578 research outputs found

    Keep on Walking: St. Augustine, Sermon 169: A Tour of the Merrimack College Campus to Awaken Minds and Hearts to the Meaning of its Augustinian Tradition

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    This tour of the campus attempts to awaken minds and hearts to the Augustinian tradition that permeates the campus. Founded by the Augustinian Friars of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova, Merrimack\u27s campus bears the imprint of their spiritual and educational legacy in the naming of buildings and various sites and monuments. What follows is an attempt to explain this legacy.https://scholarworks.merrimack.edu/mc_pubs/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Analisis Adopsi Situs Airbnb Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (Tam)

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan analisis data deskriptif dan kausal. Responden yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 407 pengguna situs Airbnb yang diperoleh dengan teknik sampling purposive. Data yang terkumpul dari sembilan pertanyaan kuisioner kemudian diolah menggunakan teknik analisis data Path Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara Perceived Ease of Use terhadap Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Usefulness terhadap Behavioral Intention, Perceived Ease of Use terhadap Behavioral Intention, serta Perceived Usefulness dan Perceived Ease of Use terhadap Behavioral Intention. Untuk perbaikan, Airbnb sebaiknya tetap mempertahankan dan mengutamakan unsur manfaat yang diberikan Airbnb untuk para penggunanya karena memiliki pengaruh yang paling tinggi terhadap minat seseorang dalam meggunakan Airbnb dan meningkatkan unsur kemudahan dengan menambahkan fitur lain yang belum disediakan oleh Airbnb

    Finance Companies, Central Bank of Nigeria and Economic Development

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    This paper is an empirical study of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) regulatory activities , finance house activities and economic development, within the period 1992-2010, using gross domestic product GDP(dependent) as a  measure of economic  development, while Activities of Finance houses proxy by domestic credit and total assets, CBN activities proxy by the shareholders fund and minimum paid up capital, estimation of regression models and subsequent analysis of results using micro fit 4.1 econometric, statistical analytical  tool. The findings indicate that significant relationships existed between Finance house activities and economic development, and CBN regulatory activities in finance house has no significant relationship. Therefore, this calls for policy options that would favor the encouragement of existing finance houses and licensing of new ones to adequately carter for the needs of the overall economy.. Keywords: Economic development, Finance houses/companies, Money market, CBN, and GDP.

    Supervisi Pengajaran dengan Pendekatan Direktif, Non-direktif, dan Kolaboratif

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    The purpose of this study is generally to describe the implementation of supervision approach teaching with the directive, non-directive, and collaborative carried principals to teachers in Public Junior High School Number 13 Lubuklinggau. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects were the source of reference data, the principal, vice curriculum, and teachers. The data collection technique used is through interview, observation and documentation. Step analysis of data through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification

    Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the planning implementation, evaluation and following up the Academic Supervision of principals. The method ofthis research was a describtive qualitatif study. The result of this research showed that 1) The planing was by arranging the supervision program: 2) The Implementation was by meeting teachers, visiting class, individual dialogue; 3) The evaluation was done by the meeting in the last semester in order to know the teacher competence; 4) The following up was done to know the changing the teacher attitude toward the teachers professiona

    Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Bidang Reading Comprehension Skill

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    The purpose of the research is to describe about the management of English teaching-learning in reading comprehension skill at the Junior High School number 15 of South Bengkulu. The research used qualitative descriptive method. The subjects of this research were principals, vice principals, English Teacher and students at the Junior High School Number 15 of South Bengkulu. The techniques of the collecting data were observation, interview, and documentation study. The results of the study show that: planning was planned successfully, implementation was done appropriate with the planning, evaluation was done continually, the follow up in the English Teaching-Learning Management in Reading Comprehension Skill was done well at the Junior High School Number 15 South Bengkulu

    Manajemen Bimbingan dan Konseling di SMA

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    The objective of this research is to describe the Management of Guidance and Counseling at Senior High School number 1 Kepahiang. The method is used descriptive qualitative, the data was taken by doing an interview, observation, and documentations. The results of the research shows that: (a) the planning of guidance and Counseling to plan a variety of services which will be given to the students for the right target, (b) The organizing of guidance and Counseling is started by making the organization's structure that aims for the counselors guidance at the implementation's stage will know on their duty, (c) the implementating of guidance and Counseling is done based on the program, but there are some problems that cause the program can not implemented well, (d) the controlling of guuidance and Counseling is done by the principle, (e) evaluating is done to know the success of the implementation of the planned program

    The Role of Internal Audit in Effective Management in Public Sector.

