389 research outputs found

    Hematological Studies on the Atomic Bomb Survivors in Nagasaki (The 4th Report)

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    From February to March of 1956 a mass medical examination was conducted on the A-bomb exposed. Comparing the A-bomb survivors groups with the control groups, and also comparing with the results of the examination in 1953 we reached the following conclusions: 1) In comparison with the year of 1953 the exposed groups showed a marked restoration of anemia and a marked decrease of eosinophilia in 1956. 2) In 1956, WBC count, Hb. lebel, eosinophilia above 5%, percentage of monocyte and lymphocyte showed no significant variation between the exposed and control groups. Only for eosinophilia above 10% the exposed groups showed a more significant high rate than the control groups. 3) Accordingly, so tar as concerned with the peripheral blood, it may be duly said that hematopoietic dysfunction returned to an almost normal condition in 1956, eleven years after exposure

    Blood Picture of Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivors

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    The results of hematological studies in Nagasaki on atomic bomb (A-bomb) survivors which were carried out at Second Department of Internal Medicine from 1946 to 1956 have been brought for summary. 1) Anemic and leukopenic tendency revealed in the exposed in 1946 and 1947 has recovered as time went on, no difference being noticed in 1948 in cases of leukopenia and in 1956 in cases of anemia comparing with the control. 2) The incidence of eosinophilia in the exposed showed a characteristic variation from 1947 to 1953,which may be related to the A-bomb radiation. However, in 1956, no difference was noticed between the exposed and control. 3) In general, the tendency of restoring to normal values was extremely strong in the exposed in each item of investigation. Accordingly, so far as concerned with peripheral blood, no significant difference was observed between the exposed and control in 1956. 4) However, the clinical investigation of bone marrow in the exposed performed in 1956, still suggested a possibility of maturation arrest of granulocytic and megakaryocytic series in the short distance exposed. 5) Three cases of chronic myelocytic leukemia were found in these mass survey, two of them being in an early stage of the disease

    Use of Cellulosic Materials as Dye Adsorbents — A Prospective Study

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    Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer of nature, and it is widely used in the synthesis of new materials as well as in the adsorption of dye. This study reports a literature review (articles) and technology review (patents) about publications and product invention, which contain information on the use of cellulose on the adsorption of dyes in the period 2004–2014. For this work, research database and keywords were used to find articles and patents related to the subject under review. Specific words were used to find articles and patents related to the subject under review. After a demanding research, 1 patent and 23 articles that contain the words “cellulose,” “dye,” and “adsorption or sorption” in their titles were assessed, and annual evolution studies were performed for publications and countries that publish more

    Overview of Legal Systems in the Asia-Pacific Region: Japan

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    This article provides a general description of the legal system of Japan. It further discusses aspects of legal education and legal practice in that country

    Adsorption of salmonella in clay minerals and clay-based materials

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    A series of clay minerals and clay-based materials have been tested to eliminate one of the most dangerous bacteria we can find in the water: Salmonella. It has been proven that the use of clays and their PCH materials can be a suitable method for removing Salmonella from water. The results of this initial study show that all the materials analyzed have great salmonella adsorption capacities ranging from the lowest value observed in the mont-PCH sample (0.29 × 1010 CFU g−1 ) to the highest value observed in the natural palygorskite sample (1.52 × 1010 CFU g−1 ). Macroporosity, accessible external surface area, and the presence of silanol groups in the external surface of the particles appears to be the controlling factors for Salmonella adsorption capacity while it seems that the structural characteristics of the clay minerals and their respective PCH does not affect the adsorption capacityThe authors wish to thank the project BIA2017-82391-R for the financial suppor

    Chemical Functionalization of Cellulosic Materials — Main Reactions and Applications in the Contaminants Removal of Aqueous Medium

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    The cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer in the world and presents a higher chemical variability for presence of several hydroxyl groups. These hydroxyl groups allow surface modification of biomaterials, with insertion of several chemical groups which change cellulose characteristics. This natural biopolymer and its derivatives have been used a lot as adsorbent, from several contaminants of aqueous medium due to biocompatibility, chemical degradability, and variability. Therefore, this chapter has the objective to review the literature about several cellulose surfaces or cellulosic material (incorporation of carboxymethyl, phosphorus, carboxyl, amines, and sulfur), presenting the main characteristics of reactions and showing its adsorption in application of aqueous medium (metals, dyes, and drugs), locating the main interactions between biomaterial/contaminant

