900 research outputs found

    Ocean Acidification

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    The purpose of the lessons is to teach about ocean acidification, its causes and impacts on marine life especially zooplankton, an essential part of marine food webs. Included in the materials is background information on ocean acidification. There are four different activities included in this document. To do all four you should plan on at least two 45 minute periods. The activities define and explain the process of acidification as well as its impacts on shelled organism. The materials can be adapted and used for grades 5-6 and adding more indepth information makes it suitable for middle and high school students. Educational levels: Middle school, High school

    Differentiating Science from Opinion

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    This small collection of teaching activities and discussion prompts seeks to convey to students the difference between legitimate debate regarding climate change and debate which is meant to sway public opinion to protect lucrative industries. Specific examples are employed to illustrate how various conclusions can be derived. Educational levels: Middle school, High school


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    Vides centrā atrodas cilvēks ar savām kvalitātēm vai patoloģijām, kas kā sabiedrības sastāvdaļa ietekmē Vides kvalitāti. Latvijas valsts nedrīkst būt vienaldzīga, liberāla, ja tās dzīves telpā pēc inerces turpinās bijušās PSRS (kuru ASV prezidents R.Reigans nosauca par “Ļaunuma impēriju”) ideoloģijas kultivētais materiālisms, ekonomikas solutizēšana un cīņa ar “buržuāzisko nacionālismu”

    Two Strokes Diesel Engine Exhaust Valve Stress Analysis Using Ceramic (SI3N4) Coating

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    Katup gas buang merupakan komponen penting pada mesin disel. Katup gas buang berfungsi untuk mengatur aliran gas buang serta menjaga kekedapan pada ruang bakar. Kerusakan pada katup gas buang dapat berakibat fatal pada kinerja mesin disel. Pada penelitian sebelumnya disebutkan ada 4 penyebab terjadinya kerusakan pada katup gas buang yaitu fatigue, temperatur tinggi, erosi-korosi, dan goresan. Pada penelitian tersebut juga ditemukan ada material yang tahan terhadap suhu tinggi (1000C) sampai dengan 10^7 siklus (lebih tinggi dibandingkan material katup gas buang pada umumnya) yaitu keramik (Si3N4). Keramik dapat digunakan sebagai lapisan pada komponen mesin disel. Penggunaan lapisan keramik dapat berdampak pada tegangan yang diterima oleh katup gas buang, sehingga diperlukan pengujian untuk mengetahuinya. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode Finite Element (FE). Pengujian terbagi menjadi 3 kasus beban (mechanical load, thermal load, dan thermo-mechanical load) serta berdasarkan 4 model yaitu katup gas buang tanpa lapisan dan menggunakan lapisan dengan ketebalan 0.3mm, 0.4mm, dan 0.5mm. Hasil akhir menunjukkan adanya peningkatan tegangan pada beban thermo-mechanical di area seat face (lokasi tegangan terbesar) sebesar 1.1% (3.96 MPa) pada katup gas buang dengan ketebalan lapisan sebesar 0.5mm dibandingkan dengan tanpa lapisan (standar). ================================================================= Exhaust valve is an important part of a diesel engine. Exhaust valve used for control of exhaust gas and seal the combustion chamber. Failure on exhaust valve can affect the performance of the engine. On related journal, present cause of exhaust valve failure namely, fatigue, high temperature, erosion-corrosion, and wear. It found that there is a material able to withstand high temperature (1000C) without failure up to 10^7 cycles (more than others common exhaust valve materials) which is ceramic (Si¬3N4). Ceramic can be applied as coating on diesel engine parts (exhaust valve combustion face). Applying ceramic as coating on exhaust valve influence the stress on exhaust valve during operation, therefore simulation test is required. FEM (Finite Element Method) used as test tool. The simulation is divided into 3 different load cases (mechanical, thermal, and thermo-mechanical) and based on 4 models which are non-coated exhaust valve and coated with thickness variation of 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 in mm. The result shown that exhaust valve stress increase with thermo-mechanical load at seat face area (the highest stress occur) by 1.1% (3.96 MPa) on exhaust valve with 0.5 mm coating thickness compared to the non-coated exhaust valve


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    In today’s rapidly changing environment, lifelong learning is becoming an important part of education system. There is no comprehensive strategy or technological support for lifelong learning in the Latvian regions which could upgrade people’s competences and allow them to combine learning with workand family life. It is significant to develop a framework encompassing identification of required competencies, technological support for lifelong learning and make it as part of an ongoing process. The goal of the paper is to create a theoretical framework lifelong learning management technological model and prototype for the Vidzeme region. The focus of the paper is identifying the major steps and elements required to design and incorporate latter mentioned lifelong learning process and particularly adult education perspective supporting technological model in the Vidzeme region. Theoretical framework has been conducted regarding different adult education supporting technological platforms and adult education processing in European Union’s regional context. The paper represents the theoretical preconditions for qualitative development of lifelong learning in the region and presents a technological model prototype which would provide the lifelong learning process with ongoing technological support

    Spatial relationships between natural resources and land use dynamics in the amazonian agricultural frontier

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    The objective of this work was to analyze the relationship between the natural resources (soil, topography and hydrography) and the land use dynamics in an area in eastern Amazonia between 2004 and 2013. The spatial variables used were soil texture, topographic wetness index, slope and drainage distance. We used the method of weights of evidence to observe the relations between the transitions of land use and the spatial variables. In mechanized agriculture and large landholding area, the results show that the behavior of deforestation and pasture transformation responds to the soil texture and topography variables. In the smallholding areas, the relationship with natural resources is different and may be more related to the historical development of the expansion of the valleys towards the plateaux

