more strongly associated with improved physical functioning in frustration tolerant individuals: a longitudinal moderation study in chronic pain patients

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    Objective: the onset and chronification of pain often has devastating consequences on the physical and mental functioning of individuals. Medical interventions are quite efficacious in reducing pain levels. However, changes in physical and mental health status after medical interventions are not proportional. In the past decades, rational/irrational beliefs, especially catastrophizing, have contributed to a better understanding of the pain experience. This study explores whether pain reduction efforts are more beneficial for individuals scoring high in rational thinking (moderation). Methods: the study design was longitudinal. Patients were assessed twice, 2 weeks prior to the start of medical treatment at the pain clinic and 6 months after. A total of 163 patients with heterogeneous pain (mostly low back and neck pain) participated in the study. Their mean age was 58.74 years (SD = 14.28) and 61.3% were female. Results: Overall, there was a reduction in pain intensity (t = 4.25, p < 0.001, d = 0.32). An improvement in physical functioning (t = 4.02, p < 0.001, d = 0.19), but not mental health (t = -0.66, p = 0.511, d = 0.11) was also observed. In the regression analyses, a decrease in pain intensity was moderately associated with improved physical health (beta = 0.87, t = 4.96, p < 0.001, R-2 change = 0.177). This association was found to be moderated by frustration tolerance (beta = -0.49, t = -2.80, p = 0.006, R-2 change = 0.039). Specifically, post hoc analyses indicated that changes in pain intensity only correlated with changes in physical health when patients reported high frustration tolerance levels (r = 0.47, p = 0.006, M = 7, n = 32), but not when patients were intolerant to frustration (r = 0.28, p = 0.078, M = 17, n = 41). Conclusion: the results suggest that frustration tolerance may render adaptive by facilitating the positive effect that a reduction in pain intensity has on physical health status. The study findings are discussed in the context of personalized therapy with an emphasis on how to maximize the effectiveness of current interventions for pain

    Prevention of Emotional Disorders and Symptoms Under Health Conditions: A Pilot Study using the Unified Protocol in a Fertility Unit

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    Emotional Disorders (EDs) are common in women who undergo fertility treatments. The Unified Protocol (UP) is a transdiagnostic intervention that has demonstrated efficacy in preventing EDs under different health conditions. The aim of this pilot study is to: 1) improve emotional dysregulation for the prevention of anxiety and depressive symptoms in women undergoing intrauterine inseminations (IUI); 2) assess their acceptability (e.g., satisfaction and adherence rates). Method: Five women undergoing IUI, with no clinical diagnoses, responded to measures of mood (anxiety and depression), affect, quality of life and emotional dysregulation in the pre- and post-assessments, and at the 1-, 3- and 6-month follow-ups. The UP was adapted to be applied during six face-to-face group sessions lasting 2 h. The COVID-19 pandemic situation implied changing to an online format to end the program. Results: The results showed that women did not develop EDs, and no statistically significant pre-post and pre-follow-up differences were found for anxiety, depression, quality of life and emotional dysregulation (all p > .050). A tendency towards improvement in the post-assessment evaluation was noted. Satisfaction with the format and UP program was high. Conclusions: It would seem that programs focusing on therapeutic common factors like the UP could have an emotional preventive effect during IUI

    Implementation, efficacy and cost effectiveness of the unified protocol in a blended format for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: a study protocol for a multicentre, randomised, superiority controlled trial in the Spanish National Health System

