19 research outputs found

    Scientific Production in Children\u27s Literature Through the Web of Science

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    Children\u27s literature has raised the interest of different disciplines and has strongly emerged not only in society but also in school and university curricula. This paper aims to analyse production in children\u27s literature and determine the discipline\u27s scientific activity published in International scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science. A total of 1,558 papers published in 474 journals were retrieved. The results show an increase in the number of papers on children\u27s literature over time. Document typology was highly diverse, scientific articles and book reviews accounting for more than 85% of the total production. Lion and the Unicorn, Children\u27s Literature in Education, and International Research in Children\u27s Literature were the journals with the highest production. The journals analysed were classified under 96 different subject categories, Literature and Educational research being the areas with the largest number of publications

    Cuarenta años de difusión científica

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    Editorial.[EN]: Celebrating forty years of unbroken publication of the Revista Española de Drogodependencias (RED) in 2016 is the excuse put forward to look through the history of this journal and its development as regards its objectives, editorial policy, format and presentation. Over all these years, in which new journals have been seen to come out and some indeed disappear as a result of the difficult situation which publishing scientific texts in Spain is going through, the RED has managed to adapt to the new times and improve the criteria for evaluating the quality of journals, drawing this increasingly closer to international standards.[ES]: La celebración de los 40 años de edición ininterrumpida de la Revista Española de Drogodependencias (RED) en 2016 sirve de pretexto para repasar la historia de esta revista y su evolución en lo referente a objetivos, política editorial, formato y presentación. A lo largo de todos estos años, en los que se ha visto nacer y también, como no, desaparecer nuevas revistas como consecuencia de la difícil situación por la que atraviesa la edición de publicaciones científicas en España, la RED ha conseguido adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos y mejorar los criterios para evaluar la calidad de las revistas y acercarla cada vez más a estándares internacionales.Peer reviewe

    Análisis del consumo de información en los artículos españoles de terminología médica

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    BACKGROUND: The bibliometric analysis constitutes a statistic tool when determining the obsolecense and visibility of the publications. It is also the case when studying the invisible colleges. In this study, the consume of information through the references that occur in works about medical terminology gathered in the batabase IME (Indice Médico Español) will be analyzed. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An amount of 1507 references from the 116 index-linked works found in the database have been cited. All the works here considered are original articles, reviews, special articles, editorials and letters to the editor. RESULTS: The magazine that cites the most is Medicina Clínica, (Barcelona), with an overall of 625 cites (41,47%) in ints 48 works (41,38%), with a big difference with the following magazine in range.The type of documents that are more frequently cited are books and book chapters (763 cites, 51%), followed by the articles.The most cited magazine is also Medicina Clínica (Barcelona) with 158 cites (21,53%), and the half-life of the cited works is of ten years . CONCLUSIONS: The cites are normally referred to mainly Spanish books and articles. Medicina Clinica (Barcelona) leads the first position among the citing and cited magazines. It is also on the lead with the overall production on the same subject

    Estudio bibliométrico de las publicaciones españolas de Bellas Artes durante el periodo 1975-1995 (I). Análisis de los libros y folletos

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    The aim of this article is a bibliometric analysis of books and brochures on Fine Arts published in Spain and covered by the database "Bibliografia Española" from 1976 to 1995. Books and brochures were selected through an exhaustive search of UDC codes related to Fine Arts. A total of 27.500 items were obtained and analysed in a PC with dbase V database management system. The descriptive statistics presents yearly evolution, editing city and province, and thematic areas. A growing trend in the number of books and leaflets from 1982 onwards, together with a scattering of editing sites has been observed. Madrid shows the larger editing concentration, followed by Barcelona and Valencia. The most active subject is Painting.El objetivo del artículo es el análisis bibliométrico de los libros y folletos españoles de Bellas Artes publicados en España y recogidos en la base de datos Bibliografia Española, correspondiente al período de 1976 a 1995. Para la selección de los libros y folletos se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica exhaustiva a través de los códigos de la CDU que se consideraron representativos de Bellas Artes. El número total de libros y folletos seleccionados ha sido de 27.510. Con este material se ha confeccionado una base de datos utilizando un ordenador PC y el sistema de gestión de bases de datos dbase V. Se ha elaborado la estadística descriptiva a través de distribuciones por años, ciudad y provincia de edición y áreas temáticas. En los resultados destaca un aumento progresivo del número de libros y folletos a partir de 1982 y una gran dispersión de los lugares de edición. Madrid es la ciudad con mayor concentración editora, seguida de Barcelona y Valencia. El grupo temático con mayor número de trabajos corresponde a Pintura