    The Comparison of Lighting Control Automation Systems of Buildings

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    Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks on põhiliste süsteemide, protokollide ja seadmiste väljaselgitamine, mis töötavad ainult valgustusjuhtimiseks ja selle automatiseerimiseks. Antud süsteemide võrdlus kajastab nende põhiomadusi, tehnilisi omapärasusi ja parimaid kasutamistingimusi valgustusjuhtimiseks hoonetes. Autor jõuab toos järeldusele, et DALI protokollil loodud süsteemid on suuremal määral sobivad valgustamiseks hoonetes kui DMX protokollil loodud süsteemid, mis teenivad rohkem kommertseesmärke ja sobivad hooneväliseks valgustuseks. Töö koosneb neljast põhipeatükist. Esimeses peatükis räägitakse kunstvalgustusest. Antakse lühiülevaadet antud valgustuse eesmärkidest ja selle saavutamise võimalustest. Teine peatükk käsitleb automaatset valgustusjuhtimist. Peatükk jaguneb kaheks alapeatükiks, kus kirjeldatakse valgustuse automaatjuhtimise süsteemide klassifiktsiooni ja valgustuskontrolli komponente. Kolmandass peatükis käsitletakse valgustusjuhtimise süsteeme ja peamisi protokolle, millega on need süsteemid ehitatud. Pärast protokollide kirjeldust on võrdlev analüüs ja põhipunktide kokkuvõtte. Neljandass peatükis on läbi viidud valgustusjuhtimissüsteemidele spetsialiseeriva Osram firma komponentide analüüs. Antud töös on analüüsitud DALI protokolli põhjal ehitatud komponente. Töös on läbi uuritud allikad kunstvalgustusest, valgustusjuhtimise automatiseerimisest, valgustusjuhtimise süsteemidest, protokollidest, mida kasutatakse valgustusjuhtimise süsteemide ehitamiseks ja samuti on läbi viidud komponentide analüüs Osram firma komponentide näitel. Töös on kasutatud illustratiivne materjal uurimuse hõlbustamiseks ja seadmete, süsteemide ja tehnoloogiate tegevuse näitlikustamiseks.Целью данной работы является выявление основных систем, протоколов, устройств, которые работают исключительно для управления освещением и его автоматизации. Сравнение данных систем на предмет основных свойств, технических характеристик и возможности лучшего использования в зданиях для управления освещением. В работе автор приходит к выводу, что системы, построенные на протоколе DALI в большей мере, подходят для освещения помещений в зданиях, нежели системы, которые построены на протоколе DMX, служащие больше коммерческим целям и украшению внешней оболочки самих зданий. Работа состоит из четырех основных глав. В первой главе идет речь об искусственном освещении. Краткий обзор целей данного освещения и способы его достижения. Вторая глава затрагивает тему автоматического управления освещением. Глава разделена на две подглавы, в которых описывается классификация систем автоматического управления освещением и компоненты контроля освещения. В третьей главе описываются системы управления освещением и основные протоколы на которых построены данные системы. После описания протоколов, сделан сравнительный анализ и вывод по основным пунктам. В четвертой главе проведен анализ компонентов фирмы Osram, которая специализируется на производстве систем управления освещением. В данной работе анализируются компоненты, построенные на протоколе DALI. В работе изучены источники, касающиеся искусственного освещения, автоматического управления освещением, системы управления освещением, протоколы, которые используются для построения систем управления освещением, а также проведен анализ компонентов на примере продукции фирмы Osram. В работе используется иллюстративный материал для упрощения понимания и наглядного представления устройств, систем и технологий

    The venereal poison: a historic and genetic analysis of categories of sexually transmitted diseases, 1718-1850

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    During the first half of the eighteenth century, the monolithic term ‘venereal disease’ or lues venerea covered all signs and symptoms of diseases transmitted through sex. In 1766, Francis Balfour – a medical student at the University of Edinburgh – suggested that lues venerea could actually be divided into two separate diseases, each caused by a unique contagion: syphilis and gonorrhoea. This opened a debate that continued for decades, between the monists, who believed that syphilis and gonorrhoea were merely symptoms of the same disease, and the dualists, who believed that the two should be separated. In this thesis, I investigate how the dualist theory was introduced, debated and finally accepted in Britain, particularly London and Edinburgh. Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm shift framework is loosely used as a lens to investigate this process. In the decades prior to 1766, changes in how doctors approached venereal disease lay the necessary foundation for the dualist doctrine. This period also saw a set of crises, both scientific and social; the persistent inability to successfully treat venereal disease, the increase in demand for treatment as patient numbers rose, and an increased perception as syphilis of a moral issue via the Reformation Societies. Immediately after the introduction of the dualist doctrine, those who accepted the new doctrine were all found within the social circle of Balfour. Doctors outside this network did not begin to accept the new theory until the dualists began to produce experimental evidence in their favour, showing the shift in priorities between early and late adopters of a theory from a matter of faith and social trust, to one of hard evidence. The ability to separate gonorrhoea and syphilis, however, was confounded by the inability to define venereal disease. This difficulty is reflected in how lues venerea was represented with anatomical specimens. A comparison of six medical museums in London and Edinburgh shows that specimens emphasised the lesions of disease. This encouraged a flexible approach which prioritised signs and symptoms, rather than through disease categorisation. The difficulty in diagnosing venereal disease is further highlighted by genetic analysis of one of these anatomical specimens, which finds a possible underlying case of nasal infection and food poisoning rather than syphilis. This work demonstrates the importance of shared language and agreed definitions when introducing new scientific theories