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    INTRODUCTION Emotional disorders (EDs) have become the most prevalent psychological disorders in the general population, which has boosted the economic burden associated with their management. Approximately half of the individuals do not receive adequate treatment. Consequently, finding solutions to deliver cost-effective treatments for EDs has become a key goal of today’s clinical psychology. Blended treatments, a combination of face-to-face and online interventions, have emerged as a potential solution to the previous. The Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of EDs (UP) might serve this purpose, as it can be applied to a variety of disorders simultaneously and its manualised format makes it suitable for blended interventions. METHODS AND ANALYSIS The study is a multicentre, randomised, superiority, clinical trial. Participants will be 310 individuals with a diagnosis of an ED. They will be randomised to a treatment as usual (individual cognitive behavioural therapy) or a UP condition in a blended format (face-to-face individual UP +online, app-based UP). Primary outcomes will be ED diagnostic criteria and depression and anxiety symptoms. Cost efficiency of the intervention, app usability, as well as opinion and confidence in the treatment will also be evaluated. Assessment points will include baseline and 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after UP treatment. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION The study has received approvals by the Ethics Research Committee of Navarra, Castellón, Euskadi, Castilla y León, Extremadura, Lleida and Aragón. The study is currently under an approval process by the Ethics Research Committees of all the remaining collaborating centres. Outcomes will be disseminated through publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at international conference meetings.Funding for the study was provided by the PI20/00697 project integrated in Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2017–2020 and co-funded by the 'ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la investigación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Otra manera de hacer Europa'. Co-funding for this study was also provided by Gobierno de Aragón and FEDER 2014–2020 'Construyendo Europa desde Aragón' (research team: S31_20D). These funding sources had no role in the design of this study and will not have any role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data or decision to submit results

    Modelo de nível de maturidade para processos de empreendedorismo em PMEs colombianas

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    Introduction: This research, conducted in 2017 at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, presents a proposed maturity model applied to entrepreneurial processes in Colombian smes. Aim:&nbsp; to diagnose the entrepreneurial action in these organizations by assessing five factors: entrepreneur profile, economic and financial aspects, market conditions, knowledge creation and dissemination, and ict solutions, and relate them to various maturity levels proposed by the cmmi (Capability Maturity Model Integration) method. Methods: a) Literature referring to entrepreneurship and maturity models is reviewed; b) the main factors for entrepreneurship processes are identified; c) the maturity model is designed; d) the model is validated by means of the Delphi method and expert judgment; e) the statistical analysis of tests results is carried out; and f) conclusions and improvement actions are proposed to increase the maturity level of the “market conditions” factor, which is elaborated throughout the document. Results: The validated maturity model shows an experts’ acceptance percentage of 83.75%, suggesting some improvements to the proposed levels. Conclusion: This model shows the situation of entrepreneurship processes for already incorporated companies and, through its implementation by an expert, intends to create improvement actions and make entrepreneurship a tool for the organization’s economic growth. Limitations: The proposed model has not been tested in an sme and is currently in its conceptual construction. Originality: A similar model has not been established to assess entrepreneurial processes in companies using the cmmi method.Introducción: esta investigación presenta una propuesta de modelo de madurez aplicado a los procesos de emprendimiento en las pymes colombianas, realizada durante el 2017 en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Objetivo formular un diagnóstico de la acción emprendedora en este tipo de organizaciones a través de la evaluación de cinco factores: perfil del emprendedor, aspectos económicos y financieros, condiciones del mercado, creación y difusión del conocimiento y soluciones tic , y relacionarlos con los diferentes niveles de madurez planteados por la metodología cmmi (Capability Maturity Model Integration). Metodología: a) se hace una revisión de la literatura referente a los temas de emprendimiento y modelo de madurez, b) se identifican los principales factores para los procesos de emprendimiento, c) se diseña el modelo de madurez, d) se valida el modelo por medio de la metodología Delphi y juicio de expertos, e) se lleva acabo el análisis estadístico de los resultados de las pruebas realizadas, y f) se plantean las conclusiones y acciones de mejora para incrementar el nivel de madurez del factor “condiciones del mercado”, desarrollado a lo largo del escrito. Resultados: el modelo de madurez validado muestra un porcentaje de aceptación de los expertos del 83,75%, sugiriendo algunas mejoras en los niveles propuestos. Conclusión: este modelo muestra la situación de los procesos de emprendimiento para empresas ya constituidas, y mediante su implementación por un experto pretende generar acciones de mejora y lograr que el emprendimiento sea una herramienta para el crecimiento económico de la organización. Limitaciones: el modelo propuesto no ha sido probado en una pyme y se encuentra hasta este momento en su construcción conceptual. Originalidad: no se ha establecido un modelo similar que evalúe los procesos de emprendimiento en las empresas a través de la metodología CMMI.Introdução: esta pesquisa apresenta uma proposta de modelo de maturidade aplicado aos processos empreendedores das PMEs colombianas, realizado durante 2017 na Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. O objetivo é fazer um diagnóstico da ação empreendedora nesse tipo de organização através da avaliação de cinco fatores: perfil empreendedor, aspectos econômicos e financeiros, condições de mercado, criação e disseminação de conhecimento e soluções de tic ; e relacioná-los a diferentes níveis de maturidade propostos pela metodologia cmmi (Capability Maturity Model Integration). Metodologia: a) faz-se uma revisão da literatura referente ao modelo de empreendedorismo e maturidade, b) identificam-se os principais fatores para os processos de empreendedorismo, c) desenha-se o modelo de maturidade, d) valida-se o modelo por meio da metodologia Delphi e julgamento de especialistas, e) realiza-se a análise estatística dos resultados dos testes aplicados, e f) retiram-se&nbsp; as conclusões e ações de melhoria para aumentar o nível de maturidade do fator “condições de mercado”, desenvolvido ao longo do texto. Resultados: o modelo de maturidade validado mostra uma porcentagem de aceitação dos especialistas de 83,75%, o que sugere algumas melhorias nos níveis propostos. Conclusão: este modelo mostra a situação dos processos de empreendedorismo para empresas já estabelecidas. Através de sua implementação por um especialista, o modelo busca gerar ações de melhoria e tornar o empreendedorismo uma ferramenta para o crescimento econômico da organização. Limitações: o modelo proposto não foi testado em uma PME e atualmente está em sua construção conceitual. Originalidade: nenhum modelo semelhante foi estabelecido para avaliar os processos de empreendedorismo nas empresas por meio da metodologia cmmi