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    This study is an empirical analysis of the role of Internal audit (IA) in an effective management control in public sector. It examine if  effective management can be achieve in local government, IA effectiveness does  play a role in ensuring effective management in public sector, and  If IA effectiveness does  affect management control in public sector in Edo State using Z –test   statistical tool. The Z-test results shows that effective management can be achieve in local government, IA effectiveness play role  in  ensuring effective management in public sector, while  IA effectiveness does not   affect management control in public sector in Edo state. Keywords: Internal auditing; Public sector; management control  and effectivenes

    Frequencies of HBV, HCV, HIV, and Syphilis Markers Among Blood Donors: A Hospital-Based Study in Hodeidah, Yemen

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the frequency rates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and syphilis among blood donors.Methods: Physically fit persons aged 18 – 48 years who came for blood donation at the blood bank unit of the military hospital in Hodeidah, Yemen (MHH) from November 2008 to October 2010 were screened using standard diagnostic (SD) reagents. Based on the results, donors with clinical anemia and with history of jaundice were excluded.Results: A total of 1,483 male donors (96 % semi-voluntary and 4 % replacement donors) with a mean age of 24.3 years were enrolled in this study. The frequencies of HBV, HCV, HIV and syphilis in the samples were 2.35, 0.79, 0.14, and 0.34 %, respectively. Compared with the first year, the decrease in HBV and HCV positive cases and the increase in HIV and syphilis positive cases in the second year were not statistically significant (p = 0.91, p = 0.74, p = 0.72, and p = 0.92, respectively).Conclusion: While the frequency rate of transfusion-transmitted infections (TTIs) is low, it remains a major problem in blood transfusion. Proper protocol should be applied in selecting and screening donors to safeguard the health of people receiving blood transfusions.Keywords: Transfusion-transmitted infections, Blood donors, Human immunodeficiency virus, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphili

    Um olhar para a saúde pública cubana

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    Over the last five decades, after the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, Cuban medicine made remarkable advances in several areas. This article provides a thematic timeline of those advances. The development of new drugs, hygiene and sanitary education for the people, the building of hospitals and polyclinics, and free access to medical care for the entire population are some of the key factors analyzed. Other topics include the growing number of professionals in the medical field that make it possible to provide primary and preventive services (vaccination) to everyone, and the humanitarian campaigns of Cuban doctors who, in keeping with the humanitarian values of the Revolution, have become an example of solidarity around the world.En las últimas cinco décadas, después del triunfo de la Revolución en 1959, la medicina cubana ha obtenido avances notables en varias áreas. Este artículo propone un recorrido cronológico, separado por temas, de esos avances. El desarrollo de nuevos fármacos, la educación sanitaria, la creación de hospitales y el acceso gratuito al atendimiento médico para toda la población, son algunos de los factores centrales. Asimismo, el aumento del número de profesionales en el área médica posibilitó la aproximación de los servicios básicos y preventivos (vacunación) para todos los sectores de la población. En la misma línea, y respondiendo a los valores humanitarios de la Revolución, las campañas solidarias realizadas por los médicos cubanos son ejemplo mundial de solidaridad.Nas últimas cinco décadas, após o triunfo da Revolução em 1959, a medicina cubana atingiu avanços notáveis em várias áreas. Este artigo propõe um resumo cronológico, separado por temas, desses avanços. O desenvolvimento de novos fármacos, a educação sanitária da população, a criação de hospitais e policlínicas e o acesso gratuito ao atendimento médico para toda a população são alguns dos fatores centrais analisados. O aumento do número de profissionais na área médica também possibilitou a aproximação dos serviços básicos e preventivos (vacinação) para todos os setores da população. Na mesma linha, e respondendo aos valores humanitários da Revolução, as campanhas solidárias realizadas pelos médicos cubanos são exemplo mundial de solidariedade