    Supporting the Photocatalysts on ZrO2 : An Effective Way to Enhance the Photocatalytic Activity of SrSnO3

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    This work was supported by Paraíba State Research Foundation /FAPESQ (grant number 0012/2019), PROINFRA/FINEP/MCTIC and in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001. The authors acknowledge Professor Graeme Paton from the School of Biological Sciences – University of Aberdeen, for the use of the spectrofluorimeter and Ana Rita Ferreira Alves Teixeira for kindly giving in the photocatalytic results with P25 for comparison. CRediT authorship contribution statement Luzia Maria Castro Honorio: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - original draft. André Luiz Menezes Oliveira: Formal analysis, Writing - original draft. Edson Cavalcanti Silva Filho: . Josy Anteveli Osajima: . Amer Hakki: . Donald E. Macphee: Writing - review & editing. Iêda Maria Garcia Santos: Investigation, Writing - review & editing, Supervision.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Potential wound healing effect of gel based on chicha gum, chitosan, and mauritia flexuosa oil

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    Wounds are considered a clinically critical issue, and effective treatment will decrease complications, prevent chronic wound formation, and allow rapid healing. The development of products based on naturally occurring materials is an efficient approach to wound healing. Natural polysaccharides can mimic the extracellular matrix and promote cell growth, thus making them attractive for wound healing. In this context, the aim of this work was to produce a gel based on chicha gum, chitosan, and Mauritia flexuosa oil (CGCHO) for wound treatment. TG and DTG analyzed the thermal behavior of the materials, and SEM investigated the surface roughness. The percentages of total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and antioxidants were determined, presenting a value of 81.811 ± 7.257 µmol gallic acid/g Mauritia flexuosa oil, 57.915 ± 0.305 µmol quercetin/g Mauritia flexuosa oil, and 0.379 mg/mL, respectively. The anti-inflammatory was determined, presenting a value of 10.35 ± 1.46% chicha gum, 16.86 ± 1.00% Mauritia flexuosa oil, 10.17 ± 1.05% CGCHO, and 15.53 ± 0.65% chitosan, respectively. The materials were tested against Gram-negative (Klebsiella pneumoniae) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria and a fungus (Candida albicans). The CGCHO formulation showed better antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria. In addition, an in vivo wound healing study was also performed. After 21 days of treatment, the epidermal re-epithelialization process was observed. CGCHO showed good thermal stability and roughness that can help in cell growth and promote the tissue healing process. In addition to the good results observed for the antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities and providing wound healing, they provided the necessary support for the healing process, thus representing a new approach to the wound healing process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    <研究ノート>第42 回世界遺産委員会からみる世界遺産条約履行上の問題点の分析

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    本稿は、第42 回世界遺産委員会マナマ会合を事例にして、世界遺産条約履⾏上の問題点の分析を試みた。シャフリサブス及びアハサーオアシスの事例からは、今後の登録抹消の回避及び逆転登録の先例として参照される危険性が⽰唆された。また、ナウンブルクの事例からは、ICOMOS の⼀貫性のない態度が逆転登録を招いたことが明らかになった。今後、委員会には後の影響に配慮した決議、諮問機関には資産の評価に対する⼀貫性が求められる

    Biopolymeric materials used as nonviral vectors: a review

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    Bacterial transformation and gene transfection can be understood as being the results of introducing specific genetic material into cells, resulting in gene expression, and adding a new genetic trait to the host cell. Many studies have been carried out to investigate different types of lipids and cationic polymers as promising nonviral vectors for DNA transfer. The present study aimed to carry out a systematic review on the use of biopolymeric materials as nonviral vectors. The methodology was carried out based on searches of scientific articles and applications for patents published or deposited from 2006 to 2020 in different databases for patents (EPO, USPTO, and INPI) and articles (Scopus, Web of Science, and Scielo). The results showed that there are some deposits of patents regarding the use of chitosan as a gene carrier. The 16 analyzed articles allowed us to infer that the use of biopolymers as nonviral vectors is limited due to the low diversity of biopolymers used for these purposes. It was also observed that the use of different materials as nonviral vectors is based on chemical structure modifications of the material, mainly by the addition of cationic groups. Thus, the use of biopolymers as nonviral vectors is still limited to only a few polysaccharide types, emphasizing the need for further studies involving the use of different biopolymers in processes of gene transfer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio