382 research outputs found

    “Race”, Space and Social Action: The UK Riots 2011

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    The issues of “race”, place and its connections to traditional and social media have never been so significant. The riots that occurred in the UK in 2011 signalled a watershed moment in locating virtual networks of communication to heterogeneous groups which resulted in autonomous social action. The purpose of this paper is to make intelligible the UK riots and the complexities involved in binding together disparate groups of people together during a key period of social unrest. It seeks to uncover these connections further to elucidate the ways in which old and new technologies help to create virtual and offline enclaves which transcend the confines of “race”, class and gender. The methods that will be used to uncover the multifaceted responses to the riots will be multidisciplinary; it will involve an analysis of the UK press at the height of the riots, secondary analysis of public sentiment and social media

    The Missing Entrepreneurs

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    A Metric in Global Software Development Environment.

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    Metrics and measurement techniques for managing projects in global software development (GSD) environment. GSD, as a practice, offer a variety of advantages, as well as limitations. This paper mathematically models two common concepts in GSD environment, under the resource requirements of software development, namely coherence and collocation. Both terms have been used informally to explain some results obtained from on-site studies in respect of speed of project execution. The logic consists in exploiting the merits of GSD, whilst mitigating its demerits. Because this paper would only seek to introduce the metric, further studies are recommended to further explore the feasibility of the model, and possible enhancements to aid its efficiency

    Ethanol and sugar tolerance of wine yeasts isolated from fermenting cashew apple juice

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    Seventeen wine yeasts isolated from fermenting cashew apple juice were screened for ethanol and sugar tolerance. Two species of Saccharomyces comprising of three strains of S. cerevisiae and one S. uvarum showed measurable growth in medium containing 9% (v/v) ethanol. They were equally sugar-tolerant having good growth in medium containing 25% (w/v) glucose. Two of the strains (S. cerevisiae) were found to posses higher invertase activities than the remaining two. Further search for industrially useful yeasts in tropical fruits is suggested.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (7), pp. 660-662, 200

    Evaluation of QSAR and ligand enzyme docking for the identification of ABCB1 substrates

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    P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an efflux pump that belongs to ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter family embedded in the membrane bilayer. P-gp is a polyspecific protein that has demonstrated its function as a transporter of hydrophobic drugs as well as transporting lipids, steroids and metabolic products. Its role in multidrug resistance (MDR) and pharmacokinetic profile of clinically important drug molecules has been widely recognised. In this study, QSAR and enzyme-ligand docking methods were explored in order to classify substrates and non-substrates of P-glycoprotein. A set of 123 compounds designated as substrates (54) or non-substrates (69) by Matsson et al., 2009 was used for the investigation. For QSAR studies, molecular descriptors were calculated using ACD labs/LogD Suite and MOE (CCG Inc.). P-glycoprotein structures available in the Protein data bank were used for docking studies and determination of binding scores using MOE software. Binding sites were defined using co-crystallised ligand structures. Three classification algorithms which included classification and regression trees, boosted trees and support vector machine were examined. Models were developed using a training set of 98 compounds and were validated using the remaining compounds as the external test set. A model generated using BT was identified as the best of three models, with a prediction accuracy of 88%, Mathews correlation coefficient of 0.77 and Youden’s J index of 0.80 for the test set. Inclusion of various docking scores for different binding sites improved the models only marginally

    Management as Practice: Improving Productivity and Performance in Organizational Setting

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    This study examines the effect of human resource management on the productivity of the organization and how different HR variables help an organization to achieve its objectives in efficient and effective way. Here, the focus is on seven basic variables of human resource management which include incentive pay, recruitment and selection, work teams, job security, flexible job assignment, skills training and communication. The objective of the research is to find out how these variables operate among four different selected banks chosen in Ado-Ekiti Banking Sector of Nigeria Economy. Employees have different opinions about different variables; however, the variables that contribute most to the productivity are recruitment and selection, skills training and job security. Keywords: Human Resource Management, Management, Organizational Setting, Productivity, Performance

    Raça, Espaço e Ação Social: Os tumultos no Reino Unido em 2011

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    The issues of ‘race’, place and its connections to traditional and social media have never been so significant. The riots that occurred in the UK in 2011 signalled a watershed moment in locating virtual networks of communication to heterogeneous groups which resulted in homogeneous social action. The purpose of this paper is to make intelligible the UK riots and the complexities involved in binding together disparate groups of people together during a key period of anomie. It seeks to uncover these connections further to elucidate the ways in which old and new technologies help to create virtual enclaves which transcend the confines of ‘race’, class and gender. The methods that will be used to uncover the multifaceted responses to the riots will be multidisciplinary; it will involve a discourse analysis of the UK press at the height of the riots, secondary analysis of public sentiment and social media archives. These methods will result in a thematic analysis which posits the riots firmly within the context of web 2.0’s hegemonic forces. Underlying these methods will be an interwoven theoretical framework which supports the arguments presented.  Las cuestiones de la "raza", el lugar y sus conexiones con los medios de comunicación tradicionales y medios sociales nunca han sido tan significativas. Los disturbios que se produjeron en el Reino Unido en el 2011 marcaron un momento decisivo en la localización de las redes virtuales de comunicación y los grupos heterogéneos que dieron lugar a la acción social autónoma. El propósito de este trabajo es entender los disturbios en el Reino Unido y las complejidades implicadas a la hora de vincular a grupos diversos de personas durante un período clave de malestar social. Se trata de descubrir estas conexiones para dilucidar las formas en que viejas y nuevas tecnologías colaboran en la creación de enclaves virtuales y offline que trascienden los límites de la "raza", la clase y el género. Los métodos que utilizados  para descubrir las formas multifacéticas de las respuestas a los disturbios serán multidisciplinarios, incluyen análisis de la prensa del Reino Unido en el momento de los disturbios , un análisis secundario de la opinión pública y los archivos de los medios de comunicación social. Estos métodos se traducirá en un análisis temático que postula con firmeza que los disturbios se ubican en el contexto de las fuerzas hegemónicas del web 2.0. Subyacente a estos métodos hay un marco teórico entretejido que apoya los argumentos presentados .As questões de raça, o lugar e suas conexões com os meios de comunicaçãotradicionais e meios sociais nunca foram tão significativas. Os tumultosque se produziram no Reino Unido em 2011 marcaram um instante decisivona localização de redes virtuais de comunicação e grupos heterogêneosque deram lugar à ação social autônoma. O propósito deste trabalho éentender estes tumultos e as complexidades de vincular as diversidadesparticipantes num período chave de mal-estar social. Trata-se dedescobrir as conexões que elucidem as formas que velhas e novastecnologias colaboram na criação de enclaves virtuais e offline quetranscendem os limites da raça, da classe e do gênero. Os métodosutilizados aqui são multidisciplinares e incluem análise da imprensabritânica no período de tumultos, uma análise secundária da opiniãopública e os arquivos dos meios de comunicação social. Estes métodos setraduzirão em uma análise temática que postula que os tumultos  selocalizam no contexto das forças hegemônicas da web 2.0. Subjacente aestes métodos há um marco teórico de apoio aos argumentos apresentados

    Impact of Forensic Accounting on University Financial System in Nigeria

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    This study examines the effect of forensic accounting on University financial system in Nigeria. The University cannot run without finance which required proper management on the side of the University management so as to avoid mismanagement of fund. Two theories that are of interest to this study Profession Theory and Relative Size Factor Theory are reviewed alongside with the literature reviewed accordingly. The study used ex-post factor research design using data analysis of financial information extracted from audited Financial Statement for the years 2005 to 2014 which is used to examine how an independent variable, present prior to the study, affects a dependent variable. In order to arrive at the testable conclusion, stratified and purposive random sampling techniques were adopted. Simple and multiple regression analysis were used in this research work with the model findings which revealed that University Financial System in Nigeria is significantly affected by the combine effect of all the exogenous variables. It is recommended that University management and the stakeholders should utilize the findings of the study in taking decisions with respect to efficient management of all the components of Forensic Accounting in order to grow their University

    Are The Home Prices Really Affected By The Quality Of The Public Schools: A Policy Analytical Perspective?

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    It is a common belief in the Houston Area the better the School District where your home is located the higher the price that you may charge for your home. This study analyzes the relationship between the median home price and the Ranking of the School District where the home is located. This study also intends to analyze the average annual home price increases and the ranking of the schools. The hypothesis that the study intends to analyze is that the better the Schools the Higher the appreciation observed for the homes in the area

    Market Failure In African Agricultural Marketing Systems: An Econometric Testing And Analysis Of Market Efficiency

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    The last few years have seen substantial revivals of interest in the determinants of economic growth in Africa, especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper provides an econometric model that help to examine the impact of market share, interest rate and non-economic factors such as external shocks, structural adjustment policies on the GDP of Sub-Saharan Africa. Economic development data covering the period of 1970 to 2004 was used in estimation with ordinary least square (OLS). The results indicate that market share is the crucial element for low GDP in this region of the world and that high interest rate lowers the GDP and therefore impedes market growth. The econometric analysis showed the failure of interest rate to rise with the GDP has been the result of changes in fundamental determinants