    Ciencias sociales y pandemia: una apuesta por transdisciplinariedad decolonial para superar binarismos

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    In this article, we reflect on inherited hierarchies from modernity/coloniality, as conceptual axes allowing to argue in favor of the transdisciplinarity in social sciences. This approach overcomes dichotomous perspectives and achieves more holistic readings of our reality, aiming at facing societal challenges brought by the pandemic. Drawing on a latinoamericanist, feminist and decolonial perspective, we study what happened during the first months after the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Latin American region. First, we address the hierarchy between the productive and the reproductive, that has been decisive in the course of the pandemic. Then, we will analyze the detachment between humans and nature resulting from a complex setting of socio-environmental causes of the pandemic, which can only be explained by a transdisciplinary approach. Thus, we question the constitutive hierarchy of the current scientific system that gives primacy to modern/colonial reasoning over other knowledges. Furthermore, we examine the political situation in the region, based on the false dichotomy between safeguarding life or rescuing the economy. Finally, we present some preliminary conclusions.En este artículo reflexionamos sobre jerarquías heredadas de la modernidad/colonialidad, como ejes que nos permiten argumentar en favor de la transdisciplinariedad en las ciencias sociales. Este enfoque supera miradas dicotómicas y logra lecturas holísticas de nuestra realidad, con el propósito de enfrentar los retos que nos impone la pandemia. A partir de una perspectiva latinoamericanista, feminista y decolonial estudiamos lo sucedido durante los primeros meses tras la llegada a la región de la COVID-19. En primer lugar, abordamos la jerarquización entre lo productivo y lo reproductivo, que ha sido determinante en el transcurso de la pandemia. Luego, observamos la separación entre lo humano y la naturaleza que ha devenido en la configuración de una serie de causas socioambientales de la pandemia, que solo pueden ser explicadas de manera transdisciplinar. Después cuestionamos la jerarquía constitutiva del sistema científico actual que da primacía a la razón moderna/colonial sobre otros saberes. Además, analizamos la situación política de la región, a partir de la falsa dicotomía entre salvaguardar la vida o rescatar la economía. Finalmente, presentamos algunas conclusiones preliminares de este diálogo